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By Itzjustmeamoa

22.6K 1.1K 1.1K

๐Ÿ”ž contents, You've been warned! Choi Beomgyu, The heir of the Hwarangs, the son of a successful agent who w... More

[#1] The Untrained
[#2] Desires
[#3] Touch
[#5] Desperate
[#6] Protective
[#7] Forehead kisses
[#8] The Trigger
[#9] Babe
[#10] Mission: Personal
[#11] Sugar Rush
[#12] Cotton Candy
[#13] Piercings
[#14] Likeable
[#15] Love's a lie
[#16] Hand Cuff
[#17] Sweet
[#18] Effects
[#19] Strategies

[#4] A Boy-toy

1.3K 63 27
By Itzjustmeamoa

"Accordingly, it's clear that he has baits all around the city. Especially girls and boys of age 16 to hm... 22? Well, the kids with financial problems mostly falls for this due to their personal issues. And since 2019, One hundred and twenty three mysterious rape cases, suicides, and sexual assaults and deaths on the range of these ages have been reported. Still unable to solve." throwing the file onto the desk, Beomgyu elaborated.

"The government has to rightfully handle these," Yeonjun adds, sighing. On a board, there were pictures of victims of the Baemdol's pasted, red strings connected one by one, all ending up at one point. Beomgyu's team observes the data on screen and nods, memorizing the main points regarding the mission. 

"So, this institution mainly targets teens. Either they use them for their own sexual pleasures, because you know, Baemdol's are promoting prostitution and Shit like that, which is why there are over hundred rape cases in a span of twelve months reported, or they use these teens as their baits when it's done for them. It's well planned, but so will we, plan and take them down asap before a whole lot of things would go wrong... I guess." Beomgyu's voice lowered at the end, he was tired, he stayed awake for days, researching about this and thankfully, they've helped.

"Alright, we're done for today. But remember that this is a code red. The whole mission, everyone should be wide awake through out this. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Dismissed." Beomgyu slumps onto his seat, his fingers fiddling with his bracelet and he looks up to see Yeonjun by the door.

"Hello!? 'Dismissed' wasn't for you. Sit down, hyung. I'm stressed out!"

"Do you wanna go for a ride or a drink? Soobs would join too."

"Nah, I've got a few businesses to handle. Hyung this Baemdol dude, I am so not sure about him. I feel like he has gotten a clue about our mission. I found a few men following me the other day at the club. I highly doubt if our security is enough."

"Chill, Gyu. You always ace your work so you'll ace this too. As long as your emotions wouldn't come out, then you're a good agent. That's what Uncle Choi says, right?"

"Mm, good thing is that I'm not into that 'emotion' thingy." Yeonjun chuckled at that, picked his phone from the desk and ruffled Beomgyu's hair before walking to the door, then looking back at Beomgyu.

"Club at nine? My treat." Yeonjun barely and hardly winks, making Beomgyu laugh at the older boy's only disability.



"Naani?!??? Have you gone mad, I'm not doing any activities as such when I'm not working! I'll pay your debt, you hear me?" 

"Sir Park wanted you."

"Then fuck him!!" Taehyun slammed the phone as he declined it, he was done and had enough of it. These men have been bothering him ever since he was a early teen, it's getting out of his hand now because those men had asked him to join the institution as an 'entertainer' so that they could do all sorts of things with him. You know, As a stripper. 

Although they said it would cut off the debt he has, Taehyun isn't that dense. And besides, last night, he mentioned to Jungkook that he wouldn't engage in any sort of sexual activities hereafter and would simply work as a bartender because he claimed that he was inexperienced and didn't want it. It isn't his official job after all, he doesn't want his Cv's to have 'stripper' as one of his professions, after all, Taehyun is quite the genius kid but he wants to follow his passion, for that, he needs money, and all of these are for that.

What's his passion?

Let's leave it for later. It's rather a secret

Taehyun packed his stuff and stepped out of his apartment, walking down the streets to reach the clubhouse, he always maintained the same daily routine and didn't bother to make a change.

"Kang Tae!! Hurry up, you. Fifteen minutes late already!" Hyuka cheerfully calls out to the boy and Taehyun smiles, nodding. He puts down his bags after entering the club and wraps his apron to start his work.

"Oh, Tyun, I heard you and that expensive dude made out~"

"Expensive?? Aahh... Well, that was bit of a jingle jungle. Who told you?" Playing with the tip of his ears, Taehyun asked. Kai simply pointed at Jungkook and Taehyun muttered an 'ofcourse' under his breath.

"Oh, How is your debt paying off? I'm sorry I couldn't help much, I'm fucked up these days. You know, with Hiyyih's college stuff."

"You don't have to explain yourself, I get it, Kai. Besides, you've helped me enough." He gave the younger boy a small smile before taking away the beers.

"Taehyun!! Yoo!!" Already smiling, Taehyun waves his hand at Yeonjun who was being followed by two other males, one of them too familiar. But he couldn't care less.


"Awwh, you still remember that name?" Taehyun hums in response, and gets squished between the older boy's arms by a tight hug. All of them notice Soobin walking somewhere and stops by Kai.

"Your boyfriend knows Hyuka?"

"Ahh, he was telling me about a penguin-like boy the other day, must be him. Anyways, my beagle Beomgyu here wants some spice apparently, we'll head to a table, eh?"

"Sure, I'll get you your orders."

"Oh, hyung? Should we pay for the service provided here?" Beomgyu sarcastically queries, completely acting clueless, and Taehyun snorts.

"Sorry to interrupt but make sure you pay for the service, not for the fact that you feel sorry because some people can't get fucked by some random dude like certain people can."

"Oh? Yeah? Well, most people who I've met here desperately whined, asking me to untie their neckties so that they get a better view."


"Maybe they couldn't believe that it was certain people who did certain things that made them want their ties untied."

Beomgyu smirked as if he experienced victory, passing by the dumbfounded Yeonjun, he leaned closer to Taehyun.

"So, either the doings were good or the man who did all that was good? Either way, it's a win for me, Tonyun."

Tony-- NAANI?!

"Maybe the doings were bad just as the man who did 'em. I couldn't really tell, I didn't even feel it." Taehyun quickly walked away because the cat caught his tongue few seconds ago. Beomgyu was yet again amused,

He turned to the most confused person ever to exist, Yeonjun and gasped dramatically, pointing at Taehyun.

"You should have seen how he moaned." He walked past him again and sat down.

A few hours passed by in the club, as expected, the two older boys were nowhere to be found and Beomgyu was 1/3 drunk, if that is even a thing. He was bored now, and he knew having a dumb argument with Taehyun would entertain him to some extent, so he got up, the world seemed to appear a bit dizzier than before but thanks to his high alcohol tolerance, he could walk.

"Tenwon! Wait... Up." He manages to say and the boy turns back, and sighs.

"It's Taehyun. T. A. E. H. Y. U. N."

"Too long."

"Can't help." Taehyun was collecting the empty glasses of wine as he talked. Beomgyu followed him around like a lost puppy and Taehyun didn't mind the drunk boy.

"You know what you remind me of?"


"Stitch, the cartoon character?" 


"Really, you think it's cute? Stitch! Waah..."

"Cool and cute has a difference."

"I never knew. You're a geeeeeenius." Taehyun hated the sarcasm in his tone but he smiled forcefully, Turning to him with the trays now on his grip. Taehyun didn't get intimidated by the small gap between their faces, Hell, because Beomgyu's getting on his nerves. 

"Look, You. You gotta leave and let me do my work, alright? And If you're here to attempt any stunts on me, I'm not doing that anymore." Taehyun slightly pushed him and made his way to the counter top, where he placed all the glasses down, just when the other grabbed his arm to twist him aggressively. 


"Bingo. You got my name right." Taehyun rolled his eyes, to which the older boy reacted by grabbing his chin and pulling him close by his upper arm, Taehyun remained unfazed, he was well... Used to being used. With neediness in his eyes and mind, Beomgyu grazed his lips on Taehyun's ears, 

"I have a feeling that you'd feel good." 


"You'd feel good, With me." 

"I'm at my working hours, Beomgyu. Let go—" In response to his request, the only thing that happened was him being held tighter by Beomgyu. If temptation was a person now, that'd be Beomgyu himself. And Taehyun would gladly agree with the Author. 

"Beomgyu come on, you're not even sober to stand straight, You know?" 

"Do I have to stand straight to have you for a night?" Taehyun only scoffed softly at his words, But Taehyun lost the last brink of his sanity when the strong pair of hands rode down to his waist, And then and there, Taehyun had to admit his defeat. 

"Fuck you—" He hated how he let him take over, He hated how his legs went numb at the slightest touch, he basically hated that he didn't even know Beomgyu at the first place, And he hated how he spilled a glass of wine on his shirt sheepishly, Making the Older boy do nothing but smirk at him. 

"Why the silence?" Beomgyu murmured, Eyes gazing down at the buttons, The shirt was now almost transparent, The coldness hitting Taehyun's chest and he whined, Beomgyu knew that was a mere distraction anyway, and so, his slender fingers started to unbotton his buttons, one by one, Lips sucking somewhere on his neck, 

"Hyung, We can't do this here. Inside..." 

"Mhm..." Beomgyu hummed in response, guiding Taehyun half way through into some decent private corner, But only to get abruptly distracted by a man mentioning his name. 

"Beomgyu!" He snapped his head back quickly, clearing his throat. 

"What brings you here?" It was His father's right man, in his usual suit and tie, and was looking back and forth at the two boys. Beomgyu let go off Taehyun, stalking hurriedly towards the man and sighing. 

"Did dad send you to spy on me?" 

"No, But you are needed in headquarters. The Baemdol's firing up, Fifty five of his victims who lived in Seoul, one by one had been kidnapped and raped by them within 24 hours. It's a code red." 

"Shit... This Fucking Basta—" 

"Beomgyu... Baemdo—" 

"Let's go." Beomgyu said, cutting off Taehyun and the two men walked out of the club hastily, Taehyun was confused just as he should be. 


Kidnappings? Raping? 

A code... Red? 

"What is he..." Taehyun gaped, His nose scrunched out of pure confusion but he shrugged it off quickly, only for another unfamiliar feeling of a familiar name cross his mind. 

"Baemdol... Ahh, I've heard it before." Taehyun mumbled to himself. But he got over it just as he realized that he had a whole Club to clean up and get home quickly. He started from a corner and tidied up almost everything. It was past eleven or twelve, even he wasn't sure what time it was. 

Suddenly, while he was tidying up the leather couch, his hand felt something on it. Picking the object up, he realized that it was a wallet. With a pout on his lips, He hesitated a little before opening it, only to realize that it was none other than Beomgyu's wallet. 

"Gucci... Geez, Expensive indeed." He read the brand and took his phone out, dailed to the number written on a card which he didn't mind to waste time on reading. 


"Beomgyu from The Hwarangs. Which case?" 

"Uhhmm... W-what?" 

"Case number? I'll connect your line to an operator if you could tell me your case number." 


"Who's this?" 

"Uhm... T-Taehyun... But what are you talking about? Who are you?" Taehyun was flabbergasted this time, Beomgyu sounded professional, serious and didn't have a tint of a playboy. 

"Taehyun? I don't recognize..."

"Uhm... Beomgyu, What are you? What's about this cases and... Code reds and... Uhm—" 

"Stitch!!? How the fuck did you get my number? And... What the fuck?" 

"Y-you left your Wallet in the club."

"Ahh, Keep it. I'll get it tomorrow." 

"Beomgyu, about the things you said—" 

"Stitch, I'm at work." 

"Work at midnight?? And.. And STITCH?? the fuck..." 

"Aight, time's up." 


"Fine, Take all the money if you want too, and just stop with the questions." 

"But listen to me—" 

"I'll pay you if you shut up."  The line went dead, Leaving Taehyun with hundreds of questions and a Gucci wallet with an incredible amount of money inside it. He shoved it into his pocket, Just as the older mentioned and packed up his stuff before heading home. 

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