Until | Taetzu

By jungjungshi

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"Don't you think temptation feels so good?" When Taehyung first saw the girl of his soon to be dreams everyth... More



189 34 3
By jungjungshi

                                                             "I'm not kind"

In fact, I attended the party, mainly because I needed a break from Jungkook and wanted to see him. I turn to gaze around as everyone is dancing to the music's rhythm drops, giggling and grinning while they converse with their significant other

someone taps on my shoulder, and I see Taehyung and Jimin, he gave me a loving smile as he hands me a cup of alcohol which I gladly took, and it was like a dream. The electricity I felt when our hands briefly touched was like the universe was about to fall apart or two worlds were ready to collide.

I had the feeling that he was reassuring me

 even though I didn't adhere to his god or his faith. As though he heard my prayers on a frigid night in this chilly land.

"you look beautiful as ever"

I prayed because I knew there's something so delicate about this time, so fragile. And even if nothing came out of it, at least I have known this beautiful feeling, the wonderful sense of love.

It's something I can always keep close by, like a ray of unrecognized sunshine, to draw on in my darkest hour. Whatever happens next, I'll always be glad to know there's someone like Taehyung in the world.

"I'm surprised Jungkook let you decide this time; he never fails to amaze me." Jimin shrugs with a tone of sarcasm and even nudged his dear friend who didn't move an inch, instead, he licked his lips and replied to me instead "are you sure he's not going to do anything bad to you after this?" I turn to look at him and for some reason I couldn't think straight

He appeared more attractive to me than before, even though I had always known he was handsome, and for some reason my heart was racing inside. My heartbeat became even more erratic as a result of the music, which greatly bothered me.

"Hi Taehyung!" random girls say with twinkling eyes as they wave at him, and when he waves back, they giggle and blush like petty tomatoes. gosh, I hate him so much; I hate Kim Taehyung with a passion. I don't know why, I just know that I hated everything about him, his smile, the way he laughed, his gorgeous face, the way he was so friendly to everyone.

Jimin rolled his eyes when, yet another group of girls came calling in adoring, sappy tones, saying "you're always the star of the show." I sigh and swallow down more drinks from the table to keep my mind off such foolish ideas. Jimin chuckles "You're too kind, Taehyung."

"I'm not kind" he said and looked at me

another girl came but this time she approached him physically, touching his muscular arm, dragging those annoying red nails across his precious skin "oh my! don't you look dashing Mister Kim!" a girl I was not familiar with came and talked to him as if they were close 

"Lani" Taehyung responded, I suppose that's her name


His eyes met mine, but I turned away and drank another cup even though I was already feeling lightheaded. Random thoughts about his relationship with this bitch here began to flood my mind. "I am busy right now, perhaps another time" he said.

oh, so he wants to talk with her in private, is that so?

or, am I ruining the moment right here?

tch, what a shame then, cause I am not moving 

"oh, okay" Lani stated with a sad pout, instantly releasing her tight grip on his precious arm, her eyes then shamelessly battled as she smiled "oh well, you look hot as ever Jimin, can't wait for you to sandwich me" I cringe from her words, almost threw up from it actually

I look at Jimin, gagging from her remarks, and scream "Well, you better get your ass out of here!" with furrowed brows.

She gave me a cold gaze as she quickly muttered "bye" before walking away

I see how her long hair waves with each stride she takes, how she appears older, and how perfectly she smiles. I turn to face Taehyung and worry about his relationship with the girl; after all, they are close.

"she's pretty" I say which caught his attention, his brows knit together in annoyance "so?"

"what's with the attitude" he walks past me and gets a cup of alcohol and sips on it "shouldn't I ask you that?" he smirks before suddenly leaning closer to me

so close I could smell the sweet sappy scent of his drink laced into his breath. It tickled my neck and raised the hairs on my arms, I stood, frozen never having felt this tingly before. 

"Oh? Is precious Tzuyu keeping tabs on little ol' me? How sweet."

"I'm not!" I blushed, finally moving away from him before he got too close. Taehyung sipped on his drink before clicking his tongue and cooing at my adorable pout.

"Don't tell me you're jealous sweetheart."

"Jealous?!? Of what?!"

"Of my nonexistent girlfriend." He smirked "I'd much rather be here with you anyways so don't worry baby I'm all yours." I flinch, pondering whether he's joking around or is serious

Jimin laughs while listening to his words

He was also insanely hot which angers me even more. How dare God make him so hot? What was the reason? Just to piss me off?

It was definitely working because I felt my blood boil as I watched that Lani dragging those ruddy nails on his arm

"stop playing around!-"

"I am not" he said straightforwardly which made Jimin say "oooooooh bars"


"hey Tzuyu"


I push myself to have a drink and utterly ignore him, drinking cups from cups till my head began to spin. thinking that maybe it could help, but I was wrong because it made him look more attractive than before

his beautiful hair, hazy eyes, and full lips were really distracting that I haven't noticed his words "Tzuyu? are you listening?" I snapped back to my thoughts and instantly sipped on the champagne that he gave me, oh dear, please calm down.

Champagne fizzed on my tastebuds and illuminated my senses with a gentle hum to match the warm effervescent glow of the lights that bounced off the crystal chandeliers and danced across the room in a shifting, sparkling dance of refracted color and silver. The champagne sip was cool as it hit my tongue.

Much like the shimmering lights, the people below them danced as well, their bodies mingling and moving in a makeshift synchronization to the well-known tune that blared from the DJ's speakers "uh, yes, I'm listening" I laugh humorlessly "I said, do you want to go to that secret place? I already asked permission from Jin earlier"

so, he wanted us to be alone even before I got here "um, sure" I nod and take his hand in mine, I caught the sight of him urging Jimin to leave using his mouth, I could almost laugh. each step took us farther from the music but upon arriving at the gazebo it could still be heard "that's a very loud sound system he's got there" I chuckle and felt him drape his jacket over my body

I smiled with a gentle "thank you" as we both sat on the table, memories of our previous moments at this place became to resurface, I swing my feet and bite on my lip from the sudden silence, our bodies were so close to each other, shoulders and thighs touching like we're just one "I'm glad he's not hurting you these days around"

I am glad as well, it's not a good feeling to be in pain both physically and mentally at the same time, but I am happy because recently I haven't gotten a single torture from Jungkook "I really want to do something about it, but I don't want to act without thinking about the bad sides"

"you're not mine" he stopped and looked at his shoes "for now."

after the confession, it was as if I was talking to the Taehyung two years ago, words and voice as sweet as those memories that I knew was supposed to be forgotten. the man that tried to be a new person is now just like the same one that I used to know, the loving one.

"Tzuyu, do I still have a chance?" he then looks at the sky filled with twinkling stars, it was dark, but the moonlight was dancing on top of us making the scene look more sentimental "I won't force an answer, but I do want you to know, if you allow me to, I want to be your boyfriend."

"And this time, for real" we looked at each other

"I'm in love with you"

my wide eyes were mirrored back in his similar expression, the laughter and amusement now replaced with a heavier tension that seemed to crackle with electricity between us. And if I thought his eyes were intense before, it was nothing compared to the overwhelming sensation of seeing them up close.

I gulped in hopes of moistening my drying mouth, though there seemed to be a lump in my throat the size of a golf ball and still growing in size. No matter how much I willed myself to move, I couldn't; it was as if I were an insect trapped in the web of a spider. All range of motion was completely lost as I were rendered helpless under his gaze.

It was when I noticed him glance down at my lips that my breath hitched and lodged in my throat to join the lump still there like a bolder that refused to move as if I needed anything else obstructing my airways other than the heat that was emanating between me at a temperature so stifling it was hard to breathe. And despite everything inside of me screaming at myself, I couldn't help but glance down at his lips as well now that I was painfully aware he was doing the same.

I felt my heartbeat pounding in my ears when I stared for a moment too long. It was just the alcohol talking—of course it was the term beer goggles was a thing, after all—but the strength of the sudden and overwhelming urge to kiss him startled me even in my intoxicated state. Never had a pair of lips looked so enticingly smooth and pink before; the contrast against his golden skin seemed to make him glow beneath the warm lighting of the dimly lit gazebo. 

he leans closer and closer, our nose already touching when I put a hand on his chest to stop

there was nothing to worry about, but why do I feel so conflicted?

"You don't have to be afraid" he says "I won't hurt you"

He kisses me then. His lips are soft-so, so soft, like velvet, a stark contrast to the roughness of the rest of him. His kiss is gentle, little more than breaths against my lips that I eagerly inhale, taking him in. I let out a soft moan, hardly catching it as he whispers, "unless you want me to."

A hint of a smile takes over his face when he pulls away

He's on me then, his hands seeking me out as his lips once more meet mine. None of the gentleness from a moment ago is in his touch. He seizes me, pulling me into his grasp, taking my breath away with his hard kiss. he pulls away and I respond "yes, you have a chance"

"I'm glad to hear that" Tae offered a soft, reassuring smile, and before I could register what was happening he had his hand on MINE in a tender, comforting gesture.

A jolt of electricity traveled from his touch all the way up my arm and across the expanse of my chest. my eyes flickered down to the image of his palm gently caressing mine before I gazed back up at him, heart pounding against my ribcage. Why did my body have such a visceral response to him?

"But, uh..." he looked away and cleared his throat, and I didn't think I was imagining the way his ears turned a bright shade of red "I'm sorry for the-the kiss, I got taken away by the moment" I chuckle "we've done it before, why are you so embarrassed about it now?"

"I'm not embarrassed!"

I raised a brow "oh really, you look so red right now about it"

"it is not! you started it first"

he rolled his eyes and glared at me "you didn't do the first move" he puff his cheeks like a child

"why would I do that?! you are so dramatic"

"because you like me too"

I widen my eyes and he continued "I just confessed to you and instead of kissing me you get mad instead. I get to be dramatic-"

"what makes you think I like you too?"


"What?" He smirked and I wanted to smack that sexy smirk right off of his face "You self-absorbed asshole- what makes you so sure I like you?"

"I just know, you don't actually hate me, I just make you feel things you don't understand."

Taehyung shrugs, he had me stunned again, how dare he imply that I like him. I feel called out, embarrassed that he'd read me so easily. 

well, he's right

Both of our chests were rising and falling from the passion of our heated argument. I searched his face waiting for him to yell another insult back at me, but when he didn't, my gaze fell to his parted lips that hung agape beneath the weight of his heavy breathing.

When he realized where my line of sight was directed, his brows knit slightly in silent question before his eyes glanced down on my lips as well.

When he spoke again, his voice took on a huskier tone. "At least I'm not scared."

I continued to search his face, unable to explain the butterflies stirring within me. "Scared of what?"

"Doing this."

And then suddenly his lips were on mine again.

His hands cupped my cheeks as his lips molded so beautifully against mine. Like a puzzle piece that finally found it's missing half, a kiss that felt like a complete piece of art

It was like an out of body experience. I had no idea my body could respond on such a visceral, kismet level as it was right now. Never had I experienced this feeling before, not even once in the past.

I didn't know why it was happening with Taehyung of all people. But now that it was happening, I didn't want it to stop.

I didn't hesitate to return the kiss; I don't think my body would've let me even if I tried. I was like putty beneath him, melting under his touch into a puddle of goo and surrendering all control to the logical, rational part of my brain, he pulled away and rests his forehead against mine

"baby" he said

"break up with Jungkook"

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