
By Rileyceith

232 61 24

Starting to say hie is too common but if its all what could come out of my mouth, that's what I will go with... More

Dethroned book 1


27 6 3
By Rileyceith

Thrillingly pleasing for having such a company. He had it and they all however did not consider him, even though they enjoyed the comfort of his place, except for Tina who kept on staring at the watery wall. In his mind, were questions like 'how do we get out of here' and 'how did we get in.' He ended up clueless. To Kalmar, it was a different story, life changing, but well then, it was going to be life wrecking as this company had their back being swooped every moment.

"We barely had our chances with the waddens out there. They were firing on us.” Laughed Tina trying to clear his mind up.

"Not to mention that  poor man who helped us at the bar. A spear went straight into his forehead. I mean, he had life." He showed sympathy.

Kalmar gave a weird stare at Tina.
"Look who is admiring this place," said Linna.

"I never said that," he shouted.

She smiled as she enjoyed pocking him. "You don't need to. Its all over your face."

"The  guy had three children!" Tina whimpered. "... and you talk of enjoying this place's air."

"Alright then. If you really feel pity, why don't you go and take care of his kids." She looked straight at him. "You see, thats what I thought." She rested on a fixed net tied on both ends to suspend in the air.

Walter laughed. "Hope they are not going to touch those little girls. It's not our fault though. I warned him not to help us, but he kept on saying something about believing in us. I don't know what he saw, but it got him killed."

"He did it for us," said Tina.

Kalmar smiled in delight as he felt this new experience of interactions appetising.

A shear of silence broke in until everyone collapsed into a peaceful rest.

The night turned to early dawn and the light fell in only for the day to be blooming with new routines and vast inspirations.

The morning did not take long to be witnessed of its cool breeze, lovely singing birds, charming roses and dander lions and gently flapping butterflies which swarmed up from the expanse small white flowers up the hill. The visitors had their time of luxury, exploration and for sure they were leaving. Some small round gourds, food and some nice courts were dumpled up together on the backpack.

“I’m coming with you,” said Kalmar.

“No! you’re not.” Proclaimed Walter.

“He is going to be fine. I like him and he got those weird orange eyes. He is going to scare some.”

Kalmar was pleased to hear what Tina said.

“You and Linaa for life, and I will stick up with Kalmar. How about that, hmm?”

They looked at each other, and no one wanted to conclude this array. Kalmar felt so miserable. No one wanted to be responsible.

Tina sighed and shortly after that, he gasped, “You don’t want him, do you.” 
"Say that spear dude comes again, hmm?" Enlightened Walter.

"I will keep him safe!!"

After they saw a glimse that Kalmar had, they felt deranged, so an agreement was made and they sure assembled to leave the Mahogany hood. How would they get out of the realm? They didn’t think of that until they stood at the wall which looked like a waterfall, disappearing into the sky. It was so translucent and clean. No plan at all. They all stood like dolls at the wall.

Tina was first to move forward. He forced his body against the wall, then he was blown back. He fell with his back and everyone laughed.

"It some kind of a magnetic shield," said Tina.

Walter looked troubled. He looked around for any clue, but there weas nothing to pick. He tiredly said, "We are definitely stuck here."

In their process of losing hope, Kalmar stepped forth, without confidence and slowly stretched his hand to touch the wall and there, it split vertically into a rectangular door. They were all relieved and followed each other out in a single file. The end of their path was not clearly seen, it was cloud white and shiny. The surface was surprisingly hard dry.

“How did you do that man?” questioned Tina. He made some few steps back as he tried to figure the trick behind the majestic execution. His eyes went bright and his cheeks  turning pink with a hard smile.

"There must be some explanation."

“It’s his place genius,” highlighted Walter.

"Consider this your payment to come with us, sweet heart... fill yourself in..."

“Do I have orange eyes,” Kalmar shivered with excitement.

He was beginning to feel so strange of himself that he even doubted his own name. He had so much of him he didn’t know. He had to know, he had to go with them, that was his only chance and he didn't waste it.
When the brightness went out, they found themselves at the verge of a treeless rock cliff. It wasn't noticed until Linna felt his foot not touching the ground. That is when she realised she was falling. She couldn't contain the lurch. Her heart fell into a void of cold, a whirlpool, that she found it hard to let out her voice. She slithered a bit, fought to scream and she ultimately did, loudly. Hopefully, a glider cut the air down, with a knife in hand, quickly lancing through the rock joins and locked both the grip and the jab. It was Walter.

He gradually said, "hang on!"

Things were a bit different when it comes to Kalmar. The moment he stepped out of the realm, it felt like walking into a fire storm without being burned. He was alarmed to see both Walter and Linna hardly hanging down. In a second, they were to fall.

Tina threw a rope and Linna quickly grabbed it. They smeared up with their feet, while Kalmar and Tina struggled to hold a stand.  Chumbled dum! Tina's eyes were shocked. He saw Kalmar's arms making a slightly dull orange manufacturing. His veins were glowy. Somehow, the tesion was reduced.

Tina held looser, while he marveled what he was seeing. Shortly , Walter and Linna were up, then powerlessly sat down, breathing hard and reprocessing the whole scene.
Tina also had a moment of reprocessing. The question was 'How did they came out at a cliff, of all the places?" Though he didn't mention it loud, he had thoughts full of these relating conversations.

Kalmar finally breathed in that new air, a mile away further. The weather, the trees, a well arranged expanse of the landscape and the great feeling instantly transfigured him. He liked it. It was the world.   
No speaking nor songs, just silence throughout and footsteps rhythmically making their chuckling smashes onto the small twigs and foliage of the Msasa trees. The sunshine partly broke through the canopy. It helped to tint the underneath shed with a textured sunset red especially in these dusk hours. Small fleas and beetles flew and gathered in circles.

“Do I have orange eyes,” he asked again. "I feel like I don't even know myself... like being capable of something, at least."

“Here you go, take a sip. You are good at starting conversations by the way.” Tina laughed. "I'm sure you are more than what you seem to stand for... not to mention what you did to that water wall... whatever it is."
He held the bottle as he fought to decide to say the other thing or not. He thought not, then handed the bottle to Kalmar.

“Tastes like…,” he stammered in delight.

“…because it is marula…,” Tina said.

“I was going to say urine." Everyone looked at him, awkwardly. "What? Haven't you all tasted urine?"

They all grumbled for him to stop.

"My legs are hot,” complained Kalmar.

“It’s because you are weary. Never been much of a traveler, have you?” said Walter.

"Where exactly are we going?" Asked Kalmar.

"To the great Bunglbough Lands of Elloes and Kronos," stated Tina.

"I'm thrilled already," puffed Kalmar. He had no much anxiety in finding out what this crew was up to. It was quite possible, of course, he was so curious and that gave him a reason to stay for an adventure way of finding out. From this moment onward, he had something to devote his life to.

They trudged a few yards to the rocky mountain pass. It was quite a place to set up for a night camp. Never looked safe though. The moon projected shadows of the dawn of the winter nights, the evening breeze, noisy dry forliage and creepy whispers of the wind which blew by the walls of the pass gave them a treachery piece of mind.

However, a small appeal of greatness was being established by the the inviting warm fire. Everybody felt themselves around the fire except for Tina.

He was somewhere, pinning himself beneath a tree and immensely focused as his dark robe kept him concealed in the shadows. There were so many obstacles, so he had to move closer and yes, he finally got to it. He put on his ugly face for an aim, eye to the target, bow to the wrist with the arrow being fed to the stretched string's momentum and finally acquired a possible shot. It settled then, when the arrow sank itself into two birds' chests. The other flock swarmed up to the grey sky. He waited for the feather storm to settle and then made his way to pick the caucus.

“Why did you kill those ducks?” Questioned Kalmar. He was so furious.

Everyone was so surprised.

Tina stood still as he laid his eyes on Kalmar. He finally opened his mouth, “Hmm ohh!! I want you to call them dinner now.” He began to make his way towards the fire place and he looked so proud. “Walter, can you believe it? l made a double shot.”

“I can do that a multiple times.”

“You just killed a mother and father... and the poor ducklings are now miserable orphans,” uttered Kalmar.

“How do you know that?" Frowned Tina. He plucked out the last feather. “Linna, are you done sharpening the knife?” He Asked.

She was slowly sharpening it with so much intense power and concentration. It somehow looked like a distraction. This was clearly revealing her inner issues.  She had no idea why her parrents were killed. That made her spent her life playing with knives. It grew to be her purpose and it consumed her every moment. She wanted to find it all, heal herself and have something to limp up for. Walter was one of a clue. She had to stay with him, earn his trust and eventually get the full kit.

Everyone was looking forward to eat and Tina was almost done spicing up and adding his favourite jubulo chilli. He glanced at everyone with a dazzling smile, even though it wasn't a pleasing smile, the aroma obliviated it by striking everyone with such an apetite. They responded with a grin which reflected their sensation of a furmished stomach.

Tasty, scrumptious but, so hot that my boy Kalmar was dying. Such a good taste.

“... yeh... looks like you don't do much of chewing back there in your tree...” Walter smiled a bit.

Such a new taste to Kalmar made everything appear to be  new. He had no idea how to react or behave, he felt very strange and puzzled. Everyone kept talking but, him, just a listener.

“So, can you fill me in on what made you decide to go on this adventure.”

“We are actually being hunted,” Said Tina. He gasped as if he was waiting for someone else to provide an illustration.

“Why?” Kalmar hissed softly. "I just want to be hinched for some know, since I'm now part of the crew."

"Part of the crew? You will be dead soon," said Walter.

"Don't say that," she said.

"We both know what's out there," Walter said.

It could be seen on both Linna and Tina's faces that they were disembodied, fearing what might possibly happen. Walter could be right. No one let out any word for a moment.

Tina thought of lifting up the mood and said, "You don't need to whisper!" He mumbled again, "You might chock yourself."

“The king turned out to be evil and we are going to cease him,” pronounced Linna.

"That's it!" Kalmar panted. No way this could be an explanation, there must be more, he thought.

“By ceasing him, you mean killing him... because as long as he is breathing, he is going to keep us on the hook and probably the end our lives,” muttered Walter. He drew part of the moment to himself. They saw it in his eyes. He had so much anger.

“...he is your father!” Linna yelled. Her tongue made it relevant to yell even though it wasn't. She knew how to project a sound, pretend to be sad, sick, munipulative and convincing. This time, she wanted to be righteous and merciful. No one wondered about any of her thoughts.

“Was my father, until he murdered the hein.”

“Hein!” The look on kalmar's face proved that he had a slight flash back. He was frozen. He thought of saying something but, the mouth kept opened and said nothing.

“You want to know about these heins,” asked Linna.

He nodded.

Everyone went silent, then she started, “Once upon a family with six brothers. They were the great Vkkosh lineage. By that, it means they possesed the power of the heins. They helped the king in battles and won. The most gratitude came forth to the heins, of corse and the King couldn't contain his own jealousy. By all means, he wanted his domain to be felt, letting his frustration control him and under his command, he diclared war against defenceless colonies. He raided villages, excecuted their men, took wemen and children, get them mollested and inslave them; all the kind of hell you can imagine. His command was irresistible and threatening. Vkkosh refused to take part in any of it and that's where it started. He invited Vkkosh's family to the king's banquet.”

“He doesn't even like guests,” puffed Walter.

“The food was undenyingfully great as it is said, and this is why they didn't see it coming."

He ordered his sentinels to get rid of the bodies and he just pretented like nothing ever happened. Romours say their mother was never at the dinner until recent years later, a woman was excecuted.

We are going to help the Elloes and the Kronos in battle plans against Aghata. We are going to outlay every angle of weakness.”

She presented her abilities in perfection and she nailed it. She had no actual saying about the ending but, since the fire was dying, Walter and Tina were already lying on the surface.

Kalmar was still wanting to hear more but, the story teller had no much to tell until they were all caught in a sleep.

Just before Linna passed out, Kalmar asked, "Why did he kill the children?”

“...forgot that part..." She snuggled closer to him. "Every new leneage, one hein is born in the Vkkosh family, so he wasn't sure of hein amongst the Vkkosh offsprings.” She whispered slowly as she felt sleepy. She mad a deep yawn.

Kalmar felt so uncomfortable but, his exhausted legs needed that rest. He pushed himself down to find the best comfort. He lay with his right side down. Small stones on the ground painfully pressed to his heap. It couldn't let him sleep, so he tried to reach out to it. He sparkled his eyes onto Linna face. Her eyes were closed, so he awkwardly groped down, felt a hard lump, tried to pluck it out and it felt impossimble. He pressed his thumb, harder, then it loosened its roots up. Damn it, he bruised his thump. He made a peep sound of pain. There were still more pointy stones.

A thick cloth was thrown on his face. She pitily looked at him. He felt shy and asked, "What about you?"

"I'm used to it," she answered.

The night did not last long for the hoar frost to wake them up. Luckily they were already past two fields northwards to the Mentor woods in the mid latitude.

"We can go through the tunnels if you want," suggested Tina.

"There are scrawling trolls and death spells down there," lmplied Linna as she followed the path down the hill. "Perhaps you need to be reminded unless you want to be split into two pierces."

Tina was terrified and his face coudn't deny it. They all waited for him to burst.

"...okay...okay... I know. Its just that it is a little far if we take the route through this forest. Anyway, what choice do we have?" He whimped in exhaustion.

Walter quietly led the way into the forest and they didn't have to question it. He had full custody of them all.

Perhaps for the sake that he was the son of the king he betrayed, his role was crucial and no one could doubt him. He gave them a reason not to. Besides, his inspiring body of manhood, muscularity, healthy hair and charming face bought all the trust needed. At the end, they all needed something from this quest.

Broken woods and clusters, they heard it and stopped. They all listened carefully.

"Why are we stopping?" Shouted Kalmar.

"Shut up!!" Hushed Walter. The wind blew past his ears like a whisper, while above them, it caused a small rattle in the trees blocking the crucial sound waves. He listerned carefully, ran his eyes up and around with full arletness and surprisingly there was nothing at all. What a relief? Hearts back to a normal pulse.

As he made his first step forward, a broad net rose from the foliage and nested them all.

Tina glimpsed down with resentfulness in his eyes. He wanted to make enough anger but, it was unfortunately pointless. The aggression was in vain because no strength could overcome that trap.

Men painted in red and black on their faces and the rest of their bodies jumped down from the trees.

Kalmar felt a small tinkle on his neck, then he started fealing dizzy. They were all poisoned.

"Why did I miss that?" Those were Walter's last words as he passed out.

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