The English Rose

Oleh loislame0384

4.6K 263 17

Non magical AU- 30 year old Hermione Granger is gifted a bookshop from her grandfather. She meets an intrigui... Lebih Banyak

The First Letter
A Change to the Game
Curiouser and Curiouser
Walking Through the Looking Glass
An Unexpected Visitor
The Best of Intentions
The Tree Lot
Comfort Soup
Bella's Revenge
Scout's Honor
The First Date
Welcome Home Squeaks
Another Episode
The Bella Monologue
The Worthwhile Fight
The Story Continues
Turkey Sandwiches and Love Hearts
The Light
Stepping Stones
The Creepy Cellar
Therapy for Two


135 12 2
Oleh loislame0384

Dr. Edith had given the girls two weeks to sort through Hermione's closure with Laura which seemed like a reasonable amount of time. That was of course until a week passed by without the brunette hearing a single word from her girlfriend. She was going crazy at the Rose everyday wondering why she wasn't returning her texts or showing up to work but her grandfather reminded her that sometimes the older woman needed space to cope with hard experiences and tasks. There was exactly one week left until they saw the psychiatrist again and Hermione was nowhere closer to the closure she needed than before. She was getting frustrated and thought of going to see Laura on her own but knew that would just set Bella off on the wrong foot. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do here," she sighed from behind the register one Friday afternoon.

Henry was stocking the shelves with the newest arrivals, "I understand that this is frustrating for you, sunshine."

"We only have a week to do this. I don't know what the problem is. Does Bella not want to move in with me anymore?"

The elder Granger put his stack of books down and came to stand in front of the register, "now, Hermione, we both know that isn't the case. That woman loves you more than life itself. This is probably really hard for her considering what happened the last time she paid Laura a visit. Now, she's meant to go with you while you find your closure and keep her composure. That's going to be really hard for her."

Hermione sighed again, "I know, papa but I'll be there with her. I won't let anything happen."

"Sometimes even with the greatest of allies by our side, bad things still happen, sunshine."

"What I'm hearing is that you think Bella is afraid that she will lose it no matter what is at stake here," Hermione drummed her fingers on the counter. "I think," she swallowed, "maybe I'm afraid of that as well."

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Henry added quickly.

"But it might not be." Hermione's eyes wandered when they caught a sight from the window. Dora was approaching the shop. "What's Dora doing here?" She waited until the woman walked through the front door. "Is Bella okay?"

"Hello to you too," Dora laughed. "I've come by to return your missing family member," she reached inside her large overcoat pocket and swept the small tabby out of there. "I'm afraid that she's overstayed her welcome."

"Oh no," Henry walked over and took the little kitten from the girl, "what did she do?"

"Nothing like that. My mom found her is all. There was even a moment when I thought she was going to let Squeaks stay but her cold heart couldn't even be breached by that little cutie," Dora laughed when she saw Mr. Granger walking over to the chairs to snuggle his grand baby. "She was a perfectly respectable house guest."

"Well as long as she was respectable," Hermione rolled her eyes. "It's been awfully quiet around the bookshop without her. Our patrons have missed her greatly. So how did your mother find her?"

Dora chuckled, "she went to put on her boot and screamed. That's when I finally figured out where Squeaks was hiding. Mom reached down and pulled her out. I swear it was love at first sight. That was three days ago and I'm just returning her now, so you can see that even mum loves the kitten."
Dora took Hermione's silence as acceptance that her kitten was still welcomed at their house and took the opportunity to browse the new arrivals. A small smirk played at her lips though because she knew it was only a matter of time before the brunette exploded with questions. "I can feel you thinking, Alice."

"Then you should already know what I'm looking for," she wasn't in the mood for Dora's games.

"She's fine," she grabbed a book, taking it over to the chairs by the window, joining Henry and Squeaks. "She's fine now," she amended her previous statement, "for the most part."

"Did she tell you what Dr. Edith suggested?"

"Not at first. She had come home from your appointment and locked herself in her room for the first two days. Nobody heard anything from her so we of course thought the worst had happened but when I would go up and leave food outside of her door I would hear her talking to the kitten so I knew she was hanging in there somewhat."

"But it's been a week," Hermione sounded exasperated.

"Let her finish, Sunshine."

Dora smirked, "thank you Mr. Granger," she dramatically rolled her eyes in Hermione's direction. "She heard me coming up on the fourth day and let me in. She told me everything that happened at therapy and your next task that Dr. Edith suggested. I think maybe she was in there for so long alone trying to decide how she could do this with you. My aunt... she's a very passionate person," Dora seemed to be thinking over her words. "Previously she wouldn't have thought things through. She would've come home and approached me immediately to take her to fix the situation as best she could. I think she realized this particular situation isn't hers to fix. This is something that you need to do and she has to play a supporting role and be there for you. She confided in me that she's not comfortable with you being around Laura and she also said she's terrified that she's going to snap and do something unforgivable." It looked like the brunette was about to say something so the girl continued her train of thought, "look, Hermione. All I know is that my Aunt desperately wants to move in here with you to start her new life. I want that for her more than words can describe. Nobody deserves their happy ending more than Aunt Bella."

"I'm ready to face this so we can start our happily ever after. Trust me. I'm ready to put the past where it belongs. The day I never have to spend another thought on Laura is a day I'll celebrate. I'm not worried about what Bella will do. I know she loves me and I trust her. I'm more worried about Laura egging her on. If we waste time on what ifs then this will never happen. We have to meet with Dr. Edith in one week's time. If Bella is serious about moving in with me then I need her to let me know. With or without her, I'm going to confront Laura. It's not an ultimatum, it's just something I need to do for myself. I owe it to me to be able to move on from that part of my life. Tell Bella whatever of that you wish but I'm going to be making a trip to London this week and I hope she's coming with me."

Hermione didn't wait for a response from Dora, she turned and walked out of the book shop into the brisk spring air. She understood Bella's apprehension with the entirety of the situation but she wasn't going to let that stop her from getting the closure she needed. Dr. Edith was correct in the fact that this was something Hermione needed to do to be able to fully move on with her life. She was almost finished with her novel, the love of her life was set to move in with her and the only thing stopping her was the annoying nag of the past. "I'm done, Laura. I won't be held captive by the past anymore," she wiped a tear from her eye, crossing her arms over her chest, walking the feelings out of her body.
After Hermione returned to the shop, she had asked Henry to close up for her whenever he felt like it. She needed to be alone for a while and retired to her apartment with the tabby kitten following her quickly up the stairs. He kept the shop open during normal business hours, stocking the new books and taking a few moments to sort through the donations. It had been far too long since he got the first pick of the donated book. "I'm
leaving sunshine," he called up from the bottom
of the steps. "Do you want me to come back and open the shop tomorrow?" He heard his granddaughter mumble a quick response. It sounded like she had been crying but he knew that going up there would just make her feel worse. Hermione was always the type of person who liked to sort through her emotions by herself. "I'll see you in the morning. Sleep well," he turned but stopped, "I love you. You are stronger than you know, Hermione." Henry put on his cap, zipped up his jacket and made his way out the front door, turning to lock it behind him. He noticed something in his peripheral and didn't have to turn his head to know it was Bella. "Going in? I can leave it unlocked for you."

"I'm not sure," she responded quietly, staring straight ahead.

"I'll lock it then," Henry turned the key and made his way over to the bench. "Is there room for me?" Bella shrugged one shoulder and moved over on the bench, leaving plenty of room for him to sit if he felt like it. "It's a nice evening," he looked out where the woman was staring. They had the perfect view of the sun setting. "Spring is settling in nicely. The trees are even starting to bloom."

Bella shook her head, a small laugh escaping her nose, "how you manage had to treat me like a human being after every time I do something stupid never fails to amaze me."

"What stupid thing is it that you think you did this time?"

Bella finally turned to look at the man sitting next to her. Her brow was creased in confusion, "I disappeared again. No matter how far I think I've come, it's only a matter of time until I disappoint Hermione," she barely spoke the last part above a whisper, "just like everyone else."

"Taking time for yourself doesn't equate to failure, Bella," he tentatively reached out and patted her forearm. "My granddaughter can be a little high strung sometimes when something she cares about is on the line but at no point over the past week did she ever mention being disappointed in you."

Bella's shoulder deflated, letting go of the tense emotions she had been holding there. "Can I be honest with you, sir?"

"Bella, we've been over this quite a few times. Call me Henry and you are always welcome to be as transparent as you'd like with me. Your secrets are safe here."

Bella let out a sigh and gazed back at the sunset, "I've been mentally preparing myself for this task Dr. Edith gave us. I'm assuming Hemrione told you?" She saw Henry nod his head. "I'm not confident that I won't lose it and go into an explosive episode and I know that if I go to that place around that woman," her fists clenched on her thighs, "I won't be able to stop myself from killing her this time."

"You love my granddaughter," Bella noted how it wasn't a question but a statement they both knew to be true. "And you want to move in here. Start your life together," he waited this time for an acknowledgment from the woman sitting beside him. A half smile tugged on her lips, "then I don't see anything stopping you. Hermione is ready to move on from her past and start new with you here. She would move the earth and stars for you if it meant giving you a happy ending and I have it on good faith that you would do the same for her."

"I would do anything for her."

Henry patted her hand again, "and that's how I know that the two of you will overcome this obstacle and make it to the other side. Not a damn thing in this world will stop either of you. Certainly not an uptight child from London," he chuckled. "Now," he spoke in more of a grandfather tone, "sunshine has been in there waiting days for you. I think you should go in there and come up with a plan. I want to see the wedding bells while I'm still around to witness it."

Bella whipped her head around, eyes wide, "wedding bells?"

"I plan on living for a long time but I want to be there when the big day happens eventually," he stood up, nodding to the door with his head, "go on now. If I'm not mistaken, Hermione has probably been sitting by the window listening to us this whole time."  As if on demand, there was a bang and a curse heard from the upstairs room that overlooked the street, "she's always been very predictable. Have a goodnight, Bella. Take care of her."

"She will always be safe with me," she waved goodbye to the elder Granger and pulled out her key to the Rose. She quietly tried to open the door though she wasn't sure why since Hermione had clearly been snooping at the window. She didn't bother with a greeting as she took off her coat, hanging it up on the coat rack. Bella climbed the familiar stairs to Hermione's apartment, her stomach clenching at the possibility that the brunette would be mad at her. She rounded the corner and found her girlfriend sitting on the couch casually reading with her two cats surrounding her feet. The sight in front of her really warmed her heart. "Hi," she whispered, feeling like an idiot.

"Hi," the brunette parroted back, not looking up from her book.

Bella stood unmoving, wringing her hands unsure of what to do next. Fixing things was not her strong suit especially fixing this that she unintentionally fucked up. Even the cats were giving her a look like she fucked things up. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she slowly approached the couch. Bella squatted into a crouch in front of her girlfriend and lightly hooked her finger in the spine of her book, pulling it down slightly. "Hi," she whispered, waiting for honey eyes to meet hers. "I was an idiot."

Hermione's eyes softened but she wanted to see where she was going to go with this, "go on."

"I needed space and time. I should've said something but all of my life my process of working through shit and figuring things out never included another person before. My automatic reaction to the task assigned was to figure out how I'm going to be able to do this and get through it alone when in reality I should've just been here with you figuring it out together."

"I understand needing space, Bella. I truly do," she finally put her book mark in and cast her book aside. "This is the stuff that we need to be able to work through together. I believe the point of the task is for us to conquer this together and move on for our future."

"But I'm here now," Bella gave her an unsure smile. "I know you heard me talking with your grandfather. You know why I'm scared to do this but you also know that I want this more than anything in the world. I'm not confident in myself that I won't do something I'll regret when we do this but I know I'm willing to risk everything to be with you."

Hermione leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. She traced her fingers along Bella's hairline, down her cheeks, over her jawline, bringing them to rest clasped behind her neck. "I'm confident enough for the both of us," she closed the distance, bringing their lips together in a soft kiss.

Bella slid the palms of her hands up Hermione's thighs and squeezed. "I've missed you," she mumbled against her lover's lips, trying not to break the kiss. She lifted Hermione's chin, tilted her head up and kissed her slow and deep, feeling every inch of her mouth as she did so pulling back but capturing Hermione's bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling before she let go completely. Her hand started wandering along the inside of Hermione's thigh when she felt a swat at it causing a chuckle to escape the back of her throat.

Hermione opened her eyes, noting the small kitten had worked her way onto her lap, now trying to get the older woman's attention. "Ma'am? It's been a week. Mummy needs some attention of her own," she gently scooted the kitten off of her lap.

Bella noticed the darkening of her girlfriend's eyes and nodded. "I'll feed the cats. Go on ahead into the bedroom. I will take care of all of your needs," she pulled Hermione up and left her with one parting kiss that left the younger woman's knees weak.
"Are we sure about this?" Bella asked the next afternoon when they had finally made it out of the shower, refreshed, satiated and ready to tackle the task ahead of them. "You are fully aware that this could end in a murder with me in jail."

"Won't happen," Hermione pulled her light washed jeans up over her hips, buttoning them before pulling a white knit sweater over her bra clad chest.

"You are awfully confident in me," Bella chuckled while buttoning the green shirt she found in the closet. Thankfully she had already moved some of her clothes into the apartment so she had a few things to choose from. "That seems like a horrible decision on your part, love."

Hermione laughed, "I don't think so. You won't let me down. By this time next week, you will be all moved in. I'm sure of it."

"At least one of us is a perpetual optimist," she buttoned her black jeans, tucking her shirt into the pants. She walked over to the mirror Hermione was standing in front of and placed a quick peck on her cheek before running her fingers through her mane of long black curls ultimately deciding they looked good enough. She eyed her girlfriend and smiled, "you look too good to be going to see your ex whatever. I should've been in charge of picking out your outfit."

"I suppose you would've had me wearing a bin liner?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at her through the mirror, while tying her hair back into a low pony with an elastic.

Bella leaned over, smelling just under her ear, "mmm," she breathed against her sensitive skin. "No, you'd even be irresistible in a bin liner."

Hermione closed her eyes and let herself be in the moment, "I can't wait for this to be over."

Bella shifted so she stood in front of her girlfriend, wrapping her around her waist, pulling her in close. With her heeled boots, they were almost the same height. Bella rested their foreheads together, "me too, my love," she kissed her softly on the side of her mouth, "me too."

"I texted Laura," she felt the older woman stiffen slightly at the use of her name, "last night and told her that I would be at the apartment at 2. I let her know I had some of her things I wanted to return but didn't go into any further detail."

"And what did she say?"

"She was fine with it," Bella gave her a look and Hermione knew she didn't believe her. "She said she had things she wanted to talk to me about. I'm assuming it's about you. Can't wait to see her face when you walk through the door," her smile bordered on mischievous. Again, the dark haired woman stiffened, "would you feel more comfortable if we asked Dora to come along with us?"

Bella's heart melted. Her girlfriend was always putting her thoughts and feelings first even when the focus was on her and her feelings today. "No," Bella shook her head, "I'm here for you today, darling. This is about your closure. We will lean on each other for support. I think that's the point of this assignment." Bella pulled her in close for a tight, lingering hug, "you've got this." Then she amended her statement, "we've got this."

Hermione pulled back and nodded, "we've got this."
The Kia Forte pulled up alongside the curb one block from Laura's apartment complex since there was never any parking out front. Bella quickly fished some coins out of one of the pockets of her overcoat and popped them into the meter. There was a nagging feeling that had already settled into the pit of her stomach but she was trying to shake it off to be strong for her girlfriend. "Ready?" She looked up as the last coin was released into the meter.

Hermione came over, grabbing Bella's lapels and straightening them, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she leaned in and kissed the side of her mouth.

"She can't hurt you anymore," Bella rubbed her hands up and down Hermione's biceps. "And I can still kill her if you want me too."

A genuine smile graced Hermione's face, "I suppose I'll keep that in mind. Come on then," she laced her fingers through Bella's and started walking down the street towards the apartment complex she used to call home. When they got to the call box, Hermione pushed the ringer and it buzzed once, "it's me. Can I come up?" They both heard the door click open.

"You didn't announce my presence."

"She never would've buzzed us through," Hermione laughed. "You remember the way?" She gave her girlfriend a cheeky smile. A thought popped into the brunette's head, "you didn't bring any weapons did you?"

Bella let her jaw drop in mock hurt, "me? Bring weapons? That accusation is just ridiculous. I don't have any weapons on me." She thought it over, "okay, I take that back. I don't have any weapons currently in my hands. That's a lie also," she returned the cheeky grin to her girlfriend knowing full well she could kill someone with her hands if she needed to. "I'm not going in there with the intention of beating the shit out of this woman but if she touches you, then I touch her. That's just how it's going to be."

"Fair enough," Hermione whispered as they reached the door. She made sure Bella stood away from the peephole line. "Here we go," she buzzed the doorbell and Bella could see the anxiety wash over the brunette. She reached down and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as if to tell her everything will be alright. The door opened revealing a woman looking very pleased with herself. "Hello Laura," Hermione tried to hide her disgust.

"I knew you'd come eventually," a satisfied smirk overtook her face.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting expectantly.

"By all means," Laura stepped aside and as Hermione was entering the second person came into view. "Oh fuck no," she tried to close the door in Bella's face.

The older woman caught the door with her hand in an impressive feat of strength. "Oh yes. Miss me?" She returned the shit eating smirk the other woman had earlier. She muscled the door open and waltzed inside after Hermione. "Love what you've done with the place. Just as drab as I remember," she walked over and stood behind her girlfriend, crossing her arms to watch the brunette. She could see the wheels turning in Hermione's head as they both watched the anger forming on Laura's face.

"Get out. Both of you."

"No," Bella shook her head, "that's not how this works. Hermione came here to tell you a few things and we will be damned if we are leaving before she gets the chance to say what she needs to say."

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"Special invitation," Bella examined her nails. "Go on, love," she gave a noncommittal wave of her hand.

"So what? You brought your bodyguard? Afraid to be alone with me so you brought this neanderthal with you. What were you afraid was going to happen? Afraid you'd fall back in love with me? Afraid I'd get a little too rough with you? Afraid there'll be another incident like last time? I barely touch you."

"An accident? I couldn't move properly for over a week, Laura. I should've gone to the hospital but I didn't because I was embarrassed. Embarrassed for myself that I was stupid enough to believe that you loved me. People don't hurt the ones they love." Bella didn't know what to expect from her girlfriend but she was pleasantly surprised with how composed she was.

"And you think she's any better? Did you tell you what she's done? What kind of sick fuck burns her family alive?"

Hermione quickly looked between Laura and Bella. She saw a flash of something behind her dark eyes that she had seen before and she knew that Laura crossed a line, "you shouldn't speak about things you aren't familiar with, girl," Bella growled out, not moving, eyes locked on the other woman.

Hermione stepped in front of Bella, hopefully to put a little distance between the two women. "Laura."

"Stop saying her name," the older woman growled behind her.

"Look," Hermione redirected her train of thought, understanding that her girlfriend was getting triggered. "I didn't come here to talk about Bella, her family or our relationship."

"Then what did you come here for," she could also sense Laura's frustrations but for once in her life she didn't cower.

"I came here for closure."

"Closure?" Laura barked out a laugh. "I thought leaving you bleeding on the floor pretty much took care of that."

Bella took a step closer behind Hermione. Her blood was boiling. She reached into her overcoat pocket and thumbed her trusty dagger. Surely Laura would remember it from the last time she spoke out of turn. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, holding it in her lungs. She could smell Hermione's shampoo and she hoarded it in her lungs like a hit off of a cigarette. Exhaling, Bella felt herself calm slightly, still not moving her hand from her blade. She willed herself not to speak just to let her girlfriend handle this for herself. She had to remind herself that she was here to support Hermione, not spring into action.

"You are the worst thing that's ever happened to me. It's as simple as that."

"I'm worse than your parents getting killed?"

Bella snapped, "just shut the fuck up and let the woman speak," her hand immediately drawing the dagger from her pocket. She kept it clenched in her fist. From where she was standing Hermione couldn't see it but Laura definitely could.

Hermione stilled at Bella's mini outburst but she trusted her girlfriend so she continued, "my parents dying was a tragedy. So was my grandmother's passing. Those are things that were out of my control. Me choosing to stay with you and enduring your abuse was in my control and I'm sorry to myself that I let it happen. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough so leave the first time you hit me or talked down to me. I don't blame you. You can't help the way you are when you don't actively seek help for yourself. You will never change. You will always be a self involved abuser unless you get help and I just don't see that for you." Laura opened her mouth to say something but closed it when she saw the sun shining off of the dagger in Bella's hand. "Do I regret our time together?" She felt a shift from behind her, "sometimes. But if I hadn't gone through everything with you then I wouldn't know what I really deserve in life."

"And you think she's what you deserve?" Laura pointed to Bella.

"She," Hermione enunciated the word, "has shown me what unconditional love is. She has provided me with nothing but love, support and acceptance since the moment I met her. She's smart, kind, talented..."

"You forgot to mention mentally unstable and damaged," Laura rolled her eyes.

"Bella has taken an active stance on her recovery and in the time I've known her she's done nothing to suggest she's not my forever person. She takes an active part in her recovery and she knows what she wants in life. Like she said, don't speak about things you have no idea about. The amount of restraint and strength she is showing right now," before she turned around Bella had already hidden the dagger back in her coat pocket. "I know there's stuff going on inside of her head right now but she's standing here, letting me say what I need to say and being nothing but supportive."

"So you've come here to tell me what a shitty person I am?"

"Clearly she hasn't been listening," Bella mumbled behind her girlfriend.

"I've come to tell you that I'm moving on. Not just from you but from my entire past. I'm done with all of it. I'm happy now and I don't see that changing. I didn't block your number because I felt there was something missing and now I know it was this. I needed to forgive myself for letting you get the best of me. If you are still with that woman, I sincerely hope you are treating her with the respect and dignity she deserves. And lastly," she turned and laced her fingers with Bella's, "thank you for showing me what a real relationship is supposed to be like. I wish you the best."

Bella felt herself being pulled towards the door and she stopped to whisper to her girlfriend, "just one tiny little threat? Please." Hermione rolled her eyes but didn't say no so Bella took that as a yes. She turned not dropping the hand intertwined with hers, "remember my words from the last visit. I have my ways of finding out everything, Laura. Stay away from Hermione. Next time I won't be so nice and we both know what that looks like," She ran her index finger across her throat. It seemed the other woman was going to say something but Bella cut her off, "and I highly suggest getting therapy. It's worked wonders for me," she cackled as Hermione pulled her out of the door.

"Really?" She heard the amused voice of the brunette when Bella slammed the door shut behind them.

"One tiny little death threat. Dr. Edith will be so proud."

Hermione laughed and pulled her girlfriend through the apartment complex and out into the street. Before they moved any further, Bella pulled Hermione over to the side of the building, pushing her against the wall, kissing her soundly on the mouth. "How do you feel?"

"I feel lighter than air," Hermione wrapped her arms around Bella's neck.

"I'm proud of you," Bella leaned in, kissing below her ear.

"Me? No I'm the one..."

Bella cut her off, "no. Just listen," she leaned in and kissed the top of her nose. "That wasn't an easy thing you did in there. Most people would rather forget that anything happened. And some of us never get the chance to confront our abusers. You went in there and did what thousands of people never have the courage to or never get the chance to. You are an inspiration to me, Hermione. You make me want to be a better person not just for you but for my family as well and I also want to be a better person for me," she kissed a tear from Hermione's cheek. "I want to be that person you were talking about in there. I want to be a person you can be proud of for as long as you'll have me by your side."

"There's no getting rid of me now," Hermione whispered a hair breadth away from the older woman's lips.

"My plan is working perfectly," she grinned, closing the minute distance between them. She kissed her, soft and slow, her mouth closing around Hermione's bottom lip. The brunette inhaled sharply, then seemed to let go, gently pressing back, pouring all of her emotions into the kiss. Bella didn't expect her life to turn out the way it did but nothing could ever change the way she felt about her girlfriend. She pulled back only slightly not willing to let go completely

When Hermione's eyes fluttered open she pushed at Bella's shoulders just enough so she could maneuver her escape from the wall. Bella was left looking confused and a little disappointed. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" She asked as Hermione led her back down the street to her car.

"To buy some moving boxes. To hell with Dr. Edith, you are moving in with me tonight."

Bella's face lit up like Christmas morning, "I don't know how it gets better than this."

Hermione opened the passenger door and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek, "that's for us to figure out together."

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