Teach Me How to Kiss

By BL_Sins

4.6K 291 57

Singto wants to catch his long-time secret crush off guard with a proper, breathtaking kiss. And his best fri... More

The Premise
The Problem
The Prelude
The Passion

The Climax

1K 52 5
By BL_Sins


Part 5

The Climax 

"Now, go...go catch your love and leave him breathless."

Krist whispered in defeat, one side of him telling that by letting Singto go, he would somehow lose his best friend permanently, while the other was trying to convince him that Singto's happiness was also his happiness.

I should feel happy for you, Sing.

But somehow this didn't feel right anymore.

I...I don't want you to go to somebody else.

He momentarily closed his eyes in a futile attempt to sort out his thoughts and feelings. He was still reeling from their kiss, his chest heaving, breath stuck in his throat. And by the fact that there was a stabbing pain inside his chest, which all didn't help trying to get rid of the thoughts of Singto, his touch on his body, his kiss on his lips, his hand on his-stop!

Don't be selfish. Just give up and let him go. Let him be happy, Krist.

"Just go, P'Sing..." Krist whispered with a pained sigh, his voice strained in agony, before turning his back on Singto, refusing to wait for Singto's reply or watch him leave the room and ultimately his life.

I'm letting you have the happiness you deserve, P'Sing. Please...just don't make this any harder than it already is.

Krist's eyes were fixated on the broken picture frame still lying idly on the floor. It took him two heavy steps to get to the broken picture frame by the window. He crouched low and picked it up, cutting his index finger in the process as three drops of blood fell on the carpet below, the crimson color illuminated by dim streetlights.

"Shit!" Krist cursed aloud as fresh blood dripped from the deep cut on his finger. Unable to feel any pain, he simply stuck his bloody finger in his mouth and sucked on it in silence, the bitter taste of it reflecting the indescribable pain in his heart.

It's us, P'Sing...look how happy we are together.

He stared blankly at the picture in his trembling hands. It was a photo of them on set – of him and Singto when they were filming their first Sotus series together. He played the role of head hazer Arthit, while Singto played the role of a rebellious freshman who boldly showed his affections towards Arthit from the early days of the series. Already back then, Krist was admiring Singto's versatile acting skills and incredible handsomeness, and before he realized it, he had already set his eyes on Singto, his heart skipped a beat only for Singto, closely watching his every move, as caring and loving as he could be without anyone noticing.

He became soft for Singto, and only for him.

Gradually, Krist became protective and jealous towards anyone else approaching Singto, fending off any unwanted suitors with glaring eyes and possessive hands. Everyone around them had to know that at least on screen, Singto was his and his alone.

Even if it was all just an act.

"Well, so much for false memories..." Krist whispered with a broken voice, his eyes dwelling up with tears as he closed his eyes, lifted the picture frame to his lips and gave it a short but longing kiss, before gently placing it back on the table.

If only you would see me the way I see you...

If only you would love me back, P'Sing.

"I'm sorry, Kit-" Singto's pained but clear voice made Krist jump in surprise as he hadn't realized that Singto hadn't left the room.


"-for being such a coward for so long..."

Krist froze, clutching the picture fame in his hand till his knuckles were white – in fear and shock - causing more blood to drip on the floor from his finger.

What are you still doing here, P'Sing?

And why are you apologizing?

Although, Singto always seemed extremely composed and calm on stage, Krist knew that sometimes he was very unpredictable like a brewing storm that suddenly unleashed its true feelings to him and Krist felt right away that this was one of those times.

One of those times, when he couldn't predict what Singto was going to say or do. But, instead of fear, Krist felt hopeful.


Deep in his conflicting thoughts, Krist hadn't heard Singto walking up to him from behind, but suddenly Singto's soft voice echoed in his ear and a warm hand rested on his shoulder, firmly turning him around until he was facing Singto again, his heart skipping a beat at their intimate closeness once again.

You saw me, all this time.

You heard me.

Oh god, you heard me!

Singto's eyes were filled with hurt and concern as he stared deep into Krist's tear-filled eyes, glistening in the dark, staring straight through his soul, looking for answers, the truth.

"Kit, listen I-" Singto continued, but Krist was not ready to hear whatever reason it was why Singto was still in the room. Whatever the reason, he knew it was going to hurt him and so Krist decided to speak over his pain and his own feelings and simply ignore the reality. Ignore Singto.

So he looked straight at his best friend, the man he loved, put on a fake smile and...lied.

"Hah! Don't tell me you changed your mind about kissing the guy you liked? Did you chicken out?" He sounded ridiculous, desperate, but Krist was panicking and putting up a wall of lies around his heart seemed like the only way to keep himself falling down on his knees, begging Singto to never leave him.

You're a coward, Krist...

"Actually no...I was mentally debating when to tell him. You see, I really wanted to catch him completely off-guard and all this time I was having trouble deciding when to tell him..." Singto gave Krist a small smile, his eyes so caring, his touch so gentle as he placed his hand on Krist's shoulder, the latter shaking with overwhelming emotions.

"Oh..." Krist muttered softly, completely bummed out by Singto's words.

So he stayed here because he just wants to discuss when he should actually confess to the person? And he needs my help with this as well?

It hurt like hell.

"And you want my h-help with this as well?" Krist asked with a stuttering voice, knowing very well that if Singto asked his help with this as well, he would simply burst down crying right there and then, unable to do it.

"No, Kit. I have already decided when to tell him-"

I see. So what are you still doing here?

Krist couldn't hide his disappointment as he lowered his head and bit his bottom lip in discomfort, shuffling with his feet in his place.

"-and I'm very sure I'm going to catch him completely off-guard!" Singto exclaimed with an excited smile as Krist felt his heart break.

Of course you will, it's you Singto, whom we're talking about.

"Of course you will, you're my best fri-!"

Krist started slowly, looking up at Singto's smiling face, his eyes sad and teary, but before he could finish, Singto let out a frustrated groan and grabbed Krist by the collar of his shirt, pushing him back against the table behind him and covering his lips with his own.


Singto let out a relieved, satisfied sigh in between their locked lips, while Krist's eyes snapped open wide as saucers, his brain ceased to function or even acknowledge that Singto had once again trapped him against the table, their bodies flush together in a rather compromising position with Singto's lips against his lips – again.

What the-why are you...

Sensing that Krist was not responding to his sudden kiss, Singto pulled back just an inch, his hands sliding around Krist's waist, the latter staring at him wide-eyed and completely dumbfounded, silently questioning Singto's sanity. Or his own.

Adorably cute.

Singto chuckled, his mind made up and heart leading his every move, as he leaned closer to Krist's right ear and whispered. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, but it was you all along, Kit."

Wait, what did he say?

That I was the one...me?

While Krist was still processing his words, Singto's left hand stayed on his favorite place around Krist's waist, his right hand slid up to hold Krist behind his neck, until he gave Krist a kiss so careful, so gentle and so loving like he had never done before.

Krist was melting.

The kiss was pure and gentle, just a mere touch of lips as Singto was holding Krist still against him, but did not force the kiss any further unless Krist initiated it first.

I chose you, Kit.

For Singto, this kiss was the symbol of regret and utmost apology for the pain he had caused Krist for confusing him, for making him wait as he finally put all his heart out there for Krist to see and the most overwhelming feeling of relief washed over him, because Singto was finally free to show Krist all the pure love he was feeling for him. Holding nothing back.

For Krist, the kiss was the truest form of his long-suppressed feelings for his best friend, which had suddenly come true like a dream. He never expected anything as exhilarating as this to happen to him. And yet, Singto was there, holding him tight in his arms, kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

You chose me.

"I said I'm gonna catch you breathless, Kit, didn't I? Singto whispered in between their lips, his breath ghosting over Krist's parted mouth, his eyes hopefully staring at Krist, anxiously waiting for his next move.

P'Sing loves me.

Oh my god, P'Sing loves me!

He loves me back!

As sudden realization washed over Krist, his heart finally cleared of all doubts and fears, and with a relieved smile and newly-found confidence, his arms possessively circled themselves around Singto's neck and his lips landed on Singto's to pull his best friend – lover – into a knee-weakening, heart-pounding and passion-filled kiss.

Right where they belonged.

Everything was alright now.

Singto may have caught him first. Without any warning, bold and simple, leaving him breathless.

But it was Krist, who intended to have the last say in this and keep Singto for good and give him all the happiness he deserved.

You are mine, P'Sing.

With a swift move, Krist grabbed Singto by his waist, lifted him up and threw him on the bed, a startled yelp escaping Singto's lips, Singto's body sinking into the soft sheets underneath his heated body, his eyes filled with burning lust as he stared at Krist's hips swaying seductively left and right as Krist swiftly crawled on top of him.

Fucking sexy.

Singto liked his lips, supported himself on one elbow and grabbed Krist by his neck with the other hand, pulling him into a feverish kiss, before letting his lips travel down to Krist's exposed neck, planting a soft kiss on the fresh red bruise he had created earlier, hungrily sucking on Krist's sweaty skin.

His sweaty, slightly damp skin.


"Ahh..." Krist let out a barely audible gasp as Singto gave his soft skin a firm suck, desperate to brand every inch of Krist's his. He wanted Krist to look like he'd been ravished, like someone had used him until he ran dry. They didn't need to hold back or hide anymore, and the mere feeling of such freedom, such happiness, made Singto go blind by growing passion and an insatiable need to possess Krist.

Singto endlessly ravaged Krist's neck with his lips, his tongue, his teeth - he knew exactly how to suck, how to bite, how to bruise so that everyone would know that Krist belonged to Singto, causing Krist to once again turn into a withering mess, his breathless wanton moans echoing in the darkness around them.

Fuck, P'Sing...what are you doing to me...

While keeping his mouth busy lavishing every inch of Krist's neck, Singto's hands slid under Krist's black shirt, lifting it up and Krist's moans grew in volume, his body heating up by the second as he raised his arms up and Singto pulled the shirt over his head in one swift move, throwing it on the floor.

"Kit..." Singto whispered breathlessly as his eyes hungrily roamed over Krist's naked abdomen, slightly sweaty chest to his perked nipples, his warm hands sliding over the pale soft skin, so tender, so loving. Mine.

The second his t-shirt came off and cold air hit his half-naked body, Krist became fully aware of his compromising position, straddling Singto on the bed, half-naked, Singto staring at his body with dark lust-filled eyes.

"Can-can you stop staring, P'Sing?" Krist asked shyly, unable to meet Singto's burning gaze, his ears turned red with embarrassment, and he leaned forward, buried his face in Singto's neck, planting a shy kiss on Singto's tanned skin, just above his collarbone.

"You're gorgeous, Kit." Singto held Krist's head in between his hands, gently coaxing Krist to look at him, his fingers tucking Krist's soft hair behind his ear, before planting a soft kiss on Krist's plump lips, making Krist blush into a deep shade of red, before Singto shifted a bit and raised up his arms, his eyebrow raised in a clear invitation.

"Will you help me?" He asked in a low voice, the sly smirk never leaving his face. Krist stared at Singto in silence for a few seconds, his brain slowly processing what was asked of him, before he gulped and his face flush red, Krist hooked his fingers under Singto's shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it on the floor next to his own shirt.


His fingers softly brushed against Singto's hot skin on his stomach, sending shivers of anticipation down Krist's spine. Pure excitement was overwhelming him. He was touching Singto's bare skin, his toned abs, his chest, his nipples, he could touch him everywhere he wanted, and the sense of possession spurred him on.

Do you realize how handsome you are, Sing? Gosh...

Singto's hands landed on the bare skin on Krist's hips and Krist closed his eyes as heat met heat. Singto sat up, Krist still straddling him on the bed, his mouth landing on Krist's neck, hungrily kissing the sensitive skin, before slowly kissing a trail down from Krist's neck to his chest, his mouth tasting the sweaty skin until his tongue curled around Krist's right nipple, the latter letting out a surprised breathy moan.

"Ohh, Sing!" Krist's body trembled as his arms circled around Singto's neck, his hands grabbing on soft flesh, his fingers gripping tight onto Singto's hair as the sensation of Singto's tongue lapping and teeth grazing over his nipples over and over again was simply too overwhelming, his breathing grew uneven and heavy, his arousal evident in his boxers, his hips moving back and forth, rubbing his hard erection against Singto's jeans.

Off! These need to go, now!

As lust grew, Krist slid back on Singto's body, his fingers fumbling to undo his belt and pull off his jeans. With Singto's help, within seconds, Singto's pants were off, forgotten on the floor and he laid back on the bed with only boxers on. Just like Krist.


Krist gulped his saliva.

As Singto laid back down on the bed, comfortable on Krist's dark blue bed sheets, Krist took some time to stare at Singto's almost-naked body appreciatively. Singto was unbelievably handsome, his body taut, his abdomen and chest toned from working out, his skin a bit darker shade of Krist's – taunting Krist to taste him, every inch of him.

Gosh Sing, you are...amazing.

Krist couldn't take his eyes away from his best friend, his lover, staring in a daze, his tongue licking his lips over and over again. Singto found it all highly amusing as he laid back, supporting himself on his elbows and gave Krist all the time he needed to stare at him. He felt completely naked under Krist's intense gaze, making his body heat up with growing desire, his semi-hard erection twitching for attention. He was growing impatient.

"Kit...I want you." Singto's breathless whisper snapped Krist out of his daze, Singto's lust-filled words sending jolts straight to his groin, before nodding his head in a silent agreement, perhaps too quick and eager than what was necessary, but he simply didn't care anymore.

I want you too, P'Sing...

The smile that Singto gave him return was all the more beautiful as he straddled Singto's body once again by sitting on his legs and they both reached out for each other, lips met in a hungry eager kiss of tongue, teeth and saliva, their hands roaming up and down each other's body – grabbing, squeezing, marking each other as their own.

"You are mine, Kit."

And there was another reason for Krist to love Singto – despite his bold actions and insatiable hunger burning inside him, Singto cared about him, cared about him so much that it nearly ached Krist's heart of the tenderness and love that Singto poured him over with, his every touch oh so gentle, nearly burning his pale skin with his every touch, every kiss.

No one else could make Krist feel as treasured as Singto did.

No one else could touch him in places that Singto did, so familiar as if he knew every inch of his body as his own.

No one else could make him feel that good, that satisfied, that...happy.

No one in the past and the future, except for Singto. His Singto.

And at the same time, no one could make Krist feel as frustrated as Singto as his lower region was twitching for some much-needed attention. His erection was straining uncomfortably in his boxers and he couldn't take it anymore.

I need...I just need...release.

His lips still kissing all over Singto's neck and chest, his hands sliding over taut sweaty skin, without realizing it, Krist started to move his hips back and forth, forcefully brushing their erections together over and over again, pressing down and rubbing up, his moans growing in volume as he stuck his teeth into Singto's sweaty neck.


Their desire grew along with the volume of their loud, wanton moans. Singto's eyes rolled to the back of his head as Krist suck a particularly sensitive spot on his neck, his hands roaming lower and grabbing a tight hold of Krist's bottom, his fingernails digging into the soft skin through his boxers.

It was not enough.

Krist's hips moved faster, Singto's breath grew labour and uneven as he was trying to hold back his growing orgasm, his body desperately clinging onto Krist's. His hands slid under Krist's boxers, groping his bottom tight and hot, moving Krist's hips back and forth against him, his body begging for a release that he was trying so hard to hold back.

Not yet, I want to enjoy this. I want to enjoy you.

Krist's body was covered with sweat as he groaned in growing desire and frustration. The tight feel of his hard-on rubbing against Singto's equally hard erection was the best feeling ever, but it wasn't enough to satisfy what his body was truly craving for. The friction was so good, so close.

"More..." Krist moaned softly, completely forgetting himself in the intensity of the lust that triggered and stimulated every nerve in his heated body, every gentle and freakishly slow touch on his body making him buck his hips again and again, the waves of pleasure shooting through him in waves.


If the pain was a problem, then Singto's awfully slow and teasing touches were nearly making Krist cum at the spot, his member aching for some attention as Singto explored every inch of his body, lowering his head to Krist's perk nipples, his tongue licking one of them ever so softly, emitting a needy moan from Krist, before letting his teeth nibble on the pink nub, his other hand playing with the other nipple.

His skin was burning everywhere Singto slid his hand over. It hurt so fucking good.

Krist threw his head back, his passionate moans coming out in breathless groans as he was near, but not yet enough to push him over the edge.

"Ahh, fuck, P'Sing..."

Singto held Krist tighter, his eyes roaming over the body of his lover trembling in his arms, Krist's incoherent moans filled the air as he latched his lips on Singto's neck, desperately trying to distract himself from his growing need for a release. Singto's eyes rolled to the back of his head with every twist and roll Krist made with his wicked hips, his boxers wet with precum.

"Let me..." Singto groaned in between his moans as his hand slid down from Krist's taut stomach into his boxers, his fingers closing around Krist's hot and damp erection in a tight hold. Krist cried out in surprise, bucking weakly against Singto, his fingers tangling into Singto's hair.

"Fuck, Sing..." Krist's erection was already beaded with pre-cum, making it easy for Singto's hand to slid up and down in a fast pace, his touch firm and slick, stroking Krist closer to oblivion. Krist withered in Singto's arms, his fingernails digging into Singto's back as he moaned aloud, his orgasm building in his stomach with every torturous pump and touch Singto made on his lust-filled body.

"Ahh, Sing...I-"

While his hand moved on Krist's lower region, Singto was placing feather-light butterfly kisses all over Krist's stretched neck and smooth chin, making sure to lick those small droplets of sweat on the hollow of Krist's neck, sending Krist shuddering with a sensation of completely new feelings enveloping his mind, body and soul.

He couldn't think straight. Krist was on the brink of his much-needed orgasm, that sweet sensation starting from his toes and curling up to his member, his whole body filled with small spasms as he arched his back once again, glistening droplets of sweat covering his naked body, some of them slowly trickling down to his neck and chest, which Singto had the pleasure to lick away with his slick tongue.

Singto closed his eyes as he felt himself nearing the climax. Much to Krist's frustration, he slowed down his movements on Krist's erection, before stopping entirely. Every inch of his body was ready to burst, but he wanted them both to come together and he wanted it to be as special as possible.

Oh god, don't stop...

Singto cupped Krist's head in his hands, gently guiding Krist to look at him as he asked him the most important thing he had always wanted to ask. His heart skipped a beat in utmost happiness when he saw Krist blush and smile in response, his cheeks flushed red. Adorable.

"Kit...can I- would you be mine?"

Krist's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes..." Krist responded breathlessly, leaning forward to press his lips against Singto's in a soft love-filled kiss, voicing his deepest, most sincerest feelings of love without any words necessary. Singto sighed into the kiss as he closed his eyes and softly kissed Krist's lips, tasting the sweet taste of his loved one, his heart filled with love and peace.

While kissing Krist, Singto lift Krist up by his waist and switched their positions, gently guiding Krist down on the soft bed sheets, hovering above him in the dark. Singto broke their kiss and supported himself on his hands, looking down on Krist, his eyes filled with care and lust, carefully examining Krist's every move to make sure the latter was comfortable with what he was suggesting next.

Krist stared at Singto's body hovering above him, his toned body glistening with sweat, his dark complexion a stark contrast against his own pale skin. His eyes travelled further down and fixated on Singto's hard erection bulging in his boxers, and before he realized it, his hands already moved on their own, slid down from Singto's back to his hips, fingers hooked around Singto's boxers and in one swift move he pulled them down, exposing Singto's throbbing erection to cold air.

Singto hissed in half-surprise, half-pleasure.

With a little help from Singto, the boxers were quickly abandoned on the floor and they were both equally naked and exposed, Krist lying under Singto, admiring every inch of Singto's body with newly-found affection as his eyes fixated on Singto's weeping erection damp with precum.

"Kit..." Singto whispered huskily as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Krist's lips, on his forehead, on his left cheek, on his right cheek, before moving down to wrap his tongue around Krist's perked nipple, his tongue lapping around it over and over again as Krist arched his back against his body with a loud moan, their erections brushing together as their hips moved up and down.


As Singto was distracting Krist with his tongue around his nipples, abusing, marking him as his, he ran his hands up and down Krist's milky thighs, trying his best to ease the tension in his lower region, until gently touching the curve of Krist's bottom, urging him to open his legs little wider for him as he fit his lower body in between Krist's legs.

Despite Krist's body being damp, hot and ready to be devoured by Singto, he was still tense as hell. Singto could feel that every muscle in Krist's body was tight and the latter was nervous for what was coming next.

"Relax, Kit." Singto whispered softly, his voice trembling just slightly as his erection throbbed for attention.

"Ohh-ah!" Before Krist could realize it, Singto had already let go of his wet abused nipples, his palms griping his lower region, before lifting his legs up on his shoulders, the unfamiliar yet very enticing and intimate position making Krist yelp with slight shock.

Oh my god.

Krist gulped as he stared back at Singto. His legs were on Singto's shoulders and he felt more exposed than ever, Singto hovering above him with intense lust and concern reflected in his eyes.

My darling. My love.

As much as he was so ready to have Singto inside him, his erection pulsating with the need for release and Singto's touch, he was also growing nervous by the second and he knew that the longer they stalled, the more nervous he would get.

I love you, P'Sing.

"It's gonna hurt just a little, dear."

Dear. Mine.

Singto whispered softly, his eyes focused on Krist's face flushing red upon hearing his soft affection. Singto's heart soared with happiness as he saw Krist nod his head shyly – his mouth slightly open, his cheeks tinted with beautiful red due, his black hair tousled and wet with sweat, sticking to his forehead, his eyes staring back at Singto with equal lust, before Singto caught a glimpse of Krist's pink tongue moistening his lips, the move intentionally sexy and enticing Singto to continue.

There is no need to wait any longer.

"Don't hesitate, Singtuan. I want you now, cause I was all yours from the beginning." A shiver ran down Krist's spine as excitement overwhelmed him, his voice low but clear as he confessed his feelings to Singto, his hands wrapping around Singto's neck and pulling the man forward for another slow kiss full of tongue and teeth, kissing Singto breathless over and over again.

You're all mine now.

As much as he would have loved to continue simply kissing Krist, Singto's body was craving for more and with every sly kiss, his pleasure and frustration grew, sending jolts straight down to his weeping erection.

"Suck on them."

Krist's half-hooded eyes snapped open as Singto's husky voice purred in his ear, his request sly and enticing and with no hesitation, Krist opened his mouth and hungrily wrapped his bruised lips around Singto's fingers, sucking slow, saliva dripping, tongue slapping, his eyes keeping intimate eye connection with Singto the entire time.

Fuck, Kit. You are driving me crazy.

Singto groaned at the sight of his lover so eagerly, so diligently sucking on his fingers, the sight so unexpectedly hot, he nearly cummed right there. Fuck.


Krist let go of Singto's fingers with an obscene pop, before guiding Singto's hand down to his pale hips and against the most private area below his erection. While keeping their eye connection – lust-filled and tempting - Krist released a small breath he had been holding and slowly, oh so carefully slid Singto's middle finger inside himself, biting his bottom lip to keep from moaning at the odd sensation of the taut muscle clasping around it, desperately trying to relax.

"Oh-ahh..." Krist gasped and inhaled sharply, his hands tightening in the bed covers as Singto lowered his legs from his shoulders to the bed, his finger slowly moving inside him. Singto pressed his finger in deeper and after moving it back and forth a few times, he oh-so gently inserted another, biting on his bottom lip as the excruciatingly arousing thought that his fingers were inside Krist threatened to send him over the edge, his erection throbbing painfully.

"Sing!" Krist yelped suddenly, his whole body jerking as Singto scissored his fingers inside him and hit the spot, making Krist writhed on the bed, the pleasure nearly making him see stars in front of his eyes.


Krist hissed, turned his head and buried his face into the pillow with a barely suppressed sob as Singto slid a third finger inside him, slowly moving his wet fingers in and out of him, Krist's back curling with a muffled cry mixed with discomfort and pleasure.

"Shh, it's alright Kit. Try to relax." Singto whispered, his right hand fingers moving with growing force inside Krist, while his other hand ran soothingly over Krist's chest and abdomen, trying his best to ease the pain Krist was in. No matter how much Singto wanted to fuck Krist senseless, he saw that Krist was uncomfortable and stopped his movements, removing his hand from Krist's bottom.

"Sing-" Krist let out a small groan of frustration when he felt Singto pulling out his fingers, his eyes meeting the concerned look Singto was giving him.

"Kit, you are in pain. I- I think I should stop-" Singto whispered in panic, his hands on Krist's waist, his body and mind unwilling to hurt Krist anymore.

If Krist wouldn't have been holding his breath, he would have cried of the overflowing gentleness of Singto's loving actions were drowning him in.

"No! Please, I want this. Just-I need you. Please." Krist wrapped his arms around Singto's neck, guiding the latter into a hungry kiss, moving his hips upwards to encourage Singto to go on. He was so ready, he had just started to feel the jolts of pleasure ease the pain, when Singto pulled his fingers out of him. He wanted Singto to explore every inch of him, he needed to feel Singto inside him, he needed to reach the peak of pleasure. And most importantly, Krist wanted to give Singto the utmost pleasure possible.

I want to give you everything, Sing.

Singto nodded and placed a soft kiss on Krist's forehead, before supporting his weight on his elbows on both sides of Krist's head and guiding his erection against Krist's entrance. He realized he had stopped breathing, his heart seemed to have stopped beating, his blood running, his brain functioning. The anticipation was killing him.

There seemed to be nothing but ringing silence in his ears, broken by Krist's gasps of shock mixed with pleasure as he finally eased his way inside of him.


"Hgh fuck..."

Krist was tight. So so tight.

Singto threw his head back with an unrestrained moan, digging his fingernails into the pillow under Krist's head as Krist's insides swallowed him in, hot and wet, and sudden realization hit him hard, his erection throbbing in response – he was inside Krist. His lover. And they were making love.

A match made in Heaven.

It was indescribable.

Absolutely fantastic.

"Ahh-!" Krist tossed his head to one side with a small scream of pain and Singto immediately wished he could do something to ease Krist's momentary distress, but he was blinded by the unimaginable tightness squeezing his cock, his body trembling, the sensation around his erection so intense, so perfect that he dared not to move for a minute.

"Ohh-fuck!" Krist arched his back with a loud moan, the pillow case caught between his teeth as Singto pushed himself all the way in, almost speechless by the overwhelming sensation, the hot wetness of Krist tightening around him. He was deep inside Krist and it was something he had been waiting for, dreaming of for so long that now that it was finally happening, Singto thought himself in danger of dying from the pure sensation.

"Kit..." Singto held Krist by his hips and lifted Krist's ass up from the bed just a bit, enough for Krist to automatically wrap his legs around Singto's waist, his body trembling uncontrollably, his hands about to shred through the covers he was holding on to so tight.

"Kit..." Singto panted, rolling his hips back just an inch, before he moved back in, excruciatingly slow, his cock hitting just the right spot deep inside Krist, sending a violent spasm of pleasure through Krist's body, his gasps and screams for Singto to move faster echoing through the darkness wrapped around them, like music to Singto's ears.

"Ngh, Sing!" Krist's eyes snapped wide open at the immense pleasure, his eyes locking with Singto staring at him with a sly smirk, a playful glint evident in his dark lust-filled eyes, before he moved his hips again and slammed back in that tight wet heat, caressing, abusing and working on Krist's prostate – repeatedly aiming for that hidden spot that no one else had ever touched before.

"Ahh-fuck, ngh-" Singto's hand was clutching Krist's waist so tightly he could feel he was leaving bruises on his white skin. Krist's back was half-arched up from the bed, his head trashing from side to side as Singto slightly sped up his movements, sending Krist seeing stars with every thrust against his sweet spot.

"Fuck...I-" Krist was breathless, incoherent moans escaping his lips as he bit down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, viciously biting on it with his teeth to stop himself screaming too loud.

"Don't-fuck, let me hear you, Kit." Singto groaned as he made the mistake of opening his eyes and focusing on Krist's face. His eyes were dark, his mouth viciously swollen and red, edge of the pillow case in his mouth, his teeth biting down on it hard. He looked like he had been attacked in the most pleasurable way imaginable and it was unnatural how it affected Singto. He was happy. He was proud. And the animal, hungry side of him wanted to see more.

You are mine, Kit. Show me everything.

"Ah, Sing...ohh." Krist gave a weak groan and curled over into the bed. His mouth released the damp pillow sheet and his moans once again increased in volume as Singto's hand wrapped around his hard erection and started to pump it to match his thrusts inside him, hitting the hidden spot deep inside Krist over and over again.

"Ah! Harder, Sing!" Krist screamed and it was all that Singto needed to hear to finally release the flaming fire raging inside him and thrust himself in and out with fast strong thrusts, making sure to pull himself almost completely out, the tip of his erection brushing teasingly against Krist's puckered entrance, before slamming back in, moving, shifting, hitting that one special spot deep inside Krist's body with every strong thrust, Krist seeing glittering stars dancing before his eyes, his voice rasp from the screaming, his cock soaking with hot precum and throbbing in Singto's hand, on the brink of a release.

"Oh..ahh." Singto kept his hand wrapped around Krist's erection, pumping the latter towards sweet oblivion, while his other hand held onto Krist's waist, thrusting into him with an almost animal groan, hitting Krist's prostate with aggressive accuracy, causing Krist's body to convulse violently in increasing pleasure, the latter grabbing onto Singto's hand on his hip.

"Ah! S-sing..." The friction between them became slick and smooth thanks to Singto's precum slathering Krist's insides as the bed rocked beneath them. The unmistakable sounds of skin hitting skin filled the sex-scented air around them as Singto's balls slapped oh so painfully good against Krist's tight ass, the latter moaning incoherent, his lips chanting Singto's name like a never-ending prayer.

"L-louder, Kit." Singto panted, grabbing a tight hold of Krist's hand, holding it above Krist's head, pressed against the bed covers, clasping their hands together. Singto could hear the bed slam against the wall in time with his thrusts, the sound of it only enticing him to thrust harder, his balls slapping against Krist's bottom as he pushed into him over and over again. The mere thought of him giving Krist the most intense pleasure he had ever felt filled him with a fierce glow of possessiveness.

"Oh-fuck, Sing-I-shit!" Krist was so close, his eyes almost teary on the brink of a release as his moans turned into an intelligible jumble of "ngh-fu-ag!", Singto's hand so tight and hot on his erection, Singto's cock stretching him impossibly wide, his insides wet and oozing with Singto's precum, the mere imagination of the situation driving him crazy. He was unable to verbalize anything more than the vaguest cries of Singto's name. sometimes they didn't even sound like Singto's name. his mouth seemed to just want to groan, grunt and moan as he was fast overcome by his impending orgasm.

"Fuck, Kit...shh-" Much to Singto's excitement, Krist was writhing around like a stuck animal on the damp covers under him, moaning, biting his red bruised lip, screaming his name, his hand squeezing his so tight he could feel fingernails dig into his skin - the sight so hot, so irresistible that he was unable to think, he felt himself fiercely nearing his climax, Krist's insides soaked by now with his precum that there were really no words to describe the sensation - he probably would have agreed to sell his soul to Krist if he had asked him at that moment.

"Louder, K-Kit." Singto managed to splutter out, his body drenched in sweat, every inch of his skin burning, the heat and pressure around his cock squeezing him over the edge and he knew he was so close to orgasm, he just wanted to make sure Krist would cum as well.

"Ngh-o-oh. Sing!" Krist whimpered aloud as Singto started to thrust even faster, rougher against his prostate, his voice rasp and heady as he moved his hips along with Singto's violent thrusts, his cock soaked with cum as Singto's strokes increased in speed, and Krist knew he was only a few strokes away from his orgasm.

"Ah-ah-fuck-ah-Sing!" With the image of Krist's blank ecstasy burning his mind, Singto threw his head back with a strangled moan and thrust deeper inside him. Krist shuddered uncontrollably, his head trashing on the pillow, the volume of his voice had reached a perfect squeal - the sound so lustful in Singto's ears, his own orgasm taking control of his body.

"Oh Kit-I-ahhhh!" It took Singto couple of more strong but firm thrusts, his eyes fixated on the obscene sight of his wet cum-covered erection moving in and out of Krist's tight abused hole, Krist's insides deliciously clenching around his hard erection as he threw his head back, his hand tightening around Krist's erection, his orgasm bursting from his toes through his entire body in shaky waves, ripping apart his body and soul, stars blinding his vision.

"Ah-ah-Sing-ahh...fuuuck!" Singto's husky scream of his name resounded in Krist's ears as he felt Singto fill him with hot seed and he came just seconds after, his orgasm spurting onto his heaving chest and Singto's hand, his head buried into the pillow, his screams half-muffled, his body trembling uncontrollably of the intensity of the orgasm. It was almost painful. So good.

Oh my god.

Singto stayed still deep inside Krist, his cum oozing down to Krist's ass and between his thighs, until his knees gave in and he fell on top of Krist with a loud satisfied sigh, skin pressed against skin, their chests heaving up and down with exhaustion and relief.

Their heads were spinning, mouths dry, cocks aching and twitching against their stomachs, skin burning. It felt amazing. It was the best feeling in the world.

Singto grabbed a gentle hold of Krist's chin, turning the latter's head to look at him, Krist's staring at him through half-open lids as he slid his hand down Krist's chest to his taut stomach covered with hot stickiness.

"Sing...what are you-" Krist started in confusion, his words getting stuck in his throat and his brain malfunctioning the moment he realized what Singto was about to do, his eyes snapped wide open, staring at his lover in half-disbelief, half-anticipation.

"Mmm..." Singto slid his fingertips over Krist's stomach, smearing his fingers with Krist's sticky cum, before raising his hand to his mouth, his lips and tongue eagerly sucking and lapping around his fingers, tasting the bittersweet saltiness that was Krist.

"You taste like every bit of sin and sweetness, Kit."

As small drops of Krist's cum dripped down from the corners of his mouth, Krist's mouth fell open in utter disbelief, the unimaginably sexy sight sending jolts straight down to his cock.

He just didn't-...oh god, he did...

Krist blinked his eyes once and twice, but Singto was still vividly there, hovering above him, his tongue lazily swirling around his fingers, licking it clean of all the substance. Fucking sexy.

"Sing, I-mm!" Before Krist could finish his words, the corners of Singto's lips twisted into a sly smirk and before Krist knew it, Singto had claimed his cherry plump lips into a soaring kiss, the salty taste of Krist's cum lingering in between their mouths as Krist arched up his back, eagerly lapping his tongue around Singto's tongue and over his lips, the hot taste of himself reheating their desire once again.

You are my sin.

Their kiss lasted too short to Krist's liking, his lips craving for the fulfilling feeling of Singto's lips against his, but Singto pulled back with a breathless gasp and laid down next to Krist, pulling the blank over their exhausted sweaty bodies in a swift move.

"You-you are a kissing expert now, Sing." Krist spoke with a chuckle, before turning on his side and resting his head comfortably on Singto's chest, Singto's arms immediately wrapping around him in a soft secure hold. As the intensity of his orgasm started to fade away, he could feel his mind going blank, his body relaxed and limp as tiredness washed over him like strong waves crashing on the shores on a stormy night. Krist had never felt so secure, so safe before as feelings of utmost happiness and pure bliss rocked his exhausted body towards heavy sleep.

"I think I am an expert in a lot of things now, Kit." Singto replied with an amusing smirk, before giving Krist's head a soft kiss and closing his eyes as Krist snuggled closer to his body, Krist's warm body fitting perfectly in Singto's arms, his head in the crook of Singto's neck, nose pressed against skin - "Like different pieces of a puzzle" - Krist had once commented during an interview and Singto realized that already back then, Krist had been right. 

They were just like two pieces of a puzzle that matched perfectly together.

"I love you, Kit. So so much." Singto whispered softly, his heart bursting with happiness as he finally spoke the words he had always wanted to. He brushed Krist's damp hair from his forehead and stared deep into his lover's eyes as Krist looked up at him, his mouth slightly open in shock, before his face flushed red and with a wide smile on his lips, he brought their lips together into a kiss filled with understanding, comfort and most importantly, love.

"I love you too, Sing. Always have and always will."



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