Brutal | NI-KI ENHA

By Bunny_JHS

16.4K 474 659

I knew that once I put this hoodie on, there's no turning back. I was determined to end those who brought Hel... More

Heeeyyyyyyy :)
Chapter °ONE°
Chapter three➖
Chapter four➖
Chapter five➖
Chapter six➖
Chapter seven➖
Chapter eight➖
BTS + Military = my life's in shambles
Chapter nine➖
Chapter ten➖
Chapter eleven➖
Chapter twelve➖
Chapter thirteen➖
Chapter fifteen➖
Chapter sixteen➖
Chapter seventeen➖
Chapter eighteen⚠️

Chapter fourteen➖

475 19 27
By Bunny_JHS

Background music : Just a little bit - ENHYPEN
If Anything - DamDamGugu
Still with you - Jungkook
Friends - Chase Atlantic(for Haruto's POV)

"Yong?? Are you okay??" Haruto asked me, worry laced in his tone. He lightly shook me because I didn't respond, and calmly called my name again.

"Huh? Haru? Why am I not dead??" I asked, frowning and scanning my surroundings. We were still in the street, it was still raining heavily, I was standing so, so close to Haruto under his umbrella and the people around us were still there, watching us as if we were crazy people. Well, specifically me.

"Doesn't matter. Why the heck are you walking in the street without an umbrella?!" He scolded me, frowning.

"I...I don't know. Where am I? I think I'm lost." I stuttered.

"You're in Hongdae-"

"Hongdae??!" I shrieked, my eyes widening. Haruto chuckled and shook his head.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"Sinchon. I don't have a lot of money for a bus right now and my phone died. How am I gonna get home?!" I whined, leaning my head against his chest and tugging on his shirt.

"It's okay. I'll give you some cash to take the bus home. But first, let's get you warm and into some fresh clothes." And with that, Haruto wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his body.

We passed many local and small stores, along with a few food stalls here and there, which made my stomach grumble, but lucky for me, Haru didn't hear a thing.

Haruto and I walked for about five minutes when we finally arrived to what looked like his place. The apartments looked quite cool, and large too.

We walked across the quiet hall and finally reached the end.

Room 21, his apartment number.

Haru fiddled with the keys and finally found the right one, shoving the key in the key hole and twisting it, unlocking the door. We both entered and took our shoes off and he reached for the light, flicking it and illuminating the entryway. I looked around in awe. His apartment was absolutely stylish and very modern. His kitchen appliances were modern, his TV was modern, his black leather couch looked quite expensive, and it looked pretty comfy too. The blue LED lights on the rim of his roof are what caught my attention, and I let out a barely audible 'woww'

"It isn't much, I know. But please..." He directed me to his couch and allowed me to sit down. "Sit. I'll be right back with a towel, a blanket and some clothes. Oh! Give me your phone so I can charge it for you." I nodded, giving him my phone. He smiled,then turned around and headed upstairs.

I sat in silence for a few minutes, before hearing Haru walk down the stairs and enter the living room.

"Here's a towel..." He wrapped the towel around me with care, then handed me what looked like....his clothes?

Oh no no no no no. I can't wear his clothes!

"No Haru, you don't have to do this. I'm fine with the clothes I'm wearing." I gave him his clothes, however he refused to take them.

"Nope! Yong, your clothes are soaking wet and if you don't change you'll get sick. Besides, these clothes I gave you are a bit small on me. I'm sure they'll fit you." He brightly smiled, turning around and exiting the living room, ignoring my whines and protests.

I stood from the couch and exited the living room, walking straight to the kitchen where Haru had been.

"Haru I..." I paused. My cheeks were bloomy and tingly, and I felt my heart throb at the sight of Haruto. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his smooth, veiny and tanned arms. The back of his shirt was slightly damp from the rain, revealing his brawny back. He finally turned around, his soft, dark eyes met mine, and he cutely smiled.

I cleared my throat and looked away, breathing heavily. "Uh...where can I change?" I softly asked.

"Just head upstairs and turn right. The first room is mine." Haruto kindly smiled as he continued to wash the few dishes. I nodded, turning around and heading upstairs.

I quietly shut the door behind me and walked towards Haru's large bed, placing the clothes he had given me earlier on it. I puffed, slowly taking my damp shirt off and tossing it on the floor. I dried my skin and my hair with the towel, then tossed it on the floor as well. I took Haruto's shirt, sliding my arms in and pulling it over my disheveled hair. Next, I hesitantly took my pants off and slipped his sweats on.

I huffed, walking towards his full length mirror and checking my appearance. His clothes swallowed me and you could barely see my curves and thighs, which I low-key kinda liked it. His sweats were like parachute pants and his shirt was like a dress on me. And my hair? We don't talk about that.

I grabbed my clothes from the floor, along with the towel, and neatly folded them together. I headed towards the door and exited his room. While walking down the stairs I was greeted by the tantalizing and delightful aroma of fried food, noodles and vegetables, which made my stomach grumble yet again.

I reached the kitchen and the scent grew stronger, making me drool.

"Hey, I'm done. Thank you so much for this." I shyly said. Haru lifted his head and his gaze met mine. He instantly looked nervous once he laid his eyes on me. He gulped, hard, and his lips slightly parted as he scanned me from head to toe. I felt so small under his intense stare, and so I cleared my throat, making him snap out of whatever trans he was in.

"Oh uh...s-sure." He nervously chuckled, nodding his head and continuing to cook.

I sat on one of the high stools and watched as Haru delicately cut his vegetables, then slowly threw them in a pot and gracefully stirred the stew.

"Haru, I have a question." I started.

He hummed and flashed a small smile.

"Why do you live alone?" I asked, slightly tilting my head.

"Well I moved out of my parents house a few months ago. They actually bought the apartment for me, but then told me that since I'm eighteen already, I have to get a part time job that'll help pay my own rent." He explained.

I let out an 'ohhh' and slowly nodded my head, still attentively watching him cook. Then, another question popped up in my head.

"Where did you learn how to cook?" I smiled, and he smiled too.

"I taught myself. Well the first time it didn't go so well because I nearly burnt my entire apartment down to ashes..." He laughed, rinsing his hands in the sink. "But then as time went by I started learning the basics. Like how to cook bibimbap and jajangmyeon. It's pretty simple."

"By the way..." He started. "Do you like samgyeopsal?" Haru grinned.

"Of course! It's my favourite food!" I flashed my semi gummy smile, unaware that it makes Haru's heart beat excessively.

He nodded, and bent down to take something out of his cupboard. He carefully placed his Samgyup griller on the island, along with two pairs of metal chopsticks. He opened his fridge and took two cans of coke out, also placing them on the table.

"Tonight, we're gonna make our own samgyeopsal!" He cheerfully said, beaming and cutely clapping his hands.

"I can't wait." I smiled.

After about 20 minutes of setting up the grill and gathering the ingredients we needed, we finally got to grill the pork. Haru and I chatted a lot in the process, which was really nice because I learnt a lot about him and felt a bit closer to him too.

"I can't believe you haven't watched 20th century girl yet!" Haru's eyes widened.

"Well I mean...I haven't really had the chance to watch it." I shrugged my shoulders, stealing a piece of pork and munching it.

"You need to watch it. It's a really beautiful story." He said.

"I will. Maybe when I get home." I smiled, and he did too.

We sat in a comfortable silence for about a minute or so, before Haru spoke. "Hey Yong, do you mind me asking why you were walking alone in the rain?"

I heaved, pursing my lips. "It's a really long story." I said.

"I have all the time." Haru said, then smiled.

"Well..." I began to explain everything that had happened, from me finding out about Seo Yeon and Niki, to the events of this afternoon that crushed my heart.

"Okay first of all, this Niki guy is a complete dumbass for not noticing you. Second, why the heck would he go ahead and date your worst enemy. He knew what she did to you and yet he still went ahead and dated her!" Haru frowned.

"I agree with you about him being a dumbass..." I chuckled. "But what can I say? I think I understand why he didn't choose to like me. I'm not very appealing." I heavily sighed.

"Nonsense!" Haruto slammed his hand on the marble kitchen island, making me flinch. "You're so, so beautiful Min Yong. You're kind, really sweet and you have an amazing personality..." Haru walked around the island and stood right in front of me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned forward. "You're beautiful. You're a great person. Don't you ever question your worth. If people fail to realise how much of a precious gem you are, then that's their problem." He whispered, his breath fanning against my skin.

His eyes flickered down to my lips for a millisecond, and I felt my heart jump. My cheeks went pink again and I felt like pushing him away from me, but I couldn't.

"Don't change yourself for the benefit of others, okay?" He whispered, his voice so deep and husky that it made my knees feel like jelly.

"I promise." I softly said.

"Good." He pulled away, still staring at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Thanks again for the dinner Haru." I smiled, watching him walk towards me and throw himself on the couch.

"It's my pleasure." He smiled. "Here's your phone by the way. I think it's full now." He handed me my cold phone and I thanked him again, switching it on.

My phone began to vibrate, indicating that I had gotten messages. Messages from people popped up one after another on my screen, causing my phone to endlessly chime and vibrate.

My Idiot💜🤡
13 Missed Calls

15 missed calls

Niki Niki❤️
4 missed calls


Why aren't you picking up our calls?

Yong you're worrying me. Where the hell are you???

Meow? Where are you?? Why aren't you home??


You're so dead when you get home.

I gasped as I read all my brother's messages, catching Haru's attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My brother is Sooo gonna kill me." I breathed.

My Idiot💜🤡
Yong please pick up. I know you're upset but at least let me know you're okay...

My Idiot💜🤡
Your brother told me you weren't home yet? Are you okay? Where are you??

My Idiot💜🤡
Yong I know you're upset but please don't wander off like that. You're worrying me. Yoongi has been trying to call you all day and he says you're not picking up.

My Idiot💜🤡
Min Yong! Where the hell are you???? You're stressing me out.

My Idiot💜🤡
I'm going to the police station to report you as missing. If you're still there, please send me a text, or something. A sign that you're still there...please

Niki Niki❤️
Hey Yong. Hyewon texted me saying you weren't answering her calls. Are you okay?

Niki Niki❤️
Hey again...Why aren't you picking up? I called you a few times...please let me know if you're okay.

Pft, I'm surprised he even noticed I was gone. I sighed, tapping on Yoongi's message and responding to it. Right after he read my message, my phone rang and his caller ID popped up.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??" Yoongi shouted, causing Haru and I to flinch.

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been! You have the nerve to just disappear like that without even telling me where you're going!! Do you know how unsafe it is to just wander off alone! You could've gotten fucking kidnapped Min Yong!! I don't know what shitty teenage crap you're up to, but it better stop!" Yoongi growled.


"You're my little sister, Yong. You're all I have. I don't know what I'd do if anything were to ever happen to you." He said, his voice now soft and angelic.

"Yoongi I-"

"Don't ever do that to me again. Now, where the heck are you so I can come and get you?" He asked, his voice stern.

"I'm at a friend's house..." I turned to look at Haru who seemed to be twice as terrified as I was. I asked him what his address was, and he softly told me.

"He lives in one of the Hongdae estate apartments." I said, and I immediately regret it. I smacked my mouth with my hand and tightly shut my eyes.

"HE?? HE?? Oh you're so fucking DEAD when I get there." And with that, my hot-headed brother ended the call, leaving me dreadful and scared for my life.

"What's wrong-"

"My brother! He's gonna kill us." I panted, springing up from the couch and grabbing a fistful of my disheveled hair.

"Wait what-"

"He knows I'm with you!"


"SO?? He doesn't want me going to a boy's house unless I have a valid reason as to why I'm going there!!" I shrieked.

Haruto stood from the couch and walked towards me. He towered over me and removed my hands from my hair. He cupped face and chuckled. "Okay, I'm gonna need you to calm down."

"I can't calm down-"

"Breathe." He softly said, lightly caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. I took a deep breath in, then out, then in, then out until I finally felt like I was calm. Sorta.

"We'll just tell your brother the truth. I'm sure he'll understand." Haru smiled.

"Yeah..." I nodded. "You're right. I mean what could possibly go wrong?"

"So you're the fucker who kidnapped my sister?" Yoongi spat, ignoring Haruto's hand which was respectively let out for him to shake.

I awkwardly stood behind Yoongi, hoping that he wouldn't blow and attack Haru. Poor Haru, he stood there, terrified and shivering because of the cold weather and rain. He pursed his lips and drew his hand back.

"I didn't....kidnap her...sir..." He stuttered.

"Then How'd she end up at your house? And why the heck are you wearing his clothes Yong?!" He yelled.

Ah, crap. I'm wearing Haru's clothes now it looks like know what, nevermind.

"Oppa I swear its not what it looks like-"

"Bullshit! Yah!" Yoongi turned to look at Haru who immediately trembled under his deadly glare. "What the hell did you do with my sister? And don't you dare lie to me."

"S-sir I swear I didn't do anything with her! I just saw her wandering around in the street and she told me she got lost so I helped her. Her clothes were soaking wet so I offered her mine..." Haru explained.

"Yong, is it true?" Yoongi turned around and asked me. I nodded saying yes, looking down at my feet as I was too afraid to look him in the eyes.

"Look at me." He demanded, and I immediately looked up. "Is it true what he just said? He didn't do anything to you? He didn't touch you, he didn't try anything?"

"Yes, it's true. He didn't do anything to me." I said. Yoongi nodded, then sighed and turned to look at Haru once again.

"Alright then. We'll be on our way." And with that, Yoongi turned around and walked to the other side of the car.

"Bye Haru. Thank you." I mouthed and entered the car.


Just a little bonding time with Haru😁.

Guys, I'm sorry if the updates are too slow for y'all. Exams have me by the boobs and its tough bro. Like really tough. But anyway, tomorrow is our last exam and I'm so FLIPPIN happy😭. I can finally rest and update as much as I want to!

Btw, I'm nowhere near done with this book :) drama is still coming so please, be patient with me.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I know I did :) Haru has me blushing like an idiot here💀. But anyways please vote guys! And thank you again for reading my mess❤️I ✨A P P R E C I A T E✨ you

Family photo cuz why not :))))

Stream Dreamers❤️😃



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