Naruto: Forgotten Power: Male...

By WalaNaPar

73.9K 1.9K 755

Being born in a family of shinobi's Y/N was always expected to join the Shinobi ranks, but Y/N was different... More

We... Passed?
On the way to wave and the Demon brothers
Demon of the mist
Y/N's unknown Dojutsu
The Forest Of Death
Naruko, Mito and Satsuki art work
The forest of Death part 2
I guess fem Orochimaru it is
family picture ( not a chapter )
Conclusion of Preliminary
Drawings for the previous chapter
Shackled from the start.
Former Siblings
Anger and Seal Removal.
A date? and The fight. (Edited)
Satsuki Flee's for Power.
This might be The End.
Naruto Shippuden Fanfic out now

Zabuza+1 vs Team7

2.2K 78 15
By WalaNaPar

Y/N had arrived at the bridge and could see a dense mist covering a large part of it, and from the sound of metal clashing could be heard resonating from within the mist. As Y/N got closer he could see that Naruko, Satsuki and Mito were going up against the hunter nin from before. Sakura was guarding Tazuna and both sensei's were occupying Zabuza and his water clone.

Hunter nin: Hidden jutsu! Crystal ice mirrors.

Y/N Could see ice forming into a mirror behind three of his teammates. They were unaware of this.

Y/N: Hey get out of there!

He shouted, but before any of them could react, it was too late. Surrounding them was mirrors made of ice, the hunter nin went towards a mirror and merged with it. His form going to all the other mirrors shocking those inside. Y/N threw some explosion tag kunai's at the mirrors in an attempt to help his team out, as the tags exploded some mirrors were broken which gave them a slight chance of hope, but to their surprise, the mirrors instantly regenerated. Y/N only has a few explosion tags left so he needed to think of a plan.

Satsuki was attacked by a hail of senbons along with Naruko and Mito. They tried their best to defend but they could only do so much. Mito tried to deflect them with her imperfect chakra chains but it wasn't fast enough. Naruko made shadow clones to attack the mirrors but failed.

Y/N was getting worried for his team, Y/N thought of a plan but it might cost him his life. He couldn't think of anything else but this. He two shadow clones and made the two throw explosive tag kunai's two different sides, one for him to jump in and the other for him to push his team out.


As the explosion happened he timed it and jumped in and pushed his team out of the dome just before they were hit by another hail of senbons. The senbons hit Y/N directly as he pushed them out of the way.

Naruko: What the hell was that?

Mito: What happened?

Satsuki: Ugh what...

As they got their bearings together they looked towards the mirrors slowly regenerating and inside they could see a figure slowly standing up riddled with needles. As they looked closer they saw Y/N, barely able to stand.

Genins: Y/N!

Hunter nin: I admire you rescuing your friends but who will save you? They're too injured to move and you look like you're about to pass out. I suggest you give up.

Y/N: G.. guys, don... Don't worry about me.. I'll fi- gahk.

Naruko: We have to help him.

Mito: But.. we c..can't move.

Satsuki looked at Y/N in shock and confusion. She was saved by the dead last of their class, someone lower than her saved her... This thought angered her.. but also made her feel confused. 

The hunter nin once more launched senbons towards the unmoving target, the Genins looked at this in horror and so did the Jonins, they could not do anything as they are preoccupied with Zabuza.

Zabuza: Looks like the brats done for.

Team7: Y/N!!

As the ice senbons were nearing his head, an Ice shield suddenly erupted out of nowhere blocking the senbons.
Through the ice a golden light could be seen through it.

The ice collapsed only to reveal Y/N standing blood dripping from his mouth and body pierced by senbons. The weirdest part was his right eye leaking black liquid, his sclera blackened and his iris glowing a golden color with a pattern unlike the Uchiha Dojutsu.

To be continued...

Hahaha bye

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