The Emperor's Thief (mxm)

By TheoryKierei

48.5K 5.6K 2.2K

Book 2 for The Silent Guard. It only took one month for everything to begin falling apart. Yuen Shui, the n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 5

1.3K 155 63
By TheoryKierei

(Oh my god Lian Zeishen, what am I going to do with you XD) 

The smell of something delicious pulled Shui out of his strange dream. As he slowly sat up, covering a yawn with his sleeved arm, he wasn't too sure what to make of it. He also wasn't sure that he ever wanted to make anything of it, either. 

Blinking away the remaining blurriness from his eyes, he looked around his silent room. 

He's not here? 

Turning, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, but as he did so something that had been settled next to his pillow caught his attention. Reaching for it, he picked up the surprisingly-hefty spirit dagger he'd seen Lian Zeishen attack him with the other day. It was an odd thing to leave behind, considering that it looked quite expensive and was exquisitely made.

Wait a minute. He left this unsheathed dagger... right next to my head while I was sleeping!

He was just about to push himself up and stalk off to the find the bothersome man when the dagger sitting in his palm suddenly began to shake. His eyes narrowed on the strange weapon for a moment before it suddenly began hovering just above his palm and swinging widely like a crazed compass needle! He quickly flattened his palm more, not wanting to risk losing a finger as the possessed weapon swung itself one way, then abruptly changed directions to rotate several circles in the opposite direction. 

What on Earth is this cursed weapon doing? 

He watched it spin for a few more moments before it began to swing back and forth in a shrinking arc. 


It stopped altogether once it had decided exactly where it wished to point, slightly more north, but still a little east, then abruptly dropped back down into his palm as if was suddenly embarrassed that it had gotten caught showing off its disturbing ability to someone who wasn't its master. 

Grasping the dagger firmly in his hand, Shui pushed himself to his feet, then walked over to a small table and set the dagger down gently. He then hurried to dress himself, choosing to wear the newer royal robe he'd requested, since it weighed nearly half that of his other fancy ones and he honestly preferred the look and mobility. He tugged on his underclothes, then pulled the light blue, ocean blue, and black robe around himself. It had little frost-like embroidery near the left shoulder and right lower portion, but that was all that he'd allowed as far as decoration. He was a utility over beauty type of person and always had been. Once the matching belt was tied around his waist he glanced in a small mirror hanging above the table, quite content with his new appearance... besides his terribly-short hair. 

Shrugging off that one small detail, he dug through some desk drawers until he managed to find a few daggers of his own. He tended to collect them if he found any well-made ones on the battlefield, but as he sorted through the few he'd kept, he wasn't looking at the specific blades, per say.

This one should do for now. 

Removing a beautifully-crafted dagger with a dragon sculpted into its handle from its sheath, Shui carefully returned the blade to the drawer and closed it, then slid Lian Zeishen's similar-sized weapon into its sheath. 

Almost a perfect fit. 

He tied the length of woven string that had already been wrapped tightly around the sheath through his belt, then added his own sword before heading for his main living chambers. 

He's probably already eaten most of the food again. 

Their previous meal, the one that Lian Zeishen had claimed to have eaten, must have already been cleared away, because a new set of dishes was now on the table, still steaming with warmth. The delicious smell of garlic and hot spices was enticing, but Shui only walked over long enough to grab a steamed bun before promptly heading out the door. He noted before he turned to leave, however, that there was a small platter that was completely missing whatever it had been brought in carrying. Only crumbs remained. 

He acknowledged his guards with a nod as he stepped out of his chambers and turned to head down the hall and out of the palace. He heard one of them try to follow after him, but the man wisely changed his mind and returned to his post after only a few hesitant steps. He didn't want anyone bothering him and could handle himself just fine. 

Except with this stubborn familiar...

Immediately pushing that thought aside, he finished his small meal and stepped outside into a chilly, sunny day. Feeling much lighter now with his new robe and a good night's rest, Shui tucked his arms behind his back and confidently strolled through the many winding, shaded pathways and gardens as he headed north. The cool wind rustled his short hair as he took in a deep, content breath. He could smell snow on the air, though it was a bit late in the season for it. 

He walked in peace for about twenty minutes before he felt the dagger at his waist vibrate slightly within its sheath, seemingly trying to signal something to him. Shui decided to step off the paved path at that point and wander through a thick grove of small, dormant pear trees. As he moved, he couldn't help but notice that, for once, his long hair was not getting snagged on anything as he wove between branch after branch. 

Perhaps I will keep it short for a while...

Stepping out onto the other side of the little grove left him standing on a small raised brick wall, its dark red and brown façade brushed with age. 


Looking down beyond the small hill the four-foot wall was built on, Shui tilted his head slowly, taking in the interesting scene before him. 

Han Qi's little guard... and Lian Zeishen? 

They didn't look all that happy, either. Well, Zen, at least, didn't. He had on a black and white robe with different pink flower petal designs across the front and lower back. It was quite beautiful and matched his long, slightly messily-tied hair and demeanor. His arms were crossed over his chest and his eyes were narrowed on the man standing across from him in the old courtyard. The area wasn't currently being used, but it was where he had trained as a child, so it did hold quite a significant place in his heart and he often visited the area to get away and relax for a bit. 

Unlike Zen, Lian Zeishen seemed quite entertained as he nonchalantly walked around the other man, a wide smirk on his face that could border as a sneer. His arms swung leisurely for a moment before he moved them to clasp together behind his back. Zen turned with him, his attention completely focused on the other man. 

Lian Zeishen is looking for an opening...

His blood chilled slightly as he watched the young man's psychotic stalking behavior. He wasn't some little kitten hiding in the bushes trying to catch its meal by surprise... he was a fully grown lion playing with his food because he wanted to see it squirm. 

Shui looked over the man calmly waltzing around Qi's young guard. 

He's changed his clothing. 

Crafting spiritual items was hard enough, but to make two full outfits for oneself was incredibly difficult. Instead of his dirty pants and tattered worn robe he had been waring previously, this outfit was much more flattering. Black, dark purples, and deep reds colored the gorgeous robe with intricate designs embroidered across the left side. The smaller details were too hard to see from such a distance, but there was no doubt in Shui's mind that the craftmanship was exquisite. 

So he wasn't looking for money in my pavilion. He must have just wanted to look less dangerous to catch me off-guard. 

And he had. 

He was going to remain where he stood to observe the situation further before deciding on a course of action, but when Lian Zeishen suddenly struck out with a massive blast of dark spiritual energy, Shui immediately lept from the wall! He knew that he wouldn't make it in time to block the attack for Zen, but as he landed within the cloud of dust still yet to settle, he sighed a breath of relief. 

Han Qi's guard stood near the edge of the sparring courtyard and was slowly lowering his black-clawed hands. 


He'd known that the man had some sort of extra spiritual presence within him, and that he was also somehow cursed, but he'd never asked about any of it. It wasn't his business, but now that he had seen the man deflect such an enormous attack without even needing to draw his sword, his curiosity was piqued. 


Shui looked over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow as Lian Zeishen strode up to him, a devilish grin on his handsome face as his long hair, now partially tied up with a ponytail, drifted gently on the breeze. 

"Who is your older bother?" Shui said with a scowl as he nudged Lian Zeishen's shoulder right before the man could try to reach over and wrap his arms around his right one. 

The other man didn't seem deterred, in the least. He took the deflection in stride as he spun around to give Zen his back so that he could smile at Shui, seemingly not worried about the other man in the least now that he was there. 

"Why are you starting fights, Lian Zeishen? You have only just healed from your wound, yet here you are attacking one of my good friend's guards," Shui reprimanded without holding back the displeasure in his tone. 

The other man looked chastened for a whole two seconds before he gave a quick chuckle and turned back around to face Zen, but leaned back at the same time, forcing Shui to reach up and catch him as he leaned backwards into his chest. 

"What are you doing, you strange man?" he growled as he quickly shoved him away again, making Lian Zeishen stumble forward for a second with a louder bit of laughter. 

He thought that he might turn around again, but when he took an intentional step toward Zen and his body posture changed abruptly, Shui reached forward and grabbed his left arm. That got his attention back, drawing Lian Zeishen to look over his shoulder with an odd pout on his face. 

He looks upset but also insane. Who even is this person?

The guy was just opening his mouth to speak again when they heard someone enter the courtyard from behind him. Shui turned at the same time Lian Zeishen moved to face their new guest. 

Shui quickly gave a respectful bow. 

"Lord Qi," he greeted before straightening with a warm smile. 

Qi nodded his greeting and returned his smile, but it was clear that something else was on his mind right then. He quickly but calmly moved past him and Lian Zeishen, only stopping once he was settled in front of Zen. His guard immediately accepted the soft kiss to his cheek given by his master before Qi checked him over, clearly having noticed the extra dust and dirt on his clothing from the previous spiritual blast. 

"I am alright, my lord," Zen said as he gently settled his fingertips against his master's long sleeves, but didn't dare grasp them.

Shui felt as if he should turn around and give them some privacy, but where he was slightly embarrassed to watch their oddly cute interactions, Lian Zeishen's expression definitely didn't match his own. He quickly tightened his grip on the man's arm, then added enough pressure to seemingly pull Lian Zeishen out of his crazed thoughts as his eyes lowered to look at the place where his hand was holding. 

He stared for quite a few moments before he slowly turned around to fully face the other two. His eyes narrowed once again on Qi, and his head slowly tilted this way, then that, as if he were a cat calculating the best way to take down a bird before it could try to fly away. 

Shui tightened his grip even more, knowing that he was likely causing pain, but it didn't seem to bother Lian Zeishen at all. His psychotic eyes widened once more as they locked onto Qi. 

Something's wrong. 

Zen seemed to notice, too, because he was beginning to tense as his gaze met Lian Zeishen's over his master's shoulder. They both expected some sort of attack, perhaps another blast, but when Lian Zeishen simply let a cruel smirk spread across his face and tilted his head ever-so-slightly again, Shui and Zen shared a glance before returning their full attention to the man. 

"Mm, it is nice to finally meet you, your highness... Han. Qi." 

The man enunciated both parts of QI's name very precisely, but the tone of his voice was clearly dripping with venom.  

Being the sweet young man that Shui has found Qi to be, the man turned as Zen pressed a nervous hand against his waist and offered Lian Zeishen a warm smile. 

"Hello, young man," he said, nodding his head respectfully.  

He hadn't even finished lifting his head after showing his respects when Lian Zeishen's arm slipped right through Shui's fingers, as if he was nothing more than a ghost! The young man blurred forward right at that moment, manifesting a beautiful red and silver sword from his sleeve as he moved with lightning speed. 

Shui knew that he wouldn't be fast enough to act with his energy sealed, but thankfully there was someone else present who could match the man's speed. His body couldn't move so quickly, but when multiple bursts of lightning shot out from Zen's clawed hand, Lian Zeishen was actually caught off-guard and sent flying all the way across the old courtyard and into a dilapidated wall, crumbling part of it with the force of his impact before his body dropped to the ground. 

Wow, I did not think that his young guard had such power!

Zen definitely kept his skills well hidden, and while Shui really wanted to ask him all about them now, there were much more pressing issues to attend to right then. 

"I apologize for my... friend's ignorance," he said as he bowed quickly, then hurried over to where Lian Zeishen was still slumped against the broken stone wall. 

Shui noticed the fingers of his left hand twitching where they rested against the dirty ground as he approached, and as he knelt down, he could tell that the man was having to focus on his labored breathing. He even had a line of blood running from the edge of his mouth. 

Zen hadn't held back... and I don't see Lian Zeishen's sword around anywhere, either. 

It had probably dissipated with the hit, since it had been a spiritual weapon, as well. He couldn't blame Zen for having hit him so hard, though. He would have protected Han Qi with everything he had, too, if he had access to his abilities. 

"You shouldn't have wandered about picking fights," he said with a sigh as he considered what the best way to carry the man would be so that he wouldn't agitate his new injuries. It looked like the wound in his chest had also been opened by that blast of electricity from Zen. 

You were almost healed, too. 

Shaking his head, Shui was just kneeling down when he noticed movement to his left and, after settling a knee on the ground, looked sideways to see that Han Qi, himself, was kneeling beside him, his soft, gentle smile still firmly in place on his lips. 

"I do apologize for my love's aggressive response, but you startled him," he said as he reached forward and gently tugged Lian Zeishen's robe down from his shoulders a little bit. 

"It looks like he's opened your previous injury and possibly given you some internal issues," he noted quietly as he gently settled a hand against the bloody mess over Lian Zeishen's heart. 

A warm glow of light energy soon covered the area, but as Han Qi focused on healing the person who had just abruptly attacked him, Lian Zeishen was glaring at him with his one uncovered eye through the lengths of his now-messy hair. 

He looks feral... and like he's considering another try. 

The only thing that was likely keeping him at bay, but just barely, was the fact that Zen was standing at his master's side, one hand gently holding onto a length of his master's long, beautiful hair, while his other hand was aimed straight at Lian Zeishen, little zaps of purple electricity dancing between his fingertips, ready to be used at a moment's notice. 

Wanting to try and diffuse the man's next possible attempt at Qi's life before he tried to strike again, Shui turned around and leaned backwards, settling himself down against the wall right next to Lian Zeishen. He then reached over and took the young man's left hand, holding it tightly so that he wouldn't be able to simply use it to attack. Sure, he might be able to fade through it again, but it would take a moment and be obvious that he was doing it. 

"I've stopped the bleeding, but you'll have to take it easy if you want to heal up," Qi said as he was helped back to his feet by Zen. 

When Lian Zeishen simply continued to glare at him, Qi offered them both a slight bow, then dismissed himself and his guard. They disappeared the same way Qi had come, leaving Shui alone with his crazy... whatever the hell the guy was. 

I should just throw him in the dungeons and be done with it, but I'd probably need brother's help to curse him so that his ethereal form couldn't leave. 

He didn't like the sound of that idea, but there wasn't much el—His mind blanked for a full five seconds as he felt Lian Zeishen fall over into his lap with a frustrated groan. 

"Shui-ge," the man mumbled, making Shui glare down at him. 

"I am not your Shui-ge. I am not your Shui, at all," he retorted, only to get a strangled, maniacle laugh in response. 

I can't. I don't know what to do with this guy. 

"I'm sorry I misbehaved, Shui-ge," Lian Zeishen said quietly, making Shui scoff.

"No you're not. You intentionally attacked my friend and his guard, and you would have done it again if Zen hadn't caught you so off-guard the first time," he said, earning a creepy smirk from the guy now staring up at him with scheming, narrowed eyes. 

Shaking his head, Shui carefully got Lian Zeishen's thankfully lighter body into his arms, then stood. The man was silent for a few minutes as Shui carried him through a different small orchard area, wanting to avoid the main pathways and prying eyes. They were just about out of places to sneak about when Shui felt Lian Zeishen tug at his robe, drawing his attention down to him. 

The man whispered something to him, but he couldn't quite hear him since the wind had picked up a bit in the time they'd been out. After trying to hear him a second time and still failing to catch what he wished to convey, he gently hefted him a bit higher in his arms, then leaned down. 

"There we go," Lian Zeishen cooed as he finally got closer. 

Except, when the man didn't bother trying to say anything else, Shui realized that he'd fallen into a trap. Fingers soon dug into his short hair and gripped what they could, hard, as the man's free arm wrapped firmly around his neck, allowing him to pull himself up just enough to seal his lips over Shui's. 

Figuring that he was already going to be stuck with the man returning to Bing Niao's nest within his chest to recuperate a second time, Shui relented and didn't bother wasting energy putting up a fight... but when several moments passed and not only did the other man not disappear, but he was beginning to feel a bit lightheaded since Lian Zeishen refused to let him get in a decent breath as his lips moved against his! 

He managed to break away from the man's attention only after having stumbled backwards into a tree, the impact jolting both of them just enough to break their contact with each other. Lian Zeishen immediately began cracking up, laughing hard enough to make himself hiss a few times as he agitated his new injuries. 

This man!

Sneering, Shui promptly threw the man away and whirled around, ignoring his startled, pained grunt as he landed in a patch of hopefully-thorny groundcover. The guy was still chuckling quietly, so he doubted that he even cared that he'd been thrown. 

"Stay outside and cool your blasphemous head!" he yelled uncharacteristically as he stomped off back toward the palace, not bothering to look back even once!  

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