Calamity of Date a Live

Par Custos_Portae

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Meet our boi, Kuro Itsuka. 17 years old and adopted by the Itsuka's with his (not-so) twin brother Shido. He... Plus

Kuro Itsuka (Bio, pre - Kurumi)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.2)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 3)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 4) (Edited.)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt.2)
Celine, Until our next Communion
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 1
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 2
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 4
Not the Worst nor Misunderstood, Rather-
Your a Monster

The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt. 1)

1.6K 46 94
Par Custos_Portae

So before I began, trust me I know. I haven't updated for bit. Plus Last chapter was rushed seemingly and I won't deny. I needed it to end to move on to everyones favorite fluffball Yoshino. Forgive me.  As my apologies have 2 much longer chapters which will finish this arc.
I don't own Date a Live or Honkai.

3rd Pov, Fraxinus unknown location

Kotori: "That is all."

Kotori was currently located in a special communications room somewhere aboard Fraxinus.
She was sitting at a round table with several stuffed animals surrounding it in front of her. Now if you thought she was having a tea party, you would be forgiven. Unfortunately for you, you are still wrong. She was giving a report on the capture and sealing of the Spirit Tohka.

She was the only one in the room, however she wasn't alone. Since the stuffed animals had speakers placed in them for the currently unpresent listeners to speak from.

(A/N; Stuffed animals will be SA 1 and so on, for speaking.)

SA 1: "...So that means that his power is the real thing, huh." 

Speaking in a slightly muffled voice was the ugly cat-shaped stuffed animal sitting on Kotori's right. 

Well, the voice actually came from the speaker right in front of the stuffed animal, but from Kotori's viewpoint it was as if the ugly cat was the one speaking. 

As the others did not have a video feed of her, it was something Kotori set up arbitrarily. 

Due to that, this inner-most room of the <Fraxinus> had become a strangely fantasy- like space. It was almost like the mad tea-party of Alice in Wonderland. So I guess it could count as a Tea Party. Forgive this narrator for being confused.

Kotori: "That's why I said, if it's Shido then it'll work out." 

Kotori proudly crossed her arms, and this time the mouse with a crying face to the left of her quietly spoke. 

SA 2: "—Going by just your claims, there was not enough credibility. After all, you can't expect us to so readily believe in the power of self-resurrection... or the ability to absorb the Spirits' power." 

Kotori shrugged. 

Oh well, there was nothing she could do about that. 

Setting up the various observation and analysis devices to confirm Shidou's abilities took—around five years. 

Well even then, during that time the <Fraxinus> was built and a crew was gathered. In terms of timing it worked out just perfectly. 

SA 3: "What about the status of the Spirit?" 

This time the voice came from beside the ugly cat, from an extremely stupid- looking blue dog with drool hanging off its face. 

Kotori: "We have been monitoring her status since being retrieved by <Fraxinus>—and her status is extremely stable. Not even a creak in space-time was detected. Exactly how much of her power remains will need to be analyzed in detail, but at the very least, it's not at a level where 'just existing will destroy the world'." 

Kotori repiled back, and of the four stuffed animals, three of them held their breaths at once. 

SA 1: "Then, at least at this current stage, the Spirits can exist in this world without problems?" 

In a clearly excited voice, the ugly cat spoke. Kotori stared at it with disgust as she calmly answered 'yes'. 

Kotori: "In addition, it would be difficult for her to disappear into the other dimension with her own powers." 

SA 2: "—Then, what about his status? He had absorbed that much of the Spirit's power. Has anything abnormal happened?" 

This time, the crying mouse asked. 

Kotori: "At this moment no abnormalities have been detected, in either Shidou or the world." 

SA 3: "How? They're calamities that will destroy the world! To seal that power inside a human, and have nothing abnormal happen..."
The stupid dog stated. 

(Wow Kotori, chill with the thoughts...)

Kotori: "Didn't we get permission to use him because it was concluded that no problems will arise?" 

SA 3: "...What exactly is he? With such an ability... it's as if he's a Spirit." 

It wasn't just the stuffed animal's face, it really was an idiot. Kotori sighed inside her heart and dutifully opened her mouth. 

Kotori: "—His ability to revive is as I explained previously. Regarding the absorption ability, we are currently investigating it." 

Kotori replied and for a moment the stuffed animals were silent. 

Then a few seconds later, the stuffed animal that had yet to speak until now, a squirrel hugging a walnut, quietly spoke. 

SA 4: "—Anyways, good work, Commander Itsuka. You have obtained brilliant results. I expect great things from you in the future." 

Kotori: "Affirmative." 

For the very first time, Kotori straightened her pose, and placed her hand across her chest. It was finally over.

Except it wasn't.

SA 3: "Well we've covered the first boy. Now what about the second?"

Kotori's heart dropped at those words. She was praying they wouldn't bring him up.

SA 2: "He brings up a good point. What was the boys name? Kuro Itsuka?"

Kotori: "Yes."

SA 2: "He hasn't exhibited special traits before this scenario correct? So how is he still alive?"

Kotori: "We-"

Kotori was abruptly interrupted by the stupid dog.

SA 3: "We shouldn't be focused on how he's still alive. We should focus on what he is!"

Kotori: "Sir-"

Kotori tried to speak but was once again interrupted.

SA 3: "After all he's obviously not human! He survived getting penetrated by cold steel, changed his bodies genetic makeup which still hasn't changed back by the way, and lets not forget how he manipulates elements with ease like a Spirit! Not to mention he threatened the world, and judging by the small display of power he showed, which mind you vaporized a robot, made with material stronger than most of our materials on the planet, on the subatomic level, I'm inclined to believe his threat! We should form a contigency plan like we did for the other boy. Or even better, dispose of him before he becomes a greater threat!"

All around the room murmurs of affirmation were heard. The only ones quiet were the squirrel, Kotori, and the ever silent fox stuffed animal.

SA 3: "Let us take a vote! All in favor of disposing of potential threats?"

Before there could be so much as another grunt of affirmation, the silent fox finally spoke.

SA 5: "Now now gentlemen and women, lets not be too hasty. It wouldn't pay to jump the gun too early now would it?"

The room fell silent in shock. This was the first time in a while the other person had spoke. For them to get involved meant only one thing.

SA 2: "Do you know this person sir?"

SA 5: ""Know him? That's a good question. Can you ever truly know someone? Who's to say? What I do know, is that poking at any caged animal is never a good idea. If you were to follow through with this idea of yours... Well who's to say you wouldn't get hurt?"

The voice sounded almost concerned. Yet no one would ever believe that. The hidden glee behind those words was unmistakable

SA 3: "Are you threatening me?"

SA 5: No of course not. Just reminding that all of your actions have consequences, and that while you would be missed, your not irreplaceable."

The room was silent once more. Then there was the sound of four disconnecting calls.

SA 5: "Oh he left. Shame I was hoping to catch up."

Kotori: "Pardon my inquiry, but who are you? And how do you know Kuro?"

SA 5: "Who am I? Oh just the owner of Ratatoskr, above good old Elliot. Relax Miss Kotori. I have your best interests in mind. As for Kuro, hmm. Thats a surprise. But do give Ms. Reine these blueprints if you don't mind. They should help with his arm issue, and give him some fun options. Bye for now."

As he too left, a holographic projection appeared displaying a unique armband.

Kotori: "What the heck? What kind of bracelet gives options for boosting combat power? And what the heck is honkai energy?!"

Cue new intro for series:  APHO Oracle (If you play Honkai, you already know what move is getting stolen from the image alone.)

Kuro Pov, Next Day

Kuro: "Ooh this is cool. And this is cool.. this too! AH! There's so many options!"

Hua: "I have to admit it is pretty cool."

Whats cool you ask? The black and red Moon Ring, or at least thats what Reine called it, that was recently made for me yesterday to fix my partial Honkai cascade issue. Turns out Hua was right, I did regret it. For the life of me, I could not change my arm back to normal. Which sucked.
Now I can't wank the old noodl-

Hua: "EHEM."

I mean now I can't play video games?

Hua: "Better."

Thanks Mom.

Hua: "No problem."

That was sarcasm- *Sigh* Nevermind. Anywho, that was a fun conversation to have. I dare anyone in existence to explain to their little sister, how having the arm of a bloodthirsty creature isn't an issue. Spoiler Alert, its an issue! But there were two good things that came out of it.

1. This nifty little Moon Ring. Not only does it absorb the excess Honkai Energy I generate/emit, but it also can boost my physical capabilities and provide some extra oomph to my attacks. Then the White Heat mode... Oh god its great! My fire is quite literally White now, which as you know the colder a fire looks, the hotter it is.
And... and... and?

Hua: "And it reversed your mishap with Partial Honkai Cascade."

Yeah that too. Y'know Hua you've been talking and finishing my thoughts alot now. What are you doing currently?

Hua: "Relaxing."

Define relaxing.

My head is filled with an image of what Hua is currently doing.

Are you sleeping or relaxing?!

Hua: "Yes."

Smartass. That position looks kinda painful now that I think about it...

Whatever. Are you coming out anytime soon or what?

Hua: "Probably later."

Thats the second thing that came from the mishap yesterday. What Hua didn't tell me when she gave me her feather in the Elysian Realm was that she had set it to it's Zeroth Power. The end result was that she came along for the ride when I left. However due to the equivalent of dimension hopping, the Zeroth Power worked a bit differently. My misuse of my Honkai cascade resulted in Hua being able to take physical form for a while. Not sure how it works don't ask. Blame God or something.

(I see no God in this Story but myself -.)

Eh? You hear that Hua? I got the mental equivalent of a shrug in response. Guess she really is going to sleep now. Guess I'll focus on class now.

What? You think I was somewhere else? Nope this whole thing was happening in class. I thought Shido over there would get onto me for it, but:

Shido: ...

Yeah he's clocked out of reality for a bit as well. Wonder what it's about?


Nah I'm kidding. It's due to his first steps into manhood. He done kisseth a girleth. You would think I would be upset about the fact my younger brother beat me in kissing a girl. And you would usually be right. Except he didn't beat me in kissing. Pardo, Mobius, and Elysia made sure of that.


P.E Kuro: Hey Pardo?

Pardofelis: Yeah what is it?

P.E Kuro: How come every time Elysia and Eden get drunk, they start getting all sappy and feely, and then blush at each other, before they tell me to leave the room for a bit?

Pardo and I were currently walking in one of the various halls in the Elysian Realm to talk to Mobius. Upon hearing my question she walked face first into a wall, comically falling on her butt while rubbing her head.

P.E Kuro: And now your blushing too? What's going on?

Pardofelis: Kuro. Did Mobius tell you about the birds and the bees?

P.E Kuro: Yeah.

Pardo let out a sigh of relief until hearing my next words.

P.E Kuro: Birds are the airborne creatures, while bees are insects right?

Pardofelis: Oh God your innocent.

Elysia: What are you guys talking about?

Pardo let out a shriek and jumped in the air hitting her head on the ceiling and slumping on the floor.

I however waved at her.

P.E Kuro: Morning Ellie! Or I guess evening? No that's not right... Well Hello Ellie!

Elysia: Morning to you as well Kuro.

P.E Kuro: Oh and we were talking about why you and Eden are always so feely and blushy when drunk. Why is that?

Elysia managed to turn a fascinating shade of red as she grew embarassed from the rather forward question.

P.E Kuro: Oh we're here Pardo.

A nonsensical collection of noises were my reply.

I opened the door to Mobius's lab. And found her slumped on her desk.

P.E Kuro: Hey Dr.Mobius, I have a queston.

Her half closed eyes blinked at me.

Mobius: Can't even say hello?

P.E Kuro: RIght sorry. Morning Dr.Mobius!

Mobius: Better.

She yawned before stretching and getting up.

Mobius: Whats the question?

P.E Kuro: What are the birds and bees? Is that what Elysia and Eden were doing?

Mobius froze as she too began blushing. She began tapping her fingers.

Mobius: Uh.. well you see...You do it with someone you love...

P.E Kuro: But I love you guys? Can I do it with you?

WHY did I say that back then?!

I was met with three blushing girls.

Elysia: Well if you insist on it..


The sounds of screams were heard through the Elysian Realm for quite a while that day.

Flashback end

If there's one thing I know now, its that younger me was either dense or oblivious. Saying all that stuff with the most innocent expression and innocent intentions. But yeah, Shido did not beat me in that regard.

Tonomachi: "...That's seriously disgusting. What are you doing Shido?" 

Shido: "! T-Tonomachi. If you're there then give off some presence." 

Suddenly being talked to, Shido returned his head to its original posture from the position he was in previously. Touching his lips like a lovestruck boy.

Tonomachi: "...I did, a normal amount. In fact I even called out to you. If you let me get lonely then I'll die you know." 

Saying this, he straddled the empty seat in front and thrust his elbows on Shidou's desk. 

Kuro: "Ay coming off kinda sus Tonomachi"

Although to be fair. Ain't nothing more sus than a group of straight men.

Shido: "No, I didn't know that. Anyways, go back to your own seat. It's going to be homeroom soon." 

Tonomachi: "It's fine. Tama-chan's going to be a bit late anyways." 

Shido: "Jeez... she's still our teacher. You should stop with that nickname that sounds like a cat or maybe a seal." 

Tonomachi: "Haha, it's cute, so isn't it fine? Though our ages are apart, but she's still completely in my strike zone." 

Shido: "Ahh... then propose to her. She'll probably accept."

You know about that from personal experience ay Shido? I whisper to him. An elbow is swiftly in my ribs.

Tonomachi: "Huh? What are you talking about?" 

Oh you poor soul.

Then, at that time the door of the classroom slid open with a rattling sound, and I had to stop my shoulders from shaking from laughter. 

—Instantly, the classroom was abuzz. 

But that was to be expected. After all, Origami had come to school wrapped all over with bandages. She looked like a mummy.

Kuro: 'Pfft."

I couldn't help but snicker. That bandage job was very amateurish. However I still felt pity.

Using a Realizer, most injuries could be immediately cured. But after three whole days and still having that many bandages remaining, it had to have been quite the injury she recieved.


With all the gazes in the classroom gathered on Origami, she walked towards me with uncertain steps until she was right in front of my desk. 

Kuro: "H-hey, Tobiichi, I'm glad you're doing we—" 

I started to say awkwardly, but suddenly Origami disappeared from my field of view. 

A moment later, I realized that Origami was giving a deep bow. "T-Tobiichi...!? I'm not into this kind of play!" 

The classroom became noisy, and all eyes gathered on myself and Origami. But, as if not caring about any of that, Origami continued. 

Origami: "—Sorry. Although it is not something that can be resolved with a single apology." 

What is she? Oh. From what I saw before—the attack that targeted Tohka had been fired by Origami. She was probably apologizing for that. 

Tonomachi: "Wha... Itsuka, did you do something to Tobiichi...?" 

Kuro: "I did not! If I did then wouldn't I be the one apologizing!" 

I replied to Tonomachi who had been sending a suspicious glare. 

Although she technically did get hit by my bootleg Excaliblast so I was at fault in a sense.

But we're even I say! She became collateral damage, and I became a shish-kebab.

Either way, there was no way to explain the situation in detail. I faced Origami again. 

Kuro: "I forgive you, so for now raise your head..." 

I reply, and unexpectedly Origami obediently straightened up.

Then, in the next moment, she grabbed onto the base of my collar.

Kuro: "—!?" 


Hua: "Kinky."


Her cold expression not changing the least, Origami pulled her face close to mine.

Origami: "No cheating." 

Kuro: Eh?

Starting with me, the eyes of everyone watching Origami's actions turned to dots. 

As if matching the timing, the chime that signalled the start of homeroom rang. 

While glancing at Origami and I with interest, the students returned to their own seats. 

However, Origami alone remained staring intently at my face. Save me someone! As if hearing my pleas, the goddess of salvation appeared. 

Tama: "Gooood morning, evvvveryone. Homeroom is starting."
Opening the door, teacher Tama-chan walked into the classroom.

Tama: " Eh? T-Tobiichi, what are you doing?" 

Origami: "..." 

Origami silently glanced at Tamae, and then released my collar while she returned to her seat. 

Still, that was right beside me. How delightfully unfortunate.

Tama:  "O-okay, has everyone settled in?" 

Feeling the unrest in the classroom, Tamae said in an excessively cheerful voice. Then, she hit her hand as if remembering something, and nodded to herself. 

Tama: "Oh right, before we take attendance today, I have a surprise! —Come in!" Saying this, she called towards the door that she had just herself come in through. 

???: "Mm." 

Then—as if responding to that, such a voice was heard.

Shido: "Wha..." 

Origami: "—" 

Kuro: "Damn it Kotori.."
I mutter.

At the same time Shido and Origami's jaws dropped. 

Tohka: "—I am transferring into this class from today, my name is Yatogami Tohka. Pleased to be in your care." 

Wearing a highschool uniform, Tohka entered with a gigantic smile on her face. 

Faced with this beauty that could cause one's eyes to hurt just by looking at it, the class grew rowdy again. 

Ignoring the gazes, Tohka took a piece of chalk, and in poor writing wrote just the words "Tohka" on the blackboard. She then nodded to herself as if satisfied. 

Shido: "Wh... you, why are you..."
Shido began.
Kuro: "Why are you here Tohka?"
I finish for him.

Tohka: "Nu?" 

Tohka turned to face the source of the voices. She gave off a strange shine, an illusionary glow. 

"Ohh, Shido! I missed you!" 

She then called out Shidou's name in a loud voice, and hopped over to right beside Shido's seat—right where Origami had been standing just moments ago. 

Once again, Shidou became the center of focus of the class. 

Until she noticed me.

Tohka: "Oh hey Kuro! I missed you as well!"

God dang it.

Murmur, murmur. From all around, theories of the relationship between the three of us as well as the connection with what happened with Origami before could be heard. 

Sweat formed on Shido's forehead as he said with a small voice that the other students couldn't hear. 

Shido: "T-Tohka...? Why are you here?" 

Tohka: "Nn, the examinations and such had finished. —It turns out that over 99% of my power had disappeared." 

Following Shidou's lead, Tohka also spoke in a small voice. 

Tohka: "Well—it ended up good for me. I no longer cause the world to cry just by existing. Then, well, your sister did a bunch of stuff." 

Shido: "A-and your family name...?" 

Tohka: "What was her name, that sleepy woman gave it to me."

Shidou scratched his head and laid onto his desk. I on the other hand.

A thud was heard as my head hit my desk, along with the faint words of "half comatose" and "sleep deprived piece of-" being heard.

I'm glad and I know Shido was glad that Tohka was allowed to be free, but there were probably other ways of doing things. 

But, with an innocent look, upon seeing our reactions,

Tohka: "What's wrong, you two? You look down. —Ahh, could it be, were you lonely when I was gone?" 

She said such a thing while being completely serious. 

At a volume big enough for the surrounding people to hear, no less. The commotion in the classroom reached a climax, as my head tried to go deeper in my desk as I slammed it harder and harder.

Never feeling so uncomfortable in his life, Shido somehow managed to get his voice out. 

Shido: "What... don't say something weird like that." 

Tohka: "Hmpf, how cold. Even though you were chasing me so wildly back then." 

Saying this, she placed her hands on her two cheeks, and made a embarrassed look.

Kuro and Shido: "—!?" 

Shido knew that the atmosphere had changed. There were even people sending messages from the shadows of their desk. Like this, it won't be long until the whole school knew Shido's name. They know my name by heart however so... Meh.

Shido tried again with a louder voice. 

Shido: "N-no, Tohka! S-saying it like that will cause everyone to misunderstand!" 

Tohka: "Nu? Are you saying that it was a misunderstanding? Even though it was my first time..." 

Kuro: "——,...!?" 

PHRASING WOMAN. I actually choked hearing that statement, and proceeded to punch my chest as I coughed.

That was a Critical hit. Probably, Kotori and Reine had taught her some unnecessary knowledge. 

As the class began to rowdy even more my frustration was getting visible on my face. Fortunately for the class my attention was diverted.

By what seemed to be a pen, acheiving terminal velocity past my face. Tohka's head casually flicked to the right almost lazily.

Tohka: "Nu?"

Origami: ...

A silent face off occured before Tohka spoke up.

Tohka: "Why the hell are you here?"

Origami: "That's my line."

It immediately became a critical situation. 

—However, the two of them did not seem like they wanted to fight here. 

But of course. One side had lost almost all her power, and the other side was without her equipment and injured. 

Tama: "O-okay! Stop it! Let's end this now! Okay! Don't fight!" 

Teacher Okamine hurriedly cut between the two of them, and somehow managed to diffuse the situation. 

Their lucky I didn't step in to slam their heads together.

Tama: "Now, Yatogami's seat will be—" 

The teacher started to search for Tohka's seat, but

Tohka: "No need. —Move." 

Tohka let out a sharp look at the student beside Shido—on the opposite side of Origami. 


Faced with that pressure, the female student fell down from her chair.

Tohka: "Nn, thank you." 

Saying that, Tohka calmly sat down, and looked towards Shido. But doing so, she met not Shido's gaze but rather Origami's.

Origami and Tohka: "..." 

The two of them silently glared at each other. 

I'm glad their ok, but even still.

Hua. We're in for one hell of a school year.

Hua: ...

Timeskip 1 month

Tohka: "Shido! I baked something called a cookie!" 

Tohka's night-colored hair fluttered around her waist. Her eyes sparkled like radiant crystals. 

An impossibly adorable girl said those words excitedly, while thrusting the container she held in her hands towards Shido. 

Itsuka Shido was under incredible pressure as he turned his body and called the name of the girl. 

Shido: "To-Tohka..." 

Tohka: "Umu? What!?" 

With a carefree smile that could make flowers bloom, the girl —— Yatogami Tohka answered. 

Shido: ".... Well, about that..." 

There were so many things he wanted to say, but he couldn't find the appropriate words in the face of her dazzling smile. 

Unable to find something wrong with Shido's expression, Tohka lifted the container's lid. 

Tohka: "More importantly Shido, look at this!" 

The many things inside were irregularly shaped and had burn marks everywhere. They could barely be called cookies. 

Shido and Tohka were in the same class, but in order to 'give the individual students a holistic education'... or so they were told, things like laboratory practicals and home economics were conducted in small groups of students. 

In other words, only the girls had home economics today. 

Shido: "Tohka. What is that..." 

Tohka: "Umu, I had everyone teach me. I made this, so try eating it!" 


Shido felt a shiver run down his spine. Not because of Tohka's cookies. . . 

Putting it simply ——, all the other boys were watching him with glares of resentment. 

But that wasn't completely unreasonable. 

The fact that he was even able to enjoy the girl's homemade cookies made him the target of all the other guys jealousy. 

What's more, it was said that right after transferring in, that Yatogami Tohka had exploded upwards in the (rumored) "Girl You Want Most as a Girlfriend" rankings. 

Shido looked at me. A shit eating grin was on my face. I clearly mouthed the words 'best of luck' to him.

Shido looked to the other guy closest to him. Just next to him, his friend Tonomachi Hiroto, had a hollow expression on his face, [fuck, fuck, FUCCCCCK... only a dead Itsuka is a good Itsuka] as he was grumbling something under his breath. 

Tohka: "Hm? What's wrong Shido? You're not going to eat it?"
Shido: "I... Err... About that..." 

Shido said with a nervous twitch in his cheek. Tohka's shoulders began drooping little by little. 

Tohka:"Ugh... I see, it's because Shido is good at cooking..."
Shido: "—! I-It's not because of that. I-I'll eat it!" 
Tohka: "You don't have to force yourself. Kuro, do you want to?"
Tohka pointed the cookies my way.

Kuro: "Sure."

Despite being second choice in Tohka's mind, I took a cookie from the container. And then, as I slowly lifted it to my mouth—— 


While my attention was focused on the cookie, a silver blur flew in a straight line in front of my eyes. 

The shot came from the hallway, and after seeing the target was the the cookie in my hand, I quickly caught and broke it into small pieces. With parts of it piercing the wall as shrapnel left my hands. The entire classroom stared at me in silence.

Kuro: "What? Can a guy enjoy his cookie in peace?" 

I asked, while being slightly annoyed at the attention. Everyone looked away.

Sighing, I eat Tohka's cookie while tracing back the trajectory of the silver blur. Hey, this isn't half bad actually!

Tohka: "What, who threw that! That's dangerous, you know!" 

Tohka shouted as she turned toward the hallway. Shido did the same as his eyes turned in that direction. I however was grabbing another cookie.

What?! Their good!

I looked over after grabbing a cookie, to see standing over there as if she had just thrown something a few seconds ago, was a silent girl with her right hand stretched out. 

Her skin was light colored, and she had hair that brushed the top of her shoulders. Her features were unusual, but graceful; she had no expression whatsoever on her face, giving off the impression of a lifeless doll. 

Shido: "To-Tobiichi?"
Tohka: "Nu." 
Kuro: "Origami."

Sweat was sliding down Shido's cheek, while Tohka had knitted her eyebrows together in displeasure. I was still munching on a cookie.

This girl——Tobiichi Origami, slowly approached them while looking at both of them. 

After stopping in front of Shido and apologizing for scaring him, she walked towards me she lifted the lid of the container she was holding with her left hand and brought it out like how Tohka did a few moments ago. 

Origami: "You don't have to put more of Yatogami Tohka's thing in your mouth. If you are going to eat something, then eat this—" 

Hua: She has a rather unique way of asking for you to try her cookies.

That she does.

Kuro: "So ignoring your rather... unique phrasing, you want me try your cookies?"

A nod.



Inside the container, there were perfect cookies that were uniform in shape lined up in neat rows. It looked like a product straight from a factory line. 

Kuro: "E—Errrr... This is surprisingly immaculate." 

Tohka: "Don't interfere! Kuro and Shido are going to eat my cookies!" 

While Shidou was having trouble responding, and I was deciding which cookie to grab, Tohka answered with a high-pitched voice. 

However. Origami didn't flinch at all. Her expression didn't even twitch as she shook her head. 

Origami: "The one who is interfering is you. You should leave immediately." 

Tohka: "What are you saying? Coming afterwards and acting all high and mighty!" 

Origami: "The order in which we arrived does not matter. I cannot allow you to have them ingest more of your cookies." 

Tohka: "Wha— WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" 

Origami: "You did not sufficiently wash your hands . What's more, while you were baking, you choked during the rising of the wheat flour, causing you to sneeze three times. This is unusually unhygienic." 

Tohka: "Wha..." 

As if she got thrust into the void, Tohka's eyes spun around. 

I on the other hand, was quite concerned.

'Hey Hua? Is it me or was Origami paying a lot of attention to our little Princess?'

Hua: "It's not just you."

'Ok thanks.'

Anyways, for some reason, the moment Origami finished speaking, the surrounding male students started to get very noisy and excited. All eyes were on Tohka's cookies. 

Bunch of Horndogs.

But Tohka wasn't in any state to notice this influx of attention; *Grrr...* she clenched her fist. 

Tohka: "Shido and Kuro are strong, so that much is okay for them!" 

Origami: "You appear to be unaware of the consequences —— Also, you messed up the proportions of the ingredients. I don't think by skipping parts of the recipe, that your cookies can be considered finished." 

Tohka: "...?!" 

When Origami said that, Tohka frowned, she looked at Origami and her own cookies. 

Tohka: "Wha... Why didn't you say anything when we were in class?" 

Origami: "It wasn't my duty to point it out. ——In any case, the odds that my cookies would satisfy him are obviously higher." 

Kuro: "No no. I feel that's a valid point. I have a Kaslana's stomach, not immortality!"

Hua: "Well actually.."

Wait do I actually?

Hua: ...

Son of a-

Tohka: "Shu-Shut up! There's no way cookies from someone like you could ever be delicious!" 

Tohka shouted, while her eyes were spinning at an unstoppable speed. She took a cookie from Origami's container, and put it in her own mouth. 

And then crispy sounds could be heard as she started chewing on it——

Tohka: "Fuaa..." 

Her cheeks were dyed the color of cherry blossoms, as she made an ecstatic expression while slightly moaning. It seemed that the cookie was delicious. 

I couldn't help it. The indecent noise caused my cheeks to flush. Shido wasn't any better.

Hua: "I guess the cookies were good then?"

No shit Hua.

(A/N: In case anyone is wondering, Hua is talking in Kuro's head.)

But Tohka immediately changed her expression by shaking her head vigorously. 

Tohka: "It wasn't such a big deal! If your cookie is like that, then mine is more delicious!" 

Origami: "That is most unlikely. You should just gracefully admit your defeat."

Tohka: "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" 

Origami: "What did I say?" 

Kuro: "Geez. Calm down, both of you, its not that big a deal." 

If they were left alone, a fight might break out; so I stood up and went in between them, as Shido stood in front of Tohka creating some distance between them, while saying " Good Grief" in order to calm her down. 

Tohka: "Nu... then Shido, whose cookies do you want to eat?"

Shido: "Eh?" 

And, faced with such words all of a sudden, Shido made a idiotic sound. 

Tohka and Origami, from both the left and right at the same time, brought out their containers. 

Tohka: "Well, Shido?"
Origami: "...?" 

Both Tohka and Origami had glints in their eyes that could pierce and pin down an enemy, and as they stared at Shido, a sweat drop began to flow down his cheek. 

...Somehow, it was an atmosphere where no matter which one he ate, he would be killed. 

Seeing his hesitation I sighed, and stepped up as a big brother.

I gently (read strongly) pushed him aside and took the cookies from both containers that Tohka and Origami had in their hands, and put them in my mouth at the same time. 

Kuro: "Good grief. Kids these days. You both did good, and your cookies taste amazing. Despite skipping a few key ingredients."

The last part was said in a whisper.

Tohka and Origami stared at my face. 

Tohka: "Umu, my cookie was eaten a bit faster!"

Origami: "Mine was 0.02 seconds faster." 

These words were both said at the exact same time.

Origami you scare me with your preciseness.

Tohka: "..." 

Origami: "..." 

And then, their faces quietly met.

Today was not the first time that the mood was like that. 

Shido felt like giving up or something like that, but jumped once again in between both of them. I being the wise guy I am, stepped far far away.

And at that very moment, as expected from both sides, a huge amount of stress that was building in their fists was released and aimed at each other's vitals ——and ended up hitting the head and the belly of the poor boy who got between them. 

Shido: ...

There was a thud as his body hit the ground.

Tohka immediately began to apologize while fussing over his slumped form. Origami however...

Origami: "My apologies."

She took a cookie out of her box and placed it on his face.

Kuro: ".... Bruh."

After school

Kuro: ....

In the end, Tohka and Origami had started quarrelling, with Shido having to intervene like the hero he is.

Plus, the conflict between the two of them wasn't new. 

Although Tohka enrolled just a month ago into the same Raizen High School that Shido and I were attending, the two of them (Tohka and Origami) would have competitions like this every single day. 

——However, if it was simply about normal schoolgirls having some verbal quarrels, Shido probably wouldn't be in such a critical condition. 

He wouldn't be in it if I stepped in more, but I know not to step between quarreling women.


I recalled Tohka and Origami's forms from last month. 

On one side was an 'evil' Spirit that people thought as a disaster that would wreck the world. 

On the other side was an Anti-Spirit Team wizard belonging to the JGSDF. 

They were both girls with abnormal powers beyond that of humans. 

For the time being, it was two normal human beings, or as normal as two people who can apparently revive, who were acting as the mediator between these two girls. 

Kuro: "Seriously, can't those two just get along...?" 

Hua: "Just a month ago, those two were mortal enemies. You have to give it time for a change to happen."

After saying that, I lowered my head gloomily, realizing my own dumb remark. 

Of course they dislike and dare I say hate each other.

Until a month ago, both of their goals would have been to take each other's life. 

Right now, in order to prevent Tohka's Spirit from going berserk, Origami and the rest of the AST openly avoided aiming for her life according to the [Orders]...Naturally, forming a good relationship was not going to be a simple task that was obvious in hindsight. 

However, if this were to continue on, then Shido's body wouldn't last, as one would expect from this situation. And if he gets hurt, well the only one close to stopping me is Hua.

Hua: "We're supposed to walking and talking, not walking and brooding."

My bad Hua.

Casting a glance her way, I saw the outfit she had chosen for the excursion.

Kuro: "It's gonna take some getting used to seeing you walking around as flesh and blood Hua."

Shaking my head I discard the gloomy thoughts for now.

Kuro: "So what are we doing today? It's your first day out for a while, so got anywhere to go or you want to go?"

In case you can't tell I'm crap at conversing.

In response to my thoughts and words a smirk creeped its way onto Hua's face.

Hua: "Is this a date then?"

Kuro: "Do you want it to be?"

Despite my normal words, I will admit I nearly tripped over my feet from the sideways comment.

Hua: "Heh."

Kuro: "I'm horrified to know what you could've learned in my head, you know that?"

To add insult to injury.


Kuro: "Eh?"

A frown appeared on my face. Before I knew it, the sky was getting covered by heavy gray clouds. 

Kuro: "Rain, huh? Hey, hey, didn't the weather forecast say it was going to be a clear/fine day?!" 

I ranted against the weather forecaster whose recent predictions have been off the mark, while also creating a slight heat barrier above mine and Hua's head to filter the rain from hitting us.

And with an unbelievable timing that made it seem like this was planned from the beginning, *splash* *splash*, large water droplets started to stain the asphalt road. 

Kuro: "Argh, damn it, is what I'd say if I didn't make this niftly little barrier." 

I'm kinda glad I told Shido to hurriedly jogged to the house earlier. 

But, as if the rain was laughing at me, it intensified in a blink of an eye, actually putting strain on my before overwhelming it.

Kuro: "Hey, hey, you can't be serious..." 

As I felt the cold sensation spread all over my uniform, I began to frown in annoyance. 

Hua who had been silent till this point finally spoke up.

Hua: "This isn't normal rain."

Kuro: "What was your first clue? Geez, if it's not one thing its another."

Hua: "When you saw me for the first time in a while, what did you say you fought?"

Kuro: "It was an Aesir Heimd- ... *Sigh* Fuck my mouth."

Another Aesir uncloaked behind me and swung it's greatsword. Irony at its finest.

As I jumped back a loud thud was heard, along with a crunching sound.

The Aesir Heimdall was out of commision with a hole in its body and the culprit was standing beside me.

There's a joke here but I refuse to say it.


I said it.

Hua: "Never a dull moment with you."

Kuro: "Not my fault. That wouldn't happen to be the rain source would it?"

Hua: "We're not that lucky."

Kuro: "Mmh. figures."

Lets try to find that source shall we?

Hua nods and begins to lead the way through the rain as I follow.

Eventually we arrive near the rain source.

Kuro and Hua: "..."

Its the girl I met and briefly interacted with at the arcade.

Kuro: "The source of this abnormal rain..."

Hua: "Is a little girl hopping in puddles?!"

Yep you heard her. Such a girl, in an area which was empty of people...  *pyon* *pyon* ...was hopping around cheerfully in circles.

Kuro: "What...the actual fuck!?" 

I scrunched myeyebrows and watched the girl, but not in a sus way. In my head, questions were being processed. 

Hua: 'Why is that girl not holding an umbrella but jumping up and down under the rain instead?'
Kuro: 'No, that wasn't the question. It's actually why does she seem to emit a spiritual presence similar to Tohka?'
Hua: 'Cause she's a Spirit?'
Kuro: 'That's what I'm inclined to believe.'

Wait if she's a spirit then that means that AST already noticed probably. As if to confirm my thoughts a red flare lit the sky, before crashing into the little girl. And surrounding the launch area, a small number of humans wearing heavy mechanical armor were floating around. 

Kuro: ...
Hua: ....

Luckily the smoke cleared to reveal she was fine as she jumped, twisting her body to escape from the surrounding AST members holding their ground, and leapt into the sky. 

The AST members immediately responded, and pursued her all at once. 

And with the weapons that were installed into their armor, an innumerable amount of ammunitions were fired. 
The large barrage of bullets and missiles released by the AST members hit her body mercilessly. 

Kuro: "Hua.. I'm stepping in. Those guys...doing that to that girl who clearly doesn't want to fight..." "
Hua: "It's truly despicable. I know, I'll help."

Continuer la Lecture

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