I Reincarnated as a Black Hole

By VoxRei

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A certain boy dreams of becoming one like the protagonist he admires from a story, just like everybody else d... More

Illustrations and Chapters
Chapter 1 - Did my time has come!?
Chapter 2 - The Ultimate Way To Reincarnate
Chapter 3 - The Young Lady's Fate
Chapter 4 - I Created a World of Misunderstanding
Chapter 5 - A Lovely Lily of The Valley
Chapter 6 - A Black Lily Swallowed By The Darkness
Chapter 7 - The Madness Within The Bottomless Pit
Chapter 8 - The Existing Supreme Realism After The Forgotten Extreme Escapism
Chapter 9 - A Reason For A Replacement
Chapter 11 - Lily's Catalyst Part 1

Chapter 10 - When The Unknown Happens in Secret

204 9 0
By VoxRei

Gan Vol's POV:

"You've become a good pet, aren't you, Gan-chan? Fufu~... Danna-sama will be delighted. Johan-chan can finally work without having to worry about becoming useless~!"

"Yes, Ikigai-sama."

In front of me, in a plain white space, stood a being higher than anything I'd ever known existed. The woman smiled and chuckled in glee as she spoke.

Ikigai-sama's voice was so sweet and gentle that it made my skin crawl and tremble in terror... But behind that voice reveals a piercing cold and merciless intention, as though it came from someone whose heart was already devoid of empathy. I knew this woman would kill everything but in the form of great suffering without hesitation...

I couldn't do anything else but nod in response. I wanted nothing more than to avoid looking at the hideous atmosphere surrounding me with my own eyes.

She wore a black dress that looked like an attendant's uniform but with some extra dark, emitting air exuding from it. She had a pitch-black bracelet with some black stone on top, wrapped around her right wrist. To someone who might see her, they would probably think she seemed to be wearing an outfit similar to that of a sovereign or high-ranking overseer.

She had a weird black shade of hair; it was almost entirely black and had a few streaks of blue. Her eyes were also a peculiar shade of black with no visible whites, only a brilliant blue color. All that could be seen within those two orbs was a sharp, blue light. Like a pair of evil, glowing demon eyes, they gave off an aura that made one shiver just by looking at them.

It was said in my country that if you saw the purest form of black, then you must be looking at the very depths of the abyss itself...

Ikigai-sama tortured me and messed with my mind till I completely broke out. Right now, I'm not feeling anything except my value as a pet. All I could think of was what was engraved in my memory... To fear, obey, and feel happy about being a pet of some higher existence, such as herself and her King. His presence until now is still unknown.

"Still... I hate Johan-chan. He became even closer to Danna-sama than I currently am... Mu~... but it can't be helped. I want to become useful to Danna-sama~!"

Her face twisted into a somewhat grimace. She laughed heartily after that, her face beaming with delight. Her voice was quite lovely to listen to, but it also felt like it was talking straight into my ears, causing me to lose all power and completely shatter my heart from the dread.

She's not the same, unlike whenever she's torturing me. She shows somewhat of a different character when she's giving me the eternal pain one couldn't imagine feeling. She has a personality that will break everything without leaving them with even a glimmer of hope... One that will teach every living thing what great agony is all about. But now she has a personality that makes her seem like an innocent maiden... a mischievous child attempting to gain the favor of their master...

Because of her, now, I've reached the point where I only know how to obey.

"Hmm... since you're finally shaped into Danna-sama's liking... I guess it's time for Gan-chan to become officially part of our force in Johan-chan's place~!"

I'm not in the least bit interested in going up against Ikigai-sama. I've been taught how to behave appropriately as a pet without questions. If given a single order, I can confidently slaughter anyone close to me without batting an eye, including my family and the Queen, Masuko...

It's strange to me that I have absolutely no feelings of attachment left to the Queen at all... Even if the Queen herself tried, she would not be able to bring me ultimately under her command... But I can say with absolute certainty that this is not the result of brainwashing or manipulation... In any case, this is not even close to being that. It's almost as if I've been pushed to the point where I have no choice but to give up my mind on my own... I have the distinct impression that nothing other than the principles I currently hold has altered in any way except for my current thinking...

"Ikigai-sama, this faithful pet of yours will follow as you say. No, this well-behaved pygmy goat will comply with all of your directives without question."

Ikigai-sama suddenly made an insane, bewitching face for a second. It's as if she turned again into something like a really dangerous witch...

"That was fantastic, Gan-chan~! But you must remember and keep in your mind that you must not embarrass me in front of Danna-sama by saying something stupid like that, okay~? After all, you will represent Danna-sama's might~!"

It was hard to understand what Ikigai-sama really was thinking. She seemed to be pulling her own strings, so it was difficult to discern where the situation would go next. She really is someone whose intention is impossible to read...

"Yes, Ikigai-sama."

Her face went back to that image of a lovely and innocent maiden. It made me feel like I was being manipulated by someone who had mastered the art of deception...

Ikigai-sama did have quite a charming personality and appearance. Still, she could be very horrifying when her wrath is invoked...

"Mhm! Good! That's more like it~! You should act just as you were before you became a pet while keeping in mind your position as someone below me, okay~? But now that I think of it... Hmm... you are too weak to become a replacement for Johan-chan... Even if Johan-chan's not joining as one of the Pillars, he has a power similar to mine. A kind of power that can put an evenly fight with me... and I don't think Danna-sama will give you strength like him unless he chooses you himself..."

Right now, it seems like it's time for me to do something aside from learning and taking pet lessons... It appears that I have to learn more about everything. My world and the world of Ciasnora are far less than what I've perceived until now. There must be many unknown things beyond my imagination, like the Pillar's existence and their King. And there would probably be some significant matters that Ikigai-sama won't teach me if I'm not strong enough yet...

"I'd like to give you the wisdom and power, but... I don't have the power like Danna-sama to bestow them freely... It is because I am only a pet that exists for Danna-sama. I cannot bestow any power without his permission."

Hearing Ikigai-sama's words made me feel sad somehow... But at the same time, I felt happy because of the fact that I was still alive and kept as I was meant I was still worthy of becoming a pet. It makes me feel better knowing that I was chosen by Ikigai-sama and that it feels good to be here.

This kind of feeling is tough to describe with words. I am just thinking of myself as a pet without any other purpose aside from becoming a good pet. And though I understand that I should be grateful for my master's kindness, I feel no particular emotion when I think about being a pet.

"I will do everything I can with my current self. Please, let me serve the great King!"

Magic is supposedly my only weapon granted by the Queen. Magic is a unique ability of every living being in my world and the Ciasnora that can turn into various forms. It's one of the most potent abilities among the rulers, such as the Gods and Sages. Of course, it was also one of the most feared abilities because of how far you can go with magic alone.

"That's no good~! Danna-sama will be disappointed in Ikigai if I don't bring good results~! You see, Danna-sama is benevolent to his pets as long as they do what is told to them. And you will be just a mere fragile stick in our way... Compared to us, your current strength is like an ant's. Magic is just a harmless imitation of the true power we Pillars possess. You're just a frail little creature worth more as a pet than anything else, and your future lies in the hands of Danna-sama, my beloved, and me. You must remember that, okay~!?"

"Yes, Ikigai-sama!"

The unknown power Ikigai-sama possesses can, without a doubt, dominate everything if she desires to... I wonder what kind of purpose she has for taking me in... It's impossible to tell whether her intentions are malicious or not. No, maybe that's not something I should be concerned about.

I don't know what kind of beings the other members of the Twelve Pillars of the Abyss are and their King too... Their existence and source of power are still unknown to me at this point...

"If I have to say, you are one of the strongest and most useful of the other pets I've ever scouted so far~... Especially since you're able to keep your sanity intact under my care... This means that you are truly a rare specimen~! The only reason why you're still alive is that you're useful to me in many ways, such as my way to having Danna-sama embrace me and, at the same time, my tool for fulfilling Danna-sama's greatest wishes~!"

She said nothing more than that. I didn't get any hints about what kind of plans she had in store for me...

Ahh, I get it now... That's right... So that's why she's so happy and cheerful all the time...? She's trying her best to please her lord with everything she can... She wants to have her way with her King...? So her power is used for something like that instead of the foolishness of standing on the top... Then how about the other Pillars and their King...?

Ikigai-sama, the most powerful being I've known exists so far after her King, said that I was a tool for her own ends. She was correct; I can't deny it anymore. But it feels like I will be used as a toy in some game plan. This is much more terrifying than the dark side of the world...

Ikigai-sama's words make me feel strange inside. I feel like I am being looked down upon while being praised at the same time. The concept of power is just a foolish joke to them. I don't even know what's good or bad about my current situation anymore...

At least her mercy makes me feel safe, and I get to stay alive despite the fact that I don't have anything to offer...

However, I was already prepared for this. If I have to stay in Ikigai-sama's service, I must accept whatever happens next. I'll never betray Ikigai-sama, after all. Though I don't know what kind of future awaits me, I'm sure it's better than experiencing the true meaning of agony.

The words of Ikigai-sama still resonate in my head...: 'You're a lucky guy, Gan-chan~... If you want to stop feeling the pain, you have to do whatever I ask you to do, no matter how painful or humiliating it may be... You'll never be allowed to run away from me. And if you try to disobey, you'll regret it big time... Do you understand~?'

That was a really, truly painful session after I kept resisting... What an unpleasant experience...

"Well, let me tell you the important details first~! You've only learned what and how to be a perfect pet, but now, it's time to understand your current situation~!"

Ikigai-sama seems to be doing something. Then she turned to face me... And then I felt like I was falling out of the sky...

In the blink of an eye, the ground beneath my feet vanished. It was like being dropped in the middle of nowhere... Like falling into the bottomless abyss... My heart was forced to feel fear and anxiety.

The next moment, I found myself and Ikigai-sama standing in a strange place. The white space where I was standing vanished to reveal a vast, black expanse. There were no signs of life anywhere nearby. The realm felt very isolated. A strong sense of despair was emitted from this area.

"What...!? Where are we... Ikigai-sama...!?"

I started to panic for a moment, but I knew it was pointless to worry about the unknown. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I needed to stay calm.

A weird feeling was running through my entire body. However, Ikigai-sama seemed to be okay, unaffected by the surroundings.

Ikigai-sama's atmosphere suddenly changed. She was smiling mischievously as if she was enjoying herself. Her eyes became like the night sky. They were cold and distant.

My breathing stopped. This was the real thing, an actual hell. The fear I experienced before when Ikigai-sama used her power on me didn't compare to this feeling. It was like the world itself was trying to crush me...

"First of all, you're a pet... And you will become a part of the Pillars of the Abyss... For you, it's not like you're free anymore. Your freedom as someone living is already gone. Not only you but everyone else that exists within our sights to are slaves. From the moment everything was born and exists until now, they're nothing more than a possession for Danna-sama..."

My heart pounded loudly inside my chest due to Ikigai-sama's words. I couldn't move at all. I was helplessly standing in the middle of nowhere, looking around in complete panic for a moment...

Not so long after, she turned back immediately to her soft side. Her face instantly lit up with happiness and joy. It's as if the moment of disaster passed away in an instant...

What was that...? No... I think I should just forget everything I have seen and heard...

I thought this place was just empty. But looking closely, there was actually something in the distance. Something that sparkled and glowed brightly.

It was a beautiful sight. A sea of light spreading endlessly. From afar, the spheres felt like a single circle. And inside the ring of tiny balls, a giant orb was floating above. While looking on top of it, countless lights gleamed brightly.

There are dots all around that can be seen, and similar sphere-shaped objects are also floating around near me. In front of me, there is a considerable sphere showing great brilliance.

"This is called the Realm of Abyssal Plane~! A domain of the Twelve Pillars of the Abyss and Danna-sama himself~! One of the outer space sectors connected to Danna-sama's Abyssal World. This is where we are, in front of the world Ciasnora~..."

Ikigai-sama points her slender and beautiful fingers to the sphere in front of me...

So this is the world of Ciasnora... This beautiful sight is plainly amazing. But I don't feel like looking at there anymore unless I am told to...

I'm more interested in Ikigai-sama's King... my new master. The one I'm supposed to serve as a pet...

I looked around once more...

...I was standing in a place of nothingness, surrounded by endless darkness. This is the place where Ikigai-sama said that the other Pillars reside, the Abyssal Planes...

My body was suddenly enveloped by a heavy sensation of weightlessness. It felt like I was floating in the air. The sensation of gravity disappeared from my body. It's really bizarre.

"Normally, you would die in this space with that kind of body, but since I'm holding your body's building structure together, you are standing there whole and alive~! You can also move around by imagining yourself as a tiny floating speck in the middle of a huge ocean~..."

What's with this feeling? This is no longer my body but something else entirely...? Wait... Is this what Ikigai-sama meant by "holding my body structures together"?

No... I don't think my body can endure this...

"Don't worry, Gan-chan~! Just relax and watch, okay~?"

It's hard to imagine, but I could stand here without a problem. I decided to test it out, and to my surprise, I was able to walk around and perform simple movements without any issues. The sensation of weightlessness was gone. And I felt a sensation similar to the feeling of floating in my mind...

At the next moment, the dots in my sight began disappearing all at the same time. They looked like they were being dragged in by something... Like someone was pulling them from all directions and eventually vanishing.

The scene became increasingly strange.

The visible sphere-shaped objects near me also started to stretch into something like long, swirling, thin-shaped figures while sucked in by an unknown force... but it didn't end there. Everything except the world of Ciasnora and near spheres vanished into thin air...

The phenomenon made me shudder. I was beginning to feel sick.

"What is this...!? Are these... other worlds...!?"

As I asked, the dots in front of me vanished without a trace left. I felt a cold shiver run down my spine as I watched the disappearing dots.

"Gan-chan, don't be afraid~! These things destroying them are just a portion, tiny fragments of the Twelve Pillars' power~! They are nothing more than fragments of the power the Pillars possess. It's the same as when you're using your magic to create a temporary shield, except that these things come from the Pillars themselves~!"

...There is no way that such a powerful force could be nothing more than a mere fragment of Ikigai-sama's own power... No, this is the real deal, the true meaning of absolute power...

"You can ask me anything you want to know now, Gan-chan~! After all, a pet must be informed of its duties~!"

Ikigai-sama sounded super excited about it, but I felt uneasy about this whole thing. Ikigai-sama is acting like she knows exactly what's happening, but... There's something wrong with this... How can she still act as if nothing happened after obliterating countless worlds and lives... This couldn't be compared to the scale of our own problems...

"Fufu~ Then let me explain anyway~! Those dots and sphere-like objects are called space objects, planets, and stars~! They are similar to the current world you are staying in, Ciasnora. They may be inhabitable or not, but they can be shaped into a world of your liking if you have a power similar to mine~! And right now, they are being devoured by a strong force. Those strong gravitational fields devouring them are called black holes~!"

"Black Holes...? Wait... Black hole... Ikigai-sama, you mean the thing that swallowed those worlds...!?"

She nodded happily. Ikigai-sama continued explaining.

"That's right, Gan-chan~! And it's not just one or two black holes... there are billions of them! All those are connected to each other by a network of tubes filled with energy flowing throughout the abyss. Which is why they are all connected to each another. This is also the one very reason why I can control all of them at once~! Well, this is just a portion of my power~!"

Ikigai-sama just said something really absurd...! There are billions of black holes...!? And she controls all of them to destroy worlds casually!? Is this how the other Pillars and the King use their powers!? This makes me nothing but a piece of paper!

It's impossible to imagine how powerful she is now... Just how far the power of the Pillars can go...?

Ikigai-sama continues her explanation.

"Black holes exist originally everywhere in space, but with the power Danna-sama gave us, it became a power that we can control at our will~! With this power, we can destroy any and every world like this if we want with our will. I just wanted to let you know that you will be doing the same soon, or so~!"

Then does that mean... Just now, she is destroying worlds to show me the least they can do...? To be honest, I never knew she was this really ridiculously powerful...!

...Could it be the other Pillars have this kind of power as well...!? It never occurred to me when I tried to attack Ikigai-sama before... I thought it was just as far as the power she has shown me, but to think it's something more beyond...

Just no way... Even if my mind is supposed to completely accept this situation, I still have lingering thoughts of how absurd Ikigai-sama is... This power is just impossible to compare...

"What... kind of power is that, Ikigai-sama...?"

"This is a power granted to those pets of Danna-sama. But you know, Danna-sama can do something far more beyond this~! This power cannot even be called a portion of Danna-sama's power, or to say... this is barely called power~! It's a disgrace to Danna-sama for saying that something low like this is the power of the supreme King. Instead, we pillars call our power the Quantum Dominion~! It's to say that we are nothing compared to the power of the supreme King~!"

I don't want to think any more than this... Quantum Dominion... a type of power that far surpasses magic...

But I understand now... It's just that it means the Pillars are like Monarchs of their own, serving a far more supreme existence than them.

In a blink of an eye, we returned once again to the white space where we were not long ago...

Ikigai-sama still continued explaining.

"Even if I said that I am an existence created by Danna-sama, we pillars have our origins~! Just like you~! We were initially born from different worlds and were taken in by Danna-sama. What makes us right now is that our existence is reconstructed, recreated to fit Danna-sama's purposes~!"

I see... they are not created but recreated. That means their King is the one who's originally the powerhouse, the absolute sovereign power. Then gave the Pillars some absurd power...

Right now, I'm slowly getting used to this outrageous environment. This is probably Ikigai-sama's doing...

"Ikigai-sama, then what about the King...?"

"Even though we have a connection to Danna-sama right now, we do not know anything about him except for the reason he gave us for taking us in his care... Danna-sama took us in because of his particular goal... But among others, I am the only one who knows more about Danna-sama's true nature~! At least until now, as the supreme King, he can take any form he wants~!"

Ikigai-sama answered with a smug look on her face. Suddenly, Ikigai-sama appeared to be astonished by something. She raised her face and looked somewhere with sparkling eyes as if admiring an idol. She seems very happy about something...

I feel like I finally got some sense out of this situation. The existence Ikigai-sama calls the King is apparently someone totally different from what I've imagined so far... It may sound like a friend's talk, but I am thinking and imagining an existence more frightening than what she says... The concept of power for her is like it's just commonplace...

Ikigai-sama continues...

"I am the first servant, the first to become Danna-sama's pet~! Then eleven others followed me... I am the only difference between the other Pillars~! What sets me apart from the others is that I am directly related to Danna-sama through his supreme blood~! Through black-blood kinship, Danna-sama granted me powers and wisdom~! Personally, I received Danna-sama's dark mist, his dark aura~. That makes me his mistress or, at the very least, his concubine after his lover~!"

Her eyes were sparkling with the light of excitement while saying those words. Her voice was filled with energy and vigor, so unlike Ikigai-sama, I felt shocked for a moment.

For an instant, I thought that maybe this was not Ikigai-sama anymore...

However, I couldn't help but feel that this is something I should know already... About the King having a wife... It might be useless information for now, but I'll keep it in mind, just in case.

"Lover...? The King has a wife already?"

"Fufu~ I forgot to tell you. It's one of the reasons why you are here. Didn't I tell you earlier that you are here for my purpose~? Because of some stupid power struggle between your clan and the world of Ciasnora, Danna-sama made everything in this current situation~! Well, I can't tell you about it now, but you will know about it later on~."

I wondered why she suddenly brought up my clan and the world of Ciasnora, but I figured it didn't matter. I also had no idea what she meant by "some stupid power struggle," but there was no need to overthink the details for now... at the least.

The current situation is far more important; if I knew about it, I would just get myself into trouble...

Come to think of it... how did this happen...? The idea of someone being a servant of the supreme being governing Ikigai-sama is already incredible enough... But to hear that she's actually a concubine...!?

...So that's why she is talking like she is in love with her King... Ah...

Ikigai-sama giggled shyly.

...But I see... so I must pay more devotion and loyalty to Ikigai-sama as she is somehow one of the lovers of the great King? This is the first time I've heard of it, so I must have been rude to the mistress. I'm still thinking about how I should call her from now on...

"Lady Ikigai-sama, what about the other Pillars? Why are they not given power and wisdom through black-blood kinship?"

I will try anything that will sound more respectful in the meantime...

"That's... I don't know as well. But, they received a portion of Danna-sama's dark aura through soul deforming. Them taking in a tiny part of Danna-sama's mass of power through the reconstruction of their souls with Danna-sama's own power. In short, they can be called quasi-blood related existence, similar to the Danna-sama. While I am a genuine existence containing the original and pure blood of Danna-sama~!"

Ikigai-sama explained with a mysterious smile on her face.

She explained it so simply, but I still couldn't grasp its meaning.

But Quasi-relatives...? Does that mean they have the power of the King but without the actual King's power...? A kind of power that is unique to each of them...?

And Ikigai-sama's status among the other Pillars must be a Queen or the Pillar's executive...

...So that's supposed to mean... the other Pillars are inferior to Ikigai-sama's...

"Ah. Lady Ikigai-sama... is it fine that I'm hearing about this information...?"

Ikigai-sama clapped her hands together lightly. She laughed cheerfully after that.

"Fufu~! I didn't expect you to ask me about this now of all these things! You are such an excellent pet to listen carefully to everything I just told you about! Gan-chan, there's no harm in doing so~! And besides, this is all about Danna-sama's will anyway, and every Pillar knows about these things as well~! Fufu~, Gan-chan is a pet in status, which means you are now a member of Danna-sama's personal forces~! And from here on out, your name is Clandestine-chan~! Do you understand~? It's Johan-chan's name as a Pillar, but you will take it in his place."

When Ikigai-sama said those words, I felt a terrifying pressure coming from within me. The feeling I had never experienced before spread throughout my entire body. It seemed that it wasn't because of how powerful Ikigai-sama was; it was because of her ability to command the Pillars...

"Understood. From now on, I am Clandestine."

Ikigai-sama nodded with a satisfied expression on her face.

Clandestine as a name, huh...? Is there a meaning behind this name...?

"Great~! Now then, I'll show you a little something!"

In the next moment, Ikigai-sama's figure changed. Her dark and ominous image turned into an innocent and lovely woman, a perfect figure that one can say it's a goddess. Her jet-black eyes with blue demon pupils and light blue iris turned into golden eyes... Her black overseer-like attire became white-rose gold in color, but her hair remained the same.

Her dreadful atmosphere disappeared, but the destructive feeling that exudes from her remains faint.

Just from looking at her... It was like my consciousness was utterly detached from reality.

"Fufu~ This is my original appearance before receiving Danna-sama's dark aura before I became a pet. My appearance as Ikigai~!"

"Lady Ikigai-sama, you mean..."

Could it be that this appearance of her before is the result of the power given by the King...?

"Yes~! We Pillars have different names assigned by Danna-sama. I retained my name as Ikigai because I am the only difference among the Pillars. The one you saw before is my appearance as Apocalypse, the Commander of the Pillars~!"

I'm speechless... The way she looks right now... It's as if she's a fallen Goddess...

...More importantly, our names as Pillars are actually given by the great King... Is it a code to identify us...?

"First, I'd like to introduce you to the Twelve Pillars. All twelve, including me, exist for only one purpose~! They are the pillars that live for the purpose of Danna-sama~. However, each has its own type of power, our Quantum Dominion~! Some of them are more powerful than others, but the one who holds authority among the rest is me because I'm the only one with the same blood as Danna-sama~!"

Ikigai-sama took a step away from me, and then she continued.

"Fufu~. Danna-sama gave us this magnificent name only for us Pillars to hear. Danna-sama said to us: 'There are situations in which a short dose of randomness is preferable to lengthy deliberation, during which one takes the time to carefully consider all of the possibilities that are available to them.'"

"Does that mean...!?"

...The King gave such names to the Pillars because there is no such living being worthy of hearing his thoughts!?

"Yes~! The true meaning behind Danna-sama's statement was that... There is no point in giving a name that has been carefully considered when at least no one in this world will know, remember, or hear about it~! Isn't it one of thinking befitting a supreme King, a being such as himself~!?"

Amazing...! Is this how supreme beings think...!? The King is totally living in his own definition of power...!

"Fufu~! That is not the only case. Danna-sama wants us to remember that we ought to think the same thing. At the same time, we ought to be perceptive enough to analyze what he is trying to convey through the words he uses... According to the knowledge bestowed upon us by Danna-sama, the real meaning of our name corresponds to being Primordial Cardinals~! He had no intention of purposefully informing us about it at any point. He is putting our minds to the test to determine whether or not we are worthy of serving the supreme King~!"

"...Primordial Cardinals...?"

Hold on... Primordial Cardinals...!? I've heard of it from the Queen... From the legends, they are said to be the first absolute rulers...

...This is impossible! It couldn't be...

The Primordial Cardinals are said to be the servants of the Supreme Dark God, a being whose said to exist even before the creation of everything...!

...But it makes sense now!!! Their King is the Supreme Dark God, a being that holds the ultimate sovereignty of power...!

Wait... if the Supreme Dark God is here...

Does this mean...

No way... The Queen said something about the Gods in the world of Ciasnora planning to borrow and summon a great power from the Supreme Dark God to repel me, the Queen's ultimate weapon...

Could it be that Ikigai-sama's words of 'stupid power struggle' and the lover of the Dark Supreme God itself are...!

"Fufu~ Clandestine-chan, you're so smart~! You saved me from explaining~! And that's right~! You plebeians disturbed and provoked Danna-sama's wrath by messing with his lover~! But don't you think it's romantic~!? Danna-sama's almost on the verge of destroying everything you know? But luckily, the Pillars of the Abyss are formed for the sake of his Lover~! I'm jelly of Danna-sama's lover~!!"


Ahahaha... I want to laugh my life off now...

"Because of internal conflict with his existence, Danna-sama cannot fully use his power to benefit his lover. As a result, he cannot fully exercise his power on his own~! That is why we have come into existence intending to supplement solutions to that problem~! And aside from that, Danna-sama intends to keep us as his marvelous servants alongside his lover. Isn't that great, Clandestine-chan~!? If it's not for your use for me to get Danna-sama to love me, I would've made you suffer in eternal pain and agony~!"

"T-Thank you for making me your pet, Lady Ikigai-sama!"

I don't know anymore...

...Now that I think of it, as someone like the Supreme Dark God who has that great power, we're just nothing but a bunch of feeble creatures who touched something we shouldn't have...

"Fufu~! You don't have to worry about anything anymore, so you should say your thanks to Danna-sama's lover later when you meet her, okay~!? If it's not for her, doom awaits everything~! And also, I want you to put in your mind the greatness of Danna-sama, okay!? He is very kind and benevolent towards us, Pillars. His wisdom and power will determine our will, do you understand~?"

"Understood, Lady Ikigai-sama!"

"Great~! It's just a matter of time until Zelvis-sama calls every one of us Pillars, so let me teach you the manners of a Pillar, then let's talk about how great Danna-sama is~!"

So Zelvis-sama is the name of the Supreme Dark God... I want to offer and swear my fealty to him and my great amend and apologies. It was wrong of me to be born in the Queen's, Masuko's hand...

I want to witness Zelvis-sama's greatness and wisdom... 

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