Taekook Oneshots

By kook8124

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Taekook oneshots! Cover by the amazing @taegguks_vape, thank you so much! More

✈Plane ride✈
Car Ride
Look Here
Mr. Husband!
In the making
Welcome back, darling

Broken Fangs

570 10 6
By kook8124

Werewolf Jungkook
Vampire Taehyung


Becoming a vampire is the big fantasy for many.

The absolute ecstasy as those sharp fangs sink into your flesh, draining your blood in exchange for immortality.

Seems easy enough, until, it's done against your will.

Trapped with no escape, no one you can count on as those savage fangs sink into your neck, draining your blood, your weeps and pleads ignored, and taken as a joke.

Not many can testify to having such traumatic experience, but, one who can is Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung is born between a human father, and a omega mother. He was raised with the vast knowledge of the existence of werewolves and vampires, he even dreamt of getting bitten by one.

After his parents passed a few months after his highschool graduation, he was taken in by his father's close friend.

The man had a mysterious air around him, and went by the nickname Sire.

Taehyung found that admirable, and inspiring; no one questioned the man's chosen nickname, nor were there complaints about it.

Half a year passed, and Taehyung officially became Sire's son, signing all adoption papers, and was even put in his will.

Taehyung found that funny, "You're immortal, you don't need a will" He would tease the other.

Sire would only chuckle, and ruffle his hair.

Then, Taehyung started college.

With Sire's support and encouragement, he decided to take on a sculpture course, having fun and meeting new people. Just a few days in, him and Sire's close bond became known to the whole school.

"Man! You have a really cool dad!"

"I'm jealous!"

"I've always wanted to meet Sire!"

"Oh my gee! Sire is your dad? For reals!"

"Wow, lucky"

Were all he could hear wherever he passed through. He found it kind of funny, and would joke about it to the other; they would have a nice laugh about it, and go on with their day.

All was going well for Taehyung.

He met his mate, and celebrated his eighteenth with him and his friends with a nice little party, he even received a family heir loom as a gift. He was abliss.

Until, that night.

Since morning, the skies were gloom with a storm looming close by.

Not minding it, Taehyung took his things, adding an umbrella to the list, and left for the day. He noticed Sire wasn't there to send him off, but didn't think too much about it.

As usual, his day was filled with laughter, and teasing bringing a bright smile to his face.

After school, however, the storm finally came by.

Making sure to send his lover home, he was then on his way.

A sudden hard pour of rain drowned the whole city; with each step Taehyung took to head home, the rain poured even more, as if attempting to stop him. He didn't mind it, he was excited to get home, and tell Sire about his day.

So he did.

He made it home, except the home he made it in seemed a bit dark. The home he was used to always had candles lit everywhere, soft classical music welcoming him, and the scent of coffee and old books embracing him at the door.

That home seemed cold, lifeless, and abandoned.

His heart raced against his chest as he carefully stepped inside, making sure he didn't just break into someone's house.

"Welcome back"  The deep voice startled him, his head slowly turning towards the person.

"Sire! You're here! Oh, thank goodness! Guess what!" He cheered, sighing in relief.

"What?" Sire replied.

"Jungkook is taking me to visit his parents! We were supposed to go today but his mom got stuck in a flood, it's alright though! She's not hurt" He happily explained.

Sire chuckled, ruffling his hair, "That's good" He gently answered.

Taehyung happily smiled, nodding his head.

Then everything seemed to be back to normal, Sire was here to welcome him, everything is the way they're supposed to, nothing out of the ordinary.

Not the high-pitch scream he heard, nor the blood on Sire's chin, or the deep shade of red his eyes flickered to.

Taehyung merrily went to his room, humming a catchy tune under his breath; oblivious to the dangerous eyes following him. Putting away his things, he is startled when his eyes land on Sire's shoes in his door way, an exaggerated sigh leaving his lips.

"I didn't hear you coming, y'know I don't have super hearing like you, right!" He playfully scolded, looking at the other.

Sire slowly approached him, his eyes growing colder with each step, sending shivers down Taehyung's spine.

"Wh–what are you doing?" Taehyung asked in fear, quickly standing on his feet.

As the other got closer, a sudden dangerous aura spread in front of Taehyung, weakening his knees. He instinctively backed up, bumping against the wall; quietly cursing himself at the poor choice of escape.

"Um......Sire?" He called, hoping for it to be a joke.

Sire never said a word, nor did his expression wavered once. His steps suffocated the younger, and his eyes brought him pain.

With Taehyung flat against the wall,  Sire halted, extending out his hand. His large hand wrapped around Taehyung's neck, squeezing it like a stress relieving ball. He stared deeply into his eyes, bringing him closer.

"Hey! Sire! Wh-what are you doing! Hey!" Taehyung struggled, wriggling around.

He is shutted with a harsh slap, his cheek stinging as the handprint came to view. 

He stared at the man in shock; clueless on what else to do, he started crying. His wails fill the decorated bedroom, hoping to reach anyone it could for help.

Followed by a loud scream, the wails were immediately killed.

Taehyung's body jolt as he gasped for air, his eyes turning in back of his head as Sire sucked out every last millimeter of his blood. After a few seconds, he removed his fangs, staring at the struggling younger in his hold.

A sick smirk stretched on his face, as he dragged the younger out of his room, down to the basement.

The loud rattling of chains buzzed in Taehyung's ears, his blurry vision barely making out where he is. Giving up on doing so, he closed his eyes only to have them wide again when he's suddenly thrown the ground, his ribs landing on a chain. Without the strength to even scream from the pain, Taehyung silently cries, holding his pulsing rib.

"Take him in" Sire's cold voice ordered.

Without warning, Taehyung is taken by his hair, and thrown somewhere; landing on the cold floor, he let himself get dragged down the depths of darkness.

"Wake up! You useless pieces of shit! Wake up!"

The loud barking of a mad dog echo in the dim, humid basement, annoying those who have to listen to it.

Taehyung was one of them; groaning in annoyance and pain, he forced his eyes opened, looking around. Disbelief and horror washed over his face as he scanned the area, looking at the others.

"Wait! Hey! Excuse me!" He called for the wake up caller.

"What do you want?" The man answered.

"What is this place? Why am I here? Where's Sire? What's going on? There's been a mistake!" He rambled.

The other only stared at him, scoffing. "You still think you have any rights here? Tch, pathetic" The other mocked, leaving the room.

The door is loudly slammed, shocking Taehyung.

Blinking to better adjust his vision, he scanned the room again. Horror once again taking its place on his features. Spread across the dim room are cages, dog cages.

Most of them are empty, except for one with a little girl in it.

Then he realized, he's also in a cage, naked. Embarrassed at the exposure, he tried to cover himself by crossing his legs, and bringing them up to his chest. He sat quietly trying to remember what happened, but his brain refused to work. Scanning himself, he sighed looking at the thick chains around his limbs.

"How am I supposed to get out? Is this a joke?" He questioned, only receiving silence as an answer.

Pouting, he rested his head on his knees, keeping an eye on the little girl, wondering how she got here. Without realizing, he slowly fall asleep.

The next day came in a blink, much to Taehyung's dismay. He was once again awakened by the barking dog, a pounding headache greeting him. Groaning in pain, he rest his head on arms, closing his eyes. Only to be interrupted with a slam on the cage.

"You! Get up! Sire wants to see you!" The man yelled.

Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance, getting out of the cage.

"Clothes will do, thank you" He sarcastically voiced, looking at the male.

"Clothes?" The man chuckled, "Who do you think you are? Get moving!" He yelled.

Taken aback, Taehyung started walking, looking around as he's guided to Sire's study; the place he would spend most of his time talking to Sire about his day, his lover, and what was covered in class. Feeling emotional at the memory, Taehyung lowered his head to hide his face.

"Sire! We brought him!" The man called, knocking on the door.

Footsteps are heard coming closer; a loud yelp bringing them to a halt.

"What was that?" Sire's cold voice asked.

The man chuckled nervously, "No–no, Sire! I was—I was making sure h—"

His stammering is interrupted when the door is opened, Sire's tall figure coming in view.

"What was taking so long to answer?" His cold voice asked.

The man dropped on his knees, his head hanging low.




Bowing, the man quickly crawled away, disappearing from view. Taehyung's eyes followed him, silently mocking him.

"Get in. On your knees" Sire ordered, his voice sending danger signals throughout Taehyung's system.

Still, he quietly crawled inside the study, his bruised knees aching against the ceramic floor.

The door is slammed behind him, causing him to jolt; Sire walking to the chair across him, taking a seat.

"Raise your head" He ordered.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, following the order.

"Ouh, you look nasty" Sire commented.

Taehyung's face blanked up, his judging eyes staring in the man's mocking ones.

"You. You want to know why I turned you? Right?" Sire asked, standing up.

He doesn't receive an answer, hurting his ego. Crouching, he harshly gripped Taehyung's hair, pulling it back.

"You look exactly like your father" He whispered, sniffing Taehyung's neck, a loud sigh of contentment leaving his lips.

"Let go" Taehyung spat, glaring at him.

"Hey? You're talking? How nice"

"I said let go, your nails are digging in my scalp"

Sire stared at his hand, then at Taehyung's face, finally letting go of his hair.

"You know, your father was a cruel man" Sire sighed.

"Don't care" Taehyung replied, a harsh slap shutting him up.

"You're just like him!" Sire yelled, his eyes flashing deep red, "You're as ungrateful as that asshole!"

Caressing his cheek, Taehyung blankly stares into the void, a soft sigh leaving his system.

"I took care of him just like I took care of you, and what did both of you did? You betray me! You're just like him! I hate you! I hate him!" Sire yelled.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, looking at him.

A cold shiver run down his spine as his annoyed eyes meet those bloody red glaring eyes, eyeing him like a predator who found his prey, ready to play with it until it dies.

"What?" Sire asked.

Taehyung instinctively backed up, his heart thumping against his chest.

"What–what do you–do you mean?" He asked nervously.

Sire scoffed, lowering himself to his eye level.

"That asshole was mine. I had him all to myself, even though our family didn't want us to be together. Then that bitch came out of nowhere and stole him from me! He didn't even fight back like I have been doing all these years! He..........He accepted his parents' contract without thinking a second about me! Everything I worked for! He took all of it with him..........You know what's worse? He told me we would run away together, even though he was an alpha. I told him I can bite him to help his body change to carry our children, he agreed! He promised me! But he betrayed me at the end, I was left behind and forgotten!"

"Woah woah, How is that my fault?" Taehyung blankly asked.

"What?" Sire spat.

Taehyung loudly sighed, sitting down.

"My knees hurt, and I need clothes" 

Sire glared at him, taking a tight hold of his neck.

"You don't take me seriously, do you?" He questioned, his grip tightening.

Taehyung tapped his hand to be let go, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Alright, then" Sire dryly chuckled, "I'll just have to use you to make up for your father. When you're all used up, let's see if that mate of yours will show himself" He mocked.

Taehyung tried to wriggle his way out of the hold, but started struggling even more. His airways slowly closed up, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. His body fall limp in Sire's hold, his heartbeat slowing down by the second.

Sire stared at him, something glinting in his eyes.

It wasn't sadness, guilt, nor regret.

It was insanity.

The insanity he's been holding inside since he watched the car crashed, killing the couple. The insanity he tried to hide when the frail and bright young boy started depending on him.

The insanity that he can freely express now, with it, he'll keep Taehyung on his side.

Away from that useless alpha.


How long has it been?

Two weeks?

A month?

A year?


He couldn't tell.

Locked in a basement, and used as a blood bag; Taehyung lost the track of time.

His body grow weaker and weaker, unable to keep up with Sire's feeding habits. It went through full transformation, so he's now a vampire, probably.

He hates it more than liking it, he tried to find some pros about it, and he did.

Only one, protecting that little girl.

She's grown out of her cage, so Taehyung guessed years has passed.

He also gotten older, he just doesn't know how old.

The little one turned out to be an alpha girl who was abandoned by her parents since they didn't want an alpha girl, they have the alpha but in the wrong gender.

No matter how one look at it, it's stupid.

But hey, he is here because his father didn't marry a vampire who's obsessed with him after all, not that less ridiculous.

The nights have gotten longer, and Taehyung was growing more and more hungry. He became painfully aware of another thing too, and that is Jungkook.

For some reason, Jungkook has been in his mind a lot.

His face, his voice, his body, everything just won't go away.

Why? He doesn't know either, not that he's complaining.

He's glad to know he's still in love with the older even though he lost his humanity, it's kind of comforting.

"Hey! Blood bag, get your ass up!" That annoying dog barked.

Taehyung sighed, unable to move his body.

"I'm hungry" He replied, staring at the other.

He chuckled seeing him tremble, patting himself in the back.

The cage is harshly opened, the man dragging him by his hair.

"Oi! I told you I'm not masochist, didn't I? I won't squirt if you pull my hair like that, you limp-dicked dog!" Taehyung yelled, removing himself from his hold.

Panting, he stood up straight, glaring at him.

"How long have you been doing this for? I'm tired of having your claws on my scalp" He whined.

"Four years" The man shortly answered.

Taehyung's body froze in shock, all his remaining blood draining from his face.

"F–four ye–years?" He asked, his legs growing weak.

The man in front of him sigh, rubbing his neck.

"I thought you deserved it at first, because he said that you tried to steal from him, so I thought it was a good punishment. But.....the cook told me the real story, and I kinda feel bad for you, I didn't want to do this for so long.......it was either that or I pay with my life, so I'm sorry for everything I've done to you" 

"Y–you, if you—if you are sorry, get me out of here"

"I can't"

"Wha–what do you mean?"

"He keeps a tracker on me, even if I wanted to go look for help he would know so I can't go to the police. I'm sorry"

Taehyung stared at him for a moment, his eyes flickering red.

"Then, don't" He answered, his red eyes opening wide.

"What?" The man asked in confusion.

"Don't go to the police"

"Bu–but you—"

"If you try something, it'll put Lily's life in danger"


Pointing at the sleeping little one, Taehyung glared at the man.

"If you put her life in danger, I won't hesitate to kill you. I promise you" He warned. 

The man shiver in horror, nodding obediently.

"Good" Taehyung replied, walking out of the room.

Heading to the study, he slammed open the door, glaring at Sire who's waiting for him with a mocking smile on his face.

"You're here, my beloved" He greeted.

"You're disgusting" Taehyung harshly replied, taking a seat.

"Get it over with, you monster"

Just as he expected, Sire's eyes flickered a deep red, only a few shades deeper than his.

"You still hasn't learn your lesson?" Sire asked in disbelief, walking towards him.

"Please, don't flatter me too much, I'm not that submissive. I am my father's son after all" He grinned.

The loud sound of a slap echoes inside the study, Sire's handprint slowly becoming visible.

Spitting out the blood from inside his mouth, Taehyung looked at him, a mocking smile hovering his face.

"Ah, sorry sorry, did I hit a nerve?" He teased, trying to hold back a laugh.

Sire's lip twitch in rage, veins popping out on his forehead.

"You." He spat, his voice shaking in pure anger.

Taehyung smiled.

He didn't try to hide it, he loves messing with this man.

After a few months of having his blood forcibly sucked out of him, he realized he didn't owe this man respect.

If Sire's goal is to kill him, then he'll just speedrun it.

However, his body is so strong that speedrunning his death is found to be futile, his body refuses to give up and die.

He was mad about it, then he remembered, he's now a vampire.

It won't be that easy to die.

Sinking deeper in the chair as Sire sucked out his last drop of blood, Taehyung groaned in exhaustion, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"There's nothing left, you greedy prick" He voiced, pushing the man off.

As he's about to get up to leave, Sire slammed him down on the chair, his grip tightening around his wrists.

"You don't learn, do you?" Sire questioned.

Taehyung blankly stares at him, a low chuckle leaving his lips.

"I was thankful for you for taking care of me, but then you reveal that you only see me as a replacement. Y'know, that day just like my blood, every last drop of respect I had for you.........you sucked it out, you're nothing but a parasite" 

Sire's hold tightens, his eyes glowing in anger.

Taehyung watches with a proud smirk, a low laugh rumbling in his throat. He leans closer to the raging man, playfully blowing on his lips, cackling when Sire jumped back in surprise.

"You should! You should've seen your–your face!" He teases, holding his stomach.

His cackles fill the room, ringing in Sire's ears as he watched him in disbelief and anger. Stomping closer to Taehyung, he harshly slaps him, the cackles coming to a sudden halt.

"Ah, what now?" Taehyung blankly asks, looking at him.

"Why don't you just die like your asshole father? You worthless piece of cow shit" Sire's words echo in Taehyung's head, strong venom coating them.

Sighing, he stands up, limping out. Groaning in pain, he heads back to the basement, looking around for Lily.

As soon as he closes the door behind him, he's taken in a tight hug, almost crushing his bones.

"You're finally back! Did he feed on you again? Are you okay? Why are you limping? Is—"

"Breathe, Lily. Breathe" 

Patting her head, Taehyung walks to the mattress on the floor, plopping on it.

Lily follows suit, plopping down beside him, her curious eyes wide open.

"Hyunie" She calls, head resting on her knees.

"Mhm?" Taehyung answers, his fingers patting around the swollen fang marks.

"Do you think he'll let us go?" 

Taehyung's movements halt, his head slowly turning to face her. Sucking in a breath, he ruffles her hair, flashing her a warm smile.

"I think he..........will, just not now" He softly explains.

Lily's eyebrows furrow in confusion, her lips stretching in a pout.

"Why not? I wanna have friends and see outside"

Taehyung's jaw clenches, the gentle smile never leaving his face.

"Lily...." He whispers.

"Yeah?" Lily whispers back.

"Y'know, there are people who depend on others for their happiness"


"Yes, but with him, he is desperate. Do you know what that means?"


Laying down, Taehyung pats his side, Lily happily resting in his hold.

"When someone is desperate, they do everything and anything to get what they want, you get it?"

Lily strares at him with wide eyes and mouth, shaking her head.

"I don't" She blankly answers.

Taehyung chuckles at her answer, bringing her closer.

"For example, if I am desperate to leave I will do anything to take you with me. Which means, because I am desperate to leave with you, I may even become a maid in exchange, do you get it now?"

"So..........you want to be a maid if I can leave?"

"Yes! Yes, you get it. Good job"

She slowly nods, a proud smile on her face, happy to be praised.

"Hyunie" She whispers, cuddling up with Taehyung.

"What's wrong? Your tummy hurts?" Taehyung asks in worry.

She only shakes her head, her tiny hands clutching his shirt.




"I don't wanna leave without you! I won't leave Hyunie behind!"

"Aww, it's okay, it's okay" Taehyung comforts, "No need to cry, it's okay"

Hugging her, he gently pats her back in comfort, closing his eyes to rest them.


The sun rose with joy, its orange hues peeking inside the mansion, disappearing in the beautiful black decorating the floors.

A gentle breeze blows pass the fluttering curtains, the sound of sizzling and smoke rising in the lighten up room.

The usual warm and homey study room fell silent. Its books are scattered everywhere, the chairs broken apart, and the walls decorated with thick black blood.

Its door swings open, a duo walking in, halting when they notice the mess.

"Is he dead?" The peach haired of the two asks, looking at another hovering the limp body on the floor.

The hovering man raises his head, an unimpressed expression falling on his face.

"Nope, just fainted" He answers.

A sigh of relief leaves the peach haired man's lips, his face brightening up.

"That's good!" He cheers.

The other stares at him, looking at the silent other.

"Namjoon, get your mate" He blankly voices.

"No can do, you wanted him here" Namjoon answers, bringing the other closer.

"Whatever...........look for him" He orders.

Nodding, Namjoon drags the other with him, going in deeper in the mansion.

Glancing at the limp body in front of him, the male calmly opens the window letting in the sunlight. He glances at the slowly cooking body, groaning in annoyance.

"I'll just leave it here" He mutters, heading the same direction as the couple.

"Open it..."

"I'm scared.."

"C'mon, you'll be fine, I'll protect you"

"No, you open it"


Jolting, the couple glance behind them to find the male standing impatiently. Scurrying to the side, they clear the way for him.

He calmly approaches the door, throwing it open causing it to slam against the wall. Taking a step inside, his nose scrunches in disgust, his eyes franticly searching around.

Away from his view, against the wall, Taehyung hides Lily, shielding her with his body.

"Taehyung?" The male's voice booms inside the basement.

Against the wall, Taehyung jumps in surprise hearing his name so suddenly.

"Tae? It's me"

Taehyung opens his arms wider to hide the little one, his ears perking up to listen.

"Are you there? It's Jungkook, are you in here?"

Against the wall, Taehyung's strength vanishes, his heart beating faster and louder. His red eyes dart towards the male, watching him cluelessly walking around.

"Ju–Jung....kook?" He mutters, tears welling up in his eyes.

Jungkook halts in his steps, facing him. His eyes widen once they land on the crouched Taehyung, a glint of happiness shimmering in them.

"Baby..."Jungkook weakly whispers, carefully approaching the other.

Lowering himself, he engulfs Taehyung in a hug, pampering his neck with kisses.

"My love, I've been looking everywhere for you.......I'm so sorry for being so late, I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry I let you suffered, I'm so sorry" He repeatedly mutters, his hold tightening around Taehyung's trembling body.

"Taehyung-ah, I missed you, I missed you" 

Jungkook hugs his lover closer and closer, until he feels something digging in his skin.

Opening his eyes, he's met with menacing ones, glaring him down.

"What 'you doing to my Hyunie?" Lily menacingly questions.

Confused, Jungkook stares at her, a gentle smile appearing on his face, "Hi there" He softly greets.

"I ask, what 're you doing with my Hyunie?" Lily tries again, her menacing tone unwavering.

In Jungkook's arms, Taehyung slowly moves out of the comforting hug, glancing at Lily.

"It's.....alright" He reassures, patting the younger's hair.

Lily smiles, retracting her nails from Jungkook's skin, still glaring at him.

"Come on, we're leaving" He informs, watching as the younger's eyes lighten up.

"Really?!" She brightly questions.

Jungkook slowly nods with a smile.

"Jimin!" He calls.


"We have an adorable little girl, come take her"

  In a moment, Jimin is in front of Lily, a blinding smile on his face.

"Hi! My mame is Jimin, but you can call me Minmin, what's your name?" He happily questions.

Lily's eyes fixate on his fluffy peach hair, her eyes twinkling.

"Lily, Hyunie give it to me" She answers, proudly pointing at Taehyung.

"That's amazing! Should we leave then?"

"Yea—but Hyunie"

"He'll come to you later, mhm? We can buy ice cream"

"Ice cream?"

"Yeah! It's delicious, come on!"

Clapping in excitement, Lily takes Jimin's hand ready to leave, but halts, looking at Taehyung.

"Hyunie coming too?" She softly asks.

Taehyung smiles at her, kissing her hair with a pat.

"When you're back from the ice cream, I'll be waiting for you, okay?" He comforts.

Nodding, Lily obediently follows Jimin out of the room, flinching at the sudden brightness.

In the room, Taehyung silently sits in Jungkook's hold, avoiding his eyes.

In front of him, Jungkook scans his face, just glad to have him back in his arms; when he notices he's being avoided, his excited eyebrows lowers in worry.

"Love?" He softly calls, caressing Taehyung's cheek.

He didn't receive an answer, shattering his heart even more. Quietly sighing, he forced out a smile, loosening his hold around the latter.

"Then......should we get home? Come on" He proposes, his voice low in doubt.

Taehyung's hold tightens around his neck the moment he tries to move, keeping him place.

"Is s—"

"I'm sorry..."


Fisting the fabric, Taehyung slowly raises his head to meet his lover's eyes, tears welling up in his.

"I'm sorry..." He whispers, his voice cracking.

Jungkook's hold tightened again, his large hands caressing his lover's back in a comforting matter.

"There's nothing to apologize about, my love" He whispers, kissing Taehyung's forehead.

"I am. I'm sorry for leaving you without explanation, I'm sorry for not being able to protect myself...."

"My sweetie, you don't need to apologize for that, it wasn't your fa—"

"Yes, it was! If only I listened that day when you invited me to your house! If only I didn't go home! If on—"

"Taehyung, baby, please stop"


"It's okay, I'm here. I'm so glad to have found you, and I'm sorry for coming so late. You suffered so much,  you're so strong, my love. I love you, do you know that?" 

Taehyung didn't answer, only stuffing his face in his lover's neck, his hold tightening around his neck.

"Hold me, Kookoo, hold me, please" He whines, burying his face deeper in his lover's neck, staying there.

"I'll hold you and bring you home, alright?" Jungkook whispers, kissing his shoulder.


"Good boy, come on"

Carefully breaking the hug, he slides off his shirt, putting it on Taehyung, watching as the oversized cloth swallow him whole. Chuckling at the cute sight, Jungkook stand up, carrying him carefully.

Walking out of the mansion, Jungkook is greeted with respectful bows, and smiling faces. His heart thumping in pride as he feels Taehyung nuzzles against his neck.


The welcome Taehyung received wasn't one he expected.

The moment he got better and started wandering around the pack, he realized the pack members weren't very fond of him.

They would take the pups away from him, avoid him when he tries to talk to them, and just plainly ignore him. He didn't understand why that was happening, but his accidental eavesdropping helped him.

"The alpha must be out of his mind, thinking we'll accept a bloodsucker as our Luna"

"Exactly, it always tries to get close to the pups, probably to try and suck their blood"

"That's just cruel, who would want to hurt those innocent pups"

"I know"

They didn't want him not because he has no knowledge of how to rule a pack, or how to be a good Luna; but, because he's a vampire. Something not even he wants to be.

He thought of telling of Jungkook, but changed his mind.

So, seated on the steps of the pack house, he carefully watches the others, taking mental notes of things.

"Luna? Hello!" An older man greets with a smile.

Blinking, Taehyung smiles at him, slightly bowing his head, "Physician Carl, hello" He greets politely.

The older man chuckles, "How do you feel?" He asks, leaning on his cane.

"A bit cold, but I'm alright"

"I see, so you shouldn't be out of bed"

"Why not?"

"Because, your body is still fighting itself. Staying in bed will have less effects on your activities"

"Stay in bed? But I'm already a vampire, I'm fine"

"No no no, you're yet to be one"


"You have wolf blood in you, these two are still fighting"

"I've been bitten for years, I'm fine"

"Yes, and should've died during those years"

"What d—"

"Luna, you were used as a blood bag, no?"

"Blood b—yeah....."

"Exactly, if you were just human, you would've died a long time ago. You're only alive because your wolf blood was fighting to keep you alive, so I beg of you, please rest" 

Taehyung's eyebrows knit in disagreement, his head shaking, "I can't" He mutters.

Watching him with concern, physician Carl quietly sighs, "Luna, please you need to rest your body. I can prescribe medicine to help you get better faster, yeah?" He proposes with hopeful eyes.

Hearing his pleading tone, Taehyung hesitantly nods, glancing over beside Carl to find a young pup watching him with curious eyes.

"Hi" He gently greets, waving at the younger.

  Physician Carl moves out of the way, watching the younger.

"Don't be shy, come on" He encourages.

The younger nods, taking unsure steps towards Taehyung, only completely relaxing when he's flashed a gentle smile. Settling himself between Taehyung's legs, he shyly looks at him with admiring eyes.

"Hi there" Taehyung greets, petting his head.

"Hi...." He quietly greets.

Physician Carl watches them, quietly sneaking away.

The little boy shyly pokes Taehyung's cheek, giggling to himself at the cold feeling on his fingertips.

"Are you alone?" Taehyung asks worriedly, glancing around for any panicking person, humming when there's no one.

He glances back at the younger, patting his head, "What's your name?"



"No, Ooni"


"No no, Ooni, Oo. Ni"

"Ah, Ooni?"


"Oh! Got it"

Smiling at him, Taehyung nods, "Mine is Taehyung"

Squinting at him, Ooni shakes his head, "Too hard" He whispers.

Taehyung's face falls blank, his mind trying to come up with an easier version.

"Uh......how about.......Tae? Is that hard too?"

Ooni cutely shakes his head, a toothy smile appearing on his face, "Taetae" He whispers, killing Taehyung with his cuteness.

The two spent the rest of the day together, which at one point started to worry Taehyung.

After lunchtime, he took Ooni's hand walking around with him, watching the members giving him judgemental looks. Still he didn't mind it for some reason, the younger's giggles and adorableness putting his mind at ease.

"Ooni" He calls as they settled under a mango tree far from the packhouse.

"Yes?" Ooni cutely answers.

"Where's your mama?"

"Mama sleeping"



"Where's papa?"

"Mn, papa, don't know"  

Mind racing, Taehyung looks around the pack grounds, watching every parents tugging their children on their side to avoid him.

No one was looking for Ooni, not even a glance of worry was given to him.

"Ooni, where is your home?"

"Over there"

"Let's go! I wanna meet Ooni's mama!"




Jumping on their feet, the two circle around, stopping at a little but homey hut.

Following the younger inside, Taehyung stays alert, his crimson red eyes scanning the place.

He is guided to a little room that seems to be the dining room, with an another door in the corner.

Sitting Ooni down, he quietly walks to the door, carefully opening it.

He is suddenly hit with a strong smell causing him to slam the door close. His head spins as his vision blurs up, while his legs shake, struggling to keep him up. Picking up Ooni, he walks out of the hut, gasping for air.

Feeling his vision grow more and more blurry, he stumbles his way to the packhouse, falling in the door way.

"Taehyung! Hey!" Jimin calls, picking him up.


"He's right here"

Bringing Ooni closer to him, Jimin watches as he tightly hugs the little one, a choked sob leaving his lips.

Confused and worried, Jimin settles beside him, hugging him with the little one.

"It's okay, it's alright. I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He comforts, patting his head.

Ooni who was confused soon starts crying, hugging Taehyung even closer.

Jimin starts to panic as the two cried in each other's hold, confused about what's happening.

"What's wrong with them?" A gentle voice asks.

Looking up at her, Jimin shakes his head, a helpless expression on his face.

The older woman lowers herself, patting Taehyung's head.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" She gently asks.

"She.......she......his mom....." He sobs.

Switching seats with Jimin, she pats Taehyung's head, kissing his hair in comfort.

"Breath, sweetie, breathe. It's okay, it's okay, now tell me what's wrong?"

Taehyung's head lowers, his hold tightening protectively around Ooni.

"She......She's dead"



"Oh, my. When did you find out, sweetie? It's okay"

"We went to visit her because Ooni said she was sleeping, but.....I......I'm sorry"

"Was it your fault?"

"No, but I—"

"It wasn't, that's all that matters"

"Mother......I....what if I ruin your reputation...... there's no other suspect than me, what will happen—"

"Hey! Hey. I'll only say it once more, so listen well. You are Jungkook, my son's beloved mate, therefore you're my son. Jungkook loves you, so do I, so does everyone in this house. We know it wasn't your fault, we're the ones in charge here. Got that?" She sternly reminds.

Taehyung obediently nods, wiping his tears.

Bringing him in a hug, she proudly smiles.

"Good boy, now go and rest. We'll take care of it, okay?"


"I can't hear you"

"Yes, mother"

"Good! Jimin-ah! Keep an eye on him"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Good boy. How good for me, I have obedient sons, the moon goddess really favors me" 

Smiling at her words, the two glance at each other, Jimin guiding Taehyung inside.


Everything was supposed to get better after the funeral of Ooni's mom.

Taehyung found the body, and saved the day. Everyone is happy.

That didn't happen.

Instead, Ooni was brought into the bullying. The other kids were forbidden to hang out with him, stay close to him, or even glance his way.

Taehyung couldn't take that, Ooni did nothing wrong, and is innocent.

So he took matters into his own hands. Disobeying the physician's orders, he started working with the people.

He was ignored at first, but after catching some good prey and carrying it all by himself back to the pack grounds, his respect went up. He started helping with teaching the pups during the day, hunt with the warriors at night, and help get breakfast ready at dawn.

He worked nonstop, and even started seeing his mate less.

Jungkook didn't mind it though, he was happy to see him get along with the kids. Since he has no idea about the other things, he thought that was all. Though there were some critics.

"He's trying to show off"

"It's only because he's a vampire"

"Wow, I can't believe it, how shameless"

"He's trying to take over everything"

"He thinks that's enough for us to accept him? Psh, he needs to try harder"

Taehyung stopped caring about the adults, and allowed himself to be admired and bombarded with curious questions from the pups.

They were more interesting to be around, and less judgemental. He was happy with just that.

As usual, after the pups' teaching, Taehyung gets ready for hunting, stretching himself.

He slides on his crop top, feeling the fabric sticks to his body making him cringe at the texture. Tying his hair up in a ponytail, he heads to the pack grounds, meeting the rest of the group.

"Luna, you're ready to go?" one of the hunters asks, handing a glove to Taehyung.

Sliding it on, he looks around, softly sighing.

"Yeah, let's go" He whispers with a smile.

The others obediently follow him deeper in the woods, their senses focusing on finding preys.

Taehyung separates from them, looking for a tree. He quickly finds it, patting the trunk to make sure it's safe, then got to climbing. Holding the trunk with the gloved hand, he pushes himself up, landing at the top branch.

Settling on all four, his crimson eyes brightens as they carefully searches around. His brows twitch in excitement once he spots an elk in the far distance.

Making sure his hair is in place, Taehyung starts jumping from tree to tree, keeping his eyes fixed on the animal. His jumping figure alerts the hunters who immediately shift to their wolf forms, following him.

After awhile, he finally arrived by the river, going down the tree, reuniting with the others.

"There's four, take two, leave the rest" He voices, watching the animals.

The hunters nod, going at their prey.

Keeping an eye on them, Taehyung shakes his head to keep his eyes open, feeling his consciousness slowly slipping away.

The hunters started struggling against the animals as they started o counterattack, catching them off guard.

Sprinting in action, Taehyung tackles them, accidentally killing all four.

Plopping on the ground, he pants in relief, looking over at the hunters, to find them staring at him with disturbed faces.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I accidentally killed all four, even though I said not to. Are you guys okay?" He chuckles, trying to sit up.

"No! Stop! Don't move!" They yell in unison, startling him.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"You four, carry the food. Luna, please allow me to carry you" The familiar male softly speaks.

"Hah? Sorry, but I have a mate, no can do......hey? I feel kinda warm"

Chuckling at the warm feeling, Taehyung's eyebrows furrow in confusion as the other in front of him started to move away.


His limp body plops on the grass, his shirt soaking in blood.

Shifting to his wolf, the male orders to have on his back, running back to the pack grounds with the other's following with the catches.

Arriving to the pack grounds in a panicking state, the hunters immediately head for the packhouse.

The pack members watch them run down the field, some following them. Curious, and confused eyes watch the blood trails, whispers of unwanted opinions filling the pack.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe he would hurt himself like that"

"Yeah, but he's probably doing it for attention"

"He's bleeding, I don't think someone would put their lives in danger for attention"

"Oh my! It's the Luna! What happened?"

"I don't know, is he going to make it?"

"Oh! I hope so!"

"It's the Luna!"

"He's bleeding!"

"Were they attacked?"

"He's the only one hurt"


"Oh my goddess, I hope he doesn't die"

"I hope he does, humph, that bloodsucker"

"Shut up"

All kind of opinions and thoughts linger amongst the people, while the hunters are explaining what happened.

Mrs. Jeon's face twists in worry, anger, and sadness as she quietly listens to what happened, her glaring eyes shifting to the gathering crowd.

"Mother Luna, I apologize for putting the Luna's life in danger. I am willing to bear all the responsibilities, and receive any given punishment"

A long sigh leaves her lips as she glares at the gathered crowd in front the house. She gentle pats the young man's shoulder, moving him aside.

"You all are the reason the future Luna of this pack is hurt in such a bad stare. You discriminate and judge without thinking of the effects it would have. That youngster wanted to be accepted by you, to be loved, and looked up to as a future leader. But! Because of your ignorance and judgemental mindset, you pushed him to danger, risking his life. Is anyone willing on receiving a punishment for their ignorance?" She calmly voices, watching as the crowd moves backwards, pups being carried away, and horrified expressions settling on the adults' faces.

"What do you mean, mother?"

Attentions quickly switch to the voice source, the crowd separating into two, revealing the standing young man with a boar on his shoulder. 

"Jungkook, my son, your Luna is in need of you"

"Why is that? My mate gets along with my people, and they help each other, everyday" He voices, glancing at the crowds, his brows twitching in annoyance, "Am I wrong?"

The horrified expressions were long gone, a guilty one taking place.

"Will someone give me an answer or do I have to stand here?"

"Son, it's n—"

"Mother, not now. I asked them a question" 

Glancing at each other, the crowds refused to look at him in the eyes, too scared of what will happen.

  Jungkook was getting more and more annoyed, until a pup waddles out of the crowd,  her head hung low.

"Alpha, I'm sorry! It's because mama said that Luna is bad, and I didn't talk to him. I'm sorry"

Sucking in a deep breath, Jungkook lowers himself to her eye level, "Your mama told you that?" He softly asks, to which the little one nods.

"Why is Luna dangerous, did she tell you?"

"Because Luna drink blood and kill us"

"Ah, really?"


"Alright, thank you for telling me, yeah?"


Standing up, he glances at the crowds, making his way to the pack house.

Handing the boar over to the hunters, he enters the house, patting his mother's shoulder.

"Don't strain your voice too much"

"He's in your room"

"I know"

Heading down a hall, he opens the door to the room, heading inside.

Once the door closes behind him, his worried eyes scan Taehyung's resting body, flinching at the strong scent of blood.

Walking closer to the bed, he softly touches Taehyung's forehead, unknitting his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry" He whispers, kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry for being so gullible and realising how much you were suffering,  I'm sorry.  Not that it'll fix anything"

As if teasing him, the wound slowly closes up, leaving behind no scars.

Taehyung's eyes slowly open, twinkling in excitement the moment they lend on him.

"Koo! Hi!" He cheers.

Staring at him with a betrayed expression, Jungkook glances at the closed up wound, sighing.

"Seriously?" He mutters, tightly hugging a giggling Taehyung. 

"Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" He asks, breaking the hug.

Kneeling on the bed, Taehyung wraps his arms around his waist, bringing him closer, nuzzling his cheek.

"I felt uncomfortable without your warm body" He whispers.


"Of course, I rather your warm body than anything else"

  A deep shade of pink settles on Jungkook's cheeks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Shut up" He mutters, trying to run away.

Taehyung's hold tightens around his waist, his crimson eyes teasingly scanning the alpha's face.

"My darling, you worked so hard to find me, won't you let me love you?" His deep voice questions, his breath fanning Jungkook's lips, sending a shiver down his spine.

"What do you—"

Not allowed a chance to finish his sentence, Jungkook finds himself trapped in a hungry kiss; Taehyung's cold hand caressing his ear, while the other slithers up his back.

Trying to push him off, Jungkook grunts using all his force, panting.

"Did I hurt you?" Taehyung asks.

"No, no......I'm all sweaty, I don't want....."

Noticing the smirk on his lover's face, Jungkook swallows the rest of his words, cussing himself internally. 

Taehyung leans close to his face, staring deep in his eyes.

"My dear alpha doesn't want me to fu—"

"Shut up! I'm–I'm taking a shower! Don't follow me"

"Yes, darling"

Stumbling to the bathroom, Jungkook cusses the hot vampire, slamming the bathroom door behind him. Glancing at the knobs, his face reddens in embarrassment as he starts undressing himself, leaving the door unlocked. 

Seated on the bed with an unwavering smirk on his face, Taehyung closely listens to the shower, sliding off the bed quietly.  Carefully opening the door, he is greeted with a soft hum from his darling as he shampoos his hair.

Quickly sliding off his clothes, he takes his place in the shower, placing his hands on Jungkook's frozen ones.

Lowering  himself close to his ear, he blows on it, "Hi, darling"

Jungkook freezes in his spot, his heart thumping loudly against his chest.

Taehyung smiles hearing the loud thumps, taking over the shampooing as if nothing happened.

Rinsing off the bubbles, he swiftly turns Jungkook around to face him, taking a gentle hold of his neck.

"Darling," He whispers against the alpha's lips, "You ran away from me. That hurts my feelings"

Unable to answer, Jungkook lowly whines, his legs growing weaker.

Noticing that, Taehyung brings him closer, "What a strong alpha I am blessed with.....I'm so, so thankful" He whispers, kissing Jungkook's shoulder blades, sucking on it.

The alpha's pheromones fill the shower, slowly driving Taehyung crazy.

His hold tightens around him, "Darling, your pheromones, they're everywhere" He informs.

The alpha trembles in his hold, his head resting on his chest, "I can't—I can't control it, it's all your fault"

"Ah, I see"

Nodding, Taehyung harshly kisses him, his pale hand caressing the alpha's neck, bringing him even closer.

His tongue enters the alpha's mouth, tasting every corner, humming in satisfaction.

  In his arms, Jungkook's legs grow weaker, his body falling completely against him.

Swiftly moving them, he cages Jungkook against the wall, kissing him harder.

Slurping and kissing noises fill the bathroom, overpowering the warm plopping water, keeping the shower from growing cold.

Breaking the kiss, the alpha pants as he catches his breath, while his lover kisses and bites his skin, forming a trail down to his groin.

Getting on his knees, Taehyung admires the alpha's hard cock dripping with precum, kissing the tip. Licking the pre cum, he hums, carefully taking the whole thing in his mouth.

Knowing his body will heal if anything was to tear, he happily indulges himself to loving his strong alpha.

Shivering at the cold feeling, Jungkook loudly moans, his trembling hands taking a handful of his lover's hair.

Feeling him trembling, Taehyung hoist one of his legs, putting it over his shoulder, keeping an eye out for any signs of discomfort.

Once everything looks alright, his pace increases, while his tongue swirls around the tip, tasting his darling.

Inching closer, he takes the alpha even deeper, flexing his throat around the throbbing cock.

Jungkook shrieks at the foreign feeling, immediately covering his mouth in attempt to cover his leaking moans. Drool runs down his chin, as his eyes roll in the back of his head, feeling the strong electricity zapping throughout his body.

Pulling Taehyung closer, he thrusts deeper in his throat, cumming with a whiny moan. His leg finally gives up on him as he slides down the wall.

Taehyung quickly moves, catching him, kissing his hair.

"You did well" He comforts.

Still catching his breath, Jungkook stares at the hardened cock under him, a tired smile appearing on his face. He tries to lower himself, but is held back by a worried Taehyung.

"Are you alright? Do you feel sick? Darling?"

Glancing up at him, Jungkook kisses his lips to reassure him, "I'm fine"

"That's good, let's get you out a—"



"I said no"

Confused, Taehyung tilts his head, waiting for an explanation.

  Jungkook glares at him, palming the tip of his cock, startling him.

"I'll take care of you too"

"Darl–darling, you don't have—"


Down on his knees, Jungkook kisses the base of the harden cock up to the tip, smiling at the throbbing against his lips.

"You rea–really doesn't h—Oh my—fuck"

Opening his mouth as wide as he can, he lowers his head, feeling his mouth getting filled up.

Taehyung shivers at the hot feeling, his crimson eyes not leaving his darling's figure, his trembling caressing his cheek.

Jungkook hums, and starts moving his head.

As his pace increased, he can feel the throbbing cock teasing his throat,  threatening to go down. Flinching at the feeling, Jungkook moves back, wanting to focus on his lover.

Taehyung twitches in front of him, feeling his cock teasing the warm tight hole. Through blurry vision, his attention falls on his darling's twitching cock, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Oh? Wha—fuck...."

Letting his foot do the work, Taehyung takes the hard cock between his toes, fapping it.

Moaning at the tease, Jungkook accidentally pushes the cock down his throat, driving Taehyung over the edge. Thrusting deep in his throat, Taehyung cums inside him, a string of profanities leaving his lips.

Jungkook's eyes roll in the back of his head, a familiar electricity zapping through his body as he comes on his lover's foot.

Panting, Taehyung removes himself from his darling's throat, catching his limp body. Hugging him tightly, he pats his head, allowing him to calm down.

"It's okay, it's okay. You did well, my darling"

The alpha couldn't stop twitching, yet to come out of his dazed state.

Taking responsibility, Taehyung cleans him, carrying him to the bed, laying him down. Getting on beside him, he tightly hugs him; soon, the two of them drift to sleep.


A strong knock echo throughout the bedroom, startling Jungkook who's the first to wake up. Stretching himself, he carefully slides down the bed, opening the door.

  "What is it?" He asks, yawning.

Scanning him up and down, his mother's face brightens as her eyes take in the marks on her son's body. Clearing her throat, she ruffles his hair, smiling at him.

"Dress up, and get your honey, there's a meeting. Come on" She informs.

Nodding, Jungkook closes the door, waddling back to the bed, resting his head on Taehyung's face.

"Oi, you shitty vampire, get up" He calls, moving his head until their lips are touching. 

Pampering Taehyung's face with kisses, he pinches his nose, trying to wake him.

"Shitty vampire, get your shitty self up"

A hand suddenly holds him down, the shitty vampire's tongue slithering into his mouth, hungrily tasting him.

Moaning at the sudden attack, Jungkook shivers, the earlier events flashing in his head.

Tapping Taehyung's chest to be let go, he pants as he catches his breath, glaring at the smirking vampire. 

"We have a meeting, yeah? Let's get ready for it" The shitty vampire teases, sliding off the bed.

Still glaring at him, Jungkook stops him in his track, taking a bite of his neck, a proud smile appearing on his features.

"Ouh, a mark, eh" Taehyung fanboys, his fingers feeling the teeth mark.

Following his darling to the closet, he gets a door slam in his face.

"Don't you dare come in. I mean it!" Jungkook warns.

"Yes, my darling" Taehyung obediently answers, sitting on the bed.

Minutes later,  Jungkook walks out dressed, still glaring at him.

Flashing him an innocent smile, Taehyung gets in, changing.

Following his darling, he tries to hold his hand but gets rejected. Backhugging him, he tries again, but got pushed off.

"Darling" He whines, tugging on Jungkook shirt who ignores him.

Opening the front door, they are a greeted with a crowd.

Jungkook who noticed first, halts in his steps while a whining Taehyung bumps unto him, thinking he's finally forgiven. He happily hugs the alpha, realising the crowd when Jungkook flicks his forehead. 

Not breaking the hug, Taehyung stares at the people, a blank expression settling on his face.

"Taehyung dear, after realising their mistakes, our members each brought you a gift as an apology" The mother Luna informs, pointing at the things.

Taehyung blankly stares at her, at the gifts, and the people, a scoff leaving his system.

His gaze searches around for someone, motioning them over once he notices them.

"Even if all of you were to die a thousand times, it still wouldn't make up for what you've done. Don't misunderstand, I couldn't care less about what you all think of me, even if I tried. The ones you owe an apology to are Lily and Ooni, specially Ooni. He's one of you, yet while you all scurried away with your pups, no one, not one of you sent a worried glance in his direction.
You treated him as if he's some type of infested zombie, not letting your pups play with him, even after his mother died, your treatment didn't change. Like I said, I only did things to help because I wanted to put my darling's mind at ease, I didn't have to do a thing if I didn't want to. So, whether youre forgiven or not depends on these two, do what you will"

Looking at Ooni, Taehyung flashes him a warm smile, slyly dragging Jungkook back inside the house.

"Taehyung! Listen to what they have to say!" The mother Luna calls out.

Smiling at her, Taehyung shakes his head.

"I don't have to, you told me.......everyone inside this house love me, Jungkook loves me so that's enough. Mother, don't strain your voice too much" He calmly replies, carrying Jungkook back inside. 

Closing the door, he carries him to their bedroom, closing that door too.

"Put me down now" Jungkook mutters, immediately being let go.

Facing Taehyung, he hugs him, patting his head.

"It's okay, it's okay" He comforts.

The vampire chuckles against his neck, kissing it.

"Why am I being comforted?"

"Because you were strong"

Breaking the hug, Taehyung stares at him, "I was only telling truth, darling"

Instinctively stepping back, Jungkook tries to cover his redden cheeks, avoiding his lover's eyes.

"Darling, I—"

"Shut–shut up, don't say ano–another word!"

Pulling him close by his waist,  Taehyung kisses his cheek, a starstruck smile unwavering on his face.

"Want to see something cool?" He asks in a whisper.

Jungkook immediately nods, still avoiding his gaze.

Walking to the window, Taehyung hops out, extending out his hand. Without question, Jungkook offers his, hopping out of the window.

Walking in the tree covered land, the two strayed further from the house and deeper in the woods.

"What are we doing here?" Jungkook asks as they head deeper.

Glancing at him, Taehyung playfully winks, not giving an answer. His head frantically swishes from left to right as he searches for something, his face brightening once he finds it.

A tree, a really tall one.

"We're here!" He cheers, confusing his darling.

"We're where?"

"I want to show you something"


Crouching, he pats his back, Jungkook giving him weird looks.

"What are you doing?" He suspiciously questions.

"Just get on, please" Taehyung innocently replies.

Sighing, Jungkook cautiously get one. With a hup, Taehyung straightens himself, walking closer to the tree.

"Hold tight, darling"

"For wh—"

Not giving him the chance to ask, Taehyung leaps on the tree, pulling them up, landing at the of the tree.

"Darling, open your eyes" He softly calls.

Slowly doing as he's told, he looks around at the horizon, and the vast land in front of him.

"How high are we?" He quietly asks, settling down on the blanket laid down.

Sitting beside him, Taehyung kisses his cheek, taking a bite of it.

"Don't worry about that"

"It's so pretty"

"Just like you"

Glaring at him, Jungkook rolls his eyes, kissing his lips.

"You're the pretty one, y'know"

Brightly smiling, Taehyung nuzzles against his cheek, nodding.

"We're both pretty "

"Yeah, yeah"

Pampering his lover's cheek with kisses, they watch the sunset in a comfortable silence, a content sigh leaving Taehyung's lips.

Becoming a vampire is the big fantasy for many, he's glad his came true.


Hope you enjoyed!!

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