It's You || D. "Sonny" Carisi

By Wolf_queen24

18.6K 208 3

The BAU and SVU come together under unusual circumstances to save their own. Secrets, lies, hidden pasts, fri... More

Authors Note


336 4 0
By Wolf_queen24


"This is bullshit."

Aphrodite sat at her desk inside the BAU finishing paperwork from a recent case. She was annoyed beyond belief. Paperwork was her least favorite thing to do after a case. Going to different states kicking ass and taking names weirdly fills her with unlimited amounts of joy. But this... this was excruciatingly painful. Almost worst than being tortured, except this is on a daily basis not just for twenty four hours.

"It's just a report. Doesn't Hotch normally do these?"

"Yeah, but since we're down a member of the team these reports are taking much more time to do," she groans looking over to Derek.

The entire team went to Texas for a case a few months prior. They were faced with a life and death danger as they unravelled a criminal conspiracy within a local Police Dept involving multiple murders, drugs, prostitution, and even illegal aliens. It's complicated. It was traumatic for the whole team hearing of Reid's involvement, him being shot that is. The trauma from reliving her son's death and almost losing Reid proved to be too much for Alex Blake, who unknowingly left her badge with Reid.

It's been hell trying to find a replacement. Since they've been down a member, though they have quite a few members already they were hit hard with cases. The load for paper work keeps piling higher and higher.

"You think Hotch will ever find someone new?"

She peered up from her papers looking to Reid who spoke and up to Hotch's office. He was speedily walking out of her office. She finished the remainder of her notes before closing it and adding it to the completed piled of files.

"Who knows," she whispers to him.

"You all can go home. Take some files if you wish but you all deserve the New Years off. Goodnight." With a box of files in hands he walks past them.

She shakes her head with a smile looking back to Derek and JJ. The two still have dozens of files on their desks. They look to the two pleading for help with puppy eyes.

"Sorry, kiddies, I haven't seen Sonny in five months and this is my chance."

They looked to Reid, "I'm visiting my mom. Sorry."

Aphrodite gives them a tight lipped smile with a supportive thumbs up before taking her jacket and go bag. "Enjoy."

"I hate you both," Derek says.

"Love you too, D."

She jogs to the elevator joint Hotch. The entire ride down was an eery quiet but she didn't complain. After sitting in a loud office space and desk chair all day she couldn't wait to go home to peace and quiet.

She waved Hotch goodbye as the elevator doors opened. She hopped into her car she thankfully was able to afford after her return to D.C months prior. Her new SUV carried a lot more space which she is thankful for. She drove to the airport parking in her assigned spot and ran into the airport with her luggage. She sprinted for the nearest ticket section and got her ticket.

After an hours wait and eating junk food she was finally able to board her plane to New York. She sent a text to Amanda asking her to pick her up and to not tell anyone about it including Sonny. She excitedly replied making her chuckle softly to herself.

As the plane lifted she opened up her carry on taking out dozens of opened letters.

It was their way of expressing their love for each other instead of phone calls and FaceTimes along with texting. They sent each other at minimum one letter weekly to stay up to date. They enjoyed sending each other little gifts with the love letters such as Polaroid photos as childlike as it is.

She reads the top three letters as they're more recent than the others:

Mi Amor,

If you are wondering how much I love you, wonder no more. You are the sun in my sky, the river that runs through my soul, and the very air I breathe. Before I met you, I didn't believe it was possible to love someone so deeply and completely, but you have given me faith that true love really does exist because I share it with you.


As cheesy and corny as it was she finds great joy in the little romantic words of encouragement he sends her. She appreciates the little things he does to make her happy.

To Whom This May Concern,

I am writing today to inform you that I have officially crossed the threshold of no return with you. You have shown me time and time again how absolutely sweet, generous, kind, and thoughtful you are, and I have to say, you have given me no choice but to fall head over heels, hopelessly in love with you.

Due to these previously unforeseen circumstances, I am now compelled to state in writing my current objectives and expectations: I intend to be yours now, tomorrow, and in perpetuity as long as you will have me, and I expect that you will go on being your absolutely marvelous self, and as long as these conditions are met, our contract can continue in good faith to the full satisfaction of both parties involved.

Also, I love you.
Awaiting Your Reply,

She could tell be the humor in the letter that he was happy. In fact the first time she read it she snorted in amusement. It didn't take much to figure he'd been in a good sarcastic and goofy mood. He gave her butterflies hearing he wants to be with her forever. Though they've only been together for nearly six months she finds pleasure in knowing they have the same priorities. One day permanently making each other theirs.

For My Alfie,

I keep a countdown of when I get to see you in person again and I have to tell you, there are days when I'm sure time is literally slowing down. How else can we possibly explain how long this time apart feels? When we are together, time just flies by. When we are apart, it ~ s l o w s ~ to an absolute crawl.

None of that really matters though, because no matter what, I'm here waiting for you. You are worth the wait, always, so I guess I'll just try to buck up and stand strong until I'm back in your arms again. I love you, mi Amor.

Forever Yours,

She tucks the letters back into her bag and stairs out the window of her glorious winter seat. She can see as they start to descend into Queens, specifically JFK International Airport.

With a beaming smile she was happy to step foot off the plane. She found Amanda, squealing when they got into close proximity of each other.

Yeah, this surely is going to be a fun New Years.

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