The Little Princess

By escapetounknown

103K 1.7K 83

Y/n Leclerc was 14 when Jules died. She had never been to races anyway, only ever watching on TV, so it wasn'... More

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2.6K 42 1
By escapetounknown

Y/n didn't know what a Ballon D'Or was, but Pierre seemed excited about it. He spent the whole helicopter flight excitedly babbling on about famous football players. "What should I wear?" Y/n said playing with Pierre's fingers on the taxi ride to the hotel. "I've already organised that, there's a dress waiting in the hotel room for you." He said smiling.

Pierre truly had sorted it. The dress was beautiful. It suited Y/n perfectly, and showed just how strongly Pierre knew her. It was modest and elegant, accentuating all of Y/n's best feature. 

"I feel like I look silly, I've never dressed this formal."

"You've never looked so beautiful."

The whole ceremony, or award show, or whatever you would call it, was mayhem. Thankfully Y/n and Elena, who she had only met once before, had bonded over their complete ignorance to all things football. Pierre had never shifted his attention fully from y/n, conscious of how she was feeling, making sure she was comfortable. Whether it was his hand on her upper thigh, slipping his fingers just underneath the split in her dress, or squeezing her hand, kissing just below her ear after leaning over to talk to her, Y/n felt entirely like she and Pierre were the only two people in the world. The couple had ended up at an afterparty with Esteban and Elena, and Y/n was slowly becoming over stimulated, being greeted and small talked by everyone, having to switch between French, English and Italian in rapid succession, and trying to remember people's names and why they were important. "Are you ready to go, Princesse?" Pierre said, pulling her back towards him so she was leaning against him. "I'm alright, we can stay a bit longer if you'd like?" she muttered, turning her head slightly so she could see him. "I'd rather spend time alone, back at the hotel, just us, and maybe a movie?" he whispered into her ear, while stroking her back lightly. Y/n just nodded okay, and followed Pierre as he led her to the car.

Pierre's hand had been very adventurous in the car. Slipping under the split and exploring every inch of her thigh. A few times he had 'absentmindedly' fiddled with the strap of her thong. She had whined his name a few times, but he just shushed her. By the time the two had made it back to their room, Y/n was ready to jump him. "P, please" she muttered against his lips, "I want you to touch me". 

"What do you mean Princesse? I am touching you." Pierre said, with a mischievous smirk. It was true, he was fiddling with the very top of the dresses split, tracing small shapes on her skin.

"Higher," Y/n said, placing her hand on his, "Please."

Pierre started walking her backwards towards the bed, "Are you sure?". His face was serious, "I don't want to rush you".

"Please Pierre" she said quietly, looking into her eyes.

Pierre's hands went to the dress zip, "can I?" 

Y/n just nodded.

As the material dropped to her feet, Pierre just stared at her. It was the first time he could look at her like this, with no guilt and no panic. "You are so beautiful" he said connecting their lips and guiding her backwards until they were lying down, him hovering over her. 

Pierre caressed her sides, pulling down her thong. "Jesus, if Charles knew what we were up to right now" Pierre smiled down at her. 

"Pierre, what the hell, talking about my brother right now."

"Sorry, Sorry" Pierre chuckled. "Princesse, I want to warn you, it might be sore for a little bit, but I'm not going to rush straight into it"

"I'm going to play with you a little first" he said with a wink.

Pierre started kissing down her chest, stomach, then down her left thigh. He licked slowly up the inside of her thigh before flicking at her clit lightly.

"Oh, wow" Y/n moaned.

"Is that good Princesse?"


Pierre made himself at home between there, guiding her towards her first ever orgasm.

Once she had come down from her high,Pierre went to pull away from her. She grabbed hold of him, "Pierre, please. Show me how much you love me."

"I know baby and I will, I'm just getting a condom"

Y/n giggled, quite embarrassed at her lack of understanding.

Pierre made his way back up her body, kissing her so fiercely, full of so much love. He looked her in the eye, "you ready?". The small girl below him only nodded at him. 

"Baby, I'm going to need you to say it."

"Yes, P, please"

Pierre eased his way into her, slowly, doing his best not to hurt her. She hissed in pain. He stopped his movement, leaning down and wiping a tear from her face. "I'm sorry, it'll get better soon I promise." Y/n reached up and squeezed his shoulder, smiling weakly. Pierre began to move again. His rhythm was steady and soon Y/n started to feel less pain and an increasing amount of pleasure. 

Pierre began to lose focus, watching her unravel beneath him. His movements got rougher, and faster. Y/n began to whine. 

"Oh shit, baby I'm sorry." he mumbled, almost entirely pulling out of her.

"No" she moaned, digging her nails into his back pulling him back towards her, "I like it."

Pierre smirked, before picking up the pace again. His hand moved to toy with her clit, wanting to get her to finish before he gave into all his urges finally. 

"Oh my god Pierre, don't stop please. I'm close."

The lit a fire under Pierre. He didn't let up until she was shaking under him, crying out from the intensity of her orgasm. The sheer erotic-ness of seeing her like that made Pierre cum almost instantly. 

"I love you, Princesse" Pierre said, stroking her hair softly, pulling out of her and laying next to her.

"I love you too, P"

"I never want anyone else, only you."

The two lay there, simply cherishing the quiet moment.

Y/n burst out laughing. "Charles really will kill you now!"

"What! So it's okay for you to say but not me" Pierre said sitting up and looking at her mockingly. 

Y/n just roared with laughter, before Pierre lunged at her. "Would you stop laughing please, this is life or death we're talking here."

"No, it's just your life and your death. Not my problem you chose to sleep with your best friend's baby sister." Y/n said in between fits of laughter. 

Pierre lay on top of her tickling her, "And it was worth it."

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