Hogwarts Hearts Book 1

De JessySaphire

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My first Story. This Book is a Kingdom Hearts and Harry Potter Crossover story, following the events of the f... Mai multe

Before you read
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Family
Chapter 2: Adventure of the two sisters
Chapter 3: Old Town Floturena
Chapter 4: The first departure
Chapter 5: Accepting Yourself
Chapter 6: Unique Meetings in Diagon Alley
Chapter 7: Train Ride with new Friends
Chapter 8: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Book
Chapter 10: An unforgettable Day
Chapter 11: Halloween in Hogwarts
Chapter 12: First game of the Season
Chapter 13: Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
Chapter 14: Christmas and a Mirror
Chapter 15: Ancient Alchemy
Chapter 16: Hagrid and the Dragon
Chapter 17: Unicorn Search at Night
Chapter 18: Past the Enchantments

Chapter 19: An Enemy rises

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De JessySaphire

In front of Sora was...Maleficent.
"It is you?", gasped Sora, eyes wide. Maleficent smirked at him before she busted out into laughter. "That's right. Me", she stated calmly "I was wondering whether I'd be meeting you here, you speck" "But...we thought- Snape-"

"Severus?", Maleficent began to laugh again "This imbecile doesn't have what it takes to get this stone. I wanted to make sure that you and your friends die but snape had to interrupt my plan. This stupid men wanted to threaten me! ME!! The Mistress of Darkness!", she threw her arms into the air, head thrown behind and her laughter echoes through the empty chamber. "Then what do you want the stone for?!", he shouted at her, face turning serious-

"You dumb child. With this stone, I can overrun this world with Darkness. I'll be the one controlling it. Everything and everyone will bow to me!", she wore a confident smile, her hand slowly crawling into a fist. "And now, to you!", she pointed her wand towards Sora and dark thick thorns spread from the ground and began to sling themself around Sora, holding him tight in place, as he cried out and fell to his knees. "Don't fight it, boy. The more you struggle, the tighter the thorns will sling around your body.

Sora didn't say a single word, just clenched his fist in frustration. "You're a fool, just like your stupid friends. And with Amakura scurrying around the school on Halloween, for all I knew she's seen me coming to look at what was guarding the Stone" "YOU?! You let the troll in?" "Certainly", she crackled "Though I must admit, that this was a rather foolish move from me- how dumb this troll was- you must've seen what I did to the one in the chamber back there? Unfortunately, while everyone else was running around looking for it. Snape, who already suspected me, went straight to the third floor to head me off- and this stupid buffoon didn't beat your friend to death- no- that three-headed dog also didn't manage to bite Snape's leg off properly...and now, I need to figure out this interesting mirror", she finally turned around, and just now did Sora saw the big mirror "This mirror is the key to finding the Stone. Trust Pueralbis to come up with something like this... but he's in London... I'll be far away by the time he gets back- and then, I'll show him what real magic is. I'm more powerful than anyone here in this school" "Then what about Xehanort! And the Unicorn blood?!"
"Xehanort...this man is long dead. He died alone, for what I care but the Unicorn blood- was this the reason why you thought it was Xehanort?" "It?" "Yes, it. After the failed plan with the troll on Halloween, I needed something better. So I was experimenting with something else. A creature, which I gave the blood of the Unicorn...but it escaped and began to kill Unicorns to drink their blood" "So it wasn't Xehanort who attacked me in the forest?"
"You stupid boy! Of course not! And now, shut up", she flicked her wand and thorns wrapped themself around Sora's mouth, tearing his skin and clothes, as he only got muffled sounds out. This was it...Maleficent only needed the stone and she was at her goal. Sora hung his head a little...what he wanted more than anything else in the world at that moment, was to find the Stone before Maleficent does.

He didn't even realize that the thorns wrapped around him eased until his mouth went free and before he could shout and yell a hand was laid over it. "Shh. Be quiet and listen", a voice whispered in his ear. He turned his body and saw...Jessy! His eyes began to beam and she pressed her index finger against her lips, showing him that he should be quiet. "Listen to me. This is the Mirror of Erised. It's a mirror that shows us our hearts desire ok. What we want more than anything in this world, under stood?" he nodded and she took her hand away. "Now, what is going on?" "It wasn't Snape or Xehanort. Maleficent was it from the beginning and she wants the stone to throw this world into darkness. And she said the Stone is in the Mirror...or...I believe she said that", he crossed his arms.

"I see you have some company", Maleficent turned around, facing both as they jumped up. "So you came past these flames without a potion, I see. Dare to challenge me in a duel now, or what?" "You will never get this stone! We will protect it from you!", Sora shouted at her. She held her hand out and in one second, he was by Maleficent, holding him from behind, hand around his neck. "SORA!" "Be quiet, you fool!", she shouted and threw Jessy against a wall with a magic attack before she turned with Sora to the Mirror. "Now tell me, boy. What do you see?!"

Sora looked at the Mirror, his reflection looking back at him with a smile, holding a blood-red Stone before stuffing it into his pocket with a wink. He slowly reached into his pocket and indeed, it was full. "Give me an answer!", she squeezed his neck and he looked at the Mirror. "What should I see? I see myself! Like any other Mirror" "You fool, this is the Mirror of Erised. It shows your heart's desire. I see myself using the stone, turning the world into my plaything, my pawns but I don't know how to get it. So you will tell me what you- AARGH!!!", before she could say anything else, she screamed and let Sora go, who rolled out of the way.
Looking back, he saw Jessy with her wand pointed to Maleficent, scratched on her body where she was flung against the wall. "Hands off my friends", she said coldly and Sora joined her. "You-HOW DARE YOU!", Maleficent turned around, rage crossed her face and Sora took his wand out. "You dare to challenge me?! I show you the power of true darkness!!", she rose her arms up and green fire surrounded the chamber, flames growing higher as they were all trapped. 

While Maleficent attacked them with magic, both of them dodged, rolling to their sides. Sora mainly used the spell Kairi used against the Devil's Snare and Wingardium Leviosa, to throw some loose pieces of stone toward her. Jessy began to use the Elemental spells she knew by heart "Why are you two fighting me? You can join me and we'll rule over the darkness together, instead of being in my way!"
"YOU LIAR!", Jessy shouted. In the next second, she was knocked off and pushed into the ground, one hand around her neck, the other one Maleficent held her wand. Sora saw that and dashed straight towards Maleficent, wanting to knock her over from the side. "Foolish boy, you think I'm that weak?" "Let her go! I will defeat you!", he shouted and Maleficent began to laugh and Sora grabbed her wrist, when... a loud scream echoed in the chamber. It wasn't his or Jessy's, no, it was Maleficent's. She fell to her knees and began to howl in agony. Sora and Jessy jumped up and saw the bewildered look on Maleficent's face. Her palms were steaming.

Both saw how they looked burnt, raw, red, and shiny. "You! How dare you!", she raised her wand, the tip glowing green, and she was ready to kill them when Sora leaped forward, pressing his hands straight to her face.
"AAARGH!!!", she screamed, her face blistering like she was just engulfed by flames. "I will kill you!", she screamed and knocked Sora back to a wall, his head meeting it fully, and he could barely keep his eyes open, the stone rolling out of his pocket. "The Stone!", sneered Maleficent, and Sora wanted to grab it but he was losing consciousness. He saw Jessy standing in front of him before he fell into darkness...down...deeper...away

Sora blinked slowly at something bright, groaning a little before he opened his eyes to saw the face of Professor Pueralbis directly above him, a faint smile on his face. "Good Afternoon, Sora", he said in a soft voice. All Sora could do was stare at him for a moment before shooting up. "Sir! The Stone! It was Maleficent! She's got the Stone! Sir quick-", Sora wanted to jump up when "Calm down, Sora, you are a little behind the times", began Pueralbis "Maleficent does not have the Stone" "Then who does? Sir, I-" "Sora, please relax, otherwise, Madam Pomfrey will have me thrown out"
Sora swallowed and looked around for the first time. He saw that he was in the Hospital Wing and lying in a bed with linen sheets, and next to him was a table piled high with what looked like half of a candy store.

"Tokens from your friends and admires", Pueralbis gestured to the pile "What happened down in the dungeons between Jessy and you against Maleficent is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows it by now. I believe your friends Mr. Fred and Gorge Weasley were responsible for trying to send you a toilet seat. No doubt they thought it would amuse you. Madam Pomfrey, however, felt it might not be very hygienic and confiscated it"

"So...how long have I been here?" "Three days. Mr. Dawn, Ms. Heart and Ms. Sapphire Amakura will be most relieved you are back conscious, they have been extremely worried...even if Mr. Dawn tries to don't show it" "But, I mean- the Stone"
"If only you students were like that about school. Very well, the Stone. Professor Maleficent did not manage to take it from you. I arrived in time to prevent that, although Ms. Amakura did a good job from keeping her away from you, I must say" "You got there? You got Kairi's letter?" "We must have crossed in mid-air. No sooner had I reached London than it became clear to me that the place I should be was the one I had just left. I arrived just in time to help Ms. Sapphire Amakura- who protected you from Maleficent-"

"So it was Jessy", Sora breathed out, remembering what he saw before he passed out. "Yes. She was afraid that she couldn't hang onto it much longer to protect you and the Stone. She was quite panicked and sad, thinking she wasn't strong enough. as for the Stone, it has been destroyed"
"Destroyed?", asked Sora blankly "But your friend- Hermod Inlus-" "Oh, you know about Hermod?", said Pueralbis, sounding quite grateful "You did quite the research properly, didn't you? Well, Hermod and I have had a little chat and we agreed it's all for the best" "But that means he will die, won't he?" "He has enough Elixir stored to set his affairs in order and then, yes, he will die"

Pueralbis smiled softly at the look of sadness on Sora's face. "To one as young as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Hermod, it really is like going to bed after a very, very, long day. After all, to the well- organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. You know, the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing, after all. as much money and life as you could wat! The two things most human beings would choose above all- the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things which are worst for them", he stood up and walked to the window. "It has brought many into ruin, some of them people I knew..."

Sora lay there, his mind trying to comprehend everything that Pueralbis just said, while he looked at him. "Sir?" Sora began "I've been thinking...Sir- even if the Stone's gone, Xeha-...I mean-" "Call him Xehanort, Sora" Pueralbis turned back to Sora, walking t his bed "Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself" "Ok! Well, Xehanort is trying to find a way of coming back, isn't he? I mean, he isn't gone...or is he? Maleficent said he was gone but a few stated that they think he's still alive and-" Pueralbis sighed a little. "Yes, Sora, he is still out there...somewhere, perhaps looking for a body to claim as his...not being truly alive, he cannot be killed. For him, others are just things he can replace how he wants. He doesn't care if his followers die or not, innocent people or not. He has a goal set and will do everything in his power to reach it. The only thing we can do is to delay his powers in any way possible...again and again, why, he may never return to power" Sora nodded, looking at him "sir, there are some things I'd like to know if you can tell me...the truth-"

"The truth", Pueralbis sighed deeply "It's a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution. However, I shall answer your questions unless I have a very good reason not to, in which case I hope you'll forgive me. I shall not, of course, lie" "Well...Jessy told me a little about Xehanort...but I still don't know who he is"

Another sigh escaped Pueralbis. "This, I can't tell you. Not today. Not now. I shall however, one day when the time is right. when you are older...in age and mind" "Ok, I understand...but why could I burn Maleficent? I didn't use any magic power"
"Ah, that. Maleficent was full of hatred, greed and ambition, ready to give herself into the darkness and rule over it. But you were or rather, are the opposite. You bathe in light, your heart is filled with the wish to protect your friends and not to destroy. That was the reason you could hurt her. Your heart is strong, Sora. And Ms. Sapphire Amakura, I believe she also would've been able to do that. Seeing how she cared for your unconscious body, ready to protect it with her own life" "See! I knew Jessy is a great person. And people talk bad behind her back"
"She is indeed a strong one...and smart as well, that I saw...any other questions?" "What about the Invisibility Cloak- do you know who send it to me?" "Ah- an old friend of mine happened to leave it in my possession and I thought you might like it" Pueralbis' eyes twinkled a little "Useful things...but not to get into trouble", he eyes Sora.

"Sir? I have one more question"
"Just the one?"
"How did I get the Stone out of the Mirror?"
"Ah, now, I'm glad you asked me that. It was one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and me, that saying something. You see, only those who wanted to find the Stone- find it, but not use it- would be able to get it, otherwise, they'd just see themselves making gold or drinking Elixir of Life. My brain surprises even me sometimes...Now, enough questions. I suggest you make a start on these sweets. Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans! I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've rather lost my liking for them- but I think I'll be safe with a nice flavor, don't you?" He held a soft smile and popped a blue bean in his mouth, choking for a second.
"Oh my, clear, foul fish"

Madam Pomfrey was a nice but rigorous woman.
"Could we have five minutes?", Sora pleaded with her, his hands clapping together.
"Absolutely not"
"But you let Professor Pueralbis in..."
"Well, of course, that was the Headmaster, quite different. You need rest"
"But I am, see", he lay back and covered himself "Please...Madam Pomfrey" "Oh, fine, ok...but only five minutes" She walked away and Riku, Kairi, and Jessy entered.

"Sora!" Kairi looked ready to flung at him but Jessy whispered something in her ear and so she decided to give him just a soft hug. "Oh, Sora, I'm so glad you're ok- so worried" Kairi sniffled with tears in her eyes "Glad to see that you're alive, troublemaker", Riku smirked when he and Jessy finally arrived at Sora's bed.
"You should see the school... it's going crazy after what happened" Kairi told him but finally let him go, sitting on his bed. "Jessy filled us in...so Maleficent was the real evil mind after behind this all this time?" "Yes, that's true. So what happened with you two?", Sora sat up to look at his friends, waiting for either Kairi or Riku to explain. "Well, I got us back, all right", began Kairi "I brought Riku along- that took a while- and we were dashing up to the owlery to contact Pueralbis when we met him in the entrance Hall. He already knew- he just said >Sora's gone after the Stone, hasn't he?< and then he went off to your way"

"And in the end...we were just decoy", Riku sighed loudly.
"I wouldn't say that. Pueralbis knows more or less about everything that goes on here, you know. I reckon he had a pretty good idea we were going to try, and instead of stopping us, he just taught us enough to help. I don't think it was an accident he let me find out how the Mirror worked. I mean- it helped us against Maleficent-", Jessy stated when Riku interrupted her
"Do you ever breathe?!", he shouted, while the other two laughed. "Sora, you've got to be up for the end-of-year feast tomorrow. Slytherin has the most points- you missed the last Quidditch match, Gryffindor got steamrolled by Jessy, that was incredible...but also a bit scary", admitted Kairi.
"For you", Jessy smiled "But Sora seriously you must come. Riku and Kura are always saying how the food will blow your mind by how good it is"

As soon as Jessy finished, Madam Pomfrey busted in.
"You've had nearly fifteen minutes, now OUT!", she said firmly and the three left Sora alone, waving to him.
After the visit from his friends and a good night's rest, Sora was the next morning back to his normal self. "I want to go to the feast", he smiled at Madam Pomfrey "I can, can't I?" "Professor Pueralbis gave the ok for you to go", she scoffed but it was clear that she wanted for Sora to stay longer in bed, just to make sure that he'll be fine "And you have another visitor" "Really? Who is it?", Sora beamed.

Hagrid sidled through the door with tears in his eyes. And to be honest, he looked too big to be allowed. He sat down next to Sora's bed, and once he was seated, he burst out into tears. "It's- all-my-ruddy-fault!", he began to sob, face hiding in his hands "I told the evil git how ter get past Fluffy! I told her! It was the only thing she didn't know an' I told her! Yeh could've died! All fer a dragon egg! I'll never drink again! I should be chucked out an' made ter live as a Muggle!"

Sora stayed quiet and watched, shocked as Hagrid shook with grief and remorse, tears leaking down into his beard "Hagrid, it wasn't your fault. In fact, I was quite glad that it wasn't Xehanort" "Yeh could've died", sobbed Hagrid "An' don' say the name! XEHANORT!"

Hagrid directly stopped crying as soon Sora said the name. "Hagrid, calm down. Cheer up, we saved the Stone, it's gone. Here, have a Chocolate Frog, I've got loads...hey...were you by the Quidditch Match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw?" "But o' course!", Hagrid began to smile "Great, tell me all about it, please", Sora smiled and Hagrid began to talk.

Soon, Sora made his way down to the end-of-year feast alone that night. He had been held off by Madam Pomfrey because she insisted to do one last check-up, so when he arrived, the Great Hall was already full. It was fully decked out in the Slytherin colors, green and silver to celebrate the serpents winning the House Cup for the seventh year in a row.
A huge banner that represented the Slytherins covered the wall behind the High Table. As soon as Sora entered the Great Hall, a sudden hush lay over the Hall before everybody started talking loudly at the same time. He slipped into a seat next to Roxas at the Gryffindor table, trying to ignore the fact that people were standing up to look at him.
"So you were finally allowed to leave?", Roxas asked him. "Madam Pomfrey didn't wanted me to leave", Sora admitted, scratching his cheek. "Ah, yes. Madam Pomfrey is good but strict. She threw me out once I busted in after I heard that Leon here got badly hurt. One second I was in there, and suddenly I was outside again, door slammed in my face", Axel growled, remembering it like it was yesterday.

A few moments later, Pueralbis arrived and the babble died away. "Another year has come to an end again but before we sink our teeth into this delicious feast, you must endure my talking for a little longer...hopefully your heads are all a little fuller then they were...and now you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts...sadly" A soft round of chuckle came from the students and the Professors.
"Now, as I understand it, the House Cup here needs awarding and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred forty two points; in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred fifty two; Ravenclaw have four hundred thirty six and Slytherin, four hundred forty two"

A storm of cheering and stomping broke out from the Slytherin table. Jessy saw Sacarnis across the hall, who smirked evilly towards her, proudly showing herself off, pride and arrogance visible. It was a sickening sight. She turned away and saw Vanitas, who smirked proudly at her before she turned her head fully away. "Yes, yes, well done Slytherin "said Pueralbis "However, recent events must be taken into account"

The room turned silent and the smiles of mist Slytherin's faded a little. "Ahem", began Pueralbis "I have a few late-minute points to serve. Let me see. Yes...", he stopped for a second
"First- to Mr, Riku Dawn!"
Riku began to blink and the smile of the Slytherins came back to their faces
"...for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Slytherin house fifty points"

Slytherin cheers nearly raised the bewitched ceiling; stars seemed to quiver from the volume- no one could reach them now.
"Second- to Ms. Kairi Heart...to a great deal of trust- and to loyalty that runs deeper than blood, I award Hufflepuff house fifty points" Kairi flushed a little and the Hufflepuff house cheered loudly, classmates from her house hugging her from both sides, and Sora, Riku, and Jessy smiled for her, giving her claps.

"Third- to Mr, Sora Crown..." said Puerablis, and the room began to listen
"...for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house seventy points" "The Gryffindors began to clap and patted Sora on the back, whistling loudly, and Axel raised his arms high, nearly screaming.

But all in one, no one of the houses came near Slytherin's points.
Pueralbis raised his hand and the room fell silent yet again.
"And last, to Ms. Jessy Sapphire Amakura", he looked over to Ravenclaw's table, as did the others, to witness a shocked Jessy
"...Not only for standing in the face of fear to protecting a friend but also to show that we should never judge a book by it's cover but furthermore look inside, I award Ravenclaw seventy points"

If someone would be standing outside the Great Hall, they would've thought something exploded inside so loud were the cheers from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor. Even Kuraiko jumped up and cheered loudly, not caring that she was in Slytherin at that moment, screaming and yelling.
Students hugged and cheered for Jessy, who was still quite shocked by everything that just happened. Even Prefect Klaus, who was more than just strict, forgot everything and fell his brother around the neck, cheering as if there was no tomorrow.
His brother was nearly in tears of happiness and Jessy's roommates began to shook her because they couldn't believe it.
Aqua was grinning brightly, cupping her cheeks, and squealing. Vincent came over and hugged her from behind, sobbing into her shoulder while thanking her over and over. Sora and Axel were by far the loudest from Gryffindor but even Roxas laughed and cheered along, though quieter.

Sacarnis, on the other hand, looked horrified, biting her nail and growling, while her other hand clawed the table. Vanitas simply looked over to Jessy, giving her a tiny smirk.
"If my calculation is correct", Pueralbis called over the storm of applause, for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff didn't seem to calm down "we need a little change of decoration"

With that, he clapped his hands. In an instant, the green hangings became azure and the silver became bronze; the huge Slytherin serpent vanished and a flying Ravenclaw eagle with open wings took its place. Snape, McGonagall, and Professor Sprout were shaking Professor Yen Sid's hand. He caught Jessy's eye and nodded at her, and she bowed her head a little, making the other Head of houses look at them.
Jessy was brought back by Alis, who threw an arm around her shoulder, declaring a win and even the other teammates came over, cheering for her. It was the best evening of her life, better than winning at Quidditch or Christmas or fighting trolls...she would never, ever forget tonight.

But Jessy had to remind Sora and Kairi to check their exam results, which they had forgotten about. It took Sora by surprise to see that he passed, Kairi was already hugging Jessy and thanking her over and over again for helping her. Of course, Jessy came out top of the year...behind her was almost the rest of Ravenclaw from their year. But the group seriously hoped that Sacarnis didn't pass but her outstanding grades in Potions saved her.
It was truly a shame but as Kairi said, you couldn't have everything in life.

And suddenly, their wardrobes were empty, trunks packed, and notes were handed to all students from the Prefects, warning them not to use magic outside Hogwarts.
Jessy took one last glance at the empty dormitory with a little smile. "Don't tell me you're already sad"

She turned around to see Lumina, iris, and Lilie, all were wearing a smile, waiting for her. "Our ways may part for now but just in September, we shall all be back again, united in this very same room", Lilie stated, a hand on her chest.

"She's right. Though, I have to say that I'll miss you...much", Iris admitted with a sad smile on her lips. "We have to write during break. We have to" "I try my best. perhaps I send you a picture of Abrax and me...when he doesn't throw me into the river again", Jessy said and all chuckled before moving out.

Down Hogwarts, Hagrid was there to take them down to the fleet of boats that sailed across the lake; to the Hogwarts express. Sora, Kairi, Riku, and Roxas were already waiting for her and soon, they were boarding the Hogwarts express; talking and laughing as the countryside became greener and clearer, eating Bertie bott's Every-Flavor Beans; laughing even louder when someone ate something that they didn't expect.

When they sped past Muggle towns; they pulled off their wizard robes and put on Jackets and coats; and soon, they were pulling into platform nine and three-quarters at King's Cross Station. It took quite a while to get all off the platform.

A wizened old guard was by the ticket barrier, letting them go through in pairs or a group of three, so that no one attract attention, since how would you explain a mass of students bursting through a solid wall, alarming Muggles.

"Jessy, you have to come over to us this summer", Kairi begged "Please!"
"Ah, this will be tricky", Kuraiko came from behind and joined their conversation by slinging one of her arms around Jessy "We'll be busy this summer. And next year you better behave! I'll be a Slytherin Prefect", she stated proudly.

"Oh, spare us", sighed Riku and the group laughed. People jostled them as they moved towards the gateway back to the Muggle world. Before they left the rest, some called
"Bye, Jessy"
"See you after summer, Kairi"
"Sora, write me an owl"
"Hey, Jessy, take care. Congratulations on winning for Ravenclaw"

"Your family is still famous", Riku smirked. "Of course", began Kuraiko "Our family name is trated like royalty in the wizard community"
"Stop your dramatic flair and let us go", Jessy nudged her sister in the side.
"There she is!!" Before Jessy could turn around, she was swooped up by Kei Amakura, who began to squeeze her tightly. "You're finally home. Oh, my pride and joy! You broke our stupid tradition! We're so proud and happy"

"That is...your father?", asked Roxas. He finally let Jessy go before he turned to the others. "Hello. Nice to meet you all. I'm the father of Kuraiko and Jessy, Kei Hessionate Amakura. A pleasure", he smiled at them.
"...I feel like I'm meeting a second Sora", Riku stated flabbergast.
"Hey! Riku!"
"Nice to meet you, Sor. My name is Kairi and I'm Jessy's best friend", she smiled at him. "Likewise, Kairi. I would invite you all but I guess you are all tired and exhausted from your long journey. I'll be waiting outside" "Hey, wait for me!", Kuraiko went after him.

"Well, I guess this is it. We see us in September...where?" "When not Diagon Alley, in front of the Hogwarts express?" "Sounds good"
Jessy and Kairi hugged while she shook the boys' hands, smiling before pushing her cart off to the direction where her father and sister were waiting. "You ready to go home?"
Jessy nodded and followed both of them to the dark tunnel where they came to the King's Cross Station in September, vanishing in the Floo Powder.

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