Only Because of His Personali...

By itzgibbie_unu

122 5 2

Belle Rushes around the school all day everyday, doing her work and attending her classes. That is until Ada... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

9 0 0
By itzgibbie_unu

"Why do you look so tired Belle?" I flinched at Lumiere's voice behind me.

"Well you know, staying up with you on the phone doing our project. The basic stuff" I say rolling my eyes, still walking.

I hear him huff "Well you could have told me you were tired, you know. We do have until the end of the month to finish. There's nothing to rush."

"Easy for you to say, I even had to do my homework last night after we got off the phone cause I didn't do it before you called me" I reply to him giving him a glare.

"Well, Now you know to tell me when your tired or need to stop. Okay?" Side-eyeing him, I'm hesitant at his statement but I nod anyway.

"Alright, now Ill see you later." I hear him say, his voice getting distant as I approach my locker.

I Sigh and grab my thighs out of my locker and make my way towards my class. I freeze when I see Adam around the corner.

I should go to him. Shouldn't I? I comply and walk towards him with a small smile on my face before I Tap on his shoulder. "Hey Adam" I say as I see him turn around from the sudden contact

"Ah, Hello Belle. How are you?"

"I'm good Adam, how are you?"

"I'm doing alright Belle. Do you need anything?" He says, looking away from my gaze.

"No I don't need anything I just thought I should come and talk to you since we are going to get to know each other eventually." I say my smile growing wider.

"Oh Alright. I'm going to go to class now. If you don't mind me leaving." He says closing his locker.

"Oh sure, I don't mind, I was just about to go too anyway. I'll see you later though "I say waving to him as I start walking away from him, going in another direction.

When I see him wave back and finally meet my eyes in the distance my eyes grow wide.

Turning around and trudging my way to my homeroom hearing footsteps all around me.

I hear large footsteps coming up behind me at a fast pace. Looking behind me I see the one person I don't want to see right now.

"Belle, why did I see you with him?" He says slowing down when he gets to me.

"Why would that concern you, Gaston? It's none of your business. Why are you following me anyway? Don't you always come the back way?" I ask him, venom lacing my voice

"It is my concern that I see my future wife hanging out with other guys, especially The Beast. And yes I do most of the time come the back way but I wanted to see you and walk with you to out homeroom, Because it's gentleman like."

I roll my eyes at him not wanting to speak to him anymore I speed up and go through a crowd to get him off of my tail.

When I get to the other side of the crowd, I don't see Gaston behind me anymore so I make my way to my homeroom, which is surprisingly not far from me.

I open the door to be greeted by Mr.D'Arque and a few other students.

Going to sit down at my desk and opening my book to the last page we stopped on.

Just before the bell rings students start flooding into the classroom and a few after the bell, which Mr.D'Arque told to sit down and they would be counted tardy.

Mr.D'Arque starts class while a lot of people doze off. I Mean who wants to be taught math first thing in the morning? Well I do cause the problems wakes me up because of how stressful they are.

He halts his teaching when there is a knock at the door. He trudges over to the door, opens it and says inaudible words that no one can hear, cause everyone is trying to get another to be quiet and other people are just leaning towards the door to get to hear the conversation with whoever is out there.

I sigh and put my head down trying to block out all the loud 'whispers' in the class.

"Alright, settle down, it's not even a big deal, you all need to stop being so dramatic." I hear Mr.D'Arque say. When I lift my head up I see him rolling his eyes and a guy standing beside him.

"This is the student joining y'all's homeroom. I don't care what he says or what you say to him, just get the introduction over with. And hurry up so I can finish my lesson for once!" He said, shaking his head going over to sit at his desk. Probably to read.

"Hello you all! My name is Bouch, You all can call me whatever you want, nicknames, anything. But I prefer you to call me Chef!" The new kid, 'Bouch' says with a big grin on his face.

A student raises his hand and Bouch looks at him letting him know that he's listening.

"Why do you prefer us to call you chef, Bouch?" A kid in the back says putting emphasis on his name which makes people laugh for some reason.

"Well I can cook, obviously. The name is not just for say, dufus." He replies with an eye roll. Dang this dude went from Nice to evil In two seconds. Those are some pretty bad mood swings.

"Well what can you cook?" Another voice from the back says.

 "I can cook almost anything. Some dishes are hard for me though" He replies, the venom leaving his voice. Major mood swings. 

I perk up at this and raise my hand unconsciously. When he looks at me I lower my hand and look away from his gaze.

"Can you cook croissants?" I say 

 "Yes I can actually, I was told by many bakers that I make the best croissants!" He says with his fist pumping in the air, maybe glad I asked that question.

"Alright, enough with the questions. Go sit in the most obvious empty seat, and sit there and let me finish my lesson, unless you know what to do." I hear Mr.D'Arque say with his now unusual gruff voice.


It's now gym period, again and I am listening to Lumiere's rambling about how Adam was about to beat him up.

Speaking about Adam, he's In this class with us right now because his elective teacher wasn't here and they don't have a substitute right now.

"Anyways, about Adam. Why is he sitting all the way over there?" I ask, lowering my voice.

Lumiere just stares at me like he didn't understand a word I just said.

"OH. Adam is sitting over there because he doesn't want to get picked on again for talking to you." He answers with a sadistic smile over his features.

My eyes widened"Why did he get picked on for talking to me? I'm not anyone special. Do you know Who did it??" I ask, trying not to say it too fast that Lumiere doesn't get it.

"I don't know. He would tell me. He said something about me telling you about it but..."He stops mid sentence, seemingly processing something "Oh. I see why he didn't want to tell me in the first place" He says finally getting it through his head.

I get up and walk up the bleacher towards Adam. Sitting beside him I see him tense up.

"Who picked on you for talking to me." I say, not even asking a question.

"I'm not supposed to be talking to you, so go away." He says, turning away from me.

Sighing I talk to him though he doesn't say anything back, until he does.

"If I tell you who picked on me, will you do anything about it?" He asks

I shake my head "No I won't. I would never do such a thing." I say fully lying.

"Alright, Ill tell you, but only if you promise me not to tell anyone. Not even Lumiere.

I nod and perk up"I promise"

"It was Gaston who did it. DONT, tell anyone. I don't want to create any more trouble than there already is."

Anger boils in my stomach. I don't know why I'm angry, it's not like me and Adam are close but it still hurts me to see him feel bad because of a dufus like Gaston.

"Alright, I won't tell anyone. But i'll be on my way. Class is almost over." I say with a ghost of a smile.

"See you belle." I hear him say as I walk back down the bleachers to Lumiere.

"SO what was wrong?" Lumiere asks practically begging for me to tell him

"I can say. I promised not to say anything." I know i'm not able to say anything, but I can do something about it.

"Awe, why not?" He whines

"Because he asked me to promise not to tell anyone." I grimace, cracking my knuckles unintentionally.

"So you're not going to be able to do anything about it?" He asks, his voice getting hard.

"I promised I won't tell anyone, and I did say I wouldn't do anything, but that doesn't mean I won't."

"Oh okay." and with that our conversation ends and my journey begins to ruin Gaston's feelings for me and anyone else.

Let it begin

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