
By caspiangrey

421 40 15

- I slammed my head down on my keyboard, fed up with looking at an empty screen, this stupid short story wa... More

Kicking and screaming
That Stupid Pea Green Van
Greasy Diner Food
Define Illegal?
Awkward Conversations
Star wars references and the cost of living

Authors note

59 6 4
By caspiangrey

Yo humans, its Cassi.
So I just now came to the realization that I posted this without editing it at all. ( please don't shoot me Im fixing it)
Most time when I write Im half asleep so please excuse the mess.

If you like my story please tell me, encouragement is freaking rad and makes me feel good inside. Also please feel free to comment any tips/ tricks you may have, I'm still a mere child at this author thing, and any feed back I can get is really helpful!

Like, comment, read, follow, tear it apart, and burn it I don't care, but don't steal my work! All of this crap is copyrighted and I will hunt you down, and I really don't want to hide what remains of your body, ok? Ok.

Now that we have that all settled I take no Credit for the songs/art/photos I use unless otherwise specified.

Hopefully my chaotic rambling didn't Confuse you too much, so now that I'm done go read the things. <3

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