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It was Race Day. Quali had gone well for Charles, he was on Pole. Y/n's brother was the king of Pole Position. But to everyone's surprise, Pierre had taken the other front row position. Y/n didn't know whether she was excited or nervous, obviously for her brother, but also at the same time she had a secret hope for the coffee Pierre promised her.

"Ma Petite Princesse", Charles called her over to where he and Carlos were standing on the starting grid. The two were in front of Charles' car with both their engineers and Carlos' PR manager. Y/n made her way over, "Yes, Big Brother." "We were just talking about the plan for post race interviews," Y/n sighed, "and also, Carlos' PR manager just let me know that we've both been invited to a party tonight." Y/n shook her head quickly and repeatedly, "No,no,no,no, seriously Charles, I'm not good with parties, I get freaked out, you know that." Her panic was clear even if you didn't speak french. "But you were fine in Ibiza" Charles huffed. "That was because it was my birthday and I had all three of my brothers, and I felt safe. I want to spend time with Arthur, I feel bad enough I haven't watched him drive all weekend." Y/n began trying to find any reason to not go. "So it's a good thing Arthur is invited too, hey?" Charles said with a smirk. Y/n rolled her eyes, she knew she wasn't going to win this one, but at least she could be unhappy about it.

Y/n could see Pierre making his towards the front row, and excused herself from her brother, saying she was going to meet Isa and Charlotte in the garage. As she walked down the grid, she looked down, hoping perhaps he wouldn't notice her. He did, but not before someone else did. Lance Stroll made his way over to Y/n. "Hey Y/n, hey, could I talk to you for a second?" Y/n stopped, still looking down and sighed "Sure Lance, what can I do for you". She was getting anxious, and starting to pick at her fingers again. "I was wondering if you were going to the Driver party tonight?", he continued with a smirk, "I thought maybe if you were going, we could revisit that conversation from the other night." Y/n was making her knuckles raw from scratching at them, "I'm not interested in sleeping with you, Lance" she said quietly. He got closer to her, she could feel his breath on her and she really didn't like it. "Hmm that's a shame because I am very interested in sleeping with you", Lance was really freaking Y/n out, "You see, i have this thing for virgins, and everyone knows I'm good in bed. It wouldn't be the worst thing babe."

Pierre could see Y/n picking at her hands, Lance far too close to her for his liking. He didn't even excuse himself from his conversation with Yuki and headed towards the two. 

"Please don't call me babe" Y/n whimpered, barely audible. "Look, I get everything I want, and I'll get you, and you'll be so happy I did", Lance grabbed Y/n's face, trying to get her to look at him. She was breathing heavily, on the verge of a panic attack. "Lance, take your hand off her," Pierre spoke quietly but sternly, "right now, Lance". Lance dropped his hand from Y/n's face, looking at Pierre, "Mate, she'll be begging for me once I'm through with her", laughing before walking off. Pierre's hand balled into a fist and went to walk after him. A small hand stopped him, "Please don't leave me alone." Pierre looked at her face, her eyes about to spill over with tears. "Come on, follow me" Pierre said and Y/n didn't drop her hand from his wrist.

As soon as Pierre had got Y/n off the grid, he pulled her into a alleyway between two garages. "Hey, it's okay", pulling her closer to him as she started crying silently. Pierre didn't particularly no what to say. Y/n pulled back, tears still spilling over, "You need to go get in you car Pierre". He looked at his watch, "I've got five minutes until I HAVE to be in the car, I wanted to make sure you were alright". Y/n smiled a little, her tears slowing down slightly. "I don't want you to be distracted by my dumb problems, my brother can sometimes drive stupidly and I don't want you getting hurt because I distracted you from your 'pre-race focus'." Pierre smiled "I would be more distracted if I hadn't made sure you were alright. Are you going to tell me what happened?" Y/n nodded. "I think he threatened me" "That fuc-" "Pierre, do you want to here about it or not." Pierre nodded and let her continue. "I- I think he was threatening to rape me or something after the party tonight" she paused, looking up at Pierre. "I think that's what he meant at least", Pierre had noticed she was still holding onto him. "Tell me what he said." She took a deep breath" He said "You see, i have this thing for virgins, and everyone knows I'm good in bed. It wouldn't be the worst thing babe, and then, Look, I get everything I want, and I'll get you, and you'll be so happy I did". Pierre was pissed. Lance had definitely been threatening her. "Okay, well how about I make you a promise" Pierre said looking into Y/n's eyes, "I won't leave your side tonight, I'm pretty sure he's a bit afraid of me". Y/n smiled weakly "That won't be much fun, I'm not great at parties." Pierre smiled warmly, "I promise we will have a good time," he looked at his watch again. "Look I should really probably go, Pyry is definitely having a breakdown somewhere trying to find me." He looked back into her eyes, "Are you sure you're okay?" she nodded and muttered a quiet thank you. "I'll see you after the race with your coffee mademoiselle" his smile was wide and Y/n swore his eyes were sparkling. "You have to win first" Y/n laughed. "Will do Princesse! Okay I seriously have to go now", as he detached from her hold, she only just realised she had been holding him the whole time. "Wait, Pierre!" she called as he walked away, "Please be safe." He smiled again "Always".

When Y/n finally arrived in the Ferrari garage, Charlotte noticed two things and bolted over to her. The first, Y/n looked like she was in a dreamy state, and secondly, her knuckles were raw and Charlotte knew that meant she'd been very anxious. "OMG Y/n, where have you been! Are you okay?" Y/n smiled, "Uh Lance strolled threatened me and I think I have a crush on Pierre Gasly." 

"WHAT!" Y/n then proceeded to explain everything to Charlotte, and then again to Isa after they were introduced. There were waves of shock going through them. Once they had finally finished gossiping they turned their attention to the race. There was only ten laps left and Charles and Pierre were fighting it out at the front.  "Are you guys going to this party tonight?'' Y/n asked the other girls, not taking her eyes off the track. "Yes" They said in unison. "What do I wear?" Y/n asked. Charlotte squealed "OMG you're coming! Yay, we can get ready together. Isa?" The Spaniard lit up "Absolutely."

"OMG, Pierre just overtook Charles!" Y/n's jaw dropped. "There's only three laps left. He might actually win." Charlotte was equally shocked, but saw Y/n's eye's light up. Charlotte leaned towards her friend and whispered "You secretly want him to win?", the other french speaker smiled "Well, I want the free coffee he's offering". "Is that a euphemism I don't understand?" Charlotte said shocked. "Charlotte, I love you but shut up! It's the last lap" Y/n said sharply. The ferrari team went running out to the barrier. "Come on, lets go to the pit ferme. We can congratulate whoever wins from the front."

The girls were leaning against the barriers, as the two ferraris pulled in. Into position 2 and 3. Pierre had actually won. He pulled his Alpha Tauri into position 1, to cheers from the whole of the red bull and alpha tauri crews. Y/n was smiling as he jumped up onto the front of his car. He point up at the sky, and she knew what that meant. He'd done it for him. He ran over and jumped onto his team, pulling his helmet off as he cheered. Charles and Carlos both came over and hugged the girls, being patted on the back by the rest of the team. "Well done big brother, you did good!" Charles simply kissed his sister on the cheek and smiled, moving away. As the Ferrari team calmed down and the girls moved round to watch the podium. Except Y/n was pulled into a massive bear hug from the other side of the barrier. "I told you I'd win." She could feel Pierre was smiling against the side of her face. "You did," Y/n laughed. "I'll see you later with coffee huh?"he asked still holding her to him. "Okay, you better let me go now or people will get the wrong idea" Y/n squeezed his side. "So what" he smiled at her pulling back to look at her face. "Pierre, go!" she laughed. "Going, going" he backed away hands up.

Y/n joined the other girls. "What was all that?" Charlotte asked. "Nothing, just a bet" Y/n laughed. The three girls were at the front of the barrier again, watching as Carlos walked out stepping up on the third step. The girls cheered and he waved at them and the team. Then out came Charles, smiling and waving at them, tripping as he got up on the second step. The girls laughed, clapping and cheering. Then out came Pierre. Y/n's heart skipped a beat. He looked good, too good. Something about him being sweaty and happy just got to her. He waved and looked directly at her as he got up on the top step, winking at her and sticking out his tongue. He looked close to tears as the national anthem played and he was handed his trophy. Y/n was smiling, thinking about how she would feel if she fulfilled everything her father and Jules wanted for her. As the boys started spraying champagne, Pierre nudged Charles and gestured over to the girls. They both had mischievous looks on their faces as they turned to the girls and sprayed them all with champagne. They girls just laughed and celebrated with the others. 

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