Scooby Doo and The Legend of...

By NickFlier1

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The Scooby Gang is back in another juicy mystery in the Australian Outback. What they thought was going to be... More

Going to Australia/Familiar Faces
First Attack/ Two Skinny Dudes
A Trap/Reveal/Preforming

Taken/A Battle

96 0 0
By NickFlier1

The gang was driving down the road heading toward Daniel's grandfather's place.

Velma: I pulled up more research on vampires.

Shaggy: Like anything on how to keep them away?

Daniel: You can ask my grandfather, he knows all about the local legends. Especially the Yowie Yahoo.

Velma:  Listen to this, vampires hate sunlight, they can't cross running water, and get this, the more people a vampire puts under his control, the greater his power becomes.

Daphne: That would explain why the Yowie Yahoo is having Wildwind kidnap people. That is if you believe he's real.

James: After what I saw last night, it was enough to convince me.

Velma: My research also says that vampires don't appear on film when their pictures are taken.

Shaggy: Maybe they're just camera shy.

Daniel pointed towards an old shack with Mr. Illawarra sitting outside sending smoke signals.

Daniel: Here we are Fred, just park up on the left.

Fred parked the van. Everyone got out and walked up to Mr. Illawarra.

Daniel: Grandfather, these are some friends of mine. Fred, Daphne, Velma, James, Shaggy, and Scooby.

Malcom: Yes, I saw you at the festival.

Daniel: They're here to help with our problem.

Shaggy: Like what's the deal with the smoke signals?

Macolm: There's a tribal council meeting tonight, I'm letting the others know.

James: Would it be easier to use the phone, Mr. Illawarra?

Malcom: We always use smoke signals to announce tribal council meetings.

Fred: The smoke smells really good, what're you burning?

Malcom: The wood is from the red gum tree. We use its flowers to make honey. That red gum over there is in full bloom.

He points to a tree with all its flowers bloomed.

Malcom: We need to get going.

Everyone got into kayaks and started paddling down the river.

Malcom: It's good of all of you to take me to the council meeting.

Velma: Daniel was telling us that you know all about the Yowie Yahoo legend, Mr. Illawarra.

Macolm: Please, call me Malcolm. I can tell you many things about the Yowie Yahoo, young lady, but you may not like what you hear.

Fred: Can you tell us what happened to Wildwind?

Malcolm: Wildwind foolishly went up to Vampire Rock after dark. They were easy pray for the Yowie Yahoo. Just like all the people at the festival will be.

Shaggy: But like, what can we do to keep him and his band of vampires away?

Malcom: According to legends, the only thing that can stop a vampire, is sunlight.

Daniel: According to legends, Grandfather.

Macolm: It's believed that they also fear, the dingo.

Shaggy: Like maybe they're your distant cousins, Scooby, see if they can help us out.

Scooby just shook his head "no".

Daniel: I hope that there's no interruptions tonight, I've scheduled your group to perform tonight.

Velma: Perform?

Daniel: Right after the Hex Girls.

Daphne: We hope you'll come, Malcom.

Malcom: I can't. Not when I believe the festival shouldn't take place at all.

Daniel: I know how you feel, Grandfather. But I got a show to do.

Scooby pointed up at the sky.

Scooby: Roke, roke, roke!

Everyone looked at the sky to see someone doing a smoke signal.

Malcom: They're answering one of my smoke signals. It's my friend on the other side of Vampire Rock, we're almost there.

Shaggy: Can you show me how to do that? Like, if the vampires come back, I want to send an SOS: Save Our Shaggy.

James just facepalmed and chuckled softly. An hour after dropping Malcom off, the festival was about to start. Crowds started forming in front of the stage. The second the sun set beyond Vampire Rock, Dusk counted.

Dusk: One, two, three, four!!

During the song the wind started to pick up, before anyone knew it, the Yowie Yahoo appeared along with the Wildwind vampires. This caused the Hex Girls to stop playing.

Velma: Jinkies!

Daphne: There really is a Yowie Yahoo!

Shaggy: That's what we've been trying to tell you!

Velma quickly took a picture of the vampires attacking the Hex Girls. Daniel tried to run on stage but the wind was a little to strong.

Daniel: No! Not now!

Thorn was about to hit a vampire with her guitar.

Thorn: Hey, you're ruining our encore!

The Yowie Yahoo laughed as he grabbed the Hex Girls.

Fred: The Hex Girls are in trouble!

The Yowie Yahoo and the Hex Girls disappeared in a cloud of smoke and fire. Once the smoke had cleared, the Yowie Yahoo, Wildwind, or the Hex Girls were nowhere to be found.

Daphne: Now what?!

Velma: They must be heading to Vampire Rock.

Fred: We need to go after them!

Shaggy: Great idea Fred, while you're gone Scoob and I will practice our number.

Scooby: Reah.

Scooby picked up Dusk's drumsticks while Shaggy picked up Thorn's guitar. Shaggy started playing the guitar but the string broke. Shaggy and Scooby looked at each other then at the crowd and chuckled nervously. Daniel got on the microphone.

Daniel: Uh weren't the Hex Girls terrific?! We'll be taking a short break, see you real soon!!!

He walked over to the Scooby gang.

Daniel: What're we going to do? Maybe my grandfather was right. Where's Russel? We've got to cancel the rest of the show.

Fred: Not yet I've got a plan that'll end this once and for all.

Fred pulled everyone into a huddle. An hour later the gang was walking up to Vampire Rock. They crossed an old wooden rope bridge.

James: Wow, I knew Vampire Rock was big, but not this big. This mountain is ginormous.

Velma: It going to be harder finding the Hex Girls then we thought.

Fred: I think we'll have a better chance of finding them if we split up. Me and the girls will search this way and you three go circle around in the other direction.

Shaggy and Scooby wrapped their arms around Daphne and Velma.

Shaggy: Like vacation time has really brought us closer together. It would be a shame if we split up now.

The girls pulled out of their grips and James grabbed Shaggy and Scooby by their collars.

James: Let's go you two.

After a while of walking, the three panted out of breath.

Shaggy: Like we must have walked all the way around this crazy rock and still nothing.

James: Yeah, you two rest I'll go a little further on.

Just as James rounded a corner, he noticed that his shoe was untied. He leaned against the mountain to tie his shoe, but part of the mountain gave way and James fell in. He looked around but saw nothing. James pulled out his flashlight and saw that he was in a cave. He explored more into the cave to find boxes. He opened one and saw two guitars and a drum set.

James: Now what would music instruments be doing inside a mountain?

He went further into the cave and came into an opening. He saw a table with tickets.

James: Hmm. Tickets to The Great Barrier Reef? This is all very strange.

Just then, He heard a crashing sound and heard someone yelling, he realized that it was Daphne.

Daphne: Fred! Velma!

James went up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.

James: Hey Dap-

He didn't get to finish because Daphne grabbed his arm and judo threw him into some boxes. Daphne realized that it was James.

Daphne: I am so sorry James! But don't scare me like that!

She helped him up.

James: It's ok Daphne, next time I'll just yell across the room.

They chuckled softly. They continued in the cave they were in.

Daphne: You noticed that there are no coffins here?

James: Not every vampire sleeps in a coffin.

Daphne: No?

James: Nope, some vampires like to sleep on the ceiling upside down.

As he said that, Daphne looked up to see one of the Wildwind vampires hanging upside down. The vampire growled at them, Daphne screamed and grabbed James by the hand and started running with him, with the vampire right behind them.

James: Keep running Daphne! Don't stop!

But she stopped just ahead. James came to a screeching halt behind her.

James: Why'd you stop?!

Daphne: No more room to run!

James looked in front of them to see that they were on the edge of a cliff. He looked down to see a pond below. The two turned around to see the vampire slowly walking up to them.

Daphne: We got to jump!

James: Are you insane?! I'm not going to jump!

Daphne: Fine, stay here with old pointy teeth!

James groaned as he and Daphne jumped from the cliff. Once they hit the water, it made a big splash. They resurfaced to see the dingo dogs running away and Shaggy and Scooby thanking them.

Shaggy: Like thanks, we would've been dinner to the dingo dogs.

James and Daphne got out of the water and air dried.

Shaggy: Like what happened?

James: I stopped to tie my shoe, I leaned against the mountain then a wall opened up. I explore the cave, then I found Daphne, which she judo threw me. Next thing I know we were being chased by one of the vampires.

Daphne: We got to find Fred, Velma

Just then Shaggy, James, Daphne, and Scooby heard screaming. They looked up to see Fred and Velma jumping off the cliff and into the water. They resurfaced.

Shaggy: Or like they could find us.

Daphne: Fred! Velma! You're alright.

Velma: Not if we don't get out of here.

The wind started to pick up, the gang looked at the cave opening and saw the Wildwind vampires flying out of the cave. In a big cloud of smoke and explosions the Yowie Yahoo appeared. Shaggy and Scooby jumped into James' arms.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like I need a vacation from this vacation!

Everyone looked up to see the Yowie Yahoo with fire now in his hands, with the Wildwind vampires flying around him. James dropped Shaggy and Scooby.

James: Quick everyone over the bridge!

But the vampires landed right in front of the bridge making the Scooby gang stop in their tracks. The Yowie Yahoo blew a fireball right at them. Everyone scattered. The Yowie Yahoo started throwing fireballs. 

Shaggy: Like, if there was a time never not to be calm, this is it!

James, Fred, Daphne, and Velma were running down a path but that stopped when the Yowie Yahoo followed them, he clapped his hands loud enough to send vibrations making the walls and ground to shake, which caused Velma trip and fall. Then the Yowie Yahoo blew a strong heavy wind at them, the wind was so strong it made Velma fly backward to a rock. The wind stopped so James took this as the time to go and help Velma up, but the Yowie Yahoo started blowing wind again, James flew backwards. He grabbed a boulder, but he was still trying to fly backwards, because of the Yowie Yahoo. Once the wind had stopped, again, James dropped to the ground, hard. The gang ran over to him and helped him up.

Daphne: James are you ok?

James: Now I know how the Mystery Machine feels at the end of the car wash when the blow dryers are running.

Everyone looked over to see the Yowie Yahoo and the Wildwind vampires were moving towards them. Scooby gulped and jumped into Velma's arms.

Velma: I feel the same way Scooby.

Then they heard howling coming from the mountain, they looked up to the dingo dogs. The dogs jumped in front of Wildwind, growling at them. Wildwind gasped and started to run away, with the dingos right on their tail. The vampires climbed the side of Vampire Rock and ran inside.

Daphne: They're getting away!

Shaggy: Scooby tell your cousins not to leave us here with the Yowie Yahoo!

The Yowie Yahoo blew more strong and heavy wind. Fred and the girls hid behind a boulder same as James, Shaggy, and Scooby.

Fred: Hang on tight guys!

Shaggy: Like Fred, do we have a choice?!

Velma looked on the horizon to see the sun rising.

Velma: The sun's almost up!

Fred: The Yowie Yahoo has to get inside Vampire Rock too!

James: If he doesn't, the sun will destroy him!

As the sun rose more over the horizon, Scooby's' dog tags started to shine, Scooby turned towards the Yowie Yahoo. A bright light shined off his tags and shot at the Yowie Yahoo. Once the light hit the Yowie Yahoo, he started to scream in pain. There were explosions and screaming, the Yowie Yahoo disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Daphne: Scooby Doo you did it! You defeated the Yowie Yahoo!

Shaggy: Like he sure didn't go quietly.

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