Only Because of His Personali...

By itzgibbie_unu

142 5 2

Belle Rushes around the school all day everyday, doing her work and attending her classes. That is until Ada... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

6 0 0
By itzgibbie_unu

"Which booth do you want to go to, Belle?" I hear Adam ask from beside me

We bought tickets for whatever we wanted to do here but we have to pay for the booths. Though it's fine either way, brought money for both.

"I don't know" I spotted a booth where you were supposed to knock over containers. "How about that one?" I ask, pointing to the booth I'm referring to.

Adam simply nods, grabs my hand and walks over to the booth with me on his tail.

"Hello! Would you like to play and win a prize?" The booth owner says

"How many times can I play to get the best prize?" Adam Asks the booth owner.

"Well, If you knock over two pins you can get the small ones" He points to the small plushies,

"If you knock over four to six you can get the bigger ones, the ones most people get" This time he points over to the bigger plushies that look the same as the small ones.

"And If you knock over all of them, you can pick out whatever you want! Including the jewelry." He says holding his arms out to everything in his booth.

I look at the jewelry he mentioned and I spot a beautiful pin with a rose in the middle and small vines and leaves surrounding it.

I snap out of my gaze when Adam asks how much it is.

"For one try it's a dollar. Two tries its five dollars and for three tries its ten. So what will it be?" The owner says counting on his fingers.

"I'll have one try." Adam replies

Adam gives the man a dollar and gets back one ball, a ball the size of a golf ball.

Once He throws the ball at one of the bottom bottles, all the rest come tumbling down.

"WHOA! You did it in one try! That's impressive considering that those bottles are heavy! You have a nice throwing hand too! You're my new favorite!" the owner says pointing at him and leaning over the bar towards him. "What prize do you want?" He says again to Adam who is looking around the booth.

His gaze stops at the jewelry and he points at the rose pin that I was looking at.

"I want this one." He says picking the pin up.

"Oh. I wonder who it's for. Who is it for?" The booth owner asks, leaning over the counter again.

Adam turns to me and holds out the pin. I just look at him.

"Take it." He says ushering me to grab it. I grab it and admire it.

Whispering a thank you to him before the booth owner starts talking again.

When some more people come to play the game, the booth owner says goodbye to us and tells us to come back later.

I pocket the pin Adam just gave me and we go and get on a few more rides.

It starts to get dark so we decide to get food and then go on the Ferris wheel.

When we get on the Ferris wheel and we go up stopping a few times on the way to the top.

Whoa, Adam, look at that sunset!" I say when we get to the very top and stop there.

"Yeah it's beautiful." He says and turns towards me. I look towards him and see his gaze away from me and pink dusts his cheeks.

"Belle, I have a question for you." When I hum, and tell him to go on, he then says, "Will you go to the homecoming dance with me?" Heat rushes to my cheeks when he says those unexpected words.

"W-what. You want me to go with you?!" I say in shock, stuttering. I never stutter, what do I feel like this?

"Yes, I do. You do have to say yes, I just want to know if I'm getting rejected or not even though I really want to go with you." He says finally looking at me in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Adam. I need time to think about it. But, this is not rejection so don't be sad, please. I just need to get my thoughts together." I say averting my gaze from his eyes.

"That's fine if you need time, I'm not sad about it, just disappointed that I can't get my answer yet. He says leaning his head back to look at the sky.

For the rest of the ride we were silent, though it's comfortable silence.


We walk away from the big flashing lights towards my house. Adam offered to walk home with me like usual. We made small talk about how we enjoyed ourselves and how we liked the festival.

Our walk is longer than usual but I don't mind

"Belle" I reply by looking at him humming. "Let me know when you make up your mind. I'll be here, you have my number."

I nod but I don't say anything because I already made up my mind. But I'm not going to tell him just yet.

We continue walking, not noticing the small rain drops as we approach my house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Belle." I hear Adam say behind me.

I stop abruptly and turn around to face his leaving figure. "Wait Adam!" I say without anything to actually tell him.

"Yes?" I just stare just as the rain starts to come down lightly.

Why am I doubting my actions now, I should just say it Shouldn't I? I inhale a shaky breath and walk towards Adam a bit.

"I'll go with you to the dance. I've made up my mind. I want to go with you." Why was that so hard? It's not like we're going as a couple or anything, just friends. Right?

Okay Belle. Goodnight." he says with a smile.

Heat rushes to my cheeks for the second time tonight.

"Goodnight Adam!" I say turning to walk into my house.

When I get into the house, I am satisfied with my answer for him. I want to go with him to the homecoming dance. I am satisfied.

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