The Osirian Twins (2)

By Totally_Twins2

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Twins Eddie and Charlie Miller return to Anubis House and Frobisher Academy for another year. With the new fo... More

House of Arrivals
House of Presents
House of Truth
House of Hieroglyphs
House of Revelations
House of Questions
House of Pi
House of Mistrust
House of Trickery
House of Unity
House of Entrapment
House of Sisters
House of Tombs
House of Smuggling
House of Anticipation
House of Close Calls
House of Hustle
House of Setup
House of History
House of Eclipse
House of Awakening
House of Sarcophagi
House of Possession
House of Greed
House of Deceptions
House of Rainbows
House of Enemies
House of Surprise
House of Winning
House of Moonlighting
House of Treachery
House of Imposters
House of Dates
House of Cunning
House of Suspicion
House of Capture
House of Heartbreak
House of Defeat
House Of Ammut
House of Heroes

House of Hog

69 5 4
By Totally_Twins2

Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn they hate us
Oh the misery. Everybody wants to be my enemy
Imagine Dragons

Mild scenes and mentions of torture

Another collage at the bottom and if you scroll in the header you will find a link to the song. I just thought it fitted this chapter. This is also double the usual work count I hope that's okay.

Charlie's POV

Eddie and I stood there as Frobisher practically breathing in our faces. He the reaches to grab both of us.

Eddie" No, no, no!"

Charlie" Ah! No! No, no!"

Alfie's POV

I am standing in my room on my phone when Fabian storms it yelling at me.

Fabian" Where are the Twins?"

Alfie" I don't know, Oh, there they are"

I trick Fabian who looks around giving me my chance to get to the other side of the room.

Alfie" I didn't think you'd fall for that, see, I always thought you were the smartest, but some people think Mara's the smartest"

Fabian" Tell me where The Twins are"

Alfie" They are safe and sound, of course, if you want to figure out where, you can always ask Mara's advice"

Fabian" You had better stop messing around with me, Alfie, or I will"

Alfie" Or you'll what, get physical? No. See, you're not really the sporty type, that's, um that's that's probably why Nina left you, though Charlie can't be fan either. Sorry, dude"

Charlie's POV

Twins" Ah! Get off me!"

We both struggle and I then look at the sarcophagi's, they have been filled, there is one with Victor, one with Patricia, one with Fabian and then the one that hurts the most.


I see Eddie looking and his face says it all, our dad was a sinner. Frobisher then throws both of us towards the wall and I tumble into Eddie. He stands by Patricia's Sarcophagi and I stand by Fabian's.

Then I see them, Patricia and Dad step out. I couldn't believe it, he was a sinner you could see the red eyes. I felt like crying.

Charlie" Dad"

Frobisher" Oh he isn't your dad now, your dad is gone and he certainly doesn't care about his stupid daughter"

Eddie" Hey don't talk to my sister like that"

Frobisher then slaps Eddie round the face with such force he falls over. I kneel down by him.

Frobisher" Do not speak to me like that boy"

Charlie" Eddie, are you okay"

Eddie" I'm fine, it's okay"

I can now see a red mark developing on his cheek. I lean into him now incredibly frightened, I feel his hand interlock with mine.

Dad" Aww, look my stupid twins are holding hands"

I push myself on Eddie. Frobisher kneels down beside us.

Frobisher" Shall I answer some questions for you?"

Eddie" Nothing we didn't already know"

Charlie" Our friends will come for us!"

Frobisher" Your friends won't have time, before long you'll both be one of us"

I look into the evil eyes of Frobisher, petrified, I feel Eddie squeeze my hand.

Frobisher" Oh, didn't think it would be so soon, as you can see, only one sarcophagus remains empty, soon after you have both been captured, with the final piece in place, the great Ammit will walk amongst the living"

He approaches us suddenly shouting making both Eddie and I jump in fright. He continues to shout only making my stomach bubble more. He then catches Eddie looking at the sarcophagus.

Frobisher" Oh don't be scared it won't hurt and if you are wondering how we will fit twins in one sarcophagus that's easy we won't, you see twins have a rare unique bond. You are bonded by blood and you both share the same mind so only one needs to go in there"

Frobisher" Perhaps it could be the girl"

He stares at me, he gets closer and touches my face making me whimper slightly.

Eddie" Don't touch my sister"

Frobisher slaps Eddie again in the face now bruising his other cheek. He slams his head against the wall and it knocks him out. Frobisher smirks and his evil laugh sends goosebumps all over me. He takes my chin and makes me look at him.

Frobisher" Imagine if I had your brother as a sinner then you would be all alone, no dad or brother to protect you but since you are twins you are connected so there is no escaping that"

I look at Eddie who is awake again but is very dazed.

Frobisher" Your brother is very stupid isn't he don't worry it will feel like the end of the world and your friends will be unable to stop The suffering that will reign!"

Patricia" Give it up, both of you have lost"

I lean against Eddie who is nursing his head he hit on the wall. Our hands are still connected and I squeeze it, he puts his around mine.

Frobisher" Aww, look at them don't they look so cute, makes you sick doesn't it"

All them laugh including our dad, the fact that our dad is a sinner just hurts so much, the fact that he is no longer our dad, he is one of Frobisher's evil minions. Denby then enters.

Miss Denby" The hour is almost upon us"

Frobisher" Indeed"

We both stand up and Eddie pleads with Patricia while I plead with our dad.

Eddie" Patricia, are you in there?"

Charlie" Dad, it's me, it's us, your twins, I'm your little girl remember"

Denby then snorts and I risk a look at her, she has that look she always has, smirking that she always knew something we didn't.

Miss Denby" Told you didn't I you wouldn't always have your father to protect you didn't I"

Dad"You can't fight it"

We both then have the same thought as we both make a break for it. It fails. I didn't think it would work since they are all standing in front of the door. Dad then grabs Eddie and I hear him plead and Denby holds me.

Eddie" Dad, please"

Charlie" Get off me you witch"

She then pulls my neck back and our dad holds Eddie while he struggles.

Eddie" No don't hurt her, please Dad, please"

Denby keeps hold of my neck and I whimper. Frobisher comes over and takes my face again. I struggle though I'm held in a tight grip.

Frobisher" You know I wanted to meet you and your brother for a long time, I was always told about you two, the trouble you caused us"

Miss Denby" The fact both of you managed to escape the crypt"

Eddie" So it was you who locked us in there"

Miss Denby" Oh yeah, you can thank Victor for that one"

Frobisher then slips a knife out of his pocket and my terrified eyes see it gleaming. I swallow in fear as Denby holds me close.

Eddie" No, no, leave her alone, no, please"

Charlie" Eddie!"

Frobisher then mimics me.

Frobisher" Eddie!"

He then grabs my right hand and I realise what he is going to do and start struggling again.

Charlie" No, No!"

Frobisher" Be a good girl and hold still, you little brat"

Miss Denby" Oh now, come on Charlie don't move"

Charlie" I hate you"

Miss Denby" Yeah well the feeling is mutual for you and your brother"

I wince as Frobisher runs the knife over my skin and blood starts to drip down my wrist. Eddie is having the same done to him by Patricia while dad holds him in a vice like grip I imagine. This was going scar him for a long time. Denby was surprisingly strong.

Frobisher" Release them"

Eddie and I are pushed forwards and both crash into each other again. Both of us now nursing our bloody hands.

Charlie" The nursery rhyme clues, you don't have all of them"

Eddie" You might have Patricia's summer house, but you won't have the rest"

I then watch Denby, Dad, Patricia and Frobisher all smile and start laughing, exchanging looks with each other. They didn't know that before, now they do.

Frobisher" Oh, the summer house, you two are proving even more useful than I thought"

Patricia" Thanks, Eddie, I really had forgotten"

I look at Eddie as all of them start cackling at both of us making us feel angry. Frobisher notices this.

Frobisher" Oh, getting a little angry, are we? Who will be the first to crack?"

Frobisher" Now be a good boy and girl and hold your hands together for us"

Eddie" What?"

Frobisher" We just have to be sure that twin bond will work, I don't want to lose out on a spare sinner do I"

I swallowed in fear and both Eddie and I looked at each other. He mouths to me that its okay and I nod as we clamp our hands together.

Alfie's POV
I had been searching for KT everywhere not helping matters when it was getting dark. I then spotted her by The Gatehouse.

Alfie" KT! KT! KT, it's me, it's me, it's me"

KT leans back as far as she can go on the stone wall.

KT" How do I know?"

Alfie" Wait, hold on"

I pull up the video on my phone.

Alfie" Watch his eyes, Fabian's the sinner, not me"

KT" They got the twins, Alfie, Frobisher pulled them both inside, You should've seen their faces"

We all then hear Mr Sweet's voice, Victor's voice and Fabian's voice.

Victor" What is it?"

Mr Sweet" We have the final one or two's depending on how you look at it"

Fabian"Who are they?"

Mr Sweet" It's my twins"

Victor" Yes, almost midnight, just in time.

Mr Sweet" If we had to wait until midday, we'd have been forced to listen to the boy and girl's insufferable utterances for a further 12 hours"

Victor" More than either of us could bear"

Mr Sweet" Indeed"

KT" Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Alfie" That's really mean?"

KT" No, they can only catch sinners at midnight or midday. But there's too many of them in there now to get them out, unless we ruin their plans tonight"

Alfie' Then the twins will be safe until at least morning, There will only be Frobisher in there"

KT" We could distract him and save the twins"

Charlie's POV
Eddie and I were sitting back against the wall, everyone had disappeared and then in walks Denby, I shift closer to Eddie.

Miss Denby" Hello, Twins don't worry I just come to treat your hands"

Eddie" Leave us alone"

Miss Denby" Oh so you want them to get infected do you, fine by me"

Eddie and I say nothing.

Miss Denby" Right, now give me your hands both of you"

We both hold our right hands out and she dumps what I think is too much antiseptic. I flinch as does Eddie.

Miss Denby" Don't be babies, just wipe that off and wrap it up"

She reaches for some bandages and wraps Eddie first before me.

Miss Denby" There we go, all clean"

She then grabs both of our chins.

Miss Denby" I am going to enjoy this"

After she has left I sigh and lean into Eddie.

Charlie" Eddie I'm scared, do you think they are going to hurt us"

Eddie" They already have"

Charlie" And dad, he isn't dad anymore Eddie, he's gone, dad's gone"

I then start crying and Eddie pulls me into his arms, we sit there together cuddling until the door smashes open and in walks Victor, Frobisher, Dad, Denby, Patricia and Fabian. I swallowed I hadn't seen him since he found out Patricia was a sinner.

Fabian" Hello Charlie"

Charlie" Fabian"

I leap up and run over to him but then I see the red eyes.

Charlie" Fabian not you too, please Fabian, I know you are in there, somewhere"

Fabian" I never loved you, I never wanted you for a girlfriend, you actually thought I loved you"

Charlie" Fabian, please"

Fabian" You and your stupid brother, you had to turn up and ruin everything didn't you, you are the reason Nina couldn't come back, you!"

He keeps stabbing me in the chest until I've backed up into Eddie. He smirks at me. I lean into him again.

Eddie" Fabian, I know it's not really you saying all that you don't mean it"

Fabian" Oh I don't do I, well what about you, having you for a roommate always sucked, I mean I had to get landed with an athlete and a bad boy but you are not really a bad boy are you Eddie, deep down you know you are a disappointment to your father, you both are"

Charlie" Fabian, please"

Frobisher" Get the both of them now"

Fabian then grabs me while dad grabs Eddie. We are leant against a table and Eddie slips his injured hand into mine. Dad then approaches sticking his face in our faces.

Dad" Just think, millions of teenagers in the world and I got you two!"

Miss Denby"What, no witty retort? That's a first"

Patricia" Come on, Eddie, fight!"

Fabian" Yeah Charlie, or are you too hopeless for that"

They both push Eddie and I roughly.

Patricia" Aw, what a disappointment, right Fabian?"

Fabian" Such a disappointment, can see why they were never wanted, I guess you were not the girl I thought you were"

Patricia" You're not the guy I thought you'd be"

Victor" Powerless, eh, boy and you girl? Where are your cocky attitudes now, hmm?"

Victor then grabs Eddie in a grasp holding him tight and ruffling his hair, which I know for a fact he hates. 

Dad" Has it deserted you, the both of you are hopeless aren't you?"

Eddie's little finger then grips mine and I knew we have the same idea.

Eddie" Shut up! Shut up!"

Denby gets all up in our faces mocking us.

Miss Denby" You can't take it?"

Twins" Shut up!"

Dad" Oooo they are getting angry!"

Twins" Shut up! Shut up!"

They all close in on us and and we both continue to yell at the top of our lungs.

Patricia" He's getting angry"

Fabian" She's getting angry!

Twins" Shut up! Shut up!"

Frobisher" Ooh, Eddie! Where are these friends of yours, hey?"

Dad" They just don't care, Eddie"

Fabian" They never really liked you two"

Eddie and I rush away from them anything to get them to stop shouting insults into our faces.

Victor" Feeling angry Boy!"

Frobisher" What about you girl?"

We both then act all angry and Frobisher grabs Eddie by his jacket and shoves him in the sarcophagus "

Eddie" No, no! No, no, no!"

Charlie" Eddie!"

Frobisher, Victor and Dad watch the statue up the top while Denby, Fabian and Patricia watch me waiting for the change. It never comes through as Eddie and I were never really angry.

Frobisher" Ammit"

Victor" Ammit"

Dad" Ammit"

The door then opens and Eddie stands there. I smirk.

Eddie" You really thought my sis and I were angry, didn't you?"

Charlie" Well, guess we should both take drama next year, shouldn't we, dad?"

Eddie" Oh, I think that's where all the cockiness was"

He then waves fingers in Victor's face probably not helping our case. I stand next to him now but both of us jump when Frobisher in a tempered rage throws stuff from his desk. He turns round to glare at us both.

Frobisher" Ah! All you two have done is delay your fate, tomorrow we finish the job"

Eddie" We don't care what you do"

Charlie" We are not gonna get angry"

Then the sound of that the awful organ starts playing and I knew it had to be KT or Alfie or both. The others file out leaving Eddie and I with Frobisher who walks over to us.

Frobisher" Hmm, everyone has a weakness"

Fabian and Patricia stare at us as they leave.

Frobisher" One just has to know which buttons to push"

He pokes Eddie in the chest multiple times and then tickles my neck.

Eddie" You leave her alone"

Charlie" You leave him alone"

Frobisher" Move and you will regret it"

Eddie" We have to get out of here"

Charlie" You read my mind, come on"

Both of us sneak downstairs.

Eddie" Okay ready?"

Charlie" Ready"

Eddie" Go!"

Both of us leg it in different directions, Eddie darting around a chair and me darting around a desk. We try to escape but when it's six against two you don't stand much of a chance.

Frobisher" Somebody get them!

Victor" We have him, Robert! We have him!"

Frobisher" I have her, take them back upstairs"

Alfie's POV
After breakfast KT and I are in the hallway, Patricia and Fabian were back at the house and Fabian had been flicking scones at Jerome.

KT" Can you believe Fabian?"

Alfie" Yeah, but you've got to remember it's not the real him"

KT" There's not many of us left"

KT" Yeah, Okay, let's go over the plan, we head over after first class. You distract Frobisher while I go up and get the twins"

Alfie" I distract Frobisher, yeah, it sounds easy when you say it"

KT" You can do it"

Eddie's POV
Charlie and I had spent the night asleep on the floor, I mean where else would we go, after our escape last night the door had been firmly bolted shut, we had ended up cuddled into each other, I had draped my jacket over her since it was freezing in this tank room.

-Eddie's Dream-
I was sat against my sister, my arm wrapped around her, my jacket covered her. I then see him staring over us and grip hold of her.

Frobisher" Hello Eddie"

Eddie" What do you want?"

Frobisher" I want your sister, I guess I could give her back after"

Eddie" No leave her alone, NO"

I then watched as Frobisher took my twin and she screamed for me.

Eddie" NO! NO! NO!"

I then jolt awake and Charlie is still in my arms covered in my jacket. I breathe in. Only a dream. Thank god.

From what I can assume it must be early morning as Frobisher has now come in to continue work. He smirks at me.

Frobisher" Morning, today is the day Edison Miller today you and your sister will become my last sinners"

Eddie" We won't get angry whatever you do"

Frobisher" Well, like I said you have to know the right buttons to push and I think I know"

Eddie" NO!"

He reaches to wrench Charlie from my arms, she wakes up. I grip onto her as hard as I can. It was like the dream or it could have been a vision.

Eddie" NO, NO, Charlie!"

Charlie" Eddie! NO, let me go!"

I try to get up forgetting I have been chained by my leg to the wall, I yelp when it pulls from around my ankle. My sister was in possible danger and there was nothing I do could about it.

Charlie's POV
I remember screaming for Eddie after Frobisher had wrenched me from his grip. My mouth has been covered, eyes blindfolded and I had been tied to a chair. I wriggle when the blindfold was taken off and the scarf around my mouth was taken off then she looked back at me.


Miss Denby" Hello Charlie, first time I've seen you without your brother"

Charlie" Why am I tied up and what do you want with me"

Miss Denby" You see Robert and I wanted to test the bonds of anger and what better than to anger your brother is to watch his sister in pain"

She grips my injured hand and I try to pull back.

Miss Denby" Hurts doesn't it, hopefully it will serve you and your brother well when you become sinners"

Charlie" Eddie and I will never give in, never"

Miss Denby" Oh you will, you see we have to work on getting at least one of you angry, if you we get you both that's a bonus"

Charlie" I am not going to get angry and there is nothing you can do that we make me angry"

Miss Denby" Is that so?"

Frobisher then comes back in and he holds a small instrument I can't quite make out what it is but when he presses it to my wounded hand I scream in pain.

Frobisher" Ahhh, it works, I just had to test it out, hopefully your brother will have felt that too"

Charlie" What, what is that?"

Frobisher" This my dear, is what keeps you and your brother connected to me, you see all my sinners have a mark unless I die you and the others are forever bonded to me Ammit will reward me"

Charlie" I guess you will have to make sure you die then I'm not sure I want to be bonded to you forever"

Frobisher smirks at me.

Frobisher" Cocky isn't she this girl?"

Miss Denby"Just like her brother"

Frobisher" Oh I have a little surprise for you, come in!"

I then see Fabian walk in and he smirks, his red eyes gleaming evilly.

Charlie" Fabian, please don't do whatever you are going to do"

Denby then leans down by me and takes my injured hand on purpose making me wince in pain.

Miss Denby" Your brother will be watching this, we will get one of you angry"

I am presented a screen and I see my brother currently being berated by Patricia and if anything he looks more upset than angry. I then look up at Fabian and he started spitting insults at me.

Fabian" You are worthless, hopeless girlfriend, you think I really loved you, I never needed you, I only kept you around for one good reason"

Charlie" Fabian, please"

Fabian" It was to pity you after you broke up with Jerome, I never cared for you Charlie"

Charlie" Fabian, you don't mean that I know you don't"

Fabian proceeds to circle me and stabs his fingers in my chest. I sigh, like Eddie I felt more upset than angry.

Fabian" Jerome probably hated you, that's why he cheated on Willow and Mara with you, pathetic"

I tried to block it out, I closed my eyes and tried to remember the good times, all the good times. Images flashed across my vision. I saw Fabian and I having a picnic on the grounds and then that moment a few minutes later when it chucked it down with rain. Fabian had tried to hold his blazer over us both since I left mine at the house. That moment Fabian and I spent trying to fix the phonograph, our fingers touching and the smiles that were exchanged.

I was then brought out of my thoughts as someone had slapped me around the face. It wasn't Fabian and it wasn't Denby, I stared at Frobisher.

Frobisher" You girl are meant to be watching your brother"

Charlie" I'm not going to get angry, I'll never get angry!"

Frobisher" Well I guess it's time for plan B"

Miss Denby" What is plan B?"

Frobisher" Pain, the only way to ever sort things"

Miss Denby" What are you going to do?"

Frobisher" I'll be back, Fabian get out of here now!"

Frobisher left the room and I watched as he appeared on the screen, he dismissed Patricia like he had done with Fabian. I watched him approach my brother and he did something to him, I just couldn't see what. Denby then marches over to me and sits on the adjacent desk.

Miss Denby" You know it would be a lot easier if you and your brother just submitted to your fate"

Charlie" You know it would be a lot easier if you wasn't a witch"

She then slaps me her nails digging in my cheek.

Charlie" I think you are the one getting angry I thought that was my job"

She is about to slap me again but Frobisher barges in.

Frobisher" Harriet you may leave, now!"

Miss Denby" Yes Robert"

He circles me and I see him holding a bracelet. He yanks my right arm and slaps it on me.

Frobisher" Now, you and your brother we have yet to make angry, you are putting up a great fight, so I will have to resort pain"

Charlie" How would that make me angry"

Frobisher" Oh like this"

He then presses something and the bracelet I now have on glows on my wrist and I shriek in pain.

Frobisher" Oh yes this will do nicely"

Charlie's POV
After two failed attempts of making us angry Eddie and I had been placed back in the tank room. Frobisher was currently occupied elsewhere, we didn't know where. A deep red mark branded both our wrists, Frobisher had hoped to use pain against us both hoping one of us would get so angry. We were both loyal to each other, we knew we couldn't get angry. I looked up at Eddie who was asleep his wounded wrist hanging over my shoulder. I then jumped as Frobisher entered waking Eddie. He smirks at Eddie and I and starts pacing.

Eddie"You know, the old you would be ashamed of what you're doing"

Frobisher" Silence!"

Frobisher then must have seen something on his screens as he then stares at Eddie and I, he then runs out of the room and we both hear the key in the lock. Both of us sigh and Eddie gets up to stretch his legs me doing the same. I follow Eddie over to Fabian's sarcophagus.

Charlie" I know it's not him but it still hurts you should of heard all the things he said to me, I know he didn't mean it but it cuts deep"

Eddie" I know Patricia berated me too, all the stuff she said made me upset more than angry"

He then taps Fabian's sarcophagus.

Eddie" Could sure use an elaborate plan right now, buddy"

KT then skids in.

KT" How about a simple one? Run"

Charlie" KT!  Oh my god, are we glad to see you"

We go to leave and Eddie pauses and grabs the wires for the screens Frobisher was using, disabling them.

All three of us rush down the stairs and meet Alfie.

Alfie" Yes, you got them, quick under here"

The four of us hide under the table with a curtain across it, admittedly it was a bit of a squeeze with four of us.

Eddie" Okay, come on, sis and I know their whole plan now"

Charlie" We have to get away and stay away from this place, it's our only chance of surviving"

Alfie" We have to stay"


Alfie" Hot heights, this place used to be called Gate Lodge"

I see he is holding a small old card, you could see it was faded and the edges all bent.

Alfie" This is my rhyme, guys, the lodge's heights are hot indeed? I think the artefact's in that chimney, I need to go up there and get it"

Eddie"All right, it should be safe, I disabled the cameras"

All four of us emerge from under the table.

Charlie" KT, keep an eye on that door"

KT" You sure you want to do this?"

Alfie" No but I'm going to"

KT" Aren't you afraid of small spaces?"

Alfie" I'm afraid of everything but my ancestors put their faith in me and I'm not gonna let them down"

Alfie makes his way up the chimney. Eddie and I look up it there not being enough room for KT as the entrance was very small.

Charlie" You can do this Alfie"

Eddie" Yeah, buddy, don't look down"

Both of us then pulls our heads out as dust and bits of brick fall down in the fireplace. After we look back up again.

Eddie" What happened?"

Alfie" You made me look down, I think I see something"

All of us jump when we hear a loud clank.

Eddie" Go, go!"

KT, Eddie and I run across the room to hide.

KT hides behind a bedside table and Eddie and I behind the door just as Denby enters.

Frobisher" They are gone? The blasted children! Now we have lost another 12 hours"

Miss Denby" Relax, Robert, we will have our day"

Frobisher" Don't tell me to relax!"

Miss Denby" I'll make you something to eat"

Frobisher" I'll be in my study"

Once we all hear they have gone we rush back over to the fireplace. Eddie shoves his head up there.

Eddie" Alfie, get out now"

Alfie" No, No, I came here to get my artefact, I'm getting my artefact"

All of us scraper back to our hiding places just as Denby and Frobisher appear again.

Story Notes
So the twins have been captured by Frobisher and are being forced to minor acts of torture while also being berated by their dad a boyfriend and girlfriend. The twins only have each other for comfort and Denby takes far too much pleasure in hurting Charlie.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think? This was my all time favourite chapter to write.



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