Kiyopon Can't Communicate!

By Kawaii_Lumine

689K 28.6K 20.4K

Basically a Kiyopon that refuses to talk unless he deems it necessary. Scenes from the LN altered to fit how... More

Kiyopon meets Horikita!
Horikita cares about Kiyopon!
Horikita best girl? / Kiyopon makes a new friend!
Kiyopon meets Manabu/ Cute Kiyopon
Horikita helps Kiyopon / Kiyopon saves Sudog
Celebration at Kiyopon's dorm! / Shutting down Kushida
Horikita makes lunch for Kiyopon! / Kiyopon hangs out with Ichinose
Kiyopon's thoughts about confession / Sudo begs for Kiyopon's help!
The Fated Encounter / Kiyopon wonders....
Chabashira and Kiyopon talk / Kiypon is worried for Horikita
Kiyopon is curious / Kiyopon is scared....
The Island Exam begins / Kiyopon scouts the island.
Just wanna share something
Kiyopon wants to be a bird / Kiyopon meets Ryuuen
Underwear Incident / Kiyopon and Ibuki
Who does Kiyopon like? / Class C vanished?
MoriKita / Kiyopon finds a dragon
Ryuuen's move / Desperation
A Failure / His decision
The bird shocks the Dragon / I don't care about your dreams.
Special Chapter : COTE reacts to Kiyopon Can't Communicate!
Hirata wants Kiyopon / Koenji shenanigans
Kiyopon plays a game of Werewolf / Kiyopon about the ways of the gentleman
Horikita will never bow down / Kiyopon is NOT a clingy tagalong
Kiyopon invitations! / Kiyopon's....betrayal...?
The holder of the fate chunchunmaru- tenchuusatsu! / The Detour
Johnny seems troubled.... / Kiyopon scolds Kaichou
Just one person. / A deal with Kamipon himself!
" Ayanokoji-kun.....I'm stuck."
Rocket Punch!
Yamauchi needs Kiyopon's help! / The boy that Sakura likes.
To be under the rain with a person you love / Their first encounter
The final event!
Closing of 4.5!
I have something important to tell.
Volume 5 : Summary before the actual chapter
A True Homie / Relay Race
Hornypon/Kawaii Arisu/ Volume 6: Summary
Who does Kiyopon like? The sequel! / A promise.
Freedom stained with blood.
The first few days of absence....
Lonely upbringing
" You're....his childhood friend?"
One thing that will never change.
" Are you happy, Kiyotaka?"
Watching over him.
Something only a person deeply in love could understand...
The words he said, the words she repeated
A wonderful woman
Im sorry
The update.....THE UPDATE IS REALLLL!!!!
Checking up on Him/ Checking up on Her
Going to the homies for love advice / Grudges are for losers
The ' other' childhood friend?
Cashing in the dating pass!

" What else do you expect me to do when my homie just turned into a hot chick?!"

7.2K 188 161
By Kawaii_Lumine

From the background image and the title of this chapter.

Yeahhhh I don't have to spell out anything as to what this chapter will be about, huh?

I hope you enjoy!

Third Person PoV

It was 5 in the morning, on a Saturday. Still during winter break. All of the students would still be asleep at this time, and our main protagonist was no different. 

However, his eyes reluctantly open. He was taken away from a wonderful dream and back into the real world, his eyes focus on the alarm which read exactly 5 am. He wonders why in the world would he wake up at this time but he quickly realized the reason.

His throat felt absolutely parched. He needed water. Now.

But he pouts to himself at the thought of having to make the effort in getting up from the sweet comfy morning bed. Nobody would wanna get up from the bed. Each second of thinking is giving him every reason to stay in bed and go back to sleep while dehydrating himself further, but who cares about the latter right? Tons of people sleep dehydrated!

Despite that wonderful logic he definitely agreed on, he had a hard time doing just that. He tossed and turned in his bed completely bothered by the dryness of his throat. He was on the verge of a mental breakdown caused by his own stubbornness in such a trivial matter.

".......Mnh..." He groans softly before lightly punching his bed in defeat.

He reluctantly gets up with heavy sleepy eyes. He yawns to himself as he made his journey towards the fridge. His hand clumsily grips the fridge door handle, opening it and grabbing the pitcher of cold water. After closing the fridge, he seeks out for a glass from the cabinets and once he had that he began pouring in the water.

He drinks it clumsily, not minding the obvious loose droplets of water sliding down his mouth. He places the glass in the kitchen sink before returning the pitcher back in the fridge.

He feels some wetness from his chest. It didn't feel too wet, so he raised his hand to his chest and began rubbing it in an attempt to slightly dry away the wetness....


But instead of his hand meeting his hard chest, it instead lands on a soft, plump texture.

"..." He slowly shifts his sleepy eyes downwards to his chest.

"...." He was met with two huge lumps on his chest.

His eyes widened in slow realization.

No, it couldn't be, right?

Yeah. hahahah! This must be some sort of hallucination from Kiyopon of sorts.

There was absolutely no way he has breasts or anything like that. Yeah, this is just a dream.

Just a dream...

Confident that this was nothing more than a dream. Kiyopon decides to squeeze his brea-

" Ahn~...." a soft womanly moan escapes his lips.


Did...Did he actually just...






Suzune was sleeping peacefully within the comfort of her own room. Her snores were light but barely audible as she laid on her side with the blanket tightly wrapped around her, almost like a burrito. God knows how she even managed to do that in the first place.

But then, her phone began to ring. Her eyes stayed shut, thinking it was just some random noise that'll eventually go away. It was winter break, why should she wake up early anyway.


The incessant noise reluctantly opened her eyes just slightly, she didn't answer the call just yet. Her eyes went to the alarm clock and it read 5:20 am. Her thoughts were all over the place but one thought was definitely taking charge amongst the rest.

Who in the hell would call her at this time?

She grumbles to herself before reaching her arm out to grab her phone. Her eyes widened a bit once she saw that it was Kiyopon. she quickly decides to hell with sleep. 

She yawns before answering the call and then putting it on speaker, placing it on the side as she lays on the neutral position on the bed, trying not to fall asleep.

" What is it..." She says, loud enough for the caller to hear.

" Suzune....I need you to come here..." A soft...womanly voice answered...?

" Kiyotaka-kun....your voice sounds softer than usual..." She sleepily points out. " It almost sounds like a woman..." A small chuckle escapes at that thought.

" Suzune...I need your help....please listen..." The soft womanly voice pleaded.

" Mm, what is it...?" She turns to her side, facing her phone.




Her eyes went wide awake after hearing out Kiyopon's words. She shot up from bed and began dressing.


" Just last week, you turned into a cat and now..." Suzune's eyes went to Kiyopon's huge....chest.

" You...turned into a girl...." She mutters.

 Kiyopon nods slowly, he wears his apathetic expression but inside he was freaking out.

" Why am I not too suprised anymore..." Suzune sighs, " Waking up to this at 5:30 in the morning. Weird things always happen with you, Kiyotaka-kun." She says before stepping closer.

" But I do have to ask..." She says as he hand slowly reaches out. " Is this even real...?" She squeezes-

" Anh~!" That soft moan-

" H-Huh?" Suzune retracts her hand quickly, just as Kiyopon quickly shot his hand to his mouth and covering it. Both of their faces were red from embarrassment.

" S-Sorry!" She quickly shoots an apology and quickly turning away. It was real. Those were real breasts.

"'s okay..." Kiyopon responds. But he quickly tries to improvise and not make it more awkward than it already is.

" Are breasts...always this...sensitive...?" He asks her. But little did he know, that type of question only embarrassed Suzune even further.

" Yeah...." She answers before suddenly reaching a realization. She quickly turns her head to him, a serious look plastered on her face.

" Did you look at your down there?" She asks him, blankly.

" No...but...I think it's gone." He answers, rubbing his womanly thighs on instinct.

" I you really did turn into a complete woman...aside from the mind, of course." She hums before taking a seat. " And you said you just woke up as a female, right?" She asks him.

Kiyopon nods.

" Now this is troublesome. What could've possibly caused this to happen? There are no leads to go by..." Suzune says, crossing her arms as she began to try thinking deeper.

Kiyopon grabs his notebook and begins writing....

' Should we call the group for assistance?' it said.

" I think that will be a good idea, yes." Suzune agrees before taking out her phone and calling the group chat.

But while the call was waiting to be picked up, Suzune felt a finger poking her arm.

She turns to Kiyopon. 

" What?" She asks.

"....Can you ask Airi or Haruka if they can lend me one of their bras?" He asks with no shame.

Suzune's eyes glance down once more to Kiyopon's huge bazonkers. A faint blush crept upon her face before looking away.

" R-Right." Suzune will make sure those two pieces of meat are accommodated....


" Can I touch them?" Akito asks.


It was currently 5:45 am and everyone was gathered in Kiyopon's room. Airi, Haruka, Keisei, Mori, and Akito were now informed of Kiyopon's issue. Also, Haruka did provide Kiyopon one of her bras that fit our male-turned-female protagonist quite well.

And now, back to Akito's question.

" WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Haruka looks at him in disbelief.

" I'm asking Kiyotaka if I can touch his boobs." Akito blankly repeats as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

" A-Akito, what the hell man..." Keisei says, blushing in embarrassment for him.

" Keisei wants to try it too." Akito casually drags his friend in the line of fire.

" I DIDN'T SAY SHIT!" Keisei retorts quickly while Akito looked at him in disappointment. " Don't look at me as if I'm a disappointment, you perverted beast!" Keisei adds.

" I honestly wanna try it too." Mori raises her hand.

" You too?!" Haruka's jaw drops.

" Nene-chan?!" Airi gasps.

Suzune just shakes her head in disappointment....the situation was shifting away from addressing the real issue as each second passes. This happened last week too when Kiyopon turned into a cat. Everyone's brain cells just dissipates.

" I'm just checking if they're authentic!" Mori says her excuse.

" DOES THAT EVEN MATTER?!" Haruka asks.

" Authenticity? To hell with that. I just wanna grope my best friend's boobs." Akito turns to Kiyopon. " Speaking of which, may I?"

" Miyatchii, this is unreasonable! Kiyopon may be a man on the inside but his body is a female. What you're asking is just perverted!" Haruka reasons. " Is that really the only place your mind is stuck on?!"

" What else do you expect me to do when my homie just turned into a hot chick?!" Akito argues passionately.

Kiyopon just looks between them, as an electric spark sizzled in their eye contact. He sighs, it seems another fight between Haruka and Akito was inevitable after all.

" Kiyotaka is originally a man! My best friend! Even if his body turned to a girl, his heart remains masculine! So me asking to grope his newly acquired breasts is far from perverted. I'm simply asking to grope my friend's new appendages, that's all!" Akito reasons.

" Listen to yourself, will you?!" Haruka fumes, gritting her teeth. " You sound like a total creep-o! Even male friendships should have limits, don't you think?! Besides, Kiyopon looks creeped out!"

Kiyopon just stared at them with a bored look. Airi doesn't even wanna get in the middle of THAT. Mori is just watching this in amusement. Keisei wants to sleep. And Suzune wishes to snap both Haruka and Akito's necks if this escalates any further.

" You're insane to suggest that I shouldn't test out Kiyotaka's new appendages." Akito says, shaking his head.

" Me? Insane?! Don't even speak you perverted piece of-" And now the exchange of profanities begin. They were going at each other's throats. A normal sight for their group, but an unusual one from the outsider's perspective.

Suzune nudges Kiyopon's arm. He turns to her, she gives him a suggestive gaze.

" May I?" She says, clenching her fist. Ah, it seems Suzune has reached her limit.

Kiyopon sighs before his--' her' head in affirmation, giving Suzune the green signal to do what needs to be done.


" Shall we discuss solutions on how to fix this now? Or do you two intend to keep going at it." Suzune glares.

Haruka and Akito quickly nodded, opting to go ahead with the discussion without further interruption. The both of them rubbed their bruised heads, courtesy of Horikita Suzune. 

" Yes, please continue. I am no longer the man I was 5 seconds ago." Akito says before muttering an ' ow'.

" Same here...ow!" Same for Haruka.

" Good. Without further ado, let's figure out how to fix this and turn Kiyotaka-kun back to a male."

2. They didn't fix this.

Kiyopon, or rather should we start referring to her as ' Kiyone-san' in order to avoid confusion? Yeah, let's go with Kiyone-san!

The group wasn't able to fix the situation. Not at all. Not even a smidge.

Kiyone-san sulks silently, she wonders to herself if this'll be her form from now on? It's a scary thought. Everyone in the group promised to help Kiyone-san return to normal but they also told her not to get her hopes up. There was almost nothing to go by except for a suggestion from Suzune.


" For now, just practice being a girl. While we figure things out, you should try and get used to this form in the scenario that this is irreversible. That's the best you can do for now, Kiyotaka--I mean, Kiyone-san..."


Kiyone-san sits on the lone bench, she lets the snow pile up on her head again. How does one act like a girl? He wanted to ask everyone that but they quickly left her alone before she could write or ask.

Well, she guesses that she could try and figure it out herself. What's the worst that could happen?

Kiyone-san begins writing in her notebook...

' How do I act like a girl?

Do I act like Suzune?






Which girl has the best personality....' 

Kiyopon's lips form to a small pout as she thought deeply about this.

And then she circled a name.

' Ichinose - The ideal girl everyone would like '

Kiyone-san hums to herself, maybe she should pay Ichinose a visit. Perhaps her assistance could prove fruitful in this current situation. Although he was closer to Mori and considers her personality to be similar to Ichinose's, she currently can't reach her. So Ichinose is the way to go.

Besides.....since when was the last time Ichinose even made an appearance in this fanfic?

Ignore that random 4th wall break.

Welp, it's decided. Kiyone-san will seek Ichinose's help to teach her in the ways of being feminine!

Kiyone-san pulls up her phone and quickly shoots Ichinose a message for help. It's time to begin this new mini series of Kiyone-san Can't Communicate!

" Kuku, nice boobs. Ayanokoji."

Kiyone-san freezes. She slowly tilts her head to the side....

Ryuen stood there with an amused smirk. His eyes surveyed her entire being from head to toe.

" You don't look half-bad for a chick." He approaches her, the grin plastered on his face only widening. 

Kiyone-san turns red, she quickly looks away, silently cursing the gods for creating this unnecessary encounter! She didn't want anyone to see her like this! Even though she made the choice of going outside....

" So, wanna fuck?"

What a great start to Kiyone-san Can't Communicate...


Yes, this mini-arc will last for another chapter or two!

Look forward to Kiyone-san's interactions with everyone! Interactions will be kept short though! Since the entire point of this mini-series is to satisfy my what-ifs ( and probably a lot of yours )  of this fic if Kiyopon was a girl.

Anyways, see you next chapter!

KawaiiLumine, out~

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