Yandere RWBY oneshots (Male r...

By Divine_Quirk

458K 5.8K 5.3K

Oneshots of RWBY girls who want nothing more then to be with you. Can you handle the never ending love from t... More

Ruby x Male reader
Weiss x Male reader
Blake x Male reader
Yang x Male reader
Pyrrha x Male reader
Neo x Male reader
Nora x Male reader
Glynda x Male reader
Summer x Male reader
Penny x Male reader
Female Jaune x Male reader
Female Ren x Male reader
Emerald x Male reader
Cinder x Male reader
Winter x Male reader
Raven x Male reader
Female Qrow x Male reader
Ruby x Male reader Part 2
Weiss x Male reader Part 2
Kali x Male reader/Blake part 2
Yang x Male reader Part 2
Female Tai x Male reader
Salem x Male reader
Female Ozpin x Male reader
Coco and Velvet x Male reader
Female Roman x Male Ruby reader
Female Mercury x Male reader
Female Oscar x Male reader/F Ozpin Part 2
Female Oobleck x Male reader
Maria x Male reader
Willow x Male reader
Female Sun and Neptune x Male reader
Female Adam x Male reader
Harriet x Male reader
Happy Huntresses x Male reader
Jinn x Male reader
Grimm Ruby x Male reader
Chibi Yang x Male reader
Penny x Male reader Part 2
Sky (OC) x Male reader
Ying (OC) x Male reader
Ruby/Yang x Male reader

Team BRIR x Male reader

3.8K 65 17
By Divine_Quirk

(For those who don't know, Team BRIR are from the game RWBY Arrowfell)

(Readers POV)

I was in the snowy areas outside of Mantle. I saw a Grimm coming at me. I dodged its attack and attacked it, killing it. The Grimm turned to dust and blew into the wind.

(Y/N): Phew.

My breathe was visible due to the cold. I adjusted the coat I was wearing. I looked over to my right and I could see the floating city called Atlas from a distance.

(Y/N): That's where they are most likely at. I'll have to pay those girls a visit.

I smirked to myself as I started to run towards Atlas. After a bit of running, I ran into a broken down town. I saw a huge Grimm laying down on the ground. It started to stand up. I got excited as I started to run faster, getting ready to fight it. It swung its body, like it's already fighting someone. I looked over and saw Team RWBY jumped away from it.

(Y/N): There you girls are!

Ruby: That voice... (Y/N)?!

Weiss: Oh we are not doing this here!

(Y/N): I'm going to beat you four this time!

Blake: Can that wait until we beat this Grimm?

I was about to run at Team RWBY, but I saw some flames blow past me, making me stop in place. I looked over and saw a team of four girls above a windmill. A brown haired girl wearing green threw a green whip forward. A green portal opened and two portals appeared behind the giant Grimm. Whips came out of the portals and wrapped around the hind legs of the Grimm. An orange haired girl with drills on her hands dove into the ground and came back up, uppercutting the Grimm before returning into the ground.

(Y/N): Who are these girls?

I saw the girl with dark red hair run around before her hair started to glow a bright red and she launched a stream of fire at the Grimm. And the blonde haired girl spun dual blades in her hands as she ran forward, going into the Grimm itself. The Grimm was cut up from the inside as it started to turn to dust. The four girls stood next to each other, seeing the dust blow away.

Yang: That was-

Ruby: AMAZING!!!

Roana: Looks like Bianca was right about those new huntresses.

The red haired girl said as she looked at Team RWBY.

Ruda: Oh great. What are they even doing here?

The orange haired girl said as she put one of her hands behind her head.

Weiss and (Y/N): What? Who are you?

Ivy: Oh look. They talk.

Said the brown haired girl.

Bram: Hey! I told you to never come back here!

I looked over and saw an angry man wearing a red suit slowly walking over to everyone.

Bram: Go on. Leave us alone. You've terrorized us long enough!

Now I'm confused. I just came here to fight Team RWBY and now there are five more people here!

Bianca: Come on girls. We're done here.

They started to go away.

(Y/N): Hey! You four get back here so I can beat you up for interrupting my fight with Team RWBY!

They left before I could stop them. I stomped my foot in anger. After I beat Team RWBY, they're next!

Ruby: Huh... What just happened?

Yang: I have no idea. Those your new friends (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Like I would be friends with that party of circus performers!

I saw the man walk up to Team RWBY.

Bram: That was a group known as Team BRIR. A group of rogue huntresses that protect people, for a price that is.

Well I got what their group name is called, so that's one step closer to finding them and kicking their asses!

Ruby: Say do you know anything about this orb here?

I looked over at Ruby and saw her holding an orb of some kind and showing it to the man.

Bram: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have no clue what that is. If I may, who is the boy with you?

Ruby: That's (Y/N)! He's a friend.

(Y/N): I'm not a friend! I'm trying to beat you all!

Weiss: You're doing a bad job at it since we are still standing.

(Y/N): Great! I was going to fight you four like some cool boss fight and it was ruined by everyone showing up! I'll be back. And when you least expect it!

Ruby: Alright! See you later (Y/N)!

I growled as I ran off. I need something to help me calm down. Maybe some food from a merchant or something can do the trick. I just hope it's something edible.

(Time Skip)

I am running through a snowy area. I ran past a couple settlements on the way, trying to find Team RWBY or Team BRIR. At this point, anyone that I can punch the face of. I saw a train about to run off a cliff. I looked on top of the train and saw Team RWBY on top of it.

(Y/N): That's convenient. I'll take it!

I started to run closer to the train. It fell off the cliff and crashed down to the bottom ground. I looked down the cliff and I saw Team RWBY is fine, expect for Ruby being stuck in the snow. I looked around and saw Team BRIR on top of some rocks, looking down at Team RWBY. I blinked and they disappeared from sight.

(Y/N): That's even more convenient. I'll double take it!

Team RWBY got up from the wreckage and went into a nearby cave. I jumped down the cliff and quickly ran into the cave too. I saw the four girls go down a path and I noticed a different path.

(Y/N): I'll cut them off.

I smiled to myself. I quickly ran down the other path. I can see a bunch of Grimm, but I killed them along the way. Weirdly some of them dropped coins.

(Y/N): What does Grimm need currency for?

After some running through the cave, I found some weird chest thing. I opened it and got a Skill Point... Whatever that is. I looked around and noticed I'm at a dead end.

(Y/N): Crap! Looks like I can't cut them off!

I quickly ran back and went down the path Team RWBY went down. After awhile, I eventually ran into a large room and found Team RWBY and Team BRIR.

(Y/N): Hey!

The eight girls looked over at me.

Ruby: Hi again (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey. Did anyone fight anyone yet?!

Bianca: We were about to get to that actually.

(Y/N): Good. I'm going to be the boss fight this time!

Roana: You don't look like the type to be a boss fight.

(Y/N): What did you say to me?! I'll make sure you get hit in the face twice as much now!

Ruda: You sure have a temper on you.

Ivy: I don't want to fight you.

Bianca: You can fight Team RWBY for us.

Yang: Yeah... That will be a pass. We've fought him more times than you can count. Go get them (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Alright, but before I punch your faces in! Who are you guys?!

Bianca: My name is Bianca. I'm the leader. There's Roana, Ivy, and Ruda.

(Y/N): Alright, but how do you know which R in the team name belongs to?

Roana: It's alphabetical.

(Y/N): Gotcha.

I got in a fighting stance, getting ready to fight Team BRIR. I blinked and suddenly me and Team BRIR are in a closed off area in the cave. Seems like I have to fight them here.

(Y/N): Come at me!

Before they could try to get closer to me, I ran quickly, getting behind them. I tried to kick Ruda in the back of her head, but she quickly went into the ground and Ivy wrapped her whip around my leg.

(Y/N): Ah Sh-

Ivy threw me across the room, making me crash into the wall. Roana pointed at me and her hair started to glow red as a stream of fire came from her, hitting me. I got out of the fire and looked around. I saw some light under me. I looked down and saw Ruda come out of the ground, knocking me upward. Bianca came out of the wall and slashed her blades at me, sending me down to the ground.

Roana: So you're our boss fight? I think it's the other way around.

(Y/N): Ain't that right?

I got up and took a deep breath before letting out a long sigh. I quickly went behind Roana and punched her back, sending her into a nearby wall. Ivy tried to hit me with her whip, but I grabbed it in my hand and started to swing her around. I saw Ruda jump out of the ground, so I slammed Ivy into Ruda, making both of them crash into Roana.

(Y/N): Not looking so good now aren't ya?!

I looked behind me and saw Bianca dashing at me. She slashed at me, but I managed to bend backwards enough to avoid her blades. I kicked her blades out of her hands and ran behind her, punching her back and making her crash into the rest of her teammates.

(Y/N): You still want to talk big now?

Team BRIR got out of the wall. Roana started to shoot several fire balls at me. I jumped around to dodge them. I saw a portal open in front as Ivy's whip was coming right at me through the portal. I quickly stomped down to dodge it. I saw Ruda coming out of the ground under me. I jumped back, but Bianca came out of the wall and slashed me down to the ground.

(Y/N): Geez, you girls just don't let up, huh?

Bianca: Of course we don't. We were trained to take down anyone together.

I stood up and chuckled a bit.

(Y/N): Good to hear. I like my women feisty.

Ivy: Please don't start hitting on us.

(Y/N): I don't plan on hitting on you. I'm just going to hit you!

I dashed in front of Ivy and punched her face. I jumped back as Ruda tried to come out of the ground under me. She was surprised that she didn't hit me as I punched her face. Bianca tried to slash at me, but I punched her face. Roana tried shooting fire at me, but I dodged her fire and punched her in the face. I reeled my other fist back.

(Y/N): I promised you'd get twice!

I tried to punch her face again, but Team RWBY knocked me back, sending me into a wall.

(Y/N): Agh! So now you four want to fight?!

Ruby: You can all stop the fighting now!

Ruda: After we're done with (Y/N), then we'll get to you for putting those orbs that attract Grimm!

(Y/N): Orbs that attract Grimm? The hell are you talking about?

Ruby: The orbs? We haven't been placing them!

Weiss: We've been running across everywhere to destroy the orbs.

Bianca: Then how come you had an orb in your possession when we first met?

Yang: We were trying to figure out what they were.

Blake: Yeah, we didn't have any idea what they were being used for.

Ivy: Hm... They seem sincere.

Ruda: Or they are just really good fakers.

I got out of the wall I was in.

(Y/N): Whatever you are accusing Team RWBY of, I know they aren't responsible for those orbs. They aren't the kind of people to intentionally put people in danger.

Ruby: Aw! Thank you (Y/N)!

(Y/N): They still put people in danger, just not on purpose.

Weiss: Thanks?

Bianca: Well I think we are done here. Come on girls.

Team BRIR left the area.

Ruby: Let's get back to Ironwood and tell him what happened!

Blake: Alright.

Ruby: You wanna come with (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I'm fine. You deal with what you want to deal with by yourselves.

Yang: Alright then, your loss.

Team RWBY left the area too. I sighed and sat down. Great, I didn't win any fight but I didn't lose any either. So I guess it balances out. I looked around and I'm still in the closed off room. Wait, how did everyone else get out of here?

(Y/N): Uh? Hello? I'd like to go back to the map screen now!

I felt a bunch of arms wrap around my body. I looked back and saw all of Team BRIR hugging me from behind.

Bianca: Looks like you aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Roana: It's a good time to pay you back for hitting us all in the face.

(Y/N): Hey, we are all just people that make mistakes right? We can talk about this.

Ivy: I don't think we can.

I heard her snap her whip. I got scared and tried to run away, but Ivy's whip wrapped around my legs, keeping me from escaping.

Ruda: Why in such a rush? We can take our time with you.

(Y/N): I'll give you the Skill Point I got earlier if you let me go!

Bianca: You can't bribe us.

Roana: Well you can, but you don't have the budget for that.

Ivy: You are actually kinda cute squirming on the ground like that.

Ruda: Yeah Ivy, now that you mention it.

I saw a look of hunger appear in the four girls eyes. I tried to crawl away, but I couldn't.

(Y/N): I need an adult!

Bianca: We all are adults here.

(Y/N): I want my mommy!

Roana: That could be arranged.~

Ruda: And with a four for one sale!

I really need to keep my large mouth shut sometimes.

(Y/N): You all don't want this! I'll use my secret technique!

Bianca: What's that?

(Y/N): I'll start crying! Real tears! It's my ultimate defense mechanism!

Ivy: Good thing we all are into that.

(Y/N): Man forget this! I'm going back to my previous save!

I closed my eyes and after a bit, I reopened them. I looked around and I'm in the same situation I was in before.

(Y/N): What's going on?!

Bianca: Ever heard of auto saves? They happen after every boss. You aren't escaping your punishment.

(Y/N): Why are you doing this?! I only punched your faces once!

Bianca: You weren't there to hear us, but we've been fantasizing about having you all to ourselves ever since we first met.

(Y/N): Off screen dialogue?

Team BRIR: Yeah basically.

(Y/N): I have only one request. Make sure my story gets told.

Bianca: After we are done with you, you wouldn't want that story to be told.

(Y/N): ...Be gentle.

Team BRIR: You already used your one request.~

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