Star Wars: Black & White (Clo...

Bởi Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

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Far far way in the galaxy... There is a story, of two different individual. A Jedi and a Sith. However, as th... Xem Thêm

Bio of Zen
Bio of Kirina
Negotiation on Rugosa
The Malevolence
Destroying The Malevolence
The Rookies
First Contact
One-Day War under the Snow
Liberation of Ryloth
The Holocron Heist
Children of the Force
Return to Felucia
Selecting New Members
The Mysterious Master
Guarding the Duchess
ARC Troopers
Sphere of Influence
Hunting for Ziro
Savage Opress
Enemy Among Us
Light & Dark
Ghost of Mortis
Death Watch

Back to Geonosis

163 5 5
Bởi Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

(A/N: Despite not writing the chapter, the Zillo Beast survived and was relocated in some other remote planet thanks to Zen's effort that wish to save it. The reason I didn't write because I was lazy, and the other reason is because the episode where Zillo Beast dies is sad.)

"Believe in yourself or no one else will."

Counterattack! With the Republic forces are spread thinly in a desperate attempt to engage General Grievous's starfleet, Separatist planets that were once thought secured, are now rising up against the Republic. On Geonosis, Separatist's leader, Poggle the Lesser, safe inside his newly ray-shielded factory, create thousands of terrible weapon which march off the assembly line against the outnumbered clone army. The Jedi, resolute in their effort to restore order to the Republic, they performing a massive invasion to retake Geonosis and shut down Poggle's factory of terror, once-and-for-all!


Outside the space of Geonosis, it shows several Republic starships that ready to invade into the planet. Taking over Geonosis and capture Poggle the Lesser, who led the Geonosian on the Separatist side, will ensure more victory in the Republic's side.


Inside a Jedi cruiser in the bridge, it shows Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi Mundi are watching at the planet where the Clone Wars started.

《Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi》

Obi-Wan: I cannot believe that we are back here again.

Mundi: So am I, Kenobi. It is unfortunate. The resistance from the native Geonosian are more resilient than we expected.

Obi-Wan: The same can be said for their loyalty to Count Dooku.

Mundi: A fact that often overlooked.

A second later, Zen and Anakin with Ahsoka arrives in the bridge.

Obi-Wan: You're late. Both of you.

Anakin: Sorry, Master. Ahsoka and I are busy dealing with some Seppies near door.

Ahsoka: My squad take squadron alone have fifty five kills.

Anakin: Yeah... But mine have seventy six.

Ahsoka: Show off.

Obi-Wan: Well, I'm glad that you two are enjoying yourselves.

Anakin: Hey, it's just a little friendly competition, Master. Nothing to worry about.

Zen: What should be worried about is how you perform that competition.

Anakin: Says the person who led a battalion and a commando of clones in a small droid factory raid! And always use crazy tactics!

Zen: It's not my fault that the factory was there. And hey, I was supposed to be with my team back on Bracca with Master Tapal and Cal, and my team! Even when in different mission, I at least have one of my team member are with me. Is there anything here that should be worry about until I'm here?

Obi-Wan: What I'm worry about is the way that this war is drawing out with no end inside.

Zen: It actually feels like that. *look at Geonosis* Not to mention, Master Vos told me that this place is where everything started.

Mundi: Which is why our invasion of Geonosis must end with success.

Anakin: Agreed. Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim command. We're ready for our briefing.

Ahsoka: They already waiting for us.

The hologram table shows the hologram of the planet, along with Chancellor Palpatine, Master Yoda, Windu, and Jedi Master Luminara Unduli.

《Jedi Master Luminara Unduli》

Obi-Wan: Our ships are in position and we are ready for our campaign against the Geonosians.

Windu(Hologram): And what about Poggle? Any report of his location?

Obi-Wan: Seems he's hold up at the primary droid foundary here. The factory is being protected by a shield generator. Anakin, Ki-Adi, Zen and I shall attempt a four prompt attack. Through their defense line to a staging area just short of the shield. Once we've landed, we shall knock out a shield generator. That is our primary target.

Palpatine(Hologram): Is it necessary to sent four General into one area of the attack? If something went wrong, we will dealt with a serious blow.

Yoda(Hologram): To ensure the rise again of Geonosis does not, capture Poggle, we must.

Palpatine(Hologram): Of course. At always, I will leave the strategy to you, Master Jedi.

Obi-Wan: Our thanks, Chancellor.

Windu(Hologram): May the Force be with you.

The hologram of the trio disappear as four familiar clones; Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Commander Jet and Commander Harper enters the bridge.

Zen: Harper, what are you doing here?

Harper: Got called here for a mission, sir.

Obi-Wan: Good. Cody, this is the coordinate to the rendezvous.

Cody: Yes, sir. When we hit the ground, we will prepare the perimeter. Getting their defenses here will be a trick. General Mundi will go through the defense line from the north. We will make our assault through the middle. General Skywalker will make through the defense line from the south. We'll meet at the rendezvous point at 0700 exactly.

Zen: Then where should I go? You said this was four promp attack.

Obi-Wan: I did. So you will be joining Anakin's team.

Zen: Oh that just great. So great!

Mundi: If we meet with strong resistance and our force down away from the landing zone, hold out until we're all join together before attacking the shield generator.

Ahsoka: Their front line is heavily fortified. Look at that giant wall with the gun implacement. That won't be easy to get past.

Zen: That's not a wall, sis. That's a fortress. And a very tough one to take down head-on.

Anakin: Don't worry, you two. We're not going near that place.

Zen and Ahsoka give Anakin a deadpan expression, showing doubt about what he just said.

Obi-Wan: Come now. Where is all the enthusiasm I saw earlier?

Anakin: Don't worry about us. You just make sure that you reach that landing point in one piece.

Obi-Wan: Yes, and I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive.

Luminara(Hologram): Gentlemen, if you are quite finish, we have a battle to begin.

Zen: Now I miss my team more and more than ever!

Obi-Wan: Quite right. Cody, prep the gunships. I'll meet you at the hangar.

Cody: Yes, sir.


At the hangar, all fighters and gunships are ready for take off in order to secure the mission so they can end the terror of the Geonosians and take the planet from Separatist's grasp. Zen and Harper walking through the area toward their gunship that they will be riding.

《540th Legion》

(A/N: While Zen has his commando squad, he also have his own battalion. Though he mostly away from both of his team depend on the mission he take part in.)

Zen: So, have you been here, Harper?

Harper: Sorry, boss, but I didn't take part in the first assault on Geonosis.

Zen: I see. Same for me then.

Harper: Why are you even here, sir? Why not being with Nova Commando?

Zen: That's what I asked to Master Kenobi, and said he needed me here for this invasion.

Harper: Well, you're more dependable than you look, boss.

Zen: Well, thanks for that.

They finally arrives at the gunship that they are riding, with some other clones are there too. Zen turn to Anakin's group who just beside them.

Anakin: Make sure you don't fall behind.

Zen: I was about to say the same thing.

Anakin and Ahsoka with Captain Rex entered the gunship before it take flight along with few more gunships. Zen and Harper entered theirs along with their clone troopers.

Zen: All right, guys. Here we go again! Who wanna destroy some clankers?

"We do!"

Zen: Remember my orders?

"Yes, sir!"

Zen: Then let's get going!

"Sir, yes, sir!"

The door closed as the gunship take flight along with other gunships. Just when they get out from the transport ship, tremor can already been felt through the ship because of all the shooting and bombings across the sky.

Harper: Ugrh! Ever since crashed onto that desert planet, I starting to hate desert planet!

Zen: Just bear it, Harper. You've never seen worse!

Harper: What could be worse than desert planet filled with bugs?!

Zen: How about a desert planet filled with giant slugs?!

As the tremor continues, Zen got a call from Mundi.

Mundi(Comms): Zen, you need to land! The flank is too heavy! You must land now!

Zen: Right now?!


Their gunship get hit, and start to falling.

Zen: We're landing right now! But it is a crash landing! Brace for impact!


The gunship crashes, along with the other gunships with them. Zen get up and shake his head, same did Harper.

Harper: Are you alright, Boss?

Zen: Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. You?

Harper: Just a scratch, sir.

Zen: We're getting out of here!

He push the door opened, revealing that the droids and Geonosian are shooting at them with their weapons and ships.

Zen: We're a little far from Anakin and Ahsoka's position but we can make it if we move! We need to move now!

Harper: Sir, yes, sir! Come on, man! Let's get going!

Zen ignite two green single bladed lightsabers, and jump out from the gunship before rushing forward, followed by Harper and the clone troopers who shooting at the droids and Geonosians. They advancing slowly, while hiding behind each rocks when advancing.

Harper: Boss, we're not far from Skywalker's team by now!

Zen: Then good! Because we're going to get there, and meet up with them! Contact Captain Rex now!

Harper: Yes, sir! *contacting Rex* Captain Rex, come in! Captain! Come in! Answer the call, damn it!

Rex(Comms): I'm here, Harper! Where are you guys?! What is your status?!

Harper: We've lost the walker, but many of our men survived the crash. How about you guys?!

Rex(Comms): Same situation! We're currently heading toward the landing point! They said General Kenobi never made it there!

Harper: What?! How about General Mundi?! Did he get to the landing point?!

Rex(Comms): We don't know! But right now, we need you guys to get here! We're closing to the eastern wall that blocking our path to the landing point! Meet us there!

Harper: You got it!

Zen deflecting the blast bolts, hitting the droids and bugs with the deflected bolts before he jump back into the cover and meet with Harper.

Harper: Boss, Skywalker's team is just up ahead toward the wall!

Zen: Toward the fortress?! How the hell did they crash land there?! Whatever, we need to get there as fast as we can! *look at the troopers* All right, men, follow my lead!

"Sir, yes, sir!"

Zen jump out and ignite his lightsabers again before running ahead, as his troops follow him from behind and shooting back at the droids and bugs. Despite losing few troops, Zen cover for them ad they keep moving around, taking down the droids and bugs. When they reach a corner, they saw a large fortress that blocking their way as there's droids shooting down at them. Zen saw Anakin and Ahsoka on top of the wall, planning to do something.

Zen: Now what are they up to? Harper, get the men help those in 501st! Make sure everyone who's injured got tended!

Harper: Yes, sir!

Zen deactivate his lightsaber and quickly jump up the wall, hopping around and climb up using the rocky side before he finally reach the top side. He saw Anakin and Ahsoka are dealing with two destroyer droids. Rex somehow able to climb up the wall, slowly walk toward the back of the destroyer droid and past through its ray shield, before shooting it at the head. Anakin and Ahsoka move aside as some blast bolt got shot into the other destroyer droid, making it stunned for a bit. Zen quickly rush there and slowen himself when he past through the ray shield, and activate his lightsaber, cutting the destroyer into half.

Zen: *stand up* So wanna tell me why you get here even when you said we won't ended up here?!

Anakin: Can we talk about this later?!

Then a hatch opened and a battle droid come to check.

"Hey, did you get them?"

Anakin: Catch.

" *turn around* Huh?"

He throw a bag of bomb at the droid, and use Force push to push the droid back down. Ahsoka also throw her bag into the hole.

Anakin: Come on, Rex!

Ahsoka: Up and a way!

They lift Rex up in the air with Force before all three Jedi jump off the fortress.


By the time the Jedi and Rex jump down, the bombs explode, tearing apart the fortress. When the Jedi reach the ground, they use the Force to stop Rex from falling and let him down on the ground safely, and then slowen the debris from the fortress from falling on them and push the debris aside.

Rex: Next time... *get up* Just tell me to jump.

Anakin: Now where's the fun in that? Come on, we can't keep Obi-Wan waiting.

Zen: Let's hurry!

Rex: You heard him, lads! Let's go!

Harper: Get moving! We have a schedule to pick up!

They continue their march toward the landing point. As they on their way, they saw flame at the upper cave exit.

Ahsoka: Look, what's that?

More Geonosians in flames get out of the cave, though they ended up dying by the fire.

Anakin: *contact Mundi* Master Mundi, do you read me?

Mundi(Comms): We're here, Skywalker. We took a slight detour that put our communication out for a bit.

Zen: This seriously a day of using detour, Master.

Mundi(Comms): Indeed, but now the road is clear. I can see the landing zone. It does not look good.

Anakin: Can you get me Admiral Yuleran?

Then a contact from Admiral Yularen from the command ship reach them.

Anakin: Admiral, we're at a breaking point. You gotta send down some fighters down here!

Yularen(Hologram): You're in luck, General Skywalker. I have one squadron available.

At the landing zone...

At the location where they supposed to land, the 212th Legion are desperately fighting off the droids and Geonosians, but their number is too large and they are pinned down. Even Obi-Wan Kenobi is still injured after the crash.

"Retreat! Go, go, go!"

Another one of their walker is destroyed. The remaining troopers walk back slowly to Obi-Wan while shooting back at the enemy. Obi-Wan get up despite the injuries and ignite his lightsaber to join the fight, but a miracle happens.

"Reinforcements! The reinforcements have arrived!"

A squadron of Y-wings flying across the air near the ground, bombing down the enemy forces and vehicles. The troopers cheering for their support, as Zen, Anakin, Ahsoka and Mundi with battalion arrived at the same time. Obi-Wan felt relief before he deactivate his lightsaber and sat back down.

Ahsoka: Master Kenobi!

She bend down close to him, as the other Jedi meet with Obi-Wan.

Anakin: Well, what happened to you?

Obi-Wan: I'd might ask you the same question.

With all of them are there, they can continue their mission to destroy the shield generator.

Obi-Wan: With our combined forces, it should be enough to destroy shield generator. Anakin, Zen, you need to take a small squad through the shield, as close as you can get to the gun implacement. From there, you can temporarily jammed their scanner so they are unable to target the incoming tanks. Once the tank knock out the shield, Master Mundi can bring the rest of the troops in with the gunships.

Anakin: Consider it done, Master.

Zen: Just leave that to us.

And so, they begin their plan. The walkers are moving slowly behind. Anakin, Zen and some clone troopers ready for the attack.

At the ray shielded base...

"Begin the attack."

Anakin and Zen nod as they ignite their lightsabers.

Zen: Okay, guys. Let's go!

"Sir, yes, sir!"

Anakin and Zen run ahead, leading the clone troopers into the ray shield. They fight against the droids and bugs in the shield area, slashing and shooting them down. Then Ahsoka and her troopers also join the battle. They look up at the ridges and saw some cannons.

Zen: Those cannons gonna be a trouble.

Anakin: Let's jammed those scanners. Droid poppers, ready.

The Jedi take out their droid popper bombs and throw them away. When it ignite, the bomb emit electrical energy which only harm mechanical stuff. The droid poppers jammed the scanners and cannons.

Ahsoka: Looks like it's working.

Anakin: It won't last long.

Zen: *contact Mundi* Bring in the hammer!

From distance, the walkers already entered the ray shield before aiming toward the satellites. The walker shooting at the satellites, destroying them along with the cannons. The shield generator is destroyed and crumbles, and the ray shield disappeared. The gunships entered the area and firing down toward the enemy. When the gunships landed, Master Mundi and the troopers rush out and join the battle. Because the Republic side have taken over the area, the Geonosians drop their weapons and choose to surrender.

(Time Skip)

With the battle has finally over and the base there has taken over, they are tending their wounded troopers. Anakin is helping Obi-Wan to get into a gunship to be taken to the command ship and have his wound treated. Zen and Harper are checking on the battalions.

Zen: How's everyone?

Harper: We lost twelve people of our team, boss.

Zen: I see...

He take a deep breath and exhale the air, before put his hands together and bow.

Zen: May the Force be with all of you.

Harper still don't understand Zen's way to pay respect for the deceased, and also the same before they both stand straight up again.

Zen: Harper, get all of the men back on their top shape. We don't want them get so tired during this battle. Invading Geonosis isn't going to be an easy job.

Harper: Yes, boss.

Then Zen's communicator is beeping. He look at it and turn it on.

Zen: Yes?

Yularen(Comms): General Maruno, you are needed back here. It seems that there's a message for you from Kamino.

Zen: From Kamino? Okay, Admiral. Be right there. *turn off the comms & turn to Harper* Harper, make sure you come back in one piece. All of you.

Yularen: *salute* Don't worry, boss. Just leave it to us.

Zen nod before he walk away and ride on a gunship with Obi-Wan and Mundi, before it closed and fly back into the air, heading back toward the command starship.

To be continued...

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