Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

79.4K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 10 Space Pirates

1.4K 65 20
By zer0420

No one's POV

As Akihiro tried flying back, the Mobile Suits all started engaging him. Returning fire, Akihiro tried firing back at them, while protecting Takaki, but they all circled around him, firing at them. Suddenly, two of them attempted to pincer him from the front and back, both getting ready to bring their axes down on him and Takaki.

Akihiro: Shit!

Suddenly, Akihiro picked up two more Ahab reactor reactions, one rocketing down from above and the other from behind.

Without warning, the Mobile Suit in front of Akihiro was stabbed through an exposed area, with a katana, hitting the pilot directly, killing them. The one behind them was then smashed in with a mace, killing the pilot as well. Akihiro looked and saw both the newly upgraded Barbatos and Amdusias were the ones to save them.

Nhazul: Looks like we just made it, Guts.

Akihiro: Nhazul...? Mikazuki...?


15 minutes earlier...

Within the Isaribi, everyone had gotten the alert that Akihiro and Takaki were both being attacked.

Fumitain: Communication from Graze. They're in combat with unknown machines. 4 of them.

Orga: Unknown machines? What's the distance?

Biscuit: About 1,600. Eugene, cover fire.

Eugene: Impossible. I'll hit Akihiro.

Orga: Ask the Hammerhead for help.

Fumitain: Roger.

Chad: Two new Ahab Wave reactions.

Biscuit: From behind?

Orga: What?!

Biscuit: Another enemy?

Fumitain: No... This is..

Suddenly a ship flew past them, and towards Akihiro.

Orga: What is it?

Fumitain: Identifying two unique frequencies. Barbatos and Amdusias?

Orga just smiled.

Orga: So it's Mika and Nhazul!

With the ship, Nhazul and Mikazuki were preparing to join the fight.

Mikazuki: Old man, we're charging in.

Nadi: Huh?! What'd say?!

Nhazul: Get ready, I'm handing the controls back to you.

Nadi then started to panic.

Nadi: W-Wait! How can I pilot...?!

The low hatch opened up,

revealing Barbatos and Amdusias, as the two grabbed their weapons and rocketed off towards Akihiro, leaving Nadi.


Upon saving Akihiro and Takaki, Nhazul saw another Mobile Suit flying towards him and firing. Using the destroyed one in front of him , he proceeded to use it as a shield to block to oncoming fire, before kicking it towards him, knocking them back.

Mikazuki: Akihiro, are you alright?

Akihiro: Yeah.

Takaki: Nhazul, Mikazuki.

Nhazul and Mikazuki both looked confused hearing Takaki.

Nhazul: What the? Takaki? What are you doing here?

Takaki: I was out on patrol with Akihiro.

Nhazul: ...-_-... You know it's pretty stupid to go on patrol when you aren't in a Mobile suit...

Takaki: Y-Yeah...

Mikazuki: Both of you head back. We'll cover you.

Akihiro: What about that?

Mikazuki: That?

Everyone looked over to see Nabi flying around, struggling to control the ship.

Nhazul: Oh, him... Well, he's moving out the way, so he'll be fine. We'll collect him later.

Akihiro: How cruel...

Nhazul: Eh, he'll live...

Takaki: Nhazul, Mikazuki, they're back.

Nhazul and Mikazuki looked back to see the Mobile suits coming back, firing at them.

Mikazuki: Both of you, go.

Akihiro: Thanks.

As Akihiro and Takaki continued to retreat, and Mikazuki turned their attention to the Mobile suits. The two of them rushed forward, as Nhazul smiled, looking at Barbatos.

Nhazul: Well, someone is in a good mood.

One of the Mobile suits proceeded to throw a grenade of some sorts, but Barbatos quickly shot it with the Smoothbore Gun, destroying it, but the area was soon covered in smoke, surrounding Amdusias.

Nhazul: Smoke?

Mikazuki: So they do things like this, too?

Suddenly, one of the Mobile suits was knocked out of the smoke by Amdusias using it's mace. The Mobile in the back attempted to shot Amdusias,

but Barbatos shot him, knocking him back. But suddenly, they began picking up more hostiles, two new Mobile suits chasing Akihiro and Takaki.

Nhazul: Really?! more?

Mikazuki: I'll handle this, cover Akihiro and Takaki.

Nhazul: Right.

Leaving Amdusias, to fight the Mobile suit with the hammer, Barbatos proceeded to rush forward towards the Mobile suits firing at Akihiro and Takaki, firing a them.

Nhazul: You're fight is with me. Asshole.

???: Oh, so you want to play?

The Mobile suit, proceeded to throw it's blades towards Barbatos, forcing it to dodge. Returning fire,

Barbatos hit it multiple times, but barley penetrated.

Nhazul: It's armor is that thick?

???: The name is Gibson. Don't underestimate me or Vassago, you piece of shit!

Nhazul then noticed wires attached to the forearms of Vassago, and seeing them retract, Nhazul's eyes widened realizing it, as Barbatos barley dodged.

Nhazul's thoughts: Retractable swords. No wonder he threw them without a second thought.

Readying it's katana, Barbatos proceeded to rush forward, clashing blades with Vassago. Thrusting his sword towards the neck of Vassago, Barbatos attempted to destroy the head, only for it to be deflected.

Nhazul: Damn it...!

Gibson: That the best you got, punk?

Suddenly, Vassago was pushed back, by Azee, who had came to back them up along with Lafter.

Nhazul: Azee?

Azee: Are you alright?

Nhazul: Yeah, thanks for the save.

Suddenly, Nhazul saw one of Vassago's swords behind Azee's Mobile suit, as it quickly lunged towards her. Quickly reacting, Barbatos grabbed her, pulling her out the way of the strike.

Gibson: Little shit...

Suddenly, everyone saw flares shot up into the air, signaling a retreat for the enemy.

Gibson: You got lucky this time, but you won't be next time.

Vassago proceeded to retreat along with the others, as Azee looked at Barbatos.

Azee: I'm the one supposed to save you, but you ended up saving me.

Nhazul: Eh, don't worry about it. But you did save me, I was short on propellants since we had to rush here. How's the others?

Azee: Well...

Nhazul looked at Azee confused.

Nhazul: Huh?


After the attack from the unknown Mobile suits, Takaki was badly injured and rushed back to the ship to be treated. Currently, Nhazul was walking into the cafeteria to see Atra fanning and motion sick Nadi.

Atra: Ah, big bro, how's Takaki?

Nhazul: Merrbit says he'll be alright. He just needs to rest.

Atra: I see. I'm glad to hear that.

Nhazul looked down at Nadi with a brow raised.

Nhazul: What's wrong with you?

Nadi: What's wrong with me?! I'm motion sick from you making fly that thing!

Nhazul: ...-_-... I mean, would rather be motion sick or full of bullets?

Nadi just sighed, before talking again.

Nadi: So, who were those guys?

Nhazul: No clue. Azee said she collected samples to figure out what kind of Mobile suits they were using. As for who exactly they are, you're guess is as good as mine.

Elsewhere, at the Gjallarhorn Earth Orbital Base, Hyun was currently looking out the window, at Earth.

Hyun: Earth... It's been awhile since I been here...

Suddenly, two Earthling Gjallarhorn members walked up, noticing Hyun, smirking.

Gjallarhorn member#1: Hey, Rookie. Didn't you get clearance to go down to Earth? Well, of course not. If a dirty monkey born on Mars went down, Earth will get all stinky.

Hyun just gave the Gjallarhorn member a look.

Hyun: Firstly, I'm not a Rookie, I'm a First Lieutenant. So if you're going to be a smart ass, at least get that right. Second, "Stinky" Do members of the Earth branch have the vocabulary of a toddler?

The Gjallarhorn member looked at Hyun annoyed, getting ready to walk over, before the other member stopped him.

Gjallarhorn member#2: You shouldn't. He and that other one came here on Specialist Major Fareed's ship. The Fareed family is one of the Seven Stars who lead Gjallarhorn...

Gjallarhorn #1: That's why he needs to be educated.

The member hovered over, getting in Hyun's face.

Gjallarhorn member#1: Someone like you will taint the name of Specialist Major Fareed.

Hyun: Currently, I report to Specialist Major Bauduin. So you don't have to worry your little bolding head.

Gjallarhorn member #1: The Bauduin are one of the Seven Stars too! Are you making a fool of me?

Hyun: Now why would I do that? You're already doing such a fine job of that on your own.

Hyun just smiled, as the member looked at him furiously, getting ready to attack him, but restrained himself, leaving with the other member. Hyun just rolled his eyes, looking back out the window, thinking about Crank.

Hyun's thoughts: I know you couldn't stand the higher ups at Mars. I'm sure you'd probably rip off someone's head here.

Hyun looked at Earth again, wondering about a certain someone.

Hyun: I wonder if he's here...

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