Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

78.8K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded

10.1K 153 152
By zer0420

(A/N) I'm going to get this out the way. Within this story, My OC/The male reader will be more focused on as the main character. Mikazuki will be more of a secondary character within this story. If that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned.

No one's POV

Currently, within an a run down house in an unknown part of the slums on Mars, an older woman was slumped onto the ground, holding her stomach in pain, as she is bleeding out from a gun shot wound. Furiously, she looks up to the culprit who shot her.

Woman: It's because of you were born... Because of you my life is as miserable as it is...! I hate you... I HATE YOU!!!!

Standing in front of the woman, was an 7 year old boy, with cuts and bruises all over him, holding up a gun.

???: ...

Woman: Akuma ...!!! You Demon Spawn...!!! There's no where for a Demon like you to belong!

???: ...

The woman soon began to cry, before showing a defeated and exhausted smile.

Woman: I'm tired... I'm so tired... I just want to be free... Free from this horrible world...

The woman looked at the boy, who she previously attempted to kill, smiling at him.

Woman: Thank you... For freeing...

Before she could finish her sentence, she proceeded to die, from her wounds, leaving the boy alone.

???: ...

The boy didn't say anything, as he proceeded to grab a hoodie and bag, grabbing anything that would be useful. Upon gathering everything he could need, he got ready to leave, but looked back the woman.

???: ...

The boy then proceeded to walk over to her, placing a flower in her hands, and closed her eyes.

???: I hope you are able to find peace, mom...

The proceeded to kiss his deceased mother on the forehead goodbye.After he did, he left behind his mother, and headed into the cruel world alone...


8 years later...

Within the Chryse Guard Security (CGS), a private military company located in the Chryse region of Mars, inside a secret hanger, a boy with black hair and blue eyes was sitting and reading a book that appeared to be a manga of some kind. Next to him laying down was a tan skinned, white haired boy napping.

???: Orga, Nhazul.

The blue eyed boy named Nhazul looked up, seeing a boy around his age also, with blue eyes and black hair looking at them. The tan skinned boy named Orga woke up and noticed Mika.

Orga: (17 years old) Hey, Mika.

Orga sat up, looking over and noticed Nhazul sitting next to him.

Orga: You're here too?

Nhazul: (15 years old) Yup.

(A/N) Wears a black hoodie instead of the shirt.

Mikazuki: (14 years old) You're both slaking off again. Imagine if they found us again.

Orga: I know.

Nhazul: Hey, it's not my fault everyone is so freaking loud. It's hard to read.

???: Hey, are they over there, Mikazuki?

The three of over and see Nadi at the door.

Nhazul: Yo.

Orga: What's up, old man?

Nadi: Don't ask me that. Maruba is calling.

Orga: The President is?

Nhazul: What else is new.

Nadi: I told you both to stay out of here.

As Orga began walking out, Mikazuki looked back at the two Mobile Suits hooked up onto the wall. Both Blue and white. Seeing this, Nhazul looked over at Mikazuki.

Nhazul: I wonder if he'll get them up and running.

Mikazuki: Yeah.


Later in the day after running combat drills, all of the child soldiers were in the middle of eating their lunch, as Orga and Biscuit were in the middle of telling them their next job.

Eugene: We're going to escort Kudelia Aina Bernstein?

Norba: She must smell nice, right, Nhazul, Mikazuki?

Nhazul who was reading his manga and eating didn't pay him Norba any mind, but then looked at him confused.

Nhazul: Huh?

Norba: Were you not even listening...?

Mikazuki: Kudelia Aina Bernstein is human like us, so she wouldn't be any different.

Norba: Huh?

Eugene: You know, rather then the smooth talking employees, the President takes more of our strength after all. And with this, we'll overtake the employees and be First Corps.

Orga: No matter how senile old man Maruba gets, he views us as expandable, so he'll never think much of us.

Eugene: Isn't it became the Third Group leader like you is the way. We're still treated like this?

Biscuit: Stop it, Eugene.

Eugene: Shut up, Biscuit! You stay quiet. Besides, you-

Without warning, Nhazul grabbed Eugene's face, squeezing it tightly, making him grab Nhazul's hand in pain.

Nhazul: ...-_-... You are the loudest at the table, I can't even read. If you're itching to pick a fight, I'll help you out.

Eugene: Like hell! I'm not fighting an inhuman Demon like you! And let go! You're going to crush my skull...!

Mikazuki: Nhazul.

Orga: This isn't a fight, right guys?

Eugene: O-Of course.

Suddenly, a larger boy around the same age as Orga stood up and started walking away.

Orga: Sorry, Akihiro, for being so rowdy.

Akihiro: (17 years old) It always is.

As Nhazul returned to reading his manga, Takaki walked up to him.

Takaki: Hey, Nhazul.

Nhazul: Hmm? What's up?

Takaki: I was planning on going to visit Fuka at the orphanage soon, do you mind coming with me? She's been asking for you.

Nhazul: Sure, I don't mind. Haven't seen her in awhile.

Elsewhere, within space above Mars, inside the Gjallarhorn orbital base, a man with green eyes and black hair was currently doing maintenance on the Graze Mobile suits, along with an older man, when they were called out from above.

Coral: Orlis, the mission has been decided. You take command this time.

Orlis: Yes, sir.

Coral: Crank, you support your former student.

Crank: Yes, sir.

Coral: Hyun , you are going as well for extra support.

Hyun: (20 years old) Sir.

Elsewhere, back at the CGS base, later in the night, Nhazul, Mikazuki and Akihiro were all doing their nightly work out, pulling themselves up on pipes, while Nhazul was pulling himself up, he had his manga propped up on a pipe, reading as well.

Akihiro: Listen, you two... My body is heavier, you know?

Mikazuki: Yeah, yeah.

Nhazul: What ever helps you sleep tonight, Guts.

Akihiro just looked at Nhazul annoyed.

Akihiro: I told you stop calling me that!

Nhazul: Why? He's a really cool character from a manga I like. You should be honored.

Akihiro: I'm not going to be honored by having a name from that stupid picture book!


Currently, within in a shop in Chryse, a young girl with light brown hair and red eyes was in the middle of making a bracelet, while humming happily. As she continued, a woman walked out surprising her.

Haba: You seem happy, Atra.

Atra: (13 years old) Ah! I-I'm sorry...!

Haba: It's okay. With this protest outside, there won't be any customers.

Haba looked down, noticing the bracelet behind her back, smiling.

Haba: Is it for your brother?

Atra began to blush and look away nervously.

Atra: W-Well...

Haba: It's alright. He's got a big job, and you won't see him for awhile, right? You have to make it by tomorrow's delivery.

Atra: Yes.

Elsewhere, within Maruba's office, Orga, Mikazuki, Nhazul and Biscuit all reported in to meet Kudelia Aina Bernstein.

Orga: Orga Itsuka and 3 others from the Third Group, reporting in.

Maruba: Yes, these are the boys who will escort you.

Kudelia stood up from her seat to greet the four of them.

Kudelia: (17 years old) Nice to meet you. I am Kudelia Aina Bernstein.

The four of them stood there for a few seconds, before speaking.

Orga: Yeah.

Nhazul: Neat.

Maruba just looked at them annoyed.

Maruba: Can't you even greet someone properly?

Kudelia looked at the four of them, before looking at Mikazuki.

Kudelia: You.

Mikazuki: Huh?

Kudelia: What is your name?

Mikazuki: Mikazuki Augus.

Kudelia: Can you show me around, Mikazuki?

Everyone looked at Kudelia surprised.

Mikazuki: Huh?

Kudelia looked over to her assistant.

Kudelia: Fumitain, I'll leave this to you.

Fumitain: Understood.

Kudelia: Okay, Mikazuki.

Kudelia outstretched her hand to him, only for him to just look at it, before walking out the room, surprising her.

Kudelia: O-Oh, hold on...

As the two left, Nhazul looked surprised.

Nhazul: Oh?

Orga: What?

Nhazul: This feels like the start of one of my mangas.

Orga just looked at Nhazul and sighed.

Orga: You are reading too much of that stuff...


It's later in the night, and currently Nhazul was sitting on a ledge, reading his manga. As he did, a bright light flashed in the sky.

Nhazul: What the...?

Nhazul looked up and saw it was a white flare, which meant that they were under attack.

Nhazul: You've got to be kidding me...!

Nhazul quickly got up, and began to run towards the hanger, as he did, he ran into Mikazuki, who was doing the same.

Mikazuki: Nhazul!

Nhazul: Already on it!

Both Nhazul and Mikazuki made their way to the hanger, getting geared up and hooked up to their Alaya-Vijnana System, and ride their Mobile Workers into battle with their teams, engaging the enemy.

Norba: The hell?! Are they rich or something? They're firing so much! I don't know who they are, but they want us dead?

Nhazul: We'll, we're getting ready to find out.

Mikazuki: Here they come.

From the smoke, the enemy Mobile Workers all started rushing forward, as they saw who was attacking them.

Nhazul: I think we just found our answer.

Norba: Gjallarhorn?! You can't be serious!

Nhazul: Less talking, more shooting! We don't have to worry about why.

Mikazuki: All we need to worry about is taking them out.

As the battle continued, Nhazul and the others were taking out Gjallarhorn's Mobile Workers, but taking out one would replace it with three more.

Nhazul: There's no end to them.

Mikazuki: We're running low on ammo.

Suddenly, Nhazul and the others heard Orga on the radio.

Orga: Norba's team fall back! Dante will relive your. Go resupply.

Norba: Orga, you're late!

Orga: Sorry. Mika, Nhazul and Akihiro fall back as well.

Following Orga's orders, Norba's team, along with Nhazul, Mikazuki and Akihiro fell back to Orga to resupply. Afterwards, the three returned to the frontlines, as Nhazul saved a newer pilot named Danji.

Nhazul: Don't be reckless, Danji!

Danji: Nhazul!

Upon rejoining the fight, Nhazul, Mikazuki and Akihiro all began getting in close, hitting Gjallarhorn's Mobile Workers, taking them out together.

Orga: Alright, Mika, Nhazul and Akihiro have engaged. Not many can beat those 3 in a melee. Time to show them the space rats's power. We will regroup now! Get the wounded out of here!

Eugene: But this is just buying time. It's still getting worse. And where are the Main Forces, First Corps? When are they going to turn up?

Suddenly, Biscuit radios in to Orga.

Biscuit: Orga!

Orga: Biscuit, that you? How is it?

Biscuit: It's as bad as we thought it was. First Corps and the President are fleeing the battlefield through the rear.

Eugene: What?! I'm not dying here in vain!

Orga: No, you're wrong.

Eugene: What?

Orga: That doesn't make things right. Right, Biscuit?

Biscuit: Sure.

Suddenly from the distance, everyone could see signal flares from where First Corps was fleeing from.

Eugene: What's that? First Corps?

Orga: Yeah, it looks like they'll act as decoys for us.

Nhazul: Oh, how nice of them.

Suddenly, Gjallarhorn's Mobile Workers all started moving towards the flares.

Orga: If I'm reading the situation correctly, they're not going to let anyone escape.

As Gjallarhorn's Mobile Workers continued moving towards them, a large majority were being destroyed by land mines.

Orga: Okay, time to fight back.

Suddenly, multiple powerful explosions began hitting the ground, surprising everyone.

Eugene: Heavy artillery? From where?!

Orga: This is...!

Suddenly, two Graze Mobile Suit units landed on the ground, one being piloted by Orlis.

Orlis: What is taking so long to neutralize such a facility? All Mobile Workers will get a pay cut.

Suddenly, two more Grazes landed, one in maroon color, being piloted by Hyun and Crank.

Hyun: What the hell are you doing?!

Crank: Our objective is-

Orlis: Shut up. I am the Commander. If the objective is so important, you go retrieve it. Hayato.

Hyun just looked at Orlis annoyed.

Hyun: Looks like we have no choice, since someone can't do their job.

Eugene: No way.. We can't win against Mobile Suits...

Norba: What are we going to do?

Danji: We have to run...

Akihiro: To where?

Orga: That's right. There's no place to run. There never was.

Orga looked to the side of him and saw Mikazuki and Nhazul.

Orga: Right, Mika? Nhazul?

Nhazul: No, I guess not.

Mikazuki: So, what should I do next, Orga?

Orga just looked at Mikazuki and Nhazul and smirked.

Orga: Both of you, head down to the secret hanger and get ready to rip and tear.

Nhazul and Mikazuki both looked at Orga surprised, before moving forward and heading down to the secret hanger. Up top, as Orlis and the other pilot continued to engage, Crank and Hyun just stood back and watched.

Hyun: He's real desperate to stroke his fragile ego of his.

Elsewhere, Nhazul and Mikazuki proceeded to meet up with Nadi, Yamagi, Biscuit, as well as seeing Kudelia there as well.

Mikazuki: We're here, old man.

Nhazul: Are they ready?

Nadi: I was waiting for you both.

Kudelia: Mikazuki...

Nhazul and Mikazuki both looked down and noticed Kudelia.

Nhazul: Oh, you're down here?

Kudelia: O-Oh, yes.

Nhazul: I never really got a chance to tell you my name. I'm Nhazul Hatake.

Kudelia: Nhazul Hatake...

Nhazul and Mikazuki drove their Mobile Walkers over to where Nadi was, as he began to remove their seats from them.

Mikazuki: What are you going to do with them?

Nadi: Maruba stores them away for reselling. The area around the cockpits had no use, so they were taken out.

Nhazul: So in other words, we're using these as substitutes.

Nadi: Bingo.

Mikazuki: It works with the Mobile Worker system?

Nadi: Yes, we'll use the systems that's already in place.

Nadi hands both Nhazul and Mikazuki operation manual.

Nadi: Here, both of you read through, just in case.

Nhazul took his manual and began reading through it, while Mikazuki just pushed his away.

Nadi: Oh, right. We just want the interface of the Alaya Vijnana. Most Mobile Suits of the Calamity War era will be...

Nhazul: Done.

Nhazul hands Nadi the manual back.

Nadi: Doesn't make any sense how fast you can read.

Kudelia: Alaya Vijnana? It can only fuse with children who are still growing. It uses special nanomachines and is dangerous and inhumane.

Nadi: With those nanomachines, it creates a pseudo brain lobe that governs spatial awareness. Though that, it connects to an external device, making a system where the brain can directly process Mobile Suit data.

Yamagi began using a crane to take Nhazul and Mikazuki's sets, and setting them into the Mobile Suits.

Nadi: Without something like it, uneducated kids like them couldn't operate these things.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Excuse you...?

Kudelia: But...

Nadi: But listen here, you two. The Mobile Suit's feedback is nothing like a Mobile Worker's. Both of your cerebral nerves could-

Nhazul: Noted. I'll keep it mind.

Mikazuki: It's fine. I never use them much anyway.

Nadi just looked at them annoyed.

Nadi: I swear, you two...

Kudelia: Why...?

The three of them looked at confused Kudelia.

Kudelia: You both say that so easily... Is your life not precious to you?

Nhazul: Of course it is. I have a little sister who I refuse to leave alone in this cruel world. I also have people here who I care about as well.

Mikazuki: Our lives and everyone's lives. And we can't falter if we want to protect them.

Kudelia: ...

After getting set up within the Mobile Suits, Nhazul getting inside the blue and white Mobile Suit, and Mikazuki in the purple and white one. The two got connected, sitting back in their seats.

Nadi: That's good. How is it?

Mikazuki: It's fine.

Nhazul: Fits like a glove.

Nadi: Alright, I'm starting them both up.

Once the systems began to come online, Nhazul and Mikazuki could see the start up screens, and the names of the Mobile Suits.

Mikazuki: Nhazul, how do you read this?

Nhazul: Gundam Type Frame...

Once fully booting up, both Nhazul and Mikazuki felt a sharp pain, making them flinch in pain.

Nadi: Hey! What's the matter with you two?!

Biscuit: Old man, are you ready? We can't hold out anymore up there!

Nadi: But something is wrong with the two of them.

Enduring the pain, both Nhazul and Mikazuki's noses started bleeding, as they now knew the name of their Mobile Suits.

Nhazul: Barbatos...

(A/N) Before anyone says it. Yes, I gave Nhazul the Barbatos instead of Mikazuki. Oh, how unoriginal of you. I don't care. Barbatos is in my top 3 favorite Gundams of all time, so I wanted Nhazul to have it instead. If that's not your cup of tea, I'm sorry, but that's how it's going to be.

Mikazuki: Amdusias...

Nhazul: So that's their names...

Nadi: Are you both alright?

Mikazuki: Yes, so let's hurry.

Nhazul: The others can't hold out for much longer.

Both Nhazul and Mikazuki both close up their cockpits, as they start up Barbatos and Amdusias.

Nadi: Yamagi, lift them up!

Biscuit: Yamagi, get them out from number 3 and 4.

Yamagi: But those exits are blocked there.

Biscuit: But they're closest to the battlefield.

Within the cockpit of Barbatos, Nhazul began activating the systems.

Nhazul: Start retinal projection.

Barbatos and Abaddon's eyes lit up, fully activating, Barbatos eyes glowing green, and  Amdusias blue.

Nhazul and Mikazuki: Let's go Barbatos/ Amdusias!

Elsewhere, on the surface, Orga and the others were holding off the Graze Mobile Suits, when he and Eugene were cornered by Orlis and another pilot.

Orga's thoughts: I will not die! I will never die! Not like this... Not here...

Orga: It can't end here, right, Mika?! Nhazul?!

Just as Orlis and the pilot went to attack Orga and Eugene, without warning, the ground around them erupted,

revealing Barbatos and Amdusias, lunging forward, weapons in hand. Amdusias welding a massive mace,

while Barbatos with a Buster Sword. Barbatos proceeded to impale Orlis's Grace killing him instantly, while Amdusias violently smashed the cockpit of the other Mobile Suit, killing the pilot as well.

Nhazul: You're right, Orga. It can't end here.

Nhazul then thought back to when he met, Orga and Mikazuki. When he was blooded and beaten, and Orga outstretched his hand to him, giving him a purpose to work towards.

Nhazul: We haven't made it yet.

Mikazuki: That's right... So let's go. All of us. Together.

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