Wizards: Tales Of Arcadia

By PhoenixSweet

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(I will admit in full that this is very self indulgent.) Douxie always had people in his life. Archie, Merlin... More

Singing Lessons
Notes of Discomfort
No More Magic
Band Practice
A/N Character design
Christmas Break
Let Me Have A Little Mistletoe
Bad Influence
Fear Can Make You Stronger... Albeit Unintentionally
An Indoor Snowstorm- Really Jack?
A Baby-What?
You're Familiar To Me
Detention's Never Been So Fun
Distractions Make Life Easier
Extra Bitter Coffee Changes A Person, As Does Getting Possessed By A Witch
It's My Birthday.... Again?
Battle At The Bonfire
Merlin's Tomb
The Lies We Tell
A Mind Divided
Where's Waldo/Jim/Angel?
Eternal Night
The End Begins
Season 2: Meet The Akkiridians
Who Is In Control?
The Exorcism Of Angelia Sweet
Boys/Girls Night
Sorry, but this has to happen
The Things We Do To Pass The Time
If I Had A Nickel...
Learning A Lot Of Things
A Thousand Years
A Christmas Story (NOT CANNON!!)
If I Surrender
Safe And Sound
A/N Reader's Choice
It's Out!

How Many Times Is The World Gonna End?

68 1 4
By PhoenixSweet

"Sorry I haven't called in awhile," Jim said, his phone on speaker. With being a troll, that was a requirement to be able to hear and talk at the same time.

Angel laughed. "It's fine. I know you don't get a lot of downtime. Though, you really need to call your mother."

"Merl doesn't exactly believe in it, and I already did.."

"Good. I know Douxie has said a lot about the whole no downtime thing- Don't say anything to him, but I think that's the real reason he has two jobs. He's even talking about getting another at HexTech."

"Really? After being around for centuries, I'd expect to have more saved up."

"Right? And as for having no downtime, I feel ya there. Along with work, Mama Skull, patrol, and shooting that movie with Toby, I barely have enough time to eat, let alone sleep."

Jim chuckled as she mentioned the film again, but asked about how patrol was going. She told him that she and Toby were dealing with the heetlings again while Douxie was investigating other rumors that he had heard with Zoe.

"Sounds like you guys-"

"What the hell!?" Angel shouted. Jim tensed. "I- i gotta go!"

"Angel, wait!" The call ended.

. . .

"Eli, I'm looking for absolute terror, alright?" Toby said as he pointed for Luug to go back to his mark. "Not.. whatever you were just doing."

Eli's face fell slightly. "I thought I was."

"Yeah, I didn't get that. Now, get back to your mark!" Eli groaned but did as directed. "Annnndd- Action!"

Eli ran like he had the night of meeting his first bounty hunter, screaming like a maniac for everyone to run. After tripping intentionally, but scraping his elbow, he turned and screamed. Toby smiled as he swirled the camera around to Luug, who howled.

"Never to worry, young homosapien!" Krel yelled as he flew over a building and being silloutted by the moon for a second before landing next to Eli. "DJ Kleb is here to- Seklos and Galen!"

"Uh, don't think that line will play Krel," Toby said as he moved the camera to where Krel's gaze fell. "What are you looking at-" he stopped talking as he saw a projectile shooting from the atmosphere.

Krel yelled something and pushed the two out of the way. The projectile scraped the top of a building, hit some trees before hitting a car and flipping it over in a firy explosion. As Krel got up to investigate a crater now in the earth, the wind picked up and extinguished the flames before they spread. Flapjack came flying in, cutting off the ones that were already spreading.

"What's going on?" Angel asked as she ran to join Krel. The glowing ball looked like pure magma. Angel gasped.

"Please tell me that is a magic thing," Krel begged. "Because if not..."

Eli told Toby at the same time, "Tell me you got that on tape." Toby fist bumped him, to Angel, Flapjack, and Krel's disappointment.

. . .

As Mother scanned the debris, Flapjack came in with Douxie and Arch. The bird perched on her shoulder moodily, turning his beak up. Angel pet him gently, Flapjack jumping before realizing what she was doing.

"Thanks, FJ," she whispered. He chirped softly.

"This meteorite is debris from category twenty meteor shower which originated from the Oxiom Galaxy some 500 light keltons away," Mother explained as Douxie took his spot next to Angel.

"What? How did it get here?" Krel asked as the screen showed a diagram of the meteorite coming towards them.

"This is the best dolly ever," Toby gushed as he filmed the scene. "Uh, is that red thingy moving towards the green thingy? Is that green thingy us?"

"No, we're watching a catastrophe happen to another planet far far away," Angel told him, hand on her hip. Douxie and Flapjack chuckled, the former's sounding scratchy. Angel gave him a quick glance before her attention was forced back to Toby.

"No need for your sarcasm, miss always late for shoot."

"Hey, I've been on patrol as of late, thank you very much."

"Guys," Aja groaned, glaring at them. Angel immediately shrank, embarrassed. Toby just went back to filming everything.

"A asteroid the size of Arcadia is set to make landfall in Arcadia in approximately 24 horvats," Mother warned.

Krel gasped. "Wait, if a rock that size lands here-"

"Then the whole town will be destroyed," Douxie finished, Angel glancing sidelong at him. His voice was definitely rough, and call her crazy, but he sounded stuffed up as well.

"Along with the entire Western Seaboard," Zadra added. Eli began freaking out, Toby filming constantly. Angel had half a mind fling the damn thing against the wall, but that would be rude to Mother. And inconsiderate to Eli, whom she approached gently.

"Eli, it will be ok," Angel spoke softly, placing her hand lightly on his shoulder.

"Yeah, this is Aja and Krel we're talking about," Toby said. "They can handle a space pebble, right?" Eli gave a small smile.

"Our V-Strykers routinely took down asteroids when they enter Akkiridian airspace," Zadra said. "Mother, activate your deep space laser technology."

"That was destroyed during our escape from Akkiridian-5," Mother said.

"Then activate your mid-space laser technology," Krel ordered.

"Destroyed when we crashed on Earth."

"How about your near-space laser tech?" Aja asked.

"That would be Luug."

Angel glared at the space animal. "Bad dog." Luug tilted his head before jumping on her, nearly knocking her over the side. Flapjack thankfully steadied her. "No, no, you do not get to be sweet right now." Angel tried to push the affectionate dog off.

Toby rolled his eyes. "Oh great. Where was that magic when I was filming, you diva?" Angel felt a pecking at her head.

"FJ, stop being jealous! And you two- stop laughin!" She turned on the wizard duo. Douxie played it off with a cough while Arch just began grooming himself.

"Little brother," Aja said. "You need to build a deep space laser, and you need to do it fast."

"Such a device would require technology that doesn't exist on this planet," Krel answered.

Archie walked up to Krel and sat down, adjusting his glasses. "Actually, based on what you've told us, there is a place we can get the technology."

"And where is that?" Krel snapped.

Mother started glitching, flashing between her diagram and some place that they couldn't make out. Luug whimpered.

"Communication systems have been compromised-" the screen changed to a glitchy video call with Area 49B; and ergo, Kubritz.

"Mother, end transmission now!" Vex ordered.

"Please don't-" she begged. How did she even get through Krel's defenses? "We need your help."

"After what you us and our friends through, why would we ever help you?" Aja fired back.

"Because I wouldn't be calling if you weren't humanities best, last, and I fear, only hope."

. . .

"I hate this," Douxie muttered. Zadra put a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you fear for the royals and your friend of girls, but having her down there is a tactical advantage."

"I know. I know." He sighed. "I just can't-" The image of Angel tied to a hospital bed, who knew what entering her system, flashed in his mind.

"A warrior does not need to forget hardships and horrors to move on. Do not let it define you, but keep it close enough to drive you." Douxie gave her a small smile as he turned his attention to the group in the canal, and the cardinal that was perched on the bridge in front of him.

Flapjack's eyes were glued to a seemingly empty spot next Krel, wind making a piece of paper dance gently. Douxie's own familiar was high above, sat upon a beam. Bright white lights soon came rolling up to the group.

"Varvatos Vex finds this plan most foolhardy." The spell Douxie had cast to hear them below worked, it seemed. Meaning they'd be able to hear if things were going wrong, even if they couldn't see it.

"That makes two of us," Aja agreed.

Krel sighed. "Make that three, but we're out of good options here. And if the colonel has the resources we need, she may be our best bad option." Kubritz and her lieutenant exited the car and approached.

"Not another step," Aja yelled. Douxie lit up his bracelet and readied to attack if needed. Zadra followed suit. Eli and Toby were not all that concerned, the former still getting his stars ready. "Our team won't hesitate to turn you into flexel!"

"Oh snap! She said Flexel, yo!" Toby accidentally hit Eli with his warhammer. A throwing star embedded itself into the leg of the Lieutenant, thanks to Douxie's magic helping to guide it. He couldn't help but smirk even though it missed Kubritz.

She grabbed it, feigning respect. "You brought backup. Smart. So have I." She snapped and hazmats with guns popped up, surrounding them all. A few seemed to be missing, and currently disappearing with a little red glow. "We have a code five."

Aja was the first of the group to leave her surprise. "The asteroid. We're aware. What are your leaders doing about it?"

"We've been trying to draw up a plan to intercept it, but we fear the level of engineering required is beyond our current capabilities."

"Area 49B has the most advanced alien technology and resources this planet has to offer," The Lieutenant said. "But unfortunately-" he shared a glance with Kubritz.

Krel finished for him. "You don't know how to use it. That's where we come in."

"So you see," Kubritz said, "neither of us can solve this problem without the other." The group glanced at each other before nodding.

"We have terms," Aja said.

"First, you will clear the base of any non-essential personnel and allow the King-In-Waiting to bring in his own team," Varvatos ordered.

Krel checked his phone. "And on that note, you will allow the magical people on my team to get rid of any wards you have put up against them."

"Third," Aja added. "As soon as this mission is over, we go out separate ways. And you leave us alone- for good."

Kubritz didn't seem pleased with the idea, but went along with it anyway. "Fine, then we have a-"

"Hey, DJ Kleb!" Toby interrupted. Krel rolled his eyes but checked his phone again.

"And finally, my team will require 16- no, 60- 60?" Krel looked at Toby incredulously. "Cases of Nougat Nummys?"

"Brain food! You'll thank us later!" Zadra patted his back in approval. Krel and Douxie groaned. Something that was coated in a red glow hit him in the head. Douxie snorted.

"We agree to your terms," Kubritz urged. "Now, do we have a deal?"

"After you make the most sacred of human oaths." Aja held out her pinky as Toby began filming. Kubritz smirked.

"We have ourselves a deal."

The trucks were cramped and it was extremely uncomfortable, but after about thirteen hours, they arrived. Douxie found himself resenting the fact that three of his companions could fly.

"Welcome to Area 49B," the Lieutenant said. Eli freaked out and Toby was almost just as giddy. Douxie heard Kubritz wonder how their magical defenses were already destroyed, especially with a controlled fire that went out on it's own. "You tell anyone you came here, that asteroid is gonna be the least of your worries, got it?"

Toby agreed a little too eagerly but as the Lieutenant walked away, he grabbed his backpack with an evil laugh. Eli chastised him as Archie perched on his shoulder, subtly nodding towards the roof of the nearest building. A red cardinal was perched on the side of it, pecking at the concrete almost too blankly.

. . .

"I can't get ahold of Toby, Mom," Jim said the moment she answered. "I saw the news- is there an evacuation going on? What's happening?"

"Honey, there's no time to get anywhere far enough away," Jim's mom said, voice strained. "And the- the thingamabob that Merlin made won't take the babies back. We have no way to get them out of here."

"Mom, we'll figure something out, I promise."

Claire yelled and kicked something against the elegant stone wall, knocking down a painting and startling Blinky as he entered. "This wouldn't be a problem if I had my Shadow Staff!"

"Even you could not accomplish such a feat, fair Claire."

"But I did in Trollmarket."

"Yes, but you merely had a few miles to go, whereas this would be in the thousands."

"Blink, what did Merlin say?" Jim asked.

"It seems we are on our own," Blinky said solemnly.

Claire scoffed. "Of course."

"To be fair, he did seem genuinely distressed that he couldn't do anything."

"Probably just because Douxie's there."

"He is too preoccupied on fighting the Order tomorrow to focus on the fight today. And the little one who-"

"Guys come on!" Jim interrupted. "There has to be something we can do! Merlin can't use some spell? Douxie can't? Angel-" his eyes went wide. "Mom, I'll call you right back!" The call ended as Jim began scrolling through his contacts. Scroll was a light word as the one he was looking for was just one movement up.

"Of course!" Claire exclaimed happily. "Angel can teleport everyone out of there!"

"Are you sure?" Blinky asked, hand on chin. "I seem to recall her being new to the magical world."

"She's been in it for five years."

"That, to an immortal wizard, is like a day."

"Jim! Kinda a bad time, buddy," Angel was whispering when she answered, and her tone was hurried. Something beeped on her end.

"Angel, we know know about asteroid," Jim said.

"I'd be surprised if you didn't."

"Can you get everyone-" Angel shushed him, the sound of people talking had him listening. Once they had left Angel told him to continue, accompanied with a beep. "Can you get everyone out of Arcadia?"

"Are you kidding me? The highest number of people I can take with me is two, maybe three, but that's pushin it."

"Can you at least get Hisirdoux out of there?" Merlin had just come in, stern and stoic in posture but eyes wide. Claire glared. "And your friends, of course."

"Essential personnel my ass," Angel muttered before once again telling them to be quiet. Another beep was heard. "Weren't you against me using my teleportation, Merlin?"

"In this circumstance, I believe it is necessary." Blinky made a noise but didn't say anything.

"Well, there's no way he's gonna go for it. Especially when we've got a solution in the works."

"What solution is that?" Claire asked.

A beat passed. "Are y'all outside? Or at least watchin the news?"

"No... Why?"

"Cause you'll probably see it soon."

Jim shared a glance with the others. "See what-" Angel shouted in surprise, cutting him off. A number of emotions passed through her voice quickly, going from shock to relief to confusion to horrified realization as she told him to call Toby so he could explain more and hanging up immediately after.

. . .

After the Lieutenant's embarrassing presentation, Krel took over quickly. With his headphones in, he directed everyone to what they needed to be working on. Between taking over and insulting the hazmats work, the time had flown by.

The laser was now finished and on the roof with thirty minutes to spare. Aja and Douxie had joined Kubritz in the control room, the latter making a distinct barrier between them and the former to keep an eye on the colonel.

"Laser is operational," Krel said over the com.

"Target is in range," Aja said.

Douxie put his hand on the back Aja's chair. "Fire when ready, Krel."

"Target locked. Firing in three, two-" a pause from the other end. Aja and Douxie shared an annoyed glance. "Let's rock this rock!" Douxie hit the mute button on their side.

"That was horrible, right?" Aja asked.

"Completely cheesy," Douxie answered.

"How would my brother be covered in cheese right now?"

Douxie deadpanned without looking at her. "That's not-" he was cut off by the laser having a direct hit and the cheers echoed, effectively cutting him off. It lasted only moment before the machines began whirring worringly. "Krel?"

"What is going on, little brother?"

"The laser is going haywire!" Toby answered for him.

The Lieutenant pulled in a video feed to show a frantic Krel. "Shut it off!"

Krel went from typing to staring directly at the camera. "I can't! The laser is not responding!" With one last high pitched ring, the lights went out. A moment later, the reserve power came on.

Kubritz adjusted her glasses when she saw the screen. Douxie and Aja followed her gaze and gave matching gasps. "Oh no."

"What happened?" Krel asked.

"The laser successfully detonated the asteroid into pieces."

"How is that bad news?"

"Two big pieces, mate," Douxie told him.

"Now both seaboards are doomed," Aja worried.

. . .

"T-minus thirty minutes to impact," the Lieutenant recapped as the group got to the roof.

"We need solutions people," Kubritz ordered.

"No dip, Sherlock," Angel said as she landed on the roof, fading into view. Douxie tensed as Kubritz narrowed her eyes. Very quickly and not subtle at all, he moved to stand in-between them. Angel rolled her eyes and moved to his side, though a small, satisfied smirk played on her lips.

"Solutions?" Krel asked incredulously and opening a Nougat Nummy. "The laser needs to be powered by a steady stream of electro thermal energy! So unless you have 400 megaton neutron bomb laying around-"

"What about my magic?" Angel asked. Everyone tuned to her in confusion. "Aja, Toby- remember what happened when we fought Tronos in the museum?" The two shared a glance. "Sure, it disoriented me for a minute, but it empowered me in a way."

"That, may actually be a good idea-"

"Hold up just a tick," Douxie interrupted. "That's a big leap from being energized by electricity." Angel defiantly created her rope, the bright red lightning crackling. Kubritz's eyes widened as she took a step back.

"If either of us can do it, I can."

Douxie shook his head before glaring. "Even if you could, it's extremely dangerous-"

"Oh, and freaking asteroid isn't?" Angel gestured to the sky.

Douxie sighed. "And hard to conduct-"

"Not with circles and Flux runes." He glared.

"Arch already explained how that is no way a smart idea-"

"Can you think of a better one?"

"You literally shot a hole through our roof! It's too unstable!"

"A bomb or magic aren't the only possible sources of electro thermal energy!" Aja interrupted before turning to Kubritz. "You have another, in your custody. But it's going to take some convincing."

Kubritz scoffed. "He won't cooperate." Angel turned her annoyed glare to the colonel.

"And what have you been doing to get him to cooperate?" She bit her bottom lip, so discreetly that almost no one noticed. Angel and Douxie deadpanned as they shared a glance.

"You've been torturing him, haven't you?" Douxie said.

"I prefer to call it-" Kubritz started, but Douxie coughed, and Angel cut her off with a raised hand.

"Whatever ya call it, it's still torture at its core, ain't it?"

"Just take me to him!" Aja ordered. All three looked slightly ashamed of the argument as Kubritz ordered a few hazmats and the Lieutenant to take her and Vex to the containment lab.

It took until it was nearly a minute and a half before the asteroid made contact when Vex came by with Tronos. Douxie had decided to stay on the roof with the others, Aja returning to the control room.

Whatever Aja said to Tronos worked. There seemed to be something different about how he carried himself. Angel still looked suspicious of him, if not slightly concerned.

Toby and Eli had taken to hiding behind Krel's control panel as Tronos passed by, Douxie and Angel behind them.

"Tronos, power up and divert all your energy to the laser," Krel ordered nervously. Tronos growled at Krel but followed the order all the same. The lightning that encompassed him seemed dimmer than before.

"Krel, punch it!" Came all too soon over the com. Vex got ready to split the laser, turning his serrator into a staff and held it against it.

Now that Krel had to pull a leaver to activate it, he was struggling to do so. Angel appeared right next to him, grabbed it, and helped him pull it down. The two backed up carefully, not wanting to get hit by the electricity. She kept her body in front of him just in case.

The laser was powering up even more now, but just as quickly Tronos began to falter. His roar became breathy and strained. The beam was only halfway to the asteroid and was already fading.

Angel glanced back to her friends before turning to Tronos once more. Douxie shouted something but there was a roaring in her ears now and it wasn't Tronos'.

Angel pushed Krel back as she quickly pulled the spell circles to her arms, four Flux runes each, before anyone could stop her. She muttered a preemptive apology to Tronos before releasing the magic that was almost bursting at the seams.

It hurt. It was such a white-hot pain that made her palms nearly numb but everything else completely aware. She didn't hear herself scream, too focused on keeping the beam steady.

She hoped that it had hit the asteroid when she fell, Tronos following soon after. Tears clouded her vision, ears ringing dangerously loud. Angel could only barely make out Krel's figure running to Vex excitedly.

Warm hands wrapped around her wrists. "What the bloody hell were you thinking?" Douxie was a blob in her vision, his hands the only reason her own weren't trembling. It took a moment to glean why. Her hands were slowly wrapped in a royal blue glow, warmth bleeding into her wounds as the pain lessened.

Angel blinked away tears. "I'm sorry, I-"

"He's in pain, we have to do something!" Aja demanded, turning the wizards heads. Kubritz advanced on her, flanked by two hazmats with neuromiters.

"Step aside," Kubritz ordered her. "Arm your neuromiters."

"What?" Tronos didn't like the idea, using the last bit of his strength to get up and roar, escaping to the nearest power line. Angel and Aja gave small smiles as he got away.

"Angel, what were you thinking?" Douxie asked as he waved over a hazmat. He'd brought a first aid kit and took out a bandage roll. Douxie carefully slid off her bracers. Bright pink skin was revealed. It stretched down the length of her forearm from a patch on her palms, looking like lighting had struck.

The hazmat began rubbing a salve and wrapping her arms. "Tronos was failing. The laser wouldn't have hit."

"Angel, are you ok?" Aja asked as she knelt down to her friend. Toby, Eli, Krel, and Vex stood behind them.

"I- I will be."

Douxie scoffed and muttered, "You didn't even know if it would work."

"Well, it did and now we don't have a space rock hurtling towards us, do we?" He glared and glanced to the others for help. They suddenly had other, more interesting things to do, so he said nothing else as the hazmat finished with her arms.

. . .

Night had fallen by the time they were able to leave. Toby had been insistent on taking the remaining candy, but in the end, settled on a bag. As they all readied to leave, the Lieutenant approached them with a smile.

He looked to Krel. "It might sound counter intuitive, but we do offer a pretty swell internship program. Unpaid."

"Maybe one day," Krel laughed. "I couldn't have done it without my sister, or my team."

"I never doubted you for a secton," Aja added before the sound of guns being armed put them all on edge.

Kubritz advanced on them with a smirk. "It's been such a pleasure working with you, we couldn't bear to see you leave just yet."

"What's going on?" Aja exclaimed as Douxie and Angel growled, fists glowing with magic. Varvatos had his serrator at the ready behind his back.

"I thought we had a deal with them, Colonel?" The Lieutenant asked, worry on his face.

"It wasn't a deal," Kubritz said. "It was a trap."

Toby once again focused on the wrong thing. "Dude, are you getting this? A plot twist in the last reel!"

"Not a very good one as we saw it coming a light kelton away," Krel said, gesturing to Angel before he reached into his satchel and grabbed a bright orange tech ball. "Eli. DJ Kleb is here to party!" He tapped the ball and it blinked. The laser amongst other things far and near, blew up.

The hazmats and Kubritz were knocked down because of the blast. As she got up, a bright blue electrical form appeared behind her.

"First you betray me, then you betray them," Tronos growled as he advanced. "A deal must mean something very different on earth." Kubritz ducked and rolled to dodge his attack. As Toby was freaking out again at the production value, she picked up the nearest gun and began shooting at the group.

The Akkiridians and Douxie shielded the ones who didn't have any defenses. Angel tried but found it to be difficult and slightly painful. Tronos suddenly appeared in front of the hazmats marching on them, knocking them back and giving Varvatos an opening to shoot down the wall.

Steve came in first, riding in on his Vespa and saying some overused line. Zadra and Stuart came in after, the latter saying a stupidly ironic line.

Angel and Aja had second thoughts about leaving Tronos as everyone boarded the truck, but their respective boyfriends convinced them that he could handle himself.

As they left, Kubritz kept her eyes locked on them even as Tronos fell.


I am nearly finished with season 2, so a few things- season 3 and 4 will be in a new story. And man can't I wait. So many things will be revealed! I wanna hear y'all's theories!

Follow up, the next chapter will not be cannon. It is simply a fun Christmas thing, with them doing a concert for the town. Because the chapter after..... Let's just say you might hate me.

That is all! Goodbye and happy reading!

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