Endless Love For You~~~~~

By Venomous_Shipper

14.6K 211 74

Tony and rudolph have been friends for 4 years now and Rudolph has had feelings for Tony since they meet But... More

The Cutting
The Mutt
MY lullaby
Birthday Party
Home Alone
First Day At Human School
The Truth
Its over Brother
A surprise
Accept It
S2 E1 You Need To Come Back Home
Another Lover
Another Lover Pt 2
Should I tell them
Happy Valentine's Day
The Future
an invitation
On A Family Trip
Our Kingdom
This is not the end
what to do
The ship

Gregorys Betrayal

258 4 2
By Venomous_Shipper

Tony's pov

Ok remember the plan ok I told rudolph ok love and dont forget when this is finished I will have a talk with you about what you did he smirked Ok you can punish me when we're finished I smiled and he vampire speeded away. you love being the bottom dont you Anna said when did you get here I asked few minutes ago what are you guys up to she asked. well she then stopped me and said sex I then shook my head in yes she then sighed. And yes I like being a bottom I said I dont even know what a top dose or even to have sex as one. Anna then looked at me and said ok well have you seen Jess I then smirked and said she was with rudolph they said they went to talk about something important we then heard a scream from rudolph's room Aaaaaahhhh.

Anna's Pov

That was Jess Scream I yelled we have to help her I grabbed tony's hand and flow up the stairs and went to rudolphs door and saw blood I tried to bust down the door but it reflected. what is this Tony asked a barrier spell Rudolph put this up we then heard Jess scream again I can't go through but you can go through and see what's happening Please tony. Ok he finally agreed he opened the door and what I saw scared me Rudolph was bloody and jess was on the floor bleeding out. I then saw tony jump through the door I tried to stop him but he went through and the door shut. I then heard him scream. My darkness was weakening from the tears of my love and friends dying I then heard rudolph scream and I froze when the door opened and the spell was dropped I went to the room to see everyone was dead rudolph jess tony and even gregory. I dropped in tears and the darkness was out please be alive please I went to jess and held her had putting it to my head please wake up. the more I asked the more tears flow off my eyes I then felt her and and heard a voice saying as you wish. I looked to see who it was and it was jess but I who when I could even speak I just hugged her I then felt everyone else hug me and I was relieved thank you for saving me I said but this was to much I snapped. We all then laughed and they apologised and I promised not to use black magic unless it was extremely important. We then left and gregory went to hang around his friends. I then looked at gregory on his way out but he didn't go the way to the mail he went into the forbidden forest I then looked at rudolph and said Brother have we meet any of Gregorys friends he looked at me and said now that you said it no and on our birthday he didn't bring anyone. If he doesn't go out with his friends then what does he do I asked I dont know well ask when he gets back rudolph said ok I replied.

Gregorys Pov

What does He/She see in Her/Him It should be with me I have been through enough my love died because of my little brother. I then looked up and said Alex why did you do it I should have been him not you I pulled out a picture of him and put it away when I heard a noise hello sir Elyan said what is it I said well I found it the purple rose quartz. Thank you I said Elyan then looked at me and said so you are a Vampire and a evil witch I then looked at Elyan and smiled and said we still need to do our deal dear Elyan but let me tell you something.

Song: Poor Unfortunate Soul

Gregory: I admit that in the past I've been a nasty

They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light, and made a switch
To this
True? Yes.
And I fortunately know a little magic
It's a talent that I always have possessed
And dear lady, please don't laugh
I use it on behalf
Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed (pathetic)
Poor unfortunate souls
In pain, in need
This one longing to be thinner
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my cauldron
Crying, "Spells, Gregory, please!"
And I help them!
Yes I do
Now it's happened once or twice
Someone couldn't pay the price
And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals
Yes I've had the odd complaint
But on the whole I've been a saint
To those poor unfortunate souls
!The men up there don't like a lot of blabber
They think a girl who gossips is a bore!
Yet on land it's much prefered for ladies not to say a word
And after all dear, what is idle babble for?
Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation
True gentlemen avoid it when they can
But they dote and swoon and fawn
On a lady who's withdrawn
It's she who holds her tongue who get's a man
Come on you poor unfortunate soul
Go ahead!
Make your choice!
I'm a very busy man and I haven't got all day
It won't cost much
Just your voice!
You poor unfortunate soul
It's sad but true
If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet
You've got the pay the toll
Take a gulp and take a breath
And go ahead and sign the scroll
Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her, boys
The boss is on a roll
This poor unfortunate soul

Gregory's Pov

I went to the ritual table and put the rose quarts on in the center and said the incantation 2x Con questo mi darai l'amore che merito chi lo indossa mi amerà. Rudolph you have no idea what is instore for you little brother but first let me smith this into something more romantic. a fight will be starting soon let's see if my little can best me minutes later I headed back home and it was quiet so I went in my room where it would stay quiet on my why there I saw tony walking to the kitchen he was about to fall and I helped him up you ok I asked yea rudolph went a little rough on me but in us to it I'll just ask them to put a pain loss spell on me ok I said well you best get going before he gets worried. We then here a voice say before who gets worried it was rudolph speak of the devil I said he smiled and said the one and only I'm actually glad you're here take tony to the room and come with me ok he said minutes later he came back. We sat down and I gave him a ring is this no I interrupted him this is a replica of Alex's ring I want you to give it to him why He asked well as we about now alex and tony somehow look very similar and I thought this is probably the best for him so here. ok He said i'll give it to him now he said as he flow up stares. The foul took the bait tonight I will take something from you just like you have taken something from me little brother. It was midnight and I grabbed Tony out of rudolph's room and left him a note he will know where to find me and he will not like what he sees.


Rudolph's Pov

I woke up and turned to kiss tony's forehead but noticed he was gone I guess he was eating I washed up and look on my dresser to see a note

Note: Dear brother as you may notice your love is gone that is because he is with me brother you need to keep you property in a better place kidnapping him was a piece of cake. You also need to watch who you trust you know you're not the only one who wants Alex or should I say Tony this whole time you have been playing chess while I've been playing checkers you put down the wrong move now your queen is mine if you want him back fight for him in the forbidden forest

From: Gregory

My eyes buried golden and I roared from the top of my lunges everyone came to my room and asked what is wrong. I showed them the note and I started crying what is all this about tonys mom said I looked down and said something I did over 110 years ago and I will bring him back. My parents looked at me and said dont look at the humans you might kill them. and dont kill your brother it's most likely his dark side has been on for a long time anna will go with you ok I said wiping my tears let's sve tony and our brother.

To be Continued

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