(BL) After The Boss Wears Can...

By nswz99

358K 11.8K 353

ALL TRANSLATION IS AUTO TRANSLATE FROM RAW (sorry if there is any mistake since I do just for fun and it is n... More

Chapter 1(Arc 1: Counterattack Adopted Son)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19(Arc 2: I Look Better Than You)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38(Arc 3: Dove Occupying Magpie's Nest)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65(Arc 4: Marshall vs Mermaid)
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93(Arc 5: Ancient Buddies)
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120(Arc 6: The Devil's Elf)
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146(Arc 7: Ghost King vs Celestial Master)
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181(Match Made in Heaven)

Chapter 103

1.2K 43 1
By nswz99

Jiang Mo didn't really intend to take over other countries, he couldn't become a fat man, and he didn't take care of his own country's affairs, let alone other things.

In the majestic hall, a man in a black robe sits at the top, and the ministers stand in their own positions in different categories. The golden dragon hovers on the vermilion pillars. There are nine such pillars in the hall, hence the name of the hall. Kowloon Hall.

The Nine Dragon Hall is located directly in front of the imperial palace, and it is the place of the early court, and all domestic and foreign matters of Dachen will be resolved here.

Jiang Mo dropped the booklet in his hand, and went back, "What do you think about Daxia's matter?"

Some time ago, Daxia took down the two small cities of Dachen by surprise, and handed over the letter of negotiation, which was clearly a negotiation , actually asked Dachen to redeem the two small cities with money.

They thought Dachen would be the same as in the past, and they would directly spend money and eliminate disasters without saying a word. How could they expect an accident this time. After many days, there was no news from Dachen. Daxia couldn't stand it anymore, and went forward to attack another town , hand over the credentials again.

Jiang Mo was taking care of the Lin family's affairs, and hadn't freed up his hands to deal with the border affairs. Only a few days later, there was another bad news.

Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes, looked at the crowd below, and asked, "Which general is guarding the northeast?"

"Return to Your Majesty, it's the He family, General He Yong."

"General He," Jiang Mo knocked

Knocking on the dragon chair, "No one dares to commit crimes in the northwest guarded by General Gu. Why do accidents occur frequently in the northeast?" After recuperating for a while, they will attack the Northeast with full firepower, not the ministers..."

"Oh? According to you, I blamed you all wrong?" Jiang Mo interrupted the other party, squinting his eyes displeased, "You do the math, Northeast How many times has this happened?"

The ministers lowered their heads and said nothing. After a long while, a young official stepped forward, "Return to Your Majesty, this is the fourth time since the date of His Majesty's ascension to the throne. If it is counted from the time of the late emperor, This is the thirty-seventh time."

Jiang Mo glanced at him, he was a newly promoted official, he nodded, "Forty-one, why don't you count it, how much money was lost in these forty-one occasions ?"

It is definitely not a small sum.

Daxia was originally a small country, but it forcibly developed and grew by absorbing Dachen's blood. Up to now, it has become a big country comparable to Dachen. Originally, the situation where one country dominated Dachen was broken, but now Dachen, Daan, and Daxia are three kingdoms, and Daxia's national power has already surpassed Dachen.

It is not once or twice that Daxia harassed Dachen's border. Dachen borders Daxia in many places, and even many of Daxia's current lands belong to Dachen, but Daxia is advancing, Dachen is retreating, and the emperor does nothing. The people of the country can only watch the land being invaded by others, and there is nothing they can do.

Things like today have happened many times. The northwest is Gu Zheng's base, and it is difficult for Daxia to get good deals from there, so they set their sights on the northeast. They seized a city, and then sent a message to Dachen, asking them to buy the land back with a large sum of money, otherwise they will continue to move forward.

For some unknown reason, the first emperor agreed to their request the first time. Daxia tasted the sweetness, and robbed it again in the second year. Dachen paid again, and then there was the third time, and the fourth time... Going back and forth, Daxia is like a cat, using the money given by Dachen to develop itself. When Dachen reacts, Daxia is no longer the small country that can be manipulated arbitrarily.

There are Gu family members in the northwest, especially after Gu Zheng took control of the Gu family army, Daxia became more and more unable to please in the northwest, and even lost many people to enter. At this time, the northeast, which is easier to conquer than the northwest, became a hot spot. General He suffered a blow.

"For a long time, when Daxia asks for it, our country will give it to him, cut his own flesh and feed it to the wolves. I don't know what the late emperor thought, but today I'm talking about it. From today on, if we want to fight, we will fight. I, Never discuss peace!"

Jiang Mo's dark eyes swept down, and no one dared to refute, "Since He Yong can't hold it, then I will replace it with someone else, pass on the order, make Deng Han a brave general, lead the army in the northeast, set off immediately, and regain the territory "

As for He Yong, tell him to come back to me!"

The news that the emperor was going to send troops to the Northeast spread quickly in the capital, and people were discussing the news all over the street.

Jiang Mo changed into casual clothes and left the palace with Gu Zheng.

This era is more tolerant than the ancient times in the traditional sense. Speech is relatively free. What happens in the court can be discussed briefly. Although my brother cannot be an official, he is not confined to the backyard. The brothers of the common people can walk freely on the street.

Gu Zheng led Jiang Mo to the famous teahouse "Yipinxiang" in the capital. The owner of "Yipinxiang" is from Jiangsu Province. Come here to pack a copy and bring it to Jiang Mo.

The two climbed up the steps and arrived at the second floor of the teahouse. Gu Zheng had already fixed the location, and the waiter in the shop took the two to the corresponding location. Gu Zheng ordered Jiang Mo's favorite pastry with ease.

The waiter in the shop didn't know Gu Zheng, but the shopkeeper knew the young man who often came to buy refreshments. The waiter put Gu Zheng's ordered refreshments on the table one by one, and finally took out a plate of pale golden round pastries.

"This is a new refreshment in the building. The shopkeeper specially gave it to the two of you to try. Thank you for visiting our shop frequently."

Knowing that the customers who choose the second floor do not like to be disturbed, the waiter in the shop left the door after placing the tea set and refreshments , and carefully close the compartment door.

"Yipinxiang" is indeed a popular tea house in the capital. There is an endless stream of customers. There are merchants and ordinary people, as well as dignitaries like Gu Zheng. Those who are rich and don't like noisy people will choose the private room on the second floor. It is also an anecdote to invite two or three friends to drink tea together.

Opening the large window on the left side of the private room, one can see the excitement on the first floor at a glance. Gu Zheng deftly made a pot of tea and filled Jiang Mo's cup, "The tea here tastes good."

In the small white porcelain cup, the tea water is green and clear, with a clear fragrance, fresh and refreshing.

Jiang Mo accepted Gu Zheng's service calmly, took a sip with a smile, and immediately felt the fragrance on his lips and teeth, and praised: "Fresh and pleasant, good tea."

Gu Zheng smiled and said: "The refreshments made by this teahouse are unique in the capital. Since it is a new product recommended by the shopkeeper, it must be good, Your Majesty, try it."

Jiang Mo picked up a piece of pale gold tea, and under the light, he could clearly see the pattern outlined with a little darker gold on the tea, and the round pastry was just outlined. A small landscape map, ingeniously, the first part of this landscape map is connected without any trace.

Bite lightly, the sweetness hits the face, the taste is soft and glutinous, sweet but not greasy, Jiang Mo put the remaining half directly into his mouth, squinting his eyes in satisfaction.

good to eat.

After eating one, Jiang Mo picked up the second one. Before Gu Zheng could react, the pale golden ball was pressed against his mouth. The person holding the chopsticks smiled and rolled his eyes, and said in a soft voice, "Gu Zheng Qing, try it, it's very sweet."

Gu Zheng opened his mouth slightly, took the small dumpling in his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

very sweet.

Very sweet.

It's like drinking a big bucket of honey, it's sweet. He thought, this should be the sweetest and most delicious refreshment he has ever eaten in his life.

He smiled, his eyebrows stretched, and Jiang Mo's small reflection was printed in his eyes, full of smiles.

Just as they were about to say something, there was a commotion from below. The two of them looked towards the large window, and it turned out that a group of scholars had made a fuss.

There has never been a shortage of scholars in the capital. The spring has just passed, and the students who passed the exam stayed in the capital. Those who failed the exam packed their bags and either fought again in the next year or left completely. Now, it is a group of students who passed the exam who are talking here.

What they were talking about was nothing but the Northeast War that they had just talked about in court.

"If you ask me, Your Majesty made a good decision," the student in Tsing Yi clasped his fists upwards, talking eloquently, "Thirty years ago, Daxia was only a tiny place, and it grew by sucking my Dachen's blood. Don't care about them, but feed their ambitions. Now that General Gu is guarding the northwest, no one dares to offend, so they set their minds on the northeast. In the end, they are just bullying the weak and fearing the hard."

"That's right ." "Another student stepped forward, "Not everyone is General Gu. Can you guarantee that the new General Deng, His Majesty, can defeat Daxia's iron cavalry in one fell swoop and regain the occupied city? Didn't everyone forget about it?"

Five years ago, Daxia invaded the Northeast, and after occupying the next city, he sent a letter of credence to Dachen, asking for a lot of money and jewels as before, the difference is that this time they still need one person. It was rare for the first emperor to be stubborn, rejected their request, and sent 100,000 troops to the northeast to retake the city, but the result was tragic. They failed, Daxia was furious, and ordered the massacre of the city. The entire city had no survivors.

Until now, that city still stands in the northeast, lifeless and a dead city.

"Brother Liu, you are wrong," the student in Tsing Yi took two steps forward, "We failed five years ago, but it doesn't mean that we will fail this time as well. If we don't do it because of failure, we will always be a failure Just like our exams, no one can guarantee that we will pass the first time, but we will still take part, the result is secondary, the important thing is the process, the same reason, we can't be afraid of failure and blindly tolerate Daxia's request, this is What they wanted was money last time, so how do you know if they want the whole country next time?"

"Besides," he changed the subject, "Since His Majesty has made such a decision, he must have his own plans."

Jiang Mo said calmly. The courtiers didn't spread the identity of the brother, probably because they didn't dare, so that these students didn't know anything.

Jiang Mo leaned against the window with great interest, and waved to Gu Zheng, "Gu Qing, come and see these people."

Gu Zheng put down the half-soaked tea, walked behind Jiang Mo, and wrapped his arms around his lover's flexible waist , Whispered in Jiang Mo's ear, "The minister is here, why is Your Majesty going to see others?"

Jiang Mo felt that he smelled a sour smell. After being together, Gu Zheng never concealed his possessive desire for Jiang Mo. Jiang Mo knew that this person has always been like this, so he let him.

He stroked Gu Zheng's big head as a consolation, and Gu Zheng slapped his head on his lover's shoulder contentedly, "The one in Tsing Yi is the little grandson of Feng Ge's hometown, Feng Qing."

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