A Photographer's Viewpoint

By ItIsITheFreak

123K 5.4K 255

Isabella enjoys her life of being single and lives lavishly every passing day. She has absolutely no interest... More

Character Profile
I'm Fine, Couldn't Be Any Better
Called It
The Dreadful Day
The Photographer
A Proposal
It's Not That Much, Really
Meaningless Banter
Sweet Words And Trouble
She's Unaware
It Was Nice
Missing You
A Bit Of Romance
A Normal Day
A Date
Hold Me
Do What Feels Right
Not Like Before
The Old Routine
Talk, Don't Run
The True Opposite Of Love
Unknown Surprise
Author's Note

Lessons, Friends And More Trouble

3.6K 189 4
By ItIsITheFreak

  I S A B E L L A

"No! Slowly, don't just pour everything in or else it'd turn out all lumpy." I hastily say as I take hold of Luciel's hand to prevent her from throwing the mixture in too fast.

I could her hear gulp down as she immediately stops and slowly adds the rest of the sauce as I instructed. I give of a little sigh and lean back on the counter with my arms folded as I observed how she than stirred the contents inside the pot before putting on the lid. Her shoulders immediately relaxed as she let out a huff.

"Who knew cooking would be this complicated." She said as she stared up at the ceiling.

"What? Did you think adding random ingredients in a pot would give you a good result?" I question.

"I mean, it did look that easy whenever I watched my mom cook so..." She replied with squinted eyes, averting her gaze from the ceiling.

"Sorry to break it to you but it's not that simple." I commented with a chuckle.

Luciel walked away from the stove and made her way right in front of me. Her eyes locked on mine that seemed to hold no emotion.


I looked back up at her with a raised brow, tilting my head to the side as a way of trying to figure out what's going through her mind and also because she was so damn tall.

She took a step closer, placing her hands on the counter on either side of me, her expression impassive. Slowly, she inched closer till our faces were leveled.

It's then that I notice her eyelashes were long and her eyes a mix of green and light blue. The scent of her honeysuckle and vanilla cologne was tickling my nostrils by how little  space there was between us.


Luciel lay her head on my shoulder followed by a long dramatic sigh.

"If I had known that I would have to go through all this torture, I would've never agreed to this." She said with a hint of tiredness as she nuzzled further into my neck.

"Now, now, don't be so discouraged. It's only been a few days, you can't exactly become a Gordon Ramsay in that short amount of time." I reassure her as I reached out and pat her head in a soothing manner.

"Cut me some slack-"

"The food is burning." I state.

Luciel quickly rushes over to the stove and removes the lid from the pot. I watch her expression change from stressed to relief in a matter of seconds. She let out a 'phew' with a hand placed on her chest before putting back on the lid and giving me a death glare.

I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing with my head thrown back.

"Can you try to not give me a heart attack for once?" She asked with worry laced in her voice.

Before I could reply, we heard a knock on the door. Luciel checked the pot one last time before excusing herself to see who it was.

Over the past few days, I found myself spending more time than usual at Luciel's. I could say it was because of helping her in cooking but that would be a lie. Even if we weren't having a photography session or busy in the kitchen, I spent most of my free time at hers. At first, Luciel would occasionally send me messages to know if I was free and if I'd like to come over. But after a while I too, starting reaching out to her which led to me visiting more often and spending a couple hours at hers. We spent our time watching movies or just chatting away. She'd also tell me about the assignments she had and would show me old sculptures she made when she younger. As time went by I learnt alot more about Luciel.

Firstly, whenever she gets embarrassed her cheeks turn pink and she has a tendency to always avoid eye-contact. It was cute to see such an expression on her face as she mostly looked intimidating from afar.

Secondly, when watching TV she can't seem to stay awake for too long and falls asleep after half-an-hour. I realized this when we were watching a movie one night, I remember asking her something but she didn't respond. When I looked over, she was fast asleep. It happened a couple more times with her always sending me a long apology the following day, even though I told her it was okay.

Lastly, Luciel was very...affectionate. She liked giving hugs and would sometimes slump down against me whenever she was bored or like earlier, stressed. I was suprised the first few times but have grown accustomed to it. I assumed she must've done it with anyone she felt comfortable with. Allistor also has a habit of doing the same thing so I didn't mind.

"I didnt know you had any guests."

I turn around and was shocked to see a somewhat familiar face.

"Oh, you're the girl from the bakery."

She seemed equally suprised by how her brows raised up with a smile.

"Wow, world sure is small. It's nice to meet you, I'm Casper." She says as she walks over and offers her hand.

"Isabella, nice to meet you too." I reply and take hold of her hand with a handshake.

"Huh? You two actually know each other?" Luciel perks up.

Casper walks over to the counter and places down a paper bag, "Isabella, came over to the bakery I worked at one night and ordered a...few things." There was a slight pause in her words as she recalled that evening. She strides over to a bar stool and seats herself down, her arms placed on the counter with her hands clasped together.

"Oh~ so that's where you bought those treats, no wonder they tasted so...familiar." Luciel said as she glanced at Casper who looked at her with a confusion.

Seeing her expression, I decided to answer the question that was on her mind.

"I bought some for Luciel in exchange for her work."

Casper's confusion turned to suprise and finally to a smile as she gave  Luciel a knowing look.

"I see~"

Luciel just gave a death glare before rolling her eyes at Casper and making her way back in front of the stove. I watched as she added the spices I layed out for her. I walked closer and peeked inside the pot and was happy when I saw that it was nearly done.

"You're doing better compared to your first try." I praise Luciel as I took in the different aromas.

The first time she tried cooking, I was utterly startled when I saw how she held a knife and could understand why she wasn't exactly gifted in the kitchen. To make a long story short, her first try was a total disaster. I don't know how but she managed to burn the food, yet it was still a bit raw. Luciel was more confused than I was and totally embarrassed but I praised her either way and encouraged her to keep trying.

"Isabella, you sure must be talented in cooking." Casper called out with a amusement, her head resting on her palm.

"Not the best but good enough for me to get by." I respond.

The rest of the day was spent idly chatting and enjoying the food Luciel prepared. I got to know more about Casper and found out that she was actually studying law. She became curious when I told her that I was in fact a lawyer and asked me questions regarding it. I told her the tricks that helped back when I was a student and advised on her certain things.

Unfortunately, my stay shortened after I got a call from my mother. She told me to get to hers as soon as possible with no explanation. I tried calling her back, but as expected, I was ignored. I knew that if I didn't get there in the next two hours that I'll never hear the end of it. So, with a heavy heart I informed Luciel and Casper that I'll be leaving.

"Do you really have to go?" Luciel asked as she leaned on the doorframe with folded arms.

She wasn't exactly pleased when I suddenly announced that I'll be leaving, not bothering to hide her disappointment as she let out a huff and clasped her forearms tightly.

"I'll be sure to visit again soon." I reassure her.

Luciel looked at me for a few seconds as if observing me but her gaze broke when Casper popped up from behind her and slung her arm over her shoulder.

"Make sure you visit the bakery on Thursday evening, Aunt Jane will be making her famous lemon meringue tarts." She says and dissappears back inside.

I smiled and made a mental note to do so.

"Well, take care." I tell Luciel.

Before I could take a step back, she took hold of my arm and brought me into a hug.

"Call me when something happens." She murmurs.

I froze up when I heard her voice laced with worry. Nevertheless, I put my arms around her torso and gave a light squeeze. We stood in the corridor for a couple seconds in each others arms. The scent of her cologne was more stronger but soothing. I inhaled and exhaled as it seemed to be acting as a type of reliever, it reminded me of my scented candles back home. I assumed she must've been shaken up from my breakdown earlier and probably thought of all the possible things that could result to me being another sobbing mess.

"Will do," I say with my most convincing smile and step back from her arms,"tell Casper I'll try and make it on Thursday."

She placed her hands on my cheeks and looked me in the eyes as if searching for something, "Don't forget." she said with knitted brows, her eyes darting about. She slowly let her hands fall back to her sides and took a small step back.

With that, I gave her one last look and waved a goodbye. She gave a smile in response but I noticed that it didn't reach her eyes like it normally would.

I may have told Luciel I'll call her when things take a turn for the worst, but I lied. I appreciate that she's looking out for me but there is only so much I can allow. Such as earlier, she shouldn't have seen me in such a state. Of course, I'm not mad at her but upset with myself for not keeping up my composure. I'll admit, I felt better when she comforted but I told myself that such a thing shouldn't happend again. Not for the reason of wanting to uphold a certain image but because I didn't want myself becoming dependent on her. I already felt what it was like and was afraid that I'd become more greedy if allowed it again.

When I arrived at my mom's place, I saw a black Jeep already parked in her driveway.

With a sigh, I parked my car in front of her yard and mentally prepared myself before I head inside. I wasn't sure what to expect and only hoped that it wasn't anything bad. I took a deep breath in and out before getting out my car. I knew that my mother wasn't one to call without a proper reason which means that she called for something that was rather very important. And that Jeep parked in her driveway seems to be it.

I quickly adjusted my skirt and blouse before finally heading and hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.

I gave two knocks on the door before  finally heading inside.

I became more nervous with each step I took and heard a male voice in the living area. With one last sigh, I turn the corner and slowly made my way in.

"It took you long enough." My mother said as she sipped on her tea.

She didn't seem happy to see me and seemed more colder than usual. I looked at her for a couple of seconds trying to get a hint what was going on. Unfortunately she gave nothing away and sat up straight with her eyes transfixed on the steaming hot tea as if it was the most valuable thing. She was perfectly poised which put me more on edge.

"How long are you going to be standing there?" She questions, still not bothering to meet my eyes.

I glance at the man that was seated opposite on the other couch and saw that his black eyes was already eyeing me up and down. It sent shivers down my spine when he finally met mine but I didn't show it.

"Isabella, just what have I taught you-"

"If this is about marriage I'm not fucking interested." I cut her off.

I knew exactly where the hell this was going and sure as hell wasn't going to accept it.

What gave it away was the fact that he looked young. The most obvious would be when he observed me with a mischievous grin. I could've been wrong, but knowing my mother, that was only explanation that would suffice.

My mother's eyes widen with horror as she immediately stood up straight and placed down the cup on the table which confirmed my thoughts.

She was trying to set me up with this guy.

"Listen, I'll just be straightforward with you." I start off as I looked at the man who looked back at me with a calculating gaze, "I'm not one bit interested in marriage. Whatever my mom has told you, forget it. I don't plan on wasting your time and sure as hell am not wasting mine."

Silence took over the room and my mom just stared at me dumbfounded.

The man got up with a sigh and walked up to me. Even though I was wearing heels, this guy was freakishly tall. He looked down at me for a few seconds before finally speaking up.

"I apologize if I had caused you any trouble, if you'll excuse me." He nods to me and my mother before finally taking his leave.

When I finally heard the front door open and close, I looked at my mother and saw that she was once again seated with her hands placed on her lap. The silence that filled the room was uncomfortable. Mainly because I was upset and my mother... I don't know what the hell was going through her mind.

"Haven't I clearly told you before that I'm not interested in getting married?" I ask when I finally had enough of her silence.

"Isabella, as a mother I am worried about your future. Why can't you see that I'm trying to help you? " She retorts.

"And how many times have I said that I don't need help? How many times have I said that I don't need to get married? How many fucking times-"

"Isabella!" She yells and gets up from her seat, her gaze was heated with fury as she walked closer to me "You have no right to talk to your mother like that!"

"And you have no God damn right to control my life."

And with those words, for the first time in my life, I got slapped by my own mother.

The feeling of her hand meeting my face was an absolute shock. A burning  sensation made itself known on my skin and was getting heated with every second going by.

I was losing hope at this point. I don't what else to say in order to convince that I wasn't interested in settling down. I'm sick and tired of her trying to control my life under the guise of looking out for me.

I gave her one last glance and saw that she had that very same heated gaze when she slapped me. I didn't bother saying anything and took my leave.

I didn't care if I was being disrespectful but seeing as she can't respect my choices she won't be getting any either. She's a woman that wants everything to be perfect. As her daughter I fall under that category; a category which she designed to fulfill her desires. At this point I'm convinced that she might be a control freak and there doesn't seem to be a way of stopping her habits. And now that I've gone and did what I did, who knows what she'll do next.

"Fucking hell..."


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