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Saturday had gone by relatively quickly. Charles had qualified P2. He was happy but wanted to have a good race today. However, Y/n was in a bit of shit with her three older brother. They thought she had hurt herself and had hidden it from them. Lorenzo had seen bruises on Y/n's sides and legs. Y/n knew they were from friday with Pierre, but she couldn't exactly explain that to her brothers. Charlotte and her sister had saved y/n though, saying that the three girls had had a pillow fight when they were having a drink on saturday night and one thing led to another and Y/n and Valentine had gotten a little bit overzealous. That had seemed to calm them down but they were still unhappy she had gotten hurt and didn't tell them.

Y/n, Enzo, Charlotte and her family and Arthur was in the Ferrari hospitality watching the race. There were only a few laps left and Charles was P3. Pierre was really close to getting points too. When the checkered flag was waved Max won again. It was looking like he was going to seal the championship. Charles finished P3, and the group made their way down to the podium. Y/n could tell her brother wasn't particularly happy, but she also saw Pierre behind him. He looked very happy for someone who had finished P11. He came over to congratulate Charles, "Good job mate, I know it's not what you wanted, but points are points. Also I only have half an hour of media so if Y/n goes and gets her shit after podium, I'll come and get her". Charles just gave Pierre a thumbs up, "Did you hear that Little Princess, after the podium celebration go get ready" he said looking at his sister. "Yes, sounds good. Thank you very much again." She said turning to Pierre.

"Do you have everything?" Lorenzo asked his baby sister. "Yes Enzo. I have like two bags, full of everything I could possibly need." She said waving him off as he walked her outside to meet Pierre, who was stood waiting with a few others. Pyry leant over and whispered to Pierre, "You didn't tell me she was a Leclerc." Pierre chuckled, "I didn't think that was necessary information." Lorenzo carried one of Y/n's bags down to the group. "Hey Pierre, Thanks for looking after my baby sister. Make sure she gets to her flatmates okay for us?" Lorenzo said shaking Pierre's hand. "Of course mate, Mini Leclerc is in good hands!" Y/n rolled her eyes at him. "We better get going though, otherwise we'll miss the flight." Pierre said clapping his hands and picking up Y/n's bags. The group set off, Y/n trailing behind the boys as she didn't want to draw attention to herself. "Y/n come here," Pierre called out to her. "I want to introduce you to Ilies, he's one of my best friends. Ilies, this is Y/n. She's Charles younger sister, and also the girl I told you about." Ilies reached his hand out for a shake, and as Y/n leant forward to return the shake, her top and skirt rode up slightly and her bruises were visible. "Shit Princesse, was that my fault? Did I hurt you?" Pierre said as he looked towards the bruises that looked very similar to his fingers. Y/n widened her eyes at him, and Ilies face turned into a smirk. No one said anything as they walked through the paddock gates, and into Pierre's waiting car. "I thought you said you hadn't slept with her" Ilies said, turning around in the front seat to look at Pierre. "I- We-We haven't dude." Pierre was stuttering. Ilies laughed "Man, I only give girls bruises like that when they're bouncing on my dick, begging for it rough," Y/n gaped, "and I know how much you love cowgirl, almost as much as doggy." Pierre threw a water bottle at Ilies, "Dude, shut the fuck up. That's not what happened, and I'm not explaining that to you." Pierre casually put his arm behind the seat, dropping it back so Y/n could see it from where she was sitting behind him. Y/n lifted her hand up and fiddled with his fingers. Pierre laced their fingers together. Pyry who was sat next to Pierre, looked behind him and saw the pair holding hands, smiled and turned back around. Pyry had noticed that Pierre was the happiest he'd been in a long time. Normally Pierre would be upset that he'd not made it into the points, but he didn't seem to care.

As the car pulled up to the airport, Y/n started sorting her things, but the car didn't stop, instead it pulled through a private gate onto the tarmac. "What's happening" Y/n leant forward and whispered in Pierre's ear. "We're getting on the plane" he whispered back. "You didn't mention it was a private jet", she was shocked as they pulled up to a small plane. The men exited the car first, Y/n hadn't moved. "Come on Princesse, or we'll leave without you" Pierre said holding out a hand to her. She took his hand and he lead her into the plane. As Pierre sat down, Y/n took her carry on bag into the bathroom to change. She took of her makeup and let her hair down, the pulled on a pair of navy blue sweatpants, and a cropped singlet type top. As she exited the bathroom, Pierre swore he had never seen anyone more beautiful in his life. Y/n sat down next to Pierre, and couldn't help but notice he was staring at her. "P, is there something on my face." Pierre shook his head, "No, you're just beautiful" he mumbled quietly, "I've never seen you look more beautiful". Y/n yawned, "I don't know whether to be offended or flattered." Y/n rubbed her arms, the plane was colder than she had expected, and all her jumpers and sweaters had been packed in her other bag. "Are you cold?" Y/n shook her head. "Liar, here take this." Pierre pulled off the Alpha Tauri F1 hoodie he was wearing and put it in Y/n's lap. Y/n thanked him and pulled it over her head. As the plane started take off procedures, Y/n closed her eyes and leant her head back against the seat. It had been a long weekend and she was exhausted. By the time Y/n opened her eyes, they were already landing. Her head was resting against his shoulder, his arm draped around her. He was still fast asleep. Y/n could hear Ilies and Pyry talking. "I don't think I've ever seen him this relaxed on a flight" Ilies said. "I know, he has never fallen asleep on a flight before. Even the one to Australia." Pyry replied. "She must be special, especially if he's serious about not having slept with her, when was the last time he saw a girl and didn't sleep with her on the first night" Ilies snorted. Y/n's heart fell, was Pierre a player, did he only want to sleep with her. So many thoughts ran through her head, but she still had her eyes closed so everybody still thought she was asleep. Pierre had woken up during the conversation and was looking at Ilies and Pyry. "Y/n is not like other girls. I mean, yes she's gorgeous, and yes i would love to sleep with her, but if I have to wait a year I wouldn't care, she's special. And we aren't even together together, we're just seeing where this goes. I've only known her three weeks, but I feel different with her. Just don't put pressure on, please keep this to yourselves, no one can know, and please please stop talking about sex. It makes her uncomfortable." Ilies chuckled again, "Why not, is she a virgin or something, if you feel this way about her, why would you not sleep with her." Pierre shifted uncomfortably, "I won't do anything until she's ready, okay, so shut up or you'll wake her." Pierre had felt Y/n shift and didn't want her to hear the conversation. Pierre stroked her hair trying to soothe her. "P," she mumbled, "are we there?" Pierre smiled, "Yes, we're just landing."

As they all disembarked the plane, Y/n sleepily stumbled towards the car. "I'll drop Ilies and Pyry off at their places, then I'll take you to your flatmates, okay?" Pierre said to the tired and confused girl. "But P, I thought I was staying with-", Pierre's hand went over her mouth. "Do you want everyone to know? Shhh" Pierre ushered her into the front seat. "Ahhh, incognito..." Y/n muttered. Pierre chuckled and started driving. It was almost an hour before Pierre and Y/n arrived at his apartment building. Y/n was more awake now but still exhausted, and it was fair enough, it was nearly eleven and she had gotten up at 5 am. "Come on Princesse, let's get you into bed." Pierre said opening the door for her. "Legs too heavy. Sleeping in car" the monegasque laughed. "Okay over the shoulder you go." Y/n squealed as he picked her up. "Get the key out of my back pocket, please" Y/n pulled the keys out and Pierre turned around so she was facing the door. "Now unlock the door" he instructed. "Sir, yes, sir!" Pierre laughed, "Open the door, funny guy." Y/n's mouth fell open, "Wow your apartment is nice! Now take me to bed" she said waving her arms around. "At least take me out to dinner first!" Pierre laughed, "You know what I meant, Frenchie". Y/n squealed again as he threw her down on the bed in the guest room. "You sleep now, we can make plans in the morning. Goodnight, Beautiful." Y/n mumbled "wait", waving him back, basically already asleep. "What is it?" Pierre said kneeling down next to Y/n's. "Give me a goodnight kiss... please" she whispered, turning her face to look at him. Pierre kissed her on the forehead. She made a small hmph sound. "I'm only going to kiss you properly, when you're wide awake." He smiled and left the room. She was going to be the death of him.

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