The Bet [] Luck × Magna || HI...

By yourreflectionmoved

2K 52 46

So uh,, hi y'all. Artist here. I know I left you all without any sort of chapter for months, but my writer's... More

✧✷✧ Prologue ✧✷✧
✧✷✧ Week One | Day Three: Vanessa ✧✷✧
✧✷✧ Week One | Day Five: Charmy and Asta ✧✷✧

✧✷✧ Week One | Day One: Finral ✧✷✧

484 13 4
By yourreflectionmoved

Finral sighed heavily as he walked out of his room. He had been awake all night thinking.

I'm the one who started this whole bet thing, so I guess I should be the first one to do something. But the question is what.

As he walked through the hideout, he racked his brain for ideas.

Alright... Luck and Magna are both so feisty and violent, meaning they probably wouldn't like things that are sweet or wholesome, so I'll just have to think of something else.

I could always just ask Captain Yami to send them on a mission to one of the nearby dungeons that we haven't explored yet.

...If I do that, I should also add some extra traps, to make things more interesting for them.

He couldn't help but grin at this thought.

Besides, more perilous situations means more chances for them to save eachother. It's the perfect plan!

Finral stopped his walk, opening up a portal to a nearby dungeon, stepping through it. Once he was on the other side, he quickly got to work.

After an hour or so of working, he stepped through a new portal that led him right to the hideout, wiping some sweat off his face.

"That should do the trick," he muttered, "now to go find the captain."


"D'ya know why Captain Yami wants us on his mission?" Magna asked Luck, glancing around the dungeon.

"Dunno really." Luck replied cheerfully, grinning brightly as always. "Said something about this dungeon being unexplored and that we needed to check it out. I really don't care, though. Dungeons usually mean fighting, and fighting always means fun!"

"... Alright, I guess." He said with a shrug, before giving Luck a punch to the shoulder. "Well, 's not so bad since I get to do this with you. No one else would be brave enough to do this for no reason."

"Same here! This'll be fun, so long as you don't get all scared on me like you did last time~"


"If you're so sure you weren't, then why'd I have to stay up 'til 3AM with you because you refused to go to sleep afterwards?"

Magna didn't answer, and chose to just stare in defeat at the ground.

"Thought so~" Luck laughed, proud about his small victory. "Anyways, let's move a bit faster. I want to get to fighting as soon as possible!"

"Sure thing, ya' battle-crazy dork." Magna huffed, through there was a playful smile on his face.

Unbeknownst to them, Finral watched them through a small portal that would follow their location until he told it to stop moving.

Yes! It's all going well so far. Let's just hope it keeps getting better. If not, I at least have this portal open now so I can get them out quickly if it's needed.


The pair progressed through the dungeon without many enemies yet, much to Magna's relief and Luck's disappointment.

"Well now, maybe this dungeon won't be so bad after all!--"


"What was th--" Magna started to ask, before his words got cut off as a trap activated. A formerly invisible magic rope tightened around his leg, quickly pulling him off the ground.

"Magna! Are you alright!?" Luck shouted, worried for his friend, even as he felt himself vibrating with the excitement of seeing a trap.

So this place isn't as harmless as it seems...

Good. I was hoping for a challenge, and this is giving me just what I wanted.

"Yea, I'm fine! Just-- getting a bit lightheaded, so if you could hurry up and get me down that'd be great!" He yelled back.

"Alright, on it! Just give me a second and I'll get you down."

Luck immediately started looking around for something that he could use to get higher.

I mean, I could just jump, but Magna's really high up, and, if the rope is enchanted to be stronger, then getting up that far would take up some of the energy I'll need to stay in the air long enough to cut that rope. At the very least it looks like it's fireproof, since Magna's fire would've burned it if not.

I could always try just blasting it first?

No, I could risk hitting Magna instead of the rope, and I don't want to hurt him.

....I wonder if it would work if I just...

Luck shook his head to stop thinking about it so much, and decided to just go for it.

"Get ready, Magna!"


Luck just grinned in response. Bracing himself for a moment, he quickly launched himself into the sky with an electrical blast.

It took him a moment to get close to the rope, but he managed, and he immediately grabbed onto it.

Okay, I've got to time this perfectly. If not, Magna will definitely get hurt, which is what I really don't want to happen.

He gritted his teeth at the pain in his hands as he slid down the rope somewhat. "Should've worn my gloves.." he muttered under his breath, before speaking up so Magna could hear. "I'm going to try to cut the rope now!"

"Less talking, more rope destroying," Magna hissed, though his voice sounded fainter than usual, and, from what Luck could see, his face was a bit red as well.

Damnit, I really have got to hurry..

He slid a bit more, until he was able to reach down and hook an arm around Magna's waist and pull him into a sort of sitting position. His friend weakly wrapped his arms around Luck's neck, gripping the back of his shirt. "Alright, hold on!"

Luck's grimoire hovered out of the satchel he held it in, floating in front of him. He muttered a few words, activating his electric magic. Once his gauntlets formed around his wrists, he slashed through the rope.

Looks like they fireproofed it, but they forgot to protect it against sharpened electricity. He thought to himself, a grin on his face.

Magna yelped beside him, tightening his grip and wrapping his legs around Luck's midsection as Luck grabbed the part of the rope that wasn't cut off. They hung up there, suspended in the air for a moment, before the rope started to dissipate. He let go and dropped to the ground.

The two landed, Luck still vibrating slightly with excitement, and Magna still holding onto Luck tightly.

After a moment, Luck chuckled, glancing over at his friend, who had his face buried in Luck's shoulder. "So you just.. not gonna move?"

"Nah, not yet. Still feelin' too dizzy t' stand." Magna said with a yawn, tightening his grip just a bit.

"M'kay." Luck laughed. "Guess I'll just carry you through the rest of the dungeon then, hm?"

He didn't respond, so Luck took his silence as a yes and continued through the dungeon.


"We're back!" Luck announced when they returned to the hideout, leading a tired-looking Magna by the hand into the main room. Everyone welcomed them back before starting to ask how it went.

"Pretty uneventful. Ran into a few traps and monsters, but nothing too exciting." Luck said with a sigh. He was obviously incredibly let down by the nearly empty dungeon. "You'd think that it would be absolutely crawling with strong enemies to fight, since it hasn't been explored yet. But it just kinda wasn't."

"Awe, that's probably really disappointing for you." Vanessa said sympathetically, and Luck nodded, seeming sad despite the fact that he was still smiling as usual.

"It's fine though. I can always just fight Magna after he rests up, so it's fine!" He said happily, smiling wider.

"Huh? What happened to him?" Asta asked curiously, finally looking over at Magna, who had dozed off, leaning against Luck's shoulder.

"He got caught in a trap and got stuck upsidedown for a while." Luck said quietly.

"Ohh, makes sense."

Without warning, Magna completely fell asleep and started leaning all his weight on to Luck, who sighed and held onto him to prevent him from falling. "Well, I think I should get him to bed now. It's pretty late anyways."

The rest of the squad all said goodnight to Luck, then waited until he was gone to start talking.

"Finral. Details. Now. Tell us everything that you saw happen." Noelle said demandingly, staring Finral dead in the eyes.

"I'll just show you all the videos," Finral said, taking his new communicator from his pocket.


"They're so cute and so in love~" Charmy cooed a bit later, hugging herself. "Why can't I have someone like that?"

"So far, Finral's winning this. Which is bad." Guache said.

"Hey! Why is it bad!?"

"Hush." Everyone said simultaneously, glaring at Finral.

"Okay.." he whined.

"well, luck was right; it has gotten pretty late. we should all get to bed, yea?" Gordon said softly, standing up.

"Mhm." Vanessa nodded. "Good luck tomorrow, everyone!"


Words: 1485

Yayyy, another chapter done! Finished this one in a single day, instead of taking a few days to complete it >:)

Aaaanygays, hope you enjoyed! And remember, if you have any recommendations for what you think they should do, let me know~
('∩。• ᵕ •。∩')


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