Love Bites

By Crystal910133

7.1K 554 351

Having barely survived the bubonic plague as a human, John (Xiao Zhan) found himself in the clutches of a vam... More

Back Alley
Hey, Boyfriend
Hyde and Seek
Proposing, a Deal
William Appears
A New Familiar
At Our Doorstep
Leaving the Light
Model Vampire
Inner Strength
War is Brewing
William's Demise
Keeping Promises
New Hiccups, New Family
Meeting the in-laws

A Special Offer

203 21 7
By Crystal910133

   After more than thirty minutes of answering questions; everything from how I defeated William to having the audacity to ask Beau what I'm like in the bedroom, Jovis finally sent the reporters away. All it took was the promise of a formal press conference within the next twenty four hours. As the reporters began to disperse, I noticed two men beside the door. One is Cain, an imposing Black Knight who stood guard beside the door. The other was an unfamiliar man. He's tall, muscular, tanned and he leaned in to whisper in Jovis's ear. His blonde hair and piercing blue eyes make him look like a surfer. Suddenly I realized, he's a familiar.

   Now, the five of us are sitting at the bar while Beau nervously fixes drinks. He slides a glass of raki toward a pleasantly surprised Jovis and I grin. He raises his brows at Cain and the familiar, but they both shake their heads, standing behind Jovis. Beau pours two whiskey's and rounds the bar to sit beside me, my hand sliding into his.

"So, just what is it you want to chat about sir. Pardon my rudeness, but my man is anxious." I say, squeezing Beau's hand.

"I see that. Am I really that scary?" Jovis asks, grinning before taking a sip of his drink and sighing happily. "It's not common to find this outside of Crete, I'm impressed."

"Thank you, but to answer your question... yes." Beau shakes his head, chuckling softly. "Greek mythology paints you, Zeus, as quite an imposing and unforgiving character."

"Pah!" Jovis says, waiving the statement aside. "I assure you, I'm not that terrifying or that promiscuous. I choose to use the Latin form of my name to avoid those unpleasant assumptions." He rolls his eyes and laughs. "Anyway, I'd actually like to discuss extending you a special... promotion of sorts?" He frowns into his empty glass and Beau reaches over the bar to grab him another. "Ah, thank you young man."

"A promotion?" I ask, this conversation seems like it's going in an odd direction here.

"Yes." Jovis sips his fresh drink and clears his throat. "As you know, North America is now without an Elder to oversee and protect it. That crazy bastard." He mumbles, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. "Anyway, there's a minimum age requirement for becoming an Elder, two hundred years." He holds up his hand to stop me. "I know, you're a mere two years away." He turns to smile at me warmly. "I'd like to offer you a special circumstance. The people here already know you, humans seem a bit warm towards you. I'd like to offer you a two year training program, before you officially become the North American Elder. You'd be our youngest." He turns to motion the familiar forward. "This is Ian, he's my oldest familiar and my son. He'd be acting as temporary Elder, while you undergo training." I blink, looking at the man again. Suddenly, I am aware of a slight resemblance.

"It's truly a pleasure to meet you." Ian says, extending his hand to shake mine. I grin, feeling Beau tense beside me and reach out to shake his hand. "I look forward to working with you during the next two years." He smiles and kisses the back of my hand. I jerk away and hear Beau growl low, clearly warning Ian. "Ah, my apologies, I meant nothing untoward. It's simply a customary greeting for meeting a beautiful person where I'm from." He looks at Beau, still grinning. "You must admit, your lover is quite attractive." I hear Beau's breathing and hear rate increase and I lean into him.

"Haven't you noticed? So is mine." I smile, turning to kiss Beau's lips softly. I hear Jovis laugh and I turn to study him. "How serious is this offer? And can you put a leash on your son?"

"Ouch!" Ian says, smiling and leaning on Jovis's shoulder. "I won't tease you two anymore, probably."

"Hmm, a leash might not be a bad idea." Jovis grumbles, glaring at Ian. "Anyway, I'm quite serious. Ian would train you and you'd gain hands on experience helping him during the next two years. Unfortunately, although he's flirt and a tease, he's also best suited to help train you in governing over such a large country." He sighs and shrugs Ian off his shoulder. He looks at his son and shakes his head. "You're nearly as old as time. Can't you be more mature?" He looks at me and smiles. "John is practically a babe still, you could learn from him during the next couple of years." I hear a noise on the stairs and Cain moves to shield Jovis. Larry fidgets nervously.

"Larry, what's wrong son?" I ask, rising and heading toward him. His brow is creased and there's a frown on his face. "Son, are you okay? You're not hiding an injury, are you?" He blinks and shakes his head hard, as if to clear it.

"No, I'm okay Dad." Larry says, shooting cold glances at Ian. "It's Zach. He's having trouble sleeping, I think he's in pain. Little idiot won't admit it though.

"I figured this would happen." I say, pulling a prescription bottle from my pocket. "I had the doctor prescribe him those pills anyway." I wink and link our arms together, then glance over my shoulder. "I'll be back in a few minutes, after checking on my other son." Jovis smiles and nods, Beau fidgeting on his barstool. I grin at him. "Sweetheart, aren't you going to help me get the boys settled down?" He jumps up and hurries toward me and I can't help the laugh that obvious escape.

"Thank you baby." Beau whispers, his arm wrapping around my waist. "That would have been so uncomfortable without you." He murmurs, stepping onto the landing. Larry pauses, turning to look at us.

"That blonde guy. Is he trying to cause trouble between you?" Larry asks and I feel Beau's body tense. I swat his ass and kiss his cheek.

"He can try, but he won't succeed." I look into Beau's eyes and I'm surprised to see uncertainty there. "Beau, sweetheart, you know that... right?" I ask pouting and searching his face. He pulls me into his arms and I sigh. "You're my first love. No one can come between us, right?" I'm suddenly nervous and uncomfortable. I try to pull away, but he pulls me back. "Beau, you don't trust me? I nearly burned to ash just for the chance to see you one last time. Don't you know how much I love you?" I rub my face on his shoulder, trying to wipe away my tears.

"I'm sorry baby." Beau says, nodding for Larry to head inside and give us a minute. He hands him the pill bottle and I hear the door open and close, but I'm frozen in grief. "John, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to doubt your feelings for me. It's my own fault for being so inferior and jealous."

"Inferior? Are you crazy?" I ask, looking into his eyes. He looks away frowning. "Beau?"

"You saw him, he's the definition of a God. He's everything I'm not." Beau pouts and I just stand there in shock for a second. Then I punch his arm. "Ouch, what the hell baby?"

"I should have hit you in the head! Might have knocked some sense into you." I shake my head and watch him bow his. "Show me where he's better than you, because I don't see it."

"Blonde hair, eyes as blue as the ocean, and a tanned muscular body. He's what everyone wants." Beau mumbles and I smack the back of his head. "Why are you being so violent?"

"Because you're being an idiot." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him against me. "Is that what you want?" I ask and chuckle as he wrinkles his nose and shakes his head in disgust. "Me neither. You're tall, dark, and handsome. Isn't that what all the romance novels describe?" I kiss him and pull back grinning. "I love your shaggy dark hair, those deep chocolate puppy eyes I get lost in, and your pale porcelain skin. You might not have the body of muscle head, but your muscular and sexy in a more subtle way. A way only I know intimately." My hands slide down over his ass and I bite his lip. "Trust me, he's not my type, but you are. Let's check on Zach." He nods smiling and takes my hand. We enter the apartment to hear the boys murmuring.

"And you're calling me an idiot?" Zach asks and I pause outside their room, looking at Beau curiously.

"You didn't see. That creepy surfer guy was all over Dad J." Larry says, a pout in his voice.

"I know we haven't known them long yet, but our new Dads, it's easy to see they belong together." Zach says softly. "They love each other so much." His voice becomes whisper soft. "I hope we can both find even a fraction of that love someday." I hear them sigh in unison and I shake my head at Beau.

"You will." I say, walking in and seeing Larry sitting on the edge of Zach's bed. "It's going to be hard for others to not love you boys, trust me." I wink and cross to the bed, checking Zach's temperature and seeing the sweat on his forehead. "Did you take the pills? You're in so much pain you're sweating son. Don't try to be a tough guy, even tough guys feel pain."

"I told you." Larry says, holding out a pill and a glass of water.

"Alright, alright. You two are ganging up on me." Zach frowns and glances at Beau as he swallows the pill. "Dad B, shouldn't you be on my side?"

"Dad B, I kinda like that." Beau says, pinching one of Zach's cheeks. "Does that make you Dad A?" He chuckles and I swat his ass.

"No, Dad J." I glance at Larry and wink. "Things could get hectic around here." I say, swallowing hard before continuing. "Do you want to stay here? I could get you a place outside Chinatown, somewhere the reporters can't find." I say sadly.

"Wait, you want to send us away? Did we do something wrong?" Zach asks, sitting up with tears in his eyes.

"Of course not." I sigh, reaching out to caress his cheek. "I just don't want you boys to get caught in the middle of anything again."

"But Dad, we want to say by your side and help you face whatever comes next." Larry says, looking earnest and sad. "Especially if it involves that creepy surfer." He rolls his eyes and Beau snickers.

"Alright. I was kinda hoping you'd say that." I smile at them and notice the meds must be kicking in. Zach is less sweaty and his eyelids are drooping. "You have to promise to tell us if you change your mind." They both nod and I lean forward to kiss Zach's forehead and tuck him in. I turn to kiss Larry's cheek and give it a pinch as he blushes. "Get some rest boys. We'll see you... later."

   I chuckle softly and rise from the bed, Beau taking my hand. We start to head back downstairs, but I pause halfway and bring my finger to my lips. Beau nods and we listen to the conversation below.

"... I get that, but what if he declines your offer?" That's Cain's voice and he sounds annoyed. "It's not like Ian made the best first impression, you moron. I wouldn't want to commit to having you around for the next two years." I can barely hold back my laughter, Beau nodding vigorously in agreement. "But he's really the best fit. Now that we're outed, we need someone who can bridge the gap between us and humanity."

"You're right, on all counts." Jovis groans. "He's perfect for this position, because he genuinely cares for the humans and that comes through." I hear an exasperated sigh and a thud. "I want to avoid a war with the humans. It wouldn't benefit either side." He pauses and it's quiet for several seconds. "I think he'll agree, right John?" Of course, he probably heard Beau's heartbeat and smelled me.

"You're right." I say, taking the last few steps holding Beau's hand tightly. "I can't turn my back on humanity and I too would prefer to avoid a war." All three men smile happily at me, but I give Ian a cold look. "I have a condition though."

"Uh oh, I knew it. You screwed this up, you moron!" Cain mumbles, smacking Ian on the back of the head. "How are you my brother?" He shakes his head and moves a few steps away, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"What's your condition? I'll do my best to accommodate you." Jovis says, but I walk up to Ian and tilt my head.

"No one, and I do mean no one, tries to come between me and my family." I glare at Ian and the smirk falls from his face. I've intentionally let my anger at Beau being upset, send me into thrall. "I'm not playing games with you. You upset my man or my boys and I'll separate your head from your shoulders, regardless of who your father is. That's a promise." Beau smiles at me, then realizes I'm in thrall and drags me a few feet away.

"John? Baby are you alright?" Beau asks, holding my face in his hands.

"No. Seeing you upset by that dipshit pissed me off." I pout and he bites his lip, then kisses me.

   I taste blood and try to pull away, but he doesn't allow it. This is his way of telling me he's alright now and he loves me. I feel my fangs retract and I know my eyes are returning to normal too, but I can't break the kiss. My hands slide over his ass and his hands squeeze mine. I moan, feeling him rub against me and knowing he's hard. I pull back, hearing Jovis trying not to laugh.

"I do believe that's the first time anyone has had the nerve to threaten one of my children in front of me." Jovis grins, Beau and I returning to the bar. He glances at Ian's pouty expression. "It's also the first time I've heard anyone call you a dipshit. Not that it's unfounded." He rolls his eyes and grabs Ian by back of the neck. "I can except your condition and the consequences of breaking it. How about you, son?" There's a warning in his tone and Ian merely nods. "Then I'll begin getting the arrangements made at once. Oh, John. Would you be free for a press conference later... this evening?" I glance at the clock behind the bar to see it's now after midnight.

"Alright. Cain has our contact information." I pause, cocking my head and thinking. "I suppose I should get new business type cards made." My photographer cards ran out and now, it appears I'll need Elder in training cards for the next two years. I smile to myself and jolt, Jovis standing to offer me a handshake.

"It's truly been a pleasure meeting you John. I look forward to working with you." Jovis says with a smile.

"Thank you sir. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations." I say, shaking his hand and bowing slightly.

"I think you could learn from John, about how to interact with others." Jovis says to Ian, who is shying away. I'm surprised as Cain steps up. "Son?"

"I think, perhaps it's time to look for new recruits in the Black Knights." Cain says, offering a bow and a genuine smile. "The North American branch was wiped out during the witch trials. But I think now, familiars may be willing to come back. Maybe even a few vampires. Like Cleo, if Anthony goes she will too. He's long held an interest in the Black Knights."

"They would definitely be perfect candidates." I grin, thinking of how Cleo can be a bit crass and Anthony is more levelheaded. "They definitely come as a pair and that's a good thing."

"Perhaps you could put a bug in their ear, so to speak?" Jovis asks, and I nod grinning. "Well, I'll contact you once I've set up the press conference. It will be for the evening. I don't have one of those nifty artifacts that allow me to walk in the sun." He winks and I nearly smack my head. "We'll seeing you later. Good night." He turns, Ian and Cain flanking him as he heads for the door. Beau locks up behind them and turns back to me smiling.

"I think you're going to need to return this to Cleo." Beau says, pulling the blood ruby ring from his pocket. I sigh in relief, I'd been so worried about him and the boys, I'd forgotten. "I snatched it as he was, disappearing. We're a team, remember?"

"Come on sweetheart." I start tugging him toward the stairs. "Let's go to bed." He wiggles his brows and I chuckle. "I mean to sleep. I know you're exhausted and I just want to hold you in my arms as you sleep." We get to the top of the stairs and he backs me toward our door.

"Is that really all you want baby?" Beau teases, rubbing against me. "I could give you something to help us both sleep for a bit." He grins and opens the door, picking me up and fondling my ass.

"Really? Not worn out yet?" I kiss him and feel his body begin to relax. "I'm sorry, you're going to be pretty worn out soon." I lick his ear and he shivers, kicking the door closed and heading for our room. I toss his shirt aside with a cocky grin and slide my hands down his back, inside his sweats. "Oh shit. I forgot, no underwear. Mmm, put me down Beau."

   He pouts, but complies and sets me on my feet by the bed. I unbutton my shirt, grinning as he licks his lips watching it slide off me. I bite my lip and unfasten my jeans, loving the look in his eyes as I slowly lower them. I step out of them and sit on the edge of the bed, crossing my legs and giving him an expectant look. He smirks and I motion him to me. He lowers his sweats just enough for his cock to spring out and stops, his thigh brushing my knee.

"So baby, just how are you planning on wearing me out?" Beau grins, watching me uncross and spread my legs. "Mm, I'm definitely liking where this is headed baby. Oh!" He nearly squeals in laughter, as I pull him between my thighs. I kiss and lick his cock, reveling in the sounds he makes. "Hah, ah yeah. Ohh, shit baby. Getting aggressive?" He smirks down at me, as I squeeze his ass and take him fully into my mouth. "Mmmm, ah ah John."

   His hips try to move away from me and I groan, yanking him back and taking him deep into my throat. He grabs the back of my head and pulls my hair, breathing heavily as his cock slips out of my mouth.

"If you're going to let me cum inside you, I'd prefer a different hole." Beau says, grinning.

   I rise slowly and spin us around, kissing him. I feel him bite my lip and I shove him onto the bed, wiping my mouth with a smile. I do love that naughty side of his. I straddle him, grinning, but I don't lower myself onto him immediately. He groans and grabs my ass, kneading it like dough. I moan and begin to move, letting his cock rub between my ass cheeks. He bites his lip and spreads my hole open.

"John, baby stop teasing me, teasing us. Give us what we both want." Beau pants, grinding his hips into me. I lean forward slightly, pinching his nipples as I brace myself and let his cock fill me up. "Ohhhh yeah. Baby, move. Move for me baby."

"Ahhh, Beau. You're filling me up so much, so deep." I shiver in ecstasy and begin to ride him slowly. My hips circle and we both cry out. Beau's hands slide to my hips and dig in, a bit painfully. "Now who's getting aggressive? Ahh!"

"Yeah baby, right there. Harder John!" Beau licks his lips and smiles at me and I'm suddenly right on the edge. I ride hard and fast, arching my spine and grinning down at him. I'm so close now. "Yeah, yeah baby. I'm about to..." His neck and back arch and his mouth opens in a silent scream.

"Fuck yeah!" I cum on his stomach and flop down onto him and the mess I've just made. I kiss his chin and snuggle into his arms, listening to his heavy breathing. I remember the mess I left on his stomach and start to move. "Shit Beau! How are still semi hard?" He grins and flips us over, settling between my legs as they wrap around him.

"Well, someone promised to wear me out, but I've still got pent up energy." Beau says, licking and kissing my neck. "Baby, drain my energy for me?" He grins and laughs, as I swat him on the ass.

"You might not get the chance to sleep after all." I warn, pulling his lips to mine.

"Fine by me." Beau moans, lifting my leg higher on his hip. "Brace yourself baby."

                                                                          *   *   *

   I wake up just before sunset, hearing Beau's cell ringing. He groans as I stretch and reach for it, his cock slipping out of my hole. I shake my head, he pulls me back into his arms in his sleep.

"Hello?" I say, the caller id saying unknown.

"John?" A man's voice asks and I look around the floor for my jeans.

"Yes, is the press briefing set?" I ask, Jovis chuckling on the other end.

"Yes. Can you be ready in two hours? And I should have asked, but is it okay to do this at your bar?" Jovis actually sounds apologetic.

"I think that'll be fine." I say, snuggling into Beau's arms that tighten around me. "See you soon." I say, feeling Beau's lips on my shoulder.

"Yeah, you know I can hear his breathing? Don't get to wrapped up." Jovis laughs, clearing his throat. "I'll be there half an hour early. Don't leave me waiting in the cold John." And the line goes dead.

"Jovis?" Beau asks, his voice still groggy from sleep.

"Mn, he'll be here in about an hour and a half. The briefing will be in two hours." I say, feeling him nibbling the side of my neck.

"It's going to be here?" Beau asks, licking behind my ear and sending shivers down my spine.

"Mn, is that okay?" I ask, realizing I didn't get his permission. "I figure, humans already know where to find me."

"It's fine baby." Beau kisses my shoulder again. "Hmm, I could offer the reporters drink specials and make a few bucks." He chuckles and his hand slides down my hip. "Let's go take a shower, then check on the boys. Come on, I know you want to check on them before the reporters arrive."

   Beau rises, carrying me in his arms and gives me a wink, heading for the bathroom. I never thought I'd feel this light and happy. William is gone and I have this beautiful, incredible man who loves me absolutely. I won't allow anything to dull the beautiful glow of our life together.

                                                                         *   *   *

   Jovis has been filling me in on what he plans to announce. He says he'll introduce me, but he'll try to take all the questions. He's worried about me feeling uncomfortable and changing my mind about becoming an Elder. Ian sits at one end of the bar, glancing at Beau and I frequently. Cain never moves more than four feet from Jovis's side, clearly accustomed to protecting his father. There's a tapping on the door and I think the reporters have begun to arrive, but turn to see Dave. Beau hurries over to let him in.

"Damnit kid, you had me worried! Answer your damn phone!" Dave says, pulling Beau into a hug. He glances around and clears his throat. "Everything okay?"

"Uncle Dave!" Zach says, coming down the stairs with Larry on his heels. "Thank you for taking care of us last night."

   Zach steers him off to the side and the three of them fall into comfortable conversation. I shake my head, realizing Zach is trying to shield Dave from Jovis and the others. I hear another knock at the door and the reporters are here.

   After they file in and take seats nearest the bar, I waive Dave and the boys over. Beau and I are behind the bar, Jovis and his sons sitting at the it. Dave and the boys round the bar, standing like sentries around Beau and I. There's a bit of idle chatter in the crowd, but Jovis clears his throat and shifts atop his stool.

"I know you all have questions and I'm happy to answer them for you. But, first I'd like to make a formal announcement." Jovis turns to smile at me. "As you're all aware, there was a North American Elder. He was killed by William and left a hole in the vampire and human relations. You've been informed of the role of an Elder, to reign in any wayward vampires and keep the peace between our people. I've found the perfect candidate to fill this position." He smiles proudly and winks at me over his shoulder. "Unfortunately, John is two years shy of our minimum age requirement. So, during the next two years he will be trained and aided by my eldest son, Ian." He pats Ian on the shoulder and raises his brows. Ian bows and smiles, then glances over his shoulder at me. "Also, in light of these recent events, Ian and John will begin recruiting a new North American branch of the Black Knights. This will take some time, but it will help ensure nothing like this happens again." He sighs and looks back at me again, nodding for me to join him. I take Beau's hand and round the bar, bowing to the crowd. "Now that our existence is known, John has some new ideas that he'll be trying here first. Would you like to tell them John?" I take a deep breath and smile, shooting daggers at Jovis as he grins.

"Well, I understand that humans will have questions and concerns." I begin, looking around at some reporters nodding in agreement. "I'll be creating a website where humans can read up on our history, make inquiries, and even report any suspicious activity. It's about time we joined the new era." I say grinning. "Also, the website will have a way to contact me personally, in case of emergencies only." I say, feeling Beau's hand tighten around mine. "I think if people know they can contact me directly for help, it may put them at ease. This direct link to me will be available to everyone. I understand humans will be on edge, but you're not the only ones in fear. If a vampire or familiar finds themselves the target of humans that lash out in fear, they can come me too. I hope to be the bridge that brings us together to live in peace." Jovis and Beau both smile at me proudly.

"Can you take some questions?" I hear from the crowd. I nod and the room erupts.

"One at a time please. You first." I say, pointing to the woman who had just asked.

"Hello, thank you." She blushes and fumbles with a pad and pen. "Uhm, there's a rumor that local reporter Gail Wilker was among the casualties. Is that true?"

"Yes." I sigh, leaning into Beau. "Gail was a familiar, a brave fighter, and... a friend. We're deeply... saddened by her loss." I can't help the tears that spring to my eyes.

"I'm sorry for your loss." The woman murmurs and everyone is quiet for a moment.

"Next question? You sir." I point to man near the front.

"I was wondering, your... son is in cast. Is he alright?" The man asks, looking genuinely concerned as he looks over to Zach and Larry.

"Boys?" I say, motioning them over. They scurry over quickly and Larry tries to hide his face. "My sons, Larry and Zach, are both brave young men." I reach out to pull them both closer to my side. "I couldn't keep them from the fight, brats." I grin and they both smile shyly. "You see, Larry has spent the past eight years raising his brother alone." I hear gasps and murmurs in the crowd. It's time these boys received the recognition they deserve for trying so hard to stand on their own, for so long. "So, when Zach saw his brother about to be struck by a vampires claws, he jumped in between them without hesitation. He took the blow and managed to stake the vampire." I pat him on the back and see his arm around Larry's shoulder. "Family is important, even more so to us vampires. My family might not be mine by blood, but they're mine in my heart." I turn to kiss Beau's cheek and smile at the crowd. "Zach has some stitches and I set a broken bone. He's stubborn and tried to forgo pain meds, kids." I hear laughter from the crowd and I realize, we're not as different as we think.

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