Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

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There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 7 Whaling

1.7K 69 17
By zer0420

No one's POV

Currently, within the hanger, Nhazul was helping with the maintenance of Barbatos while Kudeila was teaching the others. As he was working, Atra had floated down to him.

Atra: Hmmm, so this is what it looks like inside...

Nhazul looked up and noticed Atra had floated into the cockpit with Nhazul.

Nhazul: Oh, hey, what brings you back down here?

Atra: No reason.

Nhazul noticed Atra holding a container, confusing him.

Nhazul: What's this?

Atra: Just a snack. I thought you'd might be hungry again.

Nhazul just gave Atra a look.

Atra: What?

Nhazul: Don't you think the others would get a little jealous if they saw you giving me special treatment?

Atra just pouted at Nhazul.

Atra: Well, if you don't want it.

Atra went to float away, only for Nhazul to grab her by the back of the shirt.

Nhazul: Don't put words in my mouth.

Suddenly, the alarms started going off, surprising the two of them.

Atra: The alarms?

Nhazul: Looks like more trouble. I'm heading up.

Atra: R-Right...

Nhazul quickly made his way up to the bridge to see what was going on.

Nhazul: What's going on?

Nhazul looked on the screen and saw it was Maruba, surprising him.

Nhazul: The hell? The President?

Maruba: How dare you ride off with my ship! You Thief Rats! Return my Will-O-the Wisp, now!

Orga: Eugene.

Orga motioned Eugene to take Maruba off the main screen.

Eugene: Look who's talking, the coward who ran away first. Stop your nonsense.

Maruba: Who are you? Orga! Get me Orga!

Nhazul: ...-_-... Jezz, what a man child...

Orga then looked over at Biscuit, nodding.

Biscuit: Miss Admoss. Can you analyze the LCS signal?

Fumitain: I'll put up the relative coordinates on the monitor. Direction 180 degrees, distance, 6,200. Their relative speed almost matches ours.

Biscuit: This is bad. They've taken up position on our aft.

Chad: No way... There was no Ahab Wave reaction.

Biscuit: How'd they do it?

Mikazuki: If they're good at such things... They must be troublesome.

Suddenly, they got another transmission from the same ship, with a man in a white suit and hat.

???: Get out of the way, old man.

Maruba: Sorry...

The man then looked towards Orga.

???: This is going no where. It's getting boring, right?

Orga: Who are you?

???: Me? I'm Naze Turbine. I represent the group, the Turbines.

Orga: I'm the leader of Tekkadan, Orga Itsuka.

Maruba: Takkadan? Give me a break!

Naze: I happen to have a working relationship with this Maruba Arkay. I bumped into him on Mars where I just happened to stop by. But he was in a big mess. And he told me he had a run in with Gjallarhorn and is in trouble. I said we could make them stop bothering him. So we decided to lend some help, but...

Orga: We?

Biscuit then showed a tablet to Orga.

Biscuit: The Turbines are a crew directly under Teiwaz.

Orga: What?

Biscuit: The size of the group is small, but that man, Naze has sworn a Sakazuki blood oath to Teiwaz's boss, McMurdo Barriston.

Nhazul: So he's a big shot, basically.

Biscuit: This is the worst case scenario... If we cross Teiwaz too, it's the end...

Orga glanced over at Mikazuki, who was looking at him as well.

Orga: No, this is a chance. We wanted the support of Teiwaz as well. And Maruba brought us that opportunity.

Naze: Hey, don't whisper among yourselves when you're talking with me. You get along so well with just men.

Orga: Sorry about that. Please continue.

Naze: Is that so.

Biscuit: Watch yourself, Orga.

Naze: Then he agreed we'll be rewarded for this backup by having all CGS property handed over to us. But when I looked into it, on paper, CGS has gone out of business. And all it's property has been transferred to some Tekkadan.

Orga: So what you couldn't her from Maruba, you came to take from us.

Naze: Don't be so uptight. I witnessed the battle with Gjallarhorn myself. Quite a fight for kids. If you hand over the goods, I won't mistreat you. I'll give you decent work as a group under us. Decent work where you don't have to risk your lives.

Eugene: Huh? What's that?

Maruba: Done stupid. I'll kill any brat who disobey me!

Suddenly, Maruba was dragged away by a woman, as Naze continued to talk.

Naze: Well, you've got a rather large household. You can't all be together forever.

Orga: Are you serious?

Naze: Did it sound like I was joking?

Mikazuki: I don't want everyone to go their separate ways.

Nhazul: Yeah. The offer sounds nice and all, but if that's price, then I want nothing of it.

Biscuit: Orga-

Orga: Sorry, Mr Turbine. We can't accept your offer.

Naze: I see.

Orga: We have a job we accepted as Tekkadan. We just can't quit halfway.

Kudelia who had just walked into the room spoke up.

Kudelia: Excuse me, I've asked them to escort me to Earth. I can't have Tekkadan dissolve just yet.

Naze: So you're Kudelia Aina Bernstein. It's complicated with you, "as you're considered Maruba's property".

Nhazul: Huh?

Orga: Property? What does that mean?

Kudelia: I don't know...

Biscuit then looked over at Naze on the screen.

Biscuit: Excuse me, can I say one thing?

Naze: Huh? What is it, plump one?

Biscuit: I'm Biscuit Griffon.

Naze: What is it, Biscuit boy?

Biscuit: Can we make a deal here between the Turbines and Tekkadan?

Everyone looked at Biscuit confused.

Eugene: Huh, what are you saying?

Biscuit: We want to escort Kudelia to Earth. To do that, we have to avoid eyes of Gjallarhorn, and have a guide that can secure a path to Earth. The Turbines manage the transport branch of Teiwaz, right? Will you allow us to use your transport route? Of course, we'll pay any suitable tolls.

Naze: No, out of the question.

Biscuit: Why?

Naze: Don't squawk like you're someone when you merely stole your company! I'm talking about principles here.

Nhazul: Principles? Can you really say that, while standing next to the guy who left us all to die? Hypocritical, don't you think?

Norba: I can't stand being seen as beneath that scoundrel.

Naze: Then what are you going to do? If you're not kids, you know what it means to make me an enemy, right?

Orga: It's as I said before. We can't accept your offer. Whatever your principles are, we have our honor to protect.

Naze: So that means you're willing to fight against us, right?

Orga just narrowed his eyes at Naze.

Orga: Yeah. We'll teach you that we're not just kids. Maruba, to you too.

Maruba: Huh?

Orga: We'll properly made you pay for all our dead comrades.

Maruba: What?!

Naze: The price for being so big headed will be high.

After saying that, Naze cut the transmission to the call, as Biscuit looked at Orga.

Biscuit: I told you to watch yourself! There was room for negotiation.

Orga: I know that. But I can't stain our honor by being spineless.

Orga then looked at everyone.

Orga: They're coming at us from behind, but this is a good chance to show the power of Tekkadan, right?

Eugene: Of course!

Norba: Yeah, we'll show them!

Orga: Let's grab this rare chance to negotiate with Teiwaz.

Chad: Confirming Ahab Wave reaction. Enemy is closing in faster.

Orga: Okay, stow away the bridge! Maintain the speed and turn 180 degrees! Prepare to exchange fire! Mika, Nhazul!

Nhazul: Already on it!

Mikazuki: Yeah!

Orga: Thanks.

Both Nhazul and Mikazuki quickly made their way towards the hanger, getting suited up and hooked up into Amdusias and Barbatos, being deployed out, along with Akihiro within the Graze Custom.

Nhazul: Sorry to keep you waiting, Guts.

Akihiro just sighed annoyed, before focusing up.

Akihiro: I wasn't waiting.

As the three of them continued to fly out, two signatures popped up on their radars, seeing them in the distance and started to engage with them. As Barbatos and Graze Custom began firing from a distance.

Mikazuki: Is that them?

Amdusias rushed forward with it's mace, they all heard an explosion, and saw a third Mobile Suit, equipped for anti aircraft weapons.

Nhazul: Another one?

???: Don't look away!

Mikazuki: Nhazul!

Suddenly, the Violet Mobile suit fired at Barbatos, as he was distracted, only for Amdusias, to grab it out the way.

Akihiro: Focus, Nhazul! The hell is wrong with you?!

Nhazul: There's a third Mobile Suit, equipped with anti aircraft weapons attacking the ship.

Akihiro: What?!

Mikazuki: Nhazul, we'll handle these two, protect the ship.

Nhazul: Right! Give 'em hell!

Barbatos proceeded to fly back, leaving Amdusias and Akihiro's Graze to fight the other two. Barbatos proceeded to fly back to the ship, firing at the anti airship Mobile Suit with his Smoothbore rifle.

Nhazul: Yeah, let's not do that!

???: You're so cheeky.

As Barbatos rushed forward towards it, it quickly out maneuvered around it, due to it's speed.

Nhazul: She's fast...!

Now behind Barbatos, the anti aircraft Mobile Suit began firing at it, damaging it.

???: My propulsion power is stronger!

Barbatos proceeded to continue to fly after the anti aircraft Mobile Suit, taking more shots from it.

???: You're much to slow.

Nhazul: And you're getting on my nerves.

Suddenly, Nhazul got a call from Eugene.

Eugene: Nhazul! That Mobile Suit is in the way. Push it back!

Nhazul: Working on it...!

Barbatos continued to fire at the anti aircraft Mobile Suit, as it continued speeding around it,

hitting it from multiple sides, including the head. Seeing this from within the bridge, Atra clutched her bracelet tightly, worried.

Atra's thoughts: Big bro...

Nhazul: Damn it...! This is endless...!

???: It's about time to finish it off.

Hitting Barbatos with another volley of shots, the anti aircraft Mobile Suit attempted to rush in, but was shocked to see Barbatos aiming at her.

Nhazul: Got you.

Barbatos proceeded fire off it's grabbling hook, attaching it to the anti aircraft Mobile Suit.

???: This is nothing!

The anti aircraft Mobile Suit proceeded to fly around, trying to shake off Barbatos.

Nhazul: Go, Eugene!

Having distracted the anti aircraft Mobile Suit, allowing the ship to move past and towards Naze's ship. Continuing to try and shake off Barbatos, it proceeded to land multiple shots onto the anti aircraft Mobile Suit.

???: Your inertial control isn't working, right? You'll suffer if you don't let go.

Nhazul: And let you sink the Isaribi? Like hell.

???: But that's what a battle is for.

Nhazul: You can say anything you want, but at the end of the day, you're getting in our way!

???: You're the ones in the way!

The anti aircraft Mobile Suit, proceeded to fly around a large astroid, in turn slamming Barbatos into it.

???: Bye, bye, young boy. It was fun.

As the anti aircraft Mobile Suit attempted to fly away, it was immediately pulled back, shocking the pilot, as they looked back and saw Barbatos had stabbed it's Buster sword into the asteroid, anchoring it's self, while holding onto the the cable.

Nhazul: Where the hell do you think you're going?! We're far from being done!

Barbatos using it's superior strength, pulled the anti aircraft Mobile Suit into the asteroid, making it slam into it. Slamming its foot down on it, Barbatos raised it's sword, getting ready to bring it down on it.

Nhazul: Fall!


Deploying it's arms from the back, anti aircraft Mobile Suit redirects Barbatos's strike,

having it slam directly into the asteroid, inches away from the cockpit. Seeing this, Nhazul just looked at them annoyed.

Nhazul: Well, aren't you just the sore loser.

???: You too. Girls hate pressing boys, you know.

Nhazul just narrowed his eyes.

Nhazul: Then how about we just end this, then!

As Nhazul went lift up Barbatos's Buster sword, he suddenl  got a call from Orga.

Orga: That's enough, Nhazul! It's been settled!

Naze: Sorry for the trouble, Amida. Come back. I've decided to hear their story.

With Mikazuki and Akihiro, the two were still in the middle of fighting the Violet and blue Mobile Suits, Amdusias and the Violet Mobile Suit were in a deadlock, Amdusias having destroyed it's sword and arm, along with the Violet one , damaging Amdusias's head and leg, along with Akihiro holding the blue Mobile Suit down, in a headlock.

Mikazuki: Orga...

Akihiro: Is it over...?

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