By LyssahTraicey

260K 10.7K 1.1K

After Savannah is released from a ten year murder conviction she discovers life outside prison is just as har... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Eleven

7K 322 32
By LyssahTraicey

"Time for bed."I announced for the third time using the most authoritative voice I could muster.

"But Savannah..." Three whiny voices pleaded simultaneously.

"No buts, I've already extended your bed time three times. Don't make me call your dad."I threatened hating the thought of having to call Nathan and ruining his first night out in God knows how long.

I didn't know why the kids didn't want to go to sleep yet I could see three of them already battling with sleep. Clara was already asleep having passed out after our second round of playing shoots and ladders.

"Up up everyone."I demanded getting up.

They knew I meant business so everyone got up picking up their phones and tablets that had been ditched earlier in the night. I picked up Clara and made sure I was last in line we all headed upstairs.

"I'll come check in on everyone in ten minutes so make sure you brush your teeth and change into your pajamas, I'll be the one to turn your lights off."I demanded.

I carried Clara into her room and changed her into a purple pajama set with cartoon grapes on it. I didn't want to wake her to brush her teeth so I shrugged it off hoping it was okay for her to skip one night. I set her teddy bear next to her and tucked her in. I switched on her night light and switched off the over head light. I kissed her goodnight and left the door slightly open just as she liked it.

I checked up on Ivy next who was already in bed.

I didn't get in, just stood by the door since she was old enough to tuck herself in.

"Did you brush your teeth?"I asked her.

"Yes I did."She replied.

"Good, have a good night."I said but she stopped me just as I was about to switch off the lights.



"Can you maybe help me with my hair tomorrow like you do with Clara?"She asked me quietly looking incredibly nervous.

My heart melted onto the floor as I resisted the urge to cry.

"Of course sweetheart, any style you want."I replied.

Her smile light up the room and I was glad to be the reason for it.

"Thank you, goodnight Savannah."Ivy whispered.

"Goodnight."I replied shutting off the lights and closing the door.

I took a minute to compose myself after Ivy's request. I'd known the kids were in need of a mother's love but Ivy had just shown me how bad it was for them. Nathan was a great dad and did his best, Josephine had fulfilled the nanny, housekeeper and grandmother role perfectly but nothing could replace a mother's presence. I was good at the housekeeping part and being a nanny was easy since Nathan was there to deal with all the emotional parts but did I want to invest my feelings knowing I wasn't ready to be a mom. They needed a mother and unfortunately I didn't see myself as one or ready to be one. I would do my best as their nanny but ultimately them getting a mom depended on Nathan getting into a relationship. The thought of Nathan with another woman made my heart clench in pain but I couldn't dwell on that. He was my boss and our relationship had to remain strictly on employer and employee basis.

I took a deep breath, cleared my thoughts and checked up on Ethan next. He was already asleep so all I did was switch off the lights in his room and switch on the night light.

It felt weird checking up on Daniel and Luke since they were older so I just knocked on the doors to remind them to turn off their lights and go to sleep. I waited a couple of more minutes and after all the lights were off I went back downstairs. I cleaned the living room and carried all the dirty bowls into the kitchen.

I was done for the day but I wasn't tired so I went into my room to grab a book to read and pass time. My phone rang as I was deciding which genre to indulge in. It was Freya calling so I picked up with a smile on my face. The chirpy bubble of joy was quickly becoming a good friend of mine and I liked her as she was a genuinely nice person.

"There's my favorite cowgirl."I greeted happily.

"I'm the only cowgirl you know."She retorted.

"True but you can still be my favorite."I replied finally picking a paranormal romance from my small collection.

"I'll take it. Anyway I was just calling to ask what you're upto being the night owl that you are."She inquired.

"Nothing much, Nathan went drinking with Raul and the rest of the workers so I'm baby sitting. Can I call it baby sitting if it's my job?"I questioned.

"No you can't. Wait a minute did you just say Nathan went out?"Freya exclaimed.

"Yeah."I affirmed.

"Wow, it's been years since he actually went out to have fun."

"He deserves it. I hope he has a great time."I said.

I had been surprised when Nathan had said he wanted to go out but also honored. It meant that he trusted me enough to leave the kids in my care so he could let loose.

"Yes he does. Next time he should bring you along."Freya declared.

"Then nobody will watch the kids. It's my job to be here so I can't go out drinking especially when Nathan isn't around."I replied.

"True so we'll just have to go out when Nathan isn't around then. I can show you Woodcreeks nightlife and teach you a couple of country dances."She proposed.

"That sounds amazing."I replied.

"Great, we'll make it happen. Since you're good, I'll leave you to your baby sitting duties. Goodnight Gracie."She teased using my second name.

"Goodnight Freya."I chuckled and hang up making my way up the stairs.

I picked up an extra blanket from the linen closet so I wouldn't be too cold outside. Everything was so quiet and peaceful, the air was fresh setting the perfect mood for a good book.

I sat on one of the rocking chairs wrapping the blanket around myself finding the perfect position to read my book. Kane and Cora came huttling from the barn running circles around me. They wore themselves out and settled at my feet like two fierce fluffy body guards. I opened my book and embarked on a beautiful journey of century old vicious but drop dead gorgeous vampires who had me completely hooked. I would forever thank Leona for getting me into reading fiction. There was just something ethereal about getting lost in between the pages experiencing a whole new world with each paragraph.

I must have dozed off after reading for a couple of hours because next thing I know I was being woken up by Kane and Cora's barks. I sat up with a start unaware of what they were barking at. I checked my phone and it was a few minutes past two am in the morning. I got up and focused my hearing trying to figure out what had the dogs so riled up. A few seconds later I heard it and it was the crunching or gravel under car tires. Looks like the guys had finally decided to come back home after being out half the night.

I picked up my book and blanket and went into the house. I placed them on the sofa and unlocked the front door waiting for Nathan since I didn't know how drunk he was.

Two trucks proceeded to the cabins where the workers lived while one was parked right infront of the house. Raul got out from behind the wheel while Austin jumped out from the back. I was about to ask where Nathan was when they went to the passengers side pulling out a very drunk Nathan from the seat. They half carried, half dragged him up the front steps towards me.

"What did you do to him?"I exclaimed in surprise.

I knew they had gone out to have fun but the man could barely hold his own head up.

"We might have let him drink too much."They replied looking at me sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes and stepped aside to let them in.

"We can't carry him up the stairs."They groaned looking up the long staircase.

"Just put him on the sofa, I'll take it from here."I replied.

They looked at me gratefully carrying Nathan to the living room. They dropped him on one of the sofas and he fell on it like a dead body. Were it not for the rising and falling of his chest I would have thought he actually dead.

"Are you sure you've got him?"Raul asked.

"Yeah you guys go and get some rest."I assured him.

They handed me his jacket, phone and wallet before leveling the house. I locked the door after them before going into the kitchen for a glass of water.

I walked back into the living room and made Nathan sit upright and drink all of it. It was a real struggle since he was barely conscious but I managed. I hoped those magazines I used to read were right and that water helped with hangovers.

"Now what do I do with you?"I asked looking at the sleeping giant.

I couldn't carry him up the stairs nor leave him on the sofa either since I didn't want to risk the kids seeing him in such a state when they woke up in the morning. I thought about what to do for a few minutes before coming up with the best solution. Nathan would have to spend the night in my room. It would be easier helping him downstairs compared to upstairs. I would sleep on the sofa and let him have my bed.

"Nathan."I shook the big guy awake trying to be gentle but firm.

It took a couple of more tries but eventually I managed to make him open his eyes.

"I need you to help me walk you to the basement."I informed him when he became alert.

"Four Savannah's."He slurred trying to focus his gaze.

"Oh yeah."I chuckled enjoying the cute look on his face as he tried to look at me.

"Yes four Savannah's."He declared in a drunken mumble.

"Which one is the prettiest?"I teased.

"All of them."He replied.

I knew it was a drunken confession but it made me smile nonetheless. Nathan thought I was pretty and that boosted my confidence more than anything.

"Thank you but I need to get you to bed. All you need to do is get up and lean on me, I'll do the rest."I requested him.

Nathan hiccuped and looked at me trying to cup my face but missing me. I chuckled and placed his hands on my shoulders. My hands went under his arms and in one swift move I pulled him up. He fell on me and we stumbled back but I managed to stabilize us before we fell. I adjusted our position so that one of his arms went around my shoulders and one of mine went around his waist. I held onto his arm bracing myself to hold up all his weight.

"Lean on me okay."I whispered.

He grunted his response and I accepted it since it meant he was lucid enough to at least understand me.

"Why did you drink so much?"I asked him as we stumbled forward towards my room.

"Savannah."He hiccuped.

"Yes it's me, I'm asking why you drunk so much?"I replied.

"Savannah."He repeated.

I rolled my eyes and realized that having a conversation with him would be hopeless.

When we got to the top of the stairs leading to my room I faced another predicament. The stairs were too narrow for Nathan and I to walk side by side.

"Let's see if lifting weights in prison amounted to anything."I groaned leaning Nathan against a wall.

I stood infront of him my back to his front and pulled his arms over my shoulders. I took a deep breath and lifted the giant of a man onto my back. It was like carrying a horse but at least I managed without breaking my back. I carried Nathan down the stairs to the basement thanking the heavens that I didn't drop him.

"Smells good."The drunk cowboy declared sniffing my neck.

"Thanks."I chuckled liking the honesty in his words.

I tried to be gentle while putting him on the bed but he ended up falling on it like a sack of potatoes. I took off his shoes and belt and set them down on a chair next to the bed.

"Savannah."He called out as I turned him to his side so he wouldn't choke on his vomit if he got sick.

"What's up?"I replied.

"Do you think Savannah likes me?"He mumbled his words stopping me on my tracks.

I didn't know why he would ask me that. The fact that he was referring to me in third person let me know that he was delirious but still lucid since he had called out to me.

"Why? Do you like her?"I asked looking at him.

His eyes were closed, his lips puckered with that lovely shade of pink that made them look so kissable.

"Very much."He admitted.

My breath hitched and I nearly fell. Nathan liked me? How?

"Does she like me back?"He mumbled sleepily.

"I don't know, you should ask her."I answered.

I didn't know if it was drunk confessions or he genuinely liked me. He probably would not remember most of what we were talking about which made me sad. A part of me hoped he was lucid so I could know if he really liked me. But was that really a good choice. If Nathan liked me back then that would make everything too complicated. I wasn't ready to commit to him especially with five kids in the picture.

"I'm scared."Nathan whispered.

"Of what?"I asked wondering what a big guy like Nathan had to be scared of.

"Savannah rejecting me."He answered taking me by surprise once more.

"She won't reject you."I found myself blurting out.

"How do you know?"Nathan challenged.

Part of me knew that if Nathan confessed his feelings for me, I would not be able to say no.

"I just know. Go to sleep, you can ask Savannah tomorrow."I replied torn between if I wanted Nathan to remember our conversation or forget it.

"I will."He declared.

"Good."I said covering him with my blankets.

It's a good thing I'd changed my sheets earlier so he was sleeping on a clean bed. I didn't turn of the lights in case he woke up in the middle of the night. Nothing disoriented one as bad as waking up in the dark in a strange room.

I watched Nathan sleep for ten minutes taking my time absorbing just how wonderfully sculpted he was.

I snapped out of the trance he had put me in and realized I was being creepy. I grabbed a pillow from the bed and made sure Nathan was as comfortable as he could be then left him. I turned off most of the lights in the house leaving the security lights on before making my way to the living too. I spread fresh sheets I'd taken from the linen closet on one sofa before dropping on it heavily. I was exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally.

My conversation with drunk Nathan had left me confused. Did he like me or was he just drunk? Yeah maybe the saying a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts didn't apply in our situation. I didn't want to raise my hopes up for nothing so I decided to wait until sober Nathan actually confessed his feelings. If he did then I would deal with it from there and if he didn't then I'd assume I'd misread the situation and work on getting over him. With that thought I tucked myself in and drifted off to sleep with the last thought on my mind being of Nathan calling me pretty.

I woke up at my usual time the next morning and went to check up on Nathan. He was still fast asleep and thankfully he hadn't vomited or anything like that. The only difference was that the man was sleeping naked on top of my bed with the covers tangled at his feet. Well not completely naked since he had his boxers on but everything else was on the floor. He must have gotten not at some point in the night and taken off his clothes. The man was indeed sculpted by the Gods from his buff chest, muscles arms, lean torso and those huge thighs. I really tried not to look but my eyes wandered to the huge bulge on his black underwear.

I shook my head and shifted my gaze to his prosthetic leg. I knew he had it but it was my first time seeing it. Should I even have let him sleep with it on. But I didn't even know how to take it off so that was not my responsibility. It looked like a normal leg just black in color.

Nathan moaned in his sleep and turned over to sleep on his stomach giving me a glimpse of his ass. I looked away feeling like a creep and gathered all his clothes putting them together with everything else on the chair. I ran up the stairs feeling all hot and bothered after ogling my boss naked.

I cleaned up my make shift bed returning everything where it was supposed to be and started on breakfast. I didn't set the table because it was Saturday and everyone woke up at their own leisure. I enjoyed my breakfast before the Lancaster's started waking up and updated the shopping list with things we were running out of.

The first one awake was Daniel and Luke since they had riding lessons to teach and stables to clean.

"Good morning boys."I greeted them when they walked into the kitchen.

"Morning."They mumbled and immediately dug into breakfast.

I continued working as they sat on the kitchen island talking animatedly between themselves about some drama in school. The next one to join us was Ethan followed by Ivy. Clara insisted on waking herself on Saturdays so she was last one still in her pajamas.

"Good morning sweetheart."I greeted picking her up and helping her onto one of the high stools.

"Good morning Savannah. Did papa come back?"She asked me and all the kids turned to me.

"Yes he did, pretty late so let's let him sleep in today okay."I requested her.

If they went searching for him they wouldn't find him in his room and I didn't have a plausible enough explanation as to why he was sleeping in my room.

Clara nodded letting it go and so did the everyone else. I made Clara a plate and refilled the juice pitcher. The kids had an obsession with fresh fruit juice so I always made sure to make enough and refrigerate it. After breakfast I set up food for the workers outside since they were already starting to wake up.

"How's the boss?"Raul asked me.

"Still asleep."I answered.

"Good let him sleep in, he was wasted."He replied.

I nodded and went back in to bring out the rest of the food. After the kids were done I took Clara up to her room and helped her dress up for the day. She wanted to spend the morning drawing so I set her up on the desk in her room and left her be. Luke and Daniel went to the stables while Ethan started preparing for his guitar lessons. Ivy would be spending the day with Shaday once again but this time they would be outside with her brothers.

I decided to make Nathan breakfast and carry it down to him finding some advil to help with the hangover. I was surprised to find the bed empty when I walked down to the basement. I set the tray down on the table wondering if Nathan had left the room. I would have seen him though seeing as he would have had to pass through the living room.

I didn't have to wonder long because the bathroom door opened and out walked a freshly showered Nathan with a towel around his waist. The man was wet from head to toe unlocking a fantasy in me I didn't know I had.

"Savannah."He exclaimed when he saw me.

"Sorry."I apologized turning around with my eyes closed.

"No it's okay, I should be sorry. I'm the one invading your space."He replied.

"It's your house."I choked out the image of naked Nathan in a towel invading my mind.

"Yeah but still this is your room. I'm sorry. How did I get here?"He asked with a nervous chuckle.

"I carried you."I answered.

"You what?!"He choked out.

"It was easier than carrying you up the stairs."I explained.

My back was still turned to him and even though I desperately wanted to turn around to look at him I didn't.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for kicking you out of your room and all that trouble you went through because of me. I didn't do anything embarrassing did I?"He asked.

When he asked me that I felt disappointed because it meant Nathan had no recollection of what had happened the previous night. All the drunken confessions were gone. It was sad but it was probably for the best. What was I thinking hoping he would remember? That he would confess he liked me and I'd tell him I felt the same. The we would kiss and live happily ever after. There was no happily ever after waiting for Nathan and I.

"No you were a surprisingly good drunk."I replied.

"Good, I'm glad."He chuckled.

I needed to get away from him and fast so I could go lick my wounds elsewhere.

"I brought breakfast and painkillers. I hope you feel better soon."I rushed out and with that I literally ran out of the room and back up the stairs.

"Thanks again."I heard him yell after me but I did not stop to reply.

I leaned against the wall once I was away from him and took deep calming breaths.

"It's for the best Savannah."I whispered to myself.

Nathan forgetting what had happened the previous night was the wake up call I needed.

Nathan and I could never be.

He was a great man and a wonderful father but I didn't fit into the Lancaster family. He needed someone who was ready to settle down and raise five kids with him and maybe a give him his own biological kids and that just wasn't me. I needed to get my act together and the best way to achieve that was to stay away from him. I would do my job diligently and avoid all association with Nathan that didn't involve his kids. Once I got over him then I would find someone new to fawn over. It was for the best.

With that thought in mind I retrieved the vacuum and got to work since its what I was hired to do in the first place.


I found myself referring to Nathan as Hunter a lot in this chapter. Looks like I'm still haunted by memories of my previous book. I already miss Nala and Hunter but their time is over. I've written so many books but Finally 22 is honestly my best.

If you have read more than one of my books which one is your favorite?

Incase I didn't fix all the names while editing comment and I'll change it.

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