A Collection Of Oneshots

By NumberOneMilfSimp

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This is a collection of oneshots, each unique, and each hopefully good. I spent seven or so months, writing a... More

Chapter 1-Happy Birthday
Chapter 2-Sleep Deprived
Chapter 3-It's Real
Chapter 4-The Bet
Chapter 5-Can't Tell You
Chapter 6-Murderer
Chapter 7-Prisoner
Chapter 8-Overworked
Chapter 9-Nightmares
Chapter 10-I'm Sorry
Chapter 11-Fire
Chapter 12-Bore
Chapter 13-Skydiving
Chapter 14-Chaos
Chapter 15-Concerned Mothers
Chapter 16-Peculiar Cat
Chapter 17-Flowers
Chapter 18-War
Chapter 19-Karen

Chapter 20-A Sad Ending

650 24 17
By NumberOneMilfSimp

It was three in the morning in the loop. Y/n was currently spending the night at a friends house in modern day Cairnholm, due to be back early the next morning. This just so happened to the same night that wights had decided to attack. They were able to use their peculiarities to break into the house undetected. The eight wights immediately got to work. Two tied and gagged Millard. As an invisible boy if they didn't do so right away he'd easily escape their grasp, or worse, wake up everyone else.

The next step was obviously to restrain the ymbryne, who would literally give her life for her children. But they couldn't have that happening. Then the twins were both tied up as a few other wights smothered Emma in her sleep. The two things had dangerous peculiarities and posed a great threat to the wights. A shame the twins chittering woke up Claire, who they shared a room with. And she screamed. It woke up everyone who wasn't already up.

Olive jumped out of bed and was shocked to see three wights in her room. But her shock didn't last very long when she saw what they were doing to her roommate, Emma. She rushed right over, pulled off one of her gloves, and set the first wight, an abnormally tall woman, on fire. Olive watched in horror as her spine bent in all sorts of terrifying ways, being able to clearly hear the snaps and cracks it made as it grew longer, and she grew taller with it. What a horrific peculiarity.

The other two wights didn't bother trying to help their companion, and fled the scene after making sure their victim was dead. Olive made sure the fire didn't go out until the screaming woman in front of her was no longer breathing. Once that was handled she checked on Emma, finding that she was only one of two dead women in the room.

Though Olive knew she had no time for grief and left the room to make sure everyone else was safe. She heard screaming from outside and was quick to rush out the front door. Though she seemed to have walked right into a living nightmare.

One of the wights seemed to also have a strange control over plants, as there were four brand new trees in the yard that had never been there before. All oak, all the same size, and all four lined up next to each other. Miss Peregrine, Millard, and each of the twins were tied to one. Each of them struggled against their bounds, all of them yelling, though no one could really understand the twins.

One wight had managed to grab a screaming Claire as she tried to run away. He seemed more than aware of her second mouth and stayed far away from it as he carried her to the garden. When Fiona tried to stop him she was pulled away by large vines. He must've been the wight that grew the oak trees.

Miss Peregrine watched, screaming while she frantically tried to escape her bounds, as he drowned the youngest of her wards in the pond. Fiona tried her best to get away from the vines, to control them but this wights peculiarity was stronger than hers. Even if she managed to get away from the vines, it would be much too late to save Claire in time.

Miss Peregrine was already sobbing at this point as she looked around the yard. Eight wights had been reduced to seven, but even that wasn't very reassuring. Because as she continued to look she found that eleven wards had gone down to nine. Emma was nowhere to be found. She hoped that it was because the girl had run away, though she doubted it.

She watched as Enoch ran into the house, and as Olive freed Fiona with her fire. And as Hugh used his bees to attack wights. She was forced to watch as one wight, seemingly immune to the bee stings, walked straight through the swarm and towards Hugh. This group had clearly been picked by their peculiarities for what would best go against the peculiars residing in the loop.

Bronwyn disappeared into the house, following a wight that had been taunting her. And one wight began pacing along the four trees. Barron. He paused at one of the twin's tree for a moment and looked at the child. He then lifted a gun, and shot Miss Peregrine's ward in the head. He then continued walking, stopped at the next tree, and did the same with the other twin. Miss Peregrine had lost two more wards in a matter of ten seconds.

Fiona was trying to control a tree, desperate to have it do something, anything. But as soon as her command on it started working, it snapped and suddenly fell over. And it landed directly on Hugh. He died instantly. Fiona stood in shock for the long moment, staring blankly at his corpse and the wight that had backed him into the perfect place for him to get hit. But all she could do was blame herself.

In her shock she couldn't even bother to try and stop the wight that had once again tied her up with vines. And this point she fully believed she deserved whatever her threw at her. And he decided it was only fair, to torture the poor girl. He grabbed each of her arms, and slowly cut a large deep slit in each of them, from her elbows to her wrists. Each wound started oozing blood immediately. She cried but it wouldn't help to lessen the physical or emotional pain. The vines moved her, dragging her across the lawn and then up the tree, where they hung her upside down by her ankles. She just hung their, swinging a bit in the early morning wind. She didn't bother struggling as all her blood either rushed to her head or escaped her arms.

Miss Peregrine yelled out to the girl and grew more and more anxious as Fiona got less and less responsive. At first she gave her headmistress a thumbs up, to show the woman she was alright. In the end, she gave no response and went completely limp. Fiona had died.

Miss P wasn't even allowed time to grieve her now five dead wards as she heard yelling from the roof. The wight that had been taunting Bronwyn had led the poor girl up to the roof. He didn't hesitate to a attempt to push her off the roof, clearly underestimating her strength as she grabbed his arm and pulled him with her. It was hard to tell who screamed louder during the fall, the wight, Bronwyn, or Miss Peregrine. But in the end the shattering and snapping of bone could be heard by anyone who tried to listen for it. And everyone who did hear flinched at the horrible sound.

At this point Miss Peregrine's throat hurt from all the yelling and crying. And she wished more than anything that there was something she could do to assist her children. And she'd tried, and gotten horrible rope burn on her wrists by that point. Though she couldn't focus on the persistent sting even if she wanted to.

Horace has so far been hiding, his peculiarity wasn't very useful in a fight and he wasn't good and hand to hand combat. So he stayed as far from the fight as he could before a handful of wights noticed him. This was a fight he knew he wouldn't win, three fully grown men, against one boy that had no fighting skills. He ran as fast as he could, but he didn't make it very far before one tackled him to the ground. Two of the wights held him by the arms as Barron walked over. There was no warning whatsoever before he cut Horace's head clean off with his knife hand.

Miss Peregrine so far has not been focused on the two wights that hadn't even tried to fight anyone. But eventually the two caught her eye. They were digging, a large human sized hole. She briefly worried what it would be used for, but her thoughts were soon cut short. Enoch had just left the house, and he'd retrieved three death bodies kept in the basement, each now on their feet and wielding a weapon. The three bodies were from wights that dared attack in that past and thought it wise to attack whilst alone.

The six living wights seemed prepared for this scenario. Two kept digging as though nothing was wrong. Barron stood aside, not bothering to help the remaining three than went to fight the corpses and Enoch. One made quick work of securing two of the corpses with vines. The one that had been immune to bees was in fact, not immune to axes and got his left arm cut off. But the third man tackled the corpse and easily took the axe away from it, using its own weapon to decapitate it.

Though the corpse still had a heart, that Enoch still had control over. So despite its headless nature, it persisted in trying to attack. Though, this third corpse ended up bound by vines once again when the first wight finally decided to help the other two. Enoch knew they'd all turn to go after him next as he held up his own weapon, a large cleaver, and ran at the one who's arm had gotten chopped off. He managed to cut a large slit along the man's chest and he fell back, rapidly loosing blood.

The third wight, who seemed to like tackling people, jumped straight at Enoch and pinned him down easily. Though no one had noticed Olive approach, until she set the wights shoulder on fire. He quickly jumped off Enoch to try and put it out, but the fire spread to fast.

The two that had been digging finally seemed to be done and approached the small group. Two of the wights were nearly dead, one from blood loss, the other from burning to a crisp. One of the diggers marched right over to Olive and placed his hands on her shoulders, digging his nails in help keep her there. Cold washed over her as he began to freeze her from the inside out.

The other digger walked over to where Enoch had since stood up, approaching him from behind. She took a knife out of her boot and used it to stab him in the side. He didn't fall at first and she twisted the blade before pulling it out, and stabbing him once more, this time in the back of the neck. Now he fell to the ground, one hand to his neck trying to stop the bleeding. "Coward. Attacking from behind." He managed to say to the woman that now stood over him, though choked on his own blood once or twice.

Meanwhile Olive has successfully been frozen, she couldn't move, though was at the moment still aware of everything. She knew she'd die soon, but that didn't matter. A tear froze as it rushed down her cheek. Now that the redhead could no longer move the three remaining wights and Barron walk over to Millard. His entire body had been tied up, but only his wrists bound him to the tree. Barron freed his wrists, but the boy was still unable to move due to his legs being tied. Two of the wights dragged him across the ground to the hole that had been dug in the lawn earlier. He was thrown into it and the woman that had stabbed Enoch picked up a shovel and started putting dirt back into the hole that Millard now occupied.

By now Olive was dead and Miss Peregrine was begging the wights to have mercy on her last living ward. They'd already killed all the others. And she thanked the birds that you weren't there at the moment.

The wights didn't falter and continued shoveling dirt onto the boy. They planned to bury him alive. Millard tried to get out of his bounds, to get up and escape death. But it didn't work. The hole was filled back in much faster than in at dug, and Millard could no longer breathe without getting a nose full of dirt. He'd suffocate in a matter of minutes.

"You three!" Barron called out to the other wights. "We have an hour, give or take. Abigail and Carson, go collect firewood. Steve, you take a break, you've worked hard." The three wights nodded. Two ran off into the woods to collect wood and Steve, the man who could control plants, went onto the porch and sat on a bench there.

Barron went inside for a few minutes, then dragged a chair out the front door and over to the tree Miss Peregrine was tied to. He sat nearby so as to keep an eye on her, though she'd stoped struggling in an attempt to give away and was now just sobbing quietly.

The two that had run off into the forest returned multiple times before disappearing, always coming back with as much wood as they could carry. It didn't take long for nearly and hour to pass, and they pile they'd collected was huge. Now all four of the wights began moving the large pile over to Miss P. They placed it around her and it went as high as her waist. All that was left to do was wait. Though she wasn't quite sure what for.

She didn't notice that one of the wights, Carson had snuck back off into the woods. But he soon can running back out of the tree line. "She's back!" He yelled. Barron nodded and took two large flasks from his coat pockets. He opened them and began pouring the liquid onto the pile of logs and sticks that surrounded Miss Peregrine's legs. The smell immediately gave away what it was. Gasoline.

Barron took out a box of matches as the three wights went to stand behind him. He stood perfectly still, waiting. Soon Miss Peregrine realized what he was waiting for, as you soon emerged from the tree line, whistling to yourself. Vines were quick to stop you in your tracks and root you to the ground.

"Y/n. So kind of you to join us at last!" Barron exclaimed happily as you looked around the yard in horror. Though your eyes stopped wondering the moment they met Alma's. She gave you a small forced smiled and mouthed 'I love you' to you. Barron wasted no more time and threw a now lit match onto the pile of firewood that surrounded her.

"ALMA!" You screamed as loud as you could as the fire quickly spread. You were forced to watch her burn as though she were a witch. She didn't look at you anymore, she couldn't bear to see the pain that was so evident on your face.

Soon the vines let you go and you ran straight over to the burning woman despite knowing it would be much to late to save her. You took burning logs in your hands and threw them away despite them burning your hands. You couldn't care less.

The wights were all laughing manically, so you threw a burning log at their small group. They all jumped back then Barron laughed again. "I think we'll leave you be for now, Y/n. Oh don't worry though, we'll be back." With that he led the other three wights away, towards the loop exit. You didn't even look at them as you continued moving the burning wood away from Alma, who was once again crying, despite trying not to. She didn't want you to know how much pain she was in.

Once you got through and made it to where she was tied up you removed your pocket knife from your boot, which you always had, just in case. You cut her free as quickly as you could and practically carried her away from the fire. You removed your jacket and used it to smother any fire that clung to her clothes and hair.

At this point in time she wasn't very responsive, and hadn't said the thing, other than just scream, since the fire started. "Alma? Alma it's alright. You're fine now. You're going to be fine." It was a miracle you hadn't already been crying, but now tears fell freely down your face. "Alma! Open your eyes!" She did as you asked but stared blankly for a long moment before her eyes snapped to you. A tiny smile graced her face as she looked at you. You took her hand in yours and continued talking to her. "Everything's fine now." Though neither of you believed those words.

Her eyes fell shut again. This time when you told her to open them she didn't. Her eyelids suddenly felt so heavy. "Alma?" The smile faded from her face, she didn't even flinch at your yelling. "Alma!" You checked her pulse, but found none. You then tried her wrist, none there either. Alma was dead.


You carried her body into the house and laid her on her bed before falling asleep in the guest room, not wanting to sleep next to the corpse of the woman you were desperately in love with. The next morning you skipped breakfast and wondered around the house. You found Emma dead with a pillow over her face. You removed the pillow, replacing it under her head, then turned your attention to the dead wight on the floor, obviously burned to death by Olive. You didn't bother dragging the wight outside and instead just threw her corpse out the window.

You went outside and the first thing you noticed was Fiona. Hanging upside down by her ankles, still occasionally dripping blood from her arms. You successfully got her down and bandaged her arms, so so the bleeding would stop, then carried her to her bed.

Next you took care of Bronwyn, who was bent in an unnatural way. And Hugh, who was trapped under a tree and took forever to remove. Next was Enoch and Olive, who were thankfully easier to move than Hugh and Fiona. Olive had defrosted by now and lay on the ground next to Enoch. Horace's body was easy to find. His head, not so much. You stitched it back on and wrapped a large bandage around it so you wouldn't have to see it.

Next were the twins which were easy to move as all you had to do was untie them and carry them upstairs. Then you found Claire's body at the pond, her head still underwater. You then spent ages looking for Millard, then noticed a strange mound of dirt with a shovel sticking out of it. You began digging on a hunch and found his body soon after. You brought him back to his bed just as you'd done with all the others.

You just let them lay there for a few days as you tried to focus on other things. You barley ate and stayed in the guest room for ages. Eventually you got up and changed everyone into white clothes that matched Victors and moved Alma to the guest room so you could sleep in your bed again.

It felt weird living in such a large house with no one else. And you hated not being able to hear the sound of children laughing and running through that halls. No longer getting invited to Claire's tea party's. Or begged by Bronwyn to come outside so she could show you how much stronger she'd gotten.

You went about your days killing the hollow and resetting the loop. You had plenty more free time now. You didn't bother with doing the children's long forgotten chores. When you cooked, it was no longer giant meals, but only a single sandwich. And dishes only took a minute now. It didn't take long for Alma's clothes and room to stop smelling like her.

You went from living a hundred years with a large family you loved more than anything. To having no one. It was all just too much. Reset was fast approaching. The time you would've spent watching the movie was instead spent preparing. You moved Alma back to her side of the bed, because if you were going to die, it would be while next to her. You got dressed, in a pure white outfit just as the others wore. And then laid down on your side of the bed, took a few pills which would help with the process. Then waited.

You heard as planes began to fly overhead. You listened and waited until you heard the roar of one rouge plane. The same plane that you'd helped stop for a hundred years. But today, the bomb would finally hit.

Your room wasn't very close to the section of the house that it hit, so you didn't die straightaway, but it was still a painful experience. You took Alma's cold hand into your still warm one as you waited for the relief of death. There was fire and you felt the loop close. You wanted nothing more than for time to catch up to you and finally take you away. Thankfully, you died less than an hour later. It was all over.


I hope that was sad.

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