Draco's Hufflepuff | Emerging

By honeysucklebuttercup

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"Please don't, for one second, ever doubt my love for you. That's the only thing I'm sure of." ** What happen... More

One: Aching
Two: Exceeds Expectations
Three: Knockturn Alley
Four: Hogwarts Express
Six: Illuminate
Seven: Flustered
Eight: Mesmerising
Nine: Solace
Ten: Caught
Eleven: Muffliato
Twelve: Revolting
Thirteen: Ashamed
Fourteen: The Boathouse
Fifteen: Shattered
Sixteen: Conceited
Seventeen: Dumbledore's Office
Eighteen: Amortentia
Nineteen: Obsessive
Twenty: Madam Puddifoots
Twenty-One: Revelation
Twenty-Two: Conflict
Twenty-Three: Surprises
Twenty-Four: Jealousy
Twenty-Five: Traitor
Twenty-Six: Anguish
Twenty-Seven: Nightmare
Twenty-Eight: Eavesdropping
Twenty-Nine: Neville Longbottom
Thirty: Betrayed
Thirty-One: Reputation
Thirty-Two: Veritaserum
Thirty-Three: Reconcile
Thirty-Four: Courtyard Duel
Thirty-Five: Hospital Wing
Thirty-Six: Winter Ball
Thirty-Seven: Official
Thirty-Eight: Malfoy Manor
Thirty-Nine: Incarcerous
Forty: Christmas Eve
Forty-One: Christmas Day
Forty-Two: Boxing Day
Forty-Three: Marked
Forty-Four: Hair Wash
Forty-Five: The Malfoys
Forty-Six: Muggle London
Forty-Seven: New Year's Eve
Forty-Eight: New Year's Day
Forty-Nine: Portkey
Fifty: Birthday Wishes
Fifty-One: Devotion
Fifty-Two: Inhibitions
Fifty-Three: Emerging
Fifty-Four: Devastation
Fifty-Five: Decompress
Fifty-Six: Disaster
Fifty-Seven: Slytherin Party
Fifty-Eight: Humiliation
Fifty-Nine: Altercation
Sixty: Cursed
Sixty-One: Valentine's Day
Sixty-Two: Detention
Sixty-Three: Poisoned
Sixty-Four: Apathetic
Sixty-Five: Outburst
Sixty-Six: Catatonic
Sixty-Seven: Grief
Sixty-Eight: Emptiness
Sixty-Nine: Worthless
Seventy: Calming Draught
Seventy-One: Sectumsempra
Seventy-Two: Refusal
Seventy-Three: Blindsided
Seventy-Four: The Boggart
Seventy-Five: Rumours
Seventy-Six: Slug Club
Seventy-Seven: Animosity
Seventy-Eight: Insufferable Bitch
Seventy-Nine: Backstabber
Eighty: Dark Mark
Eighty-One: Haunting
Eighty-Two: Doubt
Eighty-Three: Gone
Thank You & Book Three
Bonus: Draco Malfoy

Five: Tutor

310 2 9
By honeysucklebuttercup


Monday, 2nd September, 1996

Once again, just like in our fifth year, our first lesson on a Monday morning was Potions. I couldn't say I wasn't intrigued to see what Professor Slughorn was going to be like as a teacher. He looked nice enough when Professor Dumbledore introduced him.

He was stood at the front of the classroom with his hands across his middle, and a big smile plastered on his face. He was wearing a black and white pinstripe three-piece suit with beige robes over the top.

On my Potions bench for this year was Hannah, Susan, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, and Lisa Turpin. Draco was all the way on the other side of the classroom with all Slytherins. Hannah was my partner for this year, the Patil twins were Potions partners, and that made Susan and Lisa partners.

Even though I knew that things were going to be different this year, and that I wasn't going to be sat with Draco for every lesson, that didn't stop me feeling disheartened.

"Good morning, everyone! What a pleasure it is to see all your bright, young faces!" Professor Slughorn raised his arms, his voice slightly animated and exaggerated, "I am Professor Horace Slughorn, and I am delighted to be your new Potions Master,"

"I don't know what to take of him... he seems a little- pompous, don't you think?" Hannah whispered in my ear,

"I don't know, maybe he's just enthusiastic?" I said quietly back,

"Now today we're going to have a nice, easy lesson and just looking through the potions we'll be learning throughout the year, so if you could turn to chapter four in your textbooks, that'd be brilliant!" Professor Slughorn clapped his hands together loudly and looked towards the table at the front of the classroom.

On the table Professor Slughorn was looking at, was a vial of Felix Felicis, a cauldron of Amortentia, a cauldron of Polyjuice Potion, and finally, a cauldron of Veritaserum. We were to listen to Professor Slughorn tell us about each of the concoctions and take notes. He'd then ask us a series of questions on the potions.


The first hour of work in our sixth year actually turned out to be rather pleasant. I don't think Hannah was right, I didn't think Slughorn was pompous. He was definitely louder and more jovial than Snape... but then, that wasn't exactly hard.

You could tell he preferred a certain type of person – the smart, successful types, and he liked the finer things, but he seemed decent enough. Although I couldn't be sure after just one lesson, he came across as a teacher who wanted to help everyone achieve the best they could, and he had time for everyone.

Harry had won a little vial of Felix Felicis by answering the most questions correctly. A lot of people were pissed off at him for receiving the bottle of Liquid Luck, but I didn't mind... fair's fair and all that. Even Hermione looked a little pissed off.

Draco seemed amongst the most put out, and whilst I had a bias for the Slytherin boy, I couldn't deny the fact Harry did win the Felix Felicis fairly. If there were a way I could give both boys a vial of the potion, then I would have. I knew for a fact that if I had won it, I would have happily given the entire vial to Draco.

We'd be learning about Amortentia, Veritaserum, and Polyjuice Potion over the next couple of months until Christmas. I found it all quite interesting. Maybe it was Professor Snape that made Potions seem borderline unbearable.


Sitting in the greenhouse for Herbology, Professor Sprout was talking us through our sixth-year curriculum. This year, I was sat nearer the end of the long bench, and in between Neville and Ernie. Draco was on the opposite side of the bench, and further towards the front. Luckily, we could still easily look into each other's eyes.

We were sat on the tall stools, the comforting scent of soil and greenery were as apparent as ever, and I was twirling a large blade of grass in between my fingers.

I knew I should be listening properly to what Professor Sprout was saying, as it was important, but all I could focus on was Draco glaring at Neville and Ernie. I recognised that look on his face instantly. Jealousy.

If I could, I would walk around the bench, stand in between his legs, and smash my lips against his, run my fingers through his perfect hair, and show everyone he was mine and I was his. I pictured Draco's cold hands running up the backs of my thighs, and underneath my grey pleated skirt, squeezing my arse, and swiping a finger over my clit through the cotton of my knickers.

I had to force myself to think of something different because I could feel that heat rising in between my legs and the spot behind my belly button light up. I tucked my hair behind my ear, shook my head faintly, and looked down at the Professor, wondering if anyone had noticed the fact I was beginning to turn myself on by thinking of Draco.

The first two plants we were going to be learning about were Fluxweed and Knotgrass. Professor Sprout was giving presentations on the two magical plants and showing us two examples.


My day so far was going quite well. The work had been easy, it was nice being with my friends again, and the weather was pleasant too. It was that perfect in between summer-to-autumn weather, sunny yet cloudy, around seventeen degrees, and comfortable in your robes.

I even spoke to Draco after Herbology, which was the icing on the cake. I think he in some way wanted to remind me that even though I was sandwiched in between two boys, he would always be more important. Not that I needed reminding, of course, but it sort of felt nice in a way, that he wanted to.

Our first break of our sixth year was spent having an informal meeting with Patrick and Olivia. We were asked to go to the new Prefects common room for a chat over a cup of tea. Susan and I both felt out of our depths but were made to feel more comfortably by our new Head Boy and Girl.

Patrick made us both a cup of tea, and it was a lovely room. I wasn't sure why, but it looked like what I imagined the Gryffindor common room to look like. The walls were burgundy and panelled, the carpet was a dark grey and had subtle specks of navy, forest green, and gold.

As with everywhere else in the castle, the walls were covered in moving portraits. The only difference being that they were all young witches and wizards, in their teens or early twenties. There was an enormous black sectional sofa in the centre of the toom, with an oak coffee table in front of it.

There were lots of shades of red, brown, and yellow. It was inviting and warm. Just like the Hufflepuff common room, there was a coffee and tea making station, and a floor-to-ceiling bookcase filled with both Muggle and wizarding fiction.

There were candles everywhere as well the lamps on the wall. I felt like a part of some exclusive and secretive society, it wasn't often I felt special or important, but being in this room made me feel important somehow.

I'd have to arrange to meet Draco in here at one point, maybe make it another spot for us to go to. I think he'd like the superiority of it all. Plus, I thought of all the ways he could make me feel even more special in here. Because if anyone made me feel that way – it was him.


Making my way to Transfiguration, I had lost Susan in the massive crowds. Being a Prefect now, meant I was one of the people the younger students looked up to, and so, I had to help a first year Hufflepuff find their way to History of Magic.

The corridors were now relatively empty, which I wasn't surprised about. I hoped Professor McGonagall would understand and wouldn't punish me, given why I was going to be late.

Walking briskly through the castle, I of course, got to thinking about Draco, as I so often did now. I wondered who he was sat with for Transfiguration. I felt a dull lurch in the pit of my stomach as I thought about him sitting with someone else.

Last year, that was the class that Draco and I were in for most of our eight weeks together. Something about it felt like ours... as crazy as that made me sound. It's where a lot of our firsts happened, or at least, led to our firsts.

Something about that classroom in particular was significant to me, and I didn't want to sit with anyone else whilst I was in there. Of course, anyone I sat with, I would be pleasant to, and my usual self, but I knew I'd constantly be looking over at him, even more than usual. Unless it was one of the Hufflepuff girls, then maybe I'd feel a little better.

I was taken out of my thoughts abruptly as I felt someone's hand on the small of my back, and a wall of muscles snake up beside me. I recognised his intoxicating scent, relaxing me immediately. I looked up and gasped quietly, a grin forming on my lips.

"Draco!" I exclaimed, "Did you have to sneak up on me like that?"

"Sorry, darling, I couldn't help myself. I saw you walking alone, and I just had to. But why are you walking to class so late and by yourself?" Draco asked, his hand moving round to bring me closer,

"I was showing a first year where History of Magic was. Why are you late to Transfiguration?" I asked, my stomach twisting in on itself,

"I was looking for you. I was thinking if we walked in together, we'd get to sit together. I just can't sit with anyone else in McGonagall's class, it wouldn't feel right to be with anyone but you," Draco shrugged, gently stroking my rib cage.

My heart seemed to burst, and my stomach broke out in butterflies, knowing we were thinking the same thing.

"I wanted to sit with you too," I told him truthfully, "What are you going to say to Professor McGonagall about being late? Are you going to walk in a few moments after me?"

"Nah. I'll just say the little shit asked us both," Draco snickered, with a slightly sarcastic tone,

"Don't you think that'll look a little suspicious?" I said, biting down on the inside of my cheek,

"Maybe, but I don't care. We're both Prefects, so it's not completely implausible, is it?" Draco chuckled, kissing the top of my head.


Draco gave me a quick peck on the lips as we reached the Transfiguration workroom, we were now a good ten minutes late. I shot Draco a look as if to say, "we're going to be in so much trouble."

He squeezed my hand tenderly and rubbed my back for a moment as he loudly rapped three times on the door. As I was in front, everyone's eyes snapped to me first. When they all realised who I was with, that's when the whispering started.

"Draco and I are both sorry we're late, Professor. We were showing a lost and scared first year how to get to their class," I said on behalf of us both,

"Very well, sit down over there, the pair of you. The desk where you sat last year," Professor McGonagall pointed her head towards the very back-left desk.

Sitting down next to Draco, my stomach somersaulted, and my heart was racing. Our hands grazed and our legs were brushing up against each other. I didn't even seem to mind the fact that everyone was staring at us.

Draco put his hand on my thigh as Professor McGonagall started speaking, and using a bit of bravery, I put my hand on his. My fingers clasped over his and his thumb began stroking mine. I had never been so thankful that Professor McGonagall was one of the few Professors that didn't enforce a seating arrangement.


After a pretty uneventful lunch, I was sat on a 4-seat desk in the library with Dean, Neville, and Susan. I got the impression I would be with Susan quite a lot this year, as we were now both Prefects.

Directly behind Susan and me, was Blaise and Goyle, with Pansy and Daphne opposite them. Draco tried to sit on the table behind me but he had to be seated all the way on the other side of the library.

I was reading through one of the chapters on Fluxweed in our Herbology textbook that Professor Sprout suggested we get familiar with. The good thing about Draco being away from me was that it was a lot easier to stop thinking about him anytime he entered my thoughts.

Just as I was about to take out my quill and inkpot, I heard Goyle clear his throat and laugh in a sarcastic and nasty way. I knew I shouldn't be eavesdropping on the boy's conversation, but I couldn't help it.

"Wasn't he such a pussy last night?" Goyle scoffed, again with the same cruel snicker,

"Who?" Blaise wondered,

"Malfoy, of course. He was such a fucking pussy, not getting involved with- you know," Goyle said, I could hear the eye roll.

As soon as Goyle mentioned Draco, the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck seemed to stand up. I kept looking down at the Herbology text to make it look as though I couldn't hear.

"Yeah, that was a bit weird. Not getting high with us all because he promised someone," Blaise tutted, "He wouldn't even say who. He's usually the first to get in there,"

"He just sat there writing in that stupid book. Something's really up with him lately, he's being even more of a useless twat than usual," Goyle muttered.

My blood ran cold as I listened to Goyle talk badly about Draco. I had to use everything inside me not to turn around and say something to them both.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's started fucking someone regularly. He's got that pathetic, sappy look on his face," Blaise said, his tone indifferent,

"Well, it's clearly not Parkinson, as she'd be constantly bothering us with questions about him again. Do you know of anyone he'd be interested in fucking, and not just a one-time thing?" Goyle asked,

"I don't know. I'll talk to him about it though. Whoever it is thought has to be special... we both know Malfoy wouldn't just fuck anyone," Blaise whispered, with a low chuckle.

Although I still felt strange hearing about the way Draco's friends were talking about him, a soft smile swept across my lips at Blaise's last comment. I was that special someone in Draco's life... I'm the one who Draco was involved with.

Not only that – Draco actually stuck to his word and done as he said he would. He didn't touch the Muggle drugs, even when he could have easily. He really kept his promise to me, he was really making an effort for me.


In History of Magic, I was sitting with Lavender Brown, the Gryffindor. I was friends with her, but I wouldn't say we were particularly close. The best thing about that class, however, was the fact Draco was on the desk to the right of me, so we were kind of sat together.

It was as boring as ever; Professor Binns' voice had somehow gotten even worse to listen to. He'd developed a more nasally undertone to his voice over the summer.

The first thing we'd be learning about was the wizard, Uric the Oddball. I was hoping to getting a little closer to Lavender in this class, as she was always nice to me, even though a lot of people found her to be irritating. Being next to Draco was just a bonus.

As we were walking back to our common room, I was linked arms with Hannah, and all the other girls were walking slightly ahead with the Hufflepuff boys. Although it had been quite an easy day, I was still a little tired and couldn't wait to be laid in bed, talking with the girls.

"Could I have a word quickly, Parsons?" Draco tapped my shoulder, his tone nonchalant,

"Of course, you can, Draco," I said a little too enthusiastically, so I cleared my throat and shook my head faintly, "I'll meet you back in the common room, Han," I told her,

"Okay, babe..." Hannah said a little cautiously, "Hex the twat if he pisses you off to much. I reckon a good Instant-Scalping Hex would sort him out. You and I both know he's that shallow that his hair is probably everything to him," she sneered at Draco,

"You know, I would love to cast Silencio on you permanently, Abbott. Shut that annoying and shrill mouth of yours up," Draco huffed, rolling his eyes,

"I am not shrill! Why don't you just fuck off to Azkaban and join your rotten family and daddy dearest-"

"Hannah!" I interjected, not even bothering to hide how shocked I was, "That was awful! Don't say things like that. You were really out of order,"

"Well, he shouldn't be such an easy target. I don't know why you're friends with him, Mads," Hannah scoffed, her and Draco scowling at each other,

"Look, I'll see you in the common room in a little while, okay?" I said, swallowing deeply,

"Fine," Hannah hugged me, "See you in a bit, Maddie,"

Both Draco and I watched Hannah walk away, and I wasn't sure why, but I felt guilty on Hannah's behalf for what she said about Mr. Malfoy, I couldn't bring myself to look at Draco, fearing that he thought I felt the same way.

He took my hand once we were alone and dragged me off into an empty and dark hallway. He was stood a good ten inches or so away from me. Draco's jaw was clenched even more than usual, his fists tightening into a firm ball. I knew what Hannah said had upset him. He felt too far away from me.

"I'm sorry about Hannah," I said eventually, chewing on my bottom lip,

"It's fine," Draco said in a clipped tone,

"No, it's not. She's my best friend but what she said was wrong and I'll be having words with her," I told him,

"Don't bother, Madeline. She has a fucking point, as much as I hate to admit it," Draco huffed, crossing his arms over his chest,

"No, don't say that. Draco, you know I don't agree with that whatsoever," I whispered, hoping he'd believe me. I reached over and hooked my little finger into his.

We were just stood there in silence, our eyes boring into one another, pinkie fingers connected, gently stroking each other's skin. I wanted to say something, to reassure him even further that Hannah was in the wrong... that I cared about him more than anything.

A group of giggling students were now making their way down the hallway, so we dropped fingers and Draco stood back a little more. This distance and quiet felt excruciating, I hated it. Especially considering Draco looked relatively chipper and upbeat when he first spoke to me. Who knew a few inches could feel like miles?

"I've um- I've thought of a way we can meet up in the evenings and you won't have to explicitly lie to those cunts you dorm with," Draco cleared his throat, his voice indifferent,

"Oh really?" I asked, feeling my lips form into a small smile, choosing this once to ignore the insult directed at my friends,

"I've spoken to McGonagall and I'm going to be your tutor for the next year-"

"Wait, what? You spoke about me to Professor McGonagall? When?" I interrupted him, feeling my chest hammer,

"Yes, just now. She wanted to know how I felt about your O.W.L exam results. I said I'd be happy to carry on helping you to keep your grades up," Draco shrugged, "But I'd understand if you don't want those lot know you're spending time with me again-"

I don't know what came over me, but I stopped Draco speaking by placing my lips into his. It wasn't a long kiss, just a quick five second peck. I knew I shouldn't have, as anyone could have seen, but I knew any words wouldn't be as convincing as that. I wanted him to know I wanted to be with him more than anything, and I didn't care who knew.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that. I'll take that a yes, then?" Draco said, looking a little impressed, and sounding genuinely surprised,

"Of course, that's a yes," I blushed, tucking my hair behind my ear, "I'm sorry I done that Draco, it was wrong,"

"Don't apologise, I didn't mind. No one saw. Besides, any kiss from you could never be a bad thing," Draco raised his eyebrows,

"Still, I'll be a bit more careful next time. Did you want to see me in the library tonight, or is that too soon?" I asked, looking at the way Draco's eyes were darting all over my face,

"I'm not actually going to tutor you, silly girl," Draco playfully rolled his eyes, "I mean, maybe unless you're struggling on something, I guess. But I think you've proven to yourself that you're more capable than you thought. I'll meet you up in the Astronomy Tower, darling,"

Draco then bent down and kissed my cheek gently before walking away. With his hands in his trouser pockets, he turned around and gave me a discreet wink. My stomach was twisting harshly and the butterflies that lived inside me were fluttering like crazy.


Walking up the metallic winding staircase after dinner for my first "tutoring" session with Draco, it felt like I was taken back last year. When it was just him and I, for those eight weeks, going up to our nightly visit in the tower.

Naturally, all the girls, especially Hannah, were all concerned about this, and it raised numerous questions from them all. Why is he doing this for you? Aren't you worried? Do you think he's trying to get something out of you? What if he's trying to humiliate you somehow? What does he get out of helping you? What if he's trying to indoctrinate you into joining the Death Eaters?

That last question, which Leanne asked, really got a reaction out of them all. They're now all convinced that Draco was only tutoring me because of some ulterior, nefarious reason. I mean, given the fact he wasn't even helping me study at all, they were half-way right.

As I looked over at Draco, standing with his elbows rested against the railings, looking out into the sky, he hadn't noticed me walk up. Even as I began walking up towards him, he must have been so deep in thought, he didn't hear my footsteps.

So, I stood behind him, and wrapped my around him, feeling his spine dig into my chest. At first, he was tense, and his muscles were tight, but as soon as my arms were around his waist, he seemed to instantly relax.

"Why, hello there. What are you doing back there, huh?" Draco laughed lowly, his fingers interlocking with mine,

"I just felt like you needed it," I told him, my voice quiet yet true.

He turned round so we were facing each other, my hands still firmly around his body, my head rested against his chest, and finally feeling a kind of safe that I only ever felt when I was with Draco. He was stroking my hair softly, as his head laid on mine. His other hand on my back, his fingers drawing soft circles on the material of my jumper.

And after that, we just stood there, holding each other for what felt forever. It was like time had stood still or something, I was back with Draco, where I belonged, and nothing could make me happier.

He bent down and kissed the top of my head, which caused me to look up at him. His eyes had a certain sadness to them, and it really hurt my heart. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but any time I went to, my mouth dried up. So, instead, I bent up on my tip-toes and pressed my lips onto his.

Draco moved his hand from my back and placed it on the base of my neck. His thumb softly stroking my cheekbone, his tongue grazing over mine. Our kiss was slow, and full of feeling. I could kiss him for all of eternity, and it still wouldn't feel like enough time.

As I felt Draco kiss me, my stomach flipped in on itself. Something about this kiss felt completely different. I wasn't sure what it was, but I think Draco felt it too.

He tore his face away from mine and looked off to the side, almost as if he were embarrassed or something. Maybe the lion of Gryffindor had leapt up into me, because I took hold of his jaw and brought his face back down, connecting our lips again.


We just stood there, kissing, until we heard a group of people loudly run past the Astronomy Tower. Although I was disappointed the kissing stopped, I was just relieved that the sad look from Draco's eyes had seemed to dissipate.

One minute our kiss was slow and soft, and the next, it was desperate and needy. We went from tongues to no tongue, changing how we held each other, at one point, Draco's hand was on my breast. We somehow ended up in the opposite side of the tower, too.

In all the time we've been sort of together, since the middle of April, we'd never kissed like that. It must have been for around thirty or forty minutes, just non-stop kissing, no breathing breaks, no talking.

"Wow," Draco breathed, "I never knew kissing someone could be so good,"

"I did. Admittedly, I've only ever kissed you, but it's always fireworks with you," I said, my heart beating ten to the dozen,

"I know we're not together, Madeline, but you're the closest I've ever got to someone- the closest to being in a relationship before. I don't know what the future has in store for us, but what I do know, is I really like being with you. You're the only person I ever want to be with," Draco confessed,

"Draco?" I said softly,

"Yes, love?" Draco cocked his head, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear,

"Do you think if we weren't left alone, we would have ever found our way to each other?" I bit down on my bottom lip,

"Maybe, I like to think we would have eventually. But who knows, I suppose. What's made you think of that anyway?" Draco asked,

"I don't know, it's just something that popped into my mind," I shrugged my shoulders, laying my head back down on Draco's chest.


"Have you seen your Prefect duty schedule yet?" I asked, still in Draco's arms, after a good five minutes of standing in silence,

"Friday and Saturday evenings with Zabini. What about you, darling?" Draco sighed, his tone nonchalant,

"Tuesday and Thursday evenings with Justin-"

"He better not have any ideas about taking you into the Prefects bathroom. That's my job," Draco chortled, raising an eyebrow at me,

"I can assure you – Justin would never have me in any way you could. No other boy could, I really mean that," I told him truthfully, "You do believe me, don't you, Draco?"

"Yes, baby, I do believe you," Draco reassured me, kissing my forehead,

"I'm actually a little nervous to do Prefect duty tomorrow. Have you been in the Prefects common room yet?" I smiled up at him,

"You'll be great, Madeline, you're great at everything you do. No, I haven't been in there yet, have you?" Draco asked,

"Yeah, I was in there earlier. I think you'd really like it," I nodded, rubbing his back gently,

"Doubt it," Draco tutted,

"I'd really like to show you it, Draco. It's really quite pretty in there," I chuckled,

"Not as pretty as you, I bet," Draco said, his tone flirtatious, "I want to fuck you all over this castle. I don't want you entering a single room, and not get hot and flustered... knowing I had fucked your brains out in it," Draco then whispered, kissing the spot behind my ear,

"Merlin, Draco! You can't say things like that..." I looked down to hide my blushing cheeks,

"Why not? You love it, you know you do," Draco exhaled a breath of air out of his nose.

No, I love you. And I love everything about you, Draco.

Just as I was about to respond with a flirty remark that probably sounded far better in my head, the first warning bell for curfew rang. I hated that I had to leave him now, I wished there were a way I could spend the entire night with him.

"I suppose we better head back down, darling," Draco said, turning round to walk down the staircase,

"Wait, Draco," I pulled him back, "I need to talk to you about something quickly,"

"Now? Can't it wait?" Draco pinched his eyebrows together, his tone a little concerned,

"No, please. It'll be quick, I just need to tell you this," I muttered, trying to hide the urgency in my voice,

"Okay, what is it, Madeline?" Draco cocked his head,

"Just um- just be careful of Goyle-"

"Goyle? What are you talking about, love?" Draco interjected, his eyes boring into mine, and his brows furrowed,

"Be careful of what you say to him or in front of him. When we were in the library earlier, he was being horrible about you, saying really mean things. I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't want to embarrass you," I told him,

"Oh, don't worry about that, Madeline, my sweet girl," Draco sighed and stroked my cheekbone with his knuckles, "You didn't need to tell me-"

"I know I didn't, that was really mean of me. I'm sorry-"

"I just meant you didn't need to tell me, it's something you could have forgotten about and kept to yourself, so thank you. I don't trust anyone but you anyway," Draco said, and it sounded like he was being honest.


We stood there until the third and final curfew bell, enjoying each other's company. I wanted to stay there even longer, but we knew we couldn't. With one last kiss, we said our goodnights and started making our way down to the spot between our common rooms.

The walk down there was quietly, and we kept looking at each other every so often, but I loved how easy it felt with Draco now. It almost felt like we were boyfriend and girlfriend because I was certain that's how it would be like if we were to enter into an exclusive relationship with him.

I was nervous about the reception I was going to receive once I was back up in the dorm room, but a part of me also didn't particularly care. I got to spend an entire evening with the Slytherin boy who I cared about more than anything, and nothing could bring me down about that.

Although we didn't kiss or even hug as we said goodbye, I still smiled to myself as we parted ways. For my first "tutor session" I'd say it went really quite well.

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