Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

79.4K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance

1.1K 55 11
By zer0420

No one's POV

Currently, everyone could see a massive fleet of Gjallarhorn ships coming from the distance. Seeing this, everyone returned to the Isaribi, landing on top of it, facing down the fleet.

Nhazul: You two good?

Norba: Yeah, for now anyway.

Akihiro: There's so many...

Nobra: I want to run...

Mikazuki: If they let us, that is...

Nhazul: I very much doubt that at this point...

Suddenly, everyone began to hear Kudelia speaking through the commons, surprising everyone.

Kudelia: My name is Kudelia Aina Bernstein.

Nhazul: Huh?

Mikazuki: Kudelia?

Kudelia: Is my voice reaching you? I want to tell everyone. What's happening at the Dort Colonies in corner of space. The truth about the people who live there. I have acted wishing to save the people of Mars, my home. But I was much too ignorant. The people being oppressed by Gjallarhorn existed all around space. At the Dort Colony, I met people who stood up to change their situation. They chose to have a protest. But that was merely to negotiate... However, when they started their actions, there were mysterious explosions nearby as if it had been arranged. They weren't set off by the people of Dort. They started attacking the workers. And that battle... No... That massacre is still continuing.

Suddenly, multiple Graze Mobile suits began flying towards them, but Kudelia continued to speak.

Kudelia: Right now, my ship is surrounded by Gjallarhorn's fleet. I want to ask Gjallarhorn. Aren't you supposed to be the ones protecting Justice? Is this what you call Justice? If so. I will not approve such Justice.

If you think what I'm saying is wrong, that's fine. Shoot down my ship right now!

Akihiro: Hey...

Norba: What is she doing...?

Mikazuki: Either way-

Nhazul: Wait.

As the the ship continues to fly, all the Grazes stood down, allowing them to pass.

Norba: Hey, what's going on? They're not moving...

Nhazul: Wow... She managed to stop a fleet with just her voice. Kudelia is pretty damn amazing.

Mikazuki: Yeah. She is.

The Isaribi proceeded to pass through the fleet, with no difficulties. Upon getting away, everyone returned inside, as the Hammerhead caught up, being met by Naze and Amida.

Naze: Sorry for being late.

Orga: No, we're sorry for troubling you.

Naze: Don't worry. But that Young Miss did it with a bang.

Kudelia then walked into the room.

Kudelia: Sorry to make you wait.

Amida: It was unfortunate about Fumitain.

Kudelia: So we can depart right away?

Naze: It's about that... We planes to go one of two joint space ports in Earth's orbit, and rent a reentry ship to go down to Earth. But your movements are now completely marked by Gjallarhorn. We can't do that now.

Kudelia: Then what we to do?

Eugene: Hey, it's also your fault to begin with. You shouldn't take that tone...

Biscuit: Eugene.

Eugene: But I mean...

Kudelia: I have a responsibility.

Mikazuki: Responsibility?

Kudelia: For the people that believe in me, I must fulfill my own responsibility.

Biscuit: We know that, but...

Suddenly, everyone heard an alarm, looking back to Merrbit.

Merrbit: An Ahab Wave reaction? There's a ship approaching.

Kudelia: Is it Gjallarhorn?

Nhazul: I doubt it. They wouldn't just send a single ship.

Merrbit: Contact from the approaching ship.

Orga: Put it up front.

Suddenly, a man with white hair and gold mask appeared on the screen, surprising Kudelia.

Kudelia: That man.

???: I know it's sudden. We are the Montag Company. I want to speak to the representative.

Naze: I'm Naze Turbine of the Turbines. What does a trading company want with us?

???: Yes, well we actually have a business proposal.

Nhazul looked at the man with a suspicious look.

Nhazul's thoughts: His voice... Isn't that he...?

Elsewhere, back within the Gjallarhorn ship, Hyun was currently leaning on the wall, atop a catwalk, looking at the Mobile suits be repaired, when Gaelio floated down to him.

Gaelio: Oh, so you were here. How's your injuries?

Hyun: Nothing life threatening.

Gaelio: That's good to hear. I owe you one. But I didn't expect three Gundam Frames would come out. No, that's an excuse.

Hyun: I figured.

Gaelio just looked at Hyun and sighed.

Gaelio: The lack of respect you speak to your commanding officers, is really cheeky.

Hyun: I'm pretty sure you already told me that.

Gaelio: Well, I'm bringing it back up again. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten you in trouble.

Hyun: It's because they couldn't afford getting rid of me. I'm Mar's Ace Pilot. Not a single pilot in the Mars branch could match me in battle. I'm just a useful resource to them. They don't care about me, so I treat them the same. I'm not even a human I'm their eyes.

Gaelio: Huh?

Hyun: Half of my blood is Martian blood.

Gaelio: Hyun...

Hyun: The people of Earth only approve of those with pure Earth blood. When I lived there, my mother and I were constantly harassed and bullied. The only saving grace was my father. But that too soon came to an end, when my mother found out he cheated on her. So she left him and we moved back to Mars. But even there, the harassment continued, now because of my Earth blood. I was only let into Gjallarhorn due to my father's connections and that he was an officer.

Gaelio: Hmm, if I recall, your father is ranked highly within Earth.

Hyun: That's right. So regardless of where I go, I'm constantly discriminated. So I just learned not to care what others think and do what I can, to protect those who can't protect themselves.

Gaelio: Is that so.

Hyun: During my time here, I've only come to respect two people in this organization.

The first being Lieutenant Crank. He treated me like an equal.

Gaelio: I see. If you don't mind me asking, who was the second?

Hyun: You.

Gaelio looked at Hyun surprised.

Gaelio: Me?

Hyun: Yeah. You have your moments of pure arrogance that the privileged class are known for, but you have a degree of honor, compassion and sense of justice I've only seen in Lieutenant Crank. That alone warrants my respect for you.

Gaelio just chuckled.

Gaelio: You're really interesting. I've never seen a man like you. We have to defeat Tekkadan.

Hyun: It's going to be hard to do that, with the outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet. Even if it's the Seven Stars. I highly doubt they'll let us do as we please.

Gaelio: I know. I really wanted to avoid bowing down to that woman... But I have no choice.

Hyun looked at Gaelio with a smirk.

Hyun: Oh? Is this woman a past lover by any chance?

Gaelio just looked at Hyun annoyed, before walking away, as he chuckled.

Hyun: I didn't hear a no.

Gaelio: Be quiet!


Back with Tekkadan, after agreeing to work with the Montag company, they were given gifts from them, ranging from ammo, missiles, and parts for the Mobile suits. After over seeing the shipment, Nhazul and Mikazuki walked out, being met by Orga, Biscuit and the man.

Orga: Nhazul, Mika. How's the cargo?

Mikazuki: The old man is checking the contents.

Nhazul then looked at the man, as he did the same.

???: Is there something wrong?

Nhazul: I'm just curious is all. Why someone from Gjallarhorn is trying to work with us.

Orga and Biscuit looked back surprised, as the man chuckled revealing his eye through the mask, revealing to be McGillis.

McGillis: Are your twin sisters well?

Biscuit: The Gjallarhorn guy from before?!

Orga: What? You're Gjallarhorn?! You came to trap us?

McGillis: What benefits do I get from putting you in a trap?

Orga: Then what's your aim?

McGillis: Let's see. Even if I played tricks, you'd see through it. I want to reform the corrupt Gjallarhorn. Into a new organization with more freedom. I want you to operate from the outside and help with this.

Biscuit: We can't do that...

McGillis: You already did something with Miss Kudelia. That's why I will lend you a hand. We share mutual interests. Do you still think it's a trap?

Nhazul: Who knows? For all we know, you can be just talking out your ass.

McGillis: Think it over. Won't you? And don't say a word about me. If you do... Then this deal is off.

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