Every Crime, All Crime, Any C...

By Shaze321

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This sequel to my story Omega involves around Alex's daughter Lexi who's completely out of her mind, she's a... More

Chapter One: I never fail
Chapter two: I'm tired and angry, but someone else should be
Chapter three: Uncle (Alex's POV:)
Chapter four: She knows (Lexi's POV:)
Chapter five: I was born in a city that never sleeps
Chapter six: A dinner with all the ghosts and the drug addict leads to madness
Chapter seven: I'ma let you in on a little secret Sometime later:
Chapter eight: The new beginning (Lexi's POV:)
Chapter nine: Manifestation
Chapter eleven: Surgery
Chapter twelve: Bloodlust
Chapter thirteen: The beginning of an end of an era

Chapter ten: Who is she?

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By Shaze321

Lexi returns Jax's hug and smiles sadly. "I'll be alright, don't ever worry about me, Kid." Her red eyes become more luminous as tears bubble her eyes, but she wipes them.

"I will worry, mom. All that Sunsyn isn't good and your health—" Jax pauses.

Lexi puts her hands on Jax's shoulder and tries to hide her frown."I know, I know, and I don't want to put this burden on you because I know you're dealing with losing your dad and the war. I'm in a life and death situation with Sunsyn, if I don't have it daily I could die, but I will die either way. Sunsyn does put a toll on the body, but please don't worry about me, okay?"

Jax nods.

"I'll make you lunch in a bit."


Lexi goes in her office, shuts the door, sits down in her chair, then gets the machine and cord out of the drawer of her desk. She hooks up the cord to the patch on her stomach, turns on the machine and adjusts the dose of Sunsyn she needs, and it injects the Sunsyn in her. Lexi's red eyes start glowing,  she begins searching for more. She finds a needle of spare Sunsyn and flicks it, injects it. She lets it all kick in, her veins pop out, everything's moving in a faster pace. She starts laughing uncontrollably, but covers her mouth so Jax couldn't hear. The sigils on her arm start bleeding and lightning starts to crackle. She starts breathing heavily through the pain, but all that goes away.

Lexi begins to fidget with her hands and looks up to a Neighbor member calling her name. She asks, "What is it now?"

"Boss, we kinda have a problem—well, you do," he says.

"Hm?" Lexi vocalizes, still out of it, unbothered to hide her Sunsyn supplies.

"The word is someone hired someone to gun you down."

Lexi smiles evilly. "Oh? Who?"

The man shrugs. "She doesn't appear to be from here nor the human universe."

"Another universe? I mean, it's possible," Lexi comments. "The world gets weirder every day."

"I'll go out if I can see her, but you do know a hitman wouldn't just hide in plain sight, right?"

The man just gives her silence as a sign of respect.  "I'll go on my own.  I'm sure I can handle it."

The man nods. Lexi's smile gets wider. "Also,  don't dare follow me? Hear me?"  The man nervously nods.

Jax comes in the office and sits on the desk. "Are you seriously going to chase and try to kill somebody who may be more powerful and dangerous than you? Don't take that as an insult, I know you're very powerful and dangerous, after all, you're the crime lord of Devil Town," they say.

Lexi faces her daughter.  "That is a possibility." She puts her Sunsyn supplies away. "But what did I tell you?"

"I don't need worry about you..right," Jax repeats.

Lexi caresses their cheek. "Alright, I'm going to make lunch, then after, I'll be going out."

Lexi goes in the kitchen then gets the loaf of bread and opens the fridge for the deli meat, cheese, and mustard. She gets a knife to spread the mustard. She prepares two sandwiches for them both and puts chips on their plates. She puts all the things away and carries the sandwiches to the table. "Jax, lunch is ready."

As they're eating, Lexi's hands start to shake and with every bite she takes, it would fall. "Shit!" Lexi keeps yelling. The shaking stops, but Lexi becomes fidgety, she continues to eat. Jax's expression switches from the face of feeling at home and feeling like they could relax since the war to a face of constant fear, worry, and anxiety, but they remind themselves that Lexi's gonna be okay and everything's gonna be okay. They help Lexi clean up. Lexi puts her gun in a holster then kisses Jax's forehead. "I'll be back later, okay? Behave."

"Can I go play with my friends?" Jax asks.

"Sure. Just call me if you get scared or when you want to be picked up."

Jax nods.

Lexi gets a device that is similar to a glow stick and firework combined and hands it to Jax. "If you get lost, I would know where to find you," she tells them. She also hands them a pistol and shows them how to use it. "If anyone ever f####s with you or hurts you, you whether call me, signal me, I shoot them or you do it, but it's totally up to you"

Jax feels it and plays with the device. "Thanks."

Lexi smiles. They go to the car Lexi checks if she has any extra bullets in the center console. She drives Jax to the soccer park where their friends are playing.  Lexi parks in a secluded spot gets on her phone, hooks it up to her computer. She gets on the inter dimensional radar she puts search for new beings, the radar starts beeping and pointing at the club. Lexi gets out of the car and hides the computer. She follows the radar on her phone to the club. Loud music is playing, large crowds of people are dancing, drinking, talking, passing drugs like hot potato, although it's only lunchtime, it's never too late or early for Sunsyn addicts, the bitter chemical citrus smell is all throughout the club with cigarette smoke. 

Lexi hides her phone, puts the radar on vibrate, and stops at the bar. "Just pour me something strong," she demands.

The bartender gets scared when she loudly puts her head on the bar and lays lazily on it. The bartender nods and pours her a cup of a mixed drink. The drink is bright red, sweet  like blood, exactly what Lexi likes. Lexi licks her lips and chuckles. "I  'preciate it."

She takes a sip and plays with a straw. The radar buzzes moments later when Lexi finishes her drink. A tan skinned, purple eyed girl with short black and red dyed hair in a white buttoned shirt and a gray vest with gray dress pants, brown dress shoes, and white gloves sits beside her. "Pour me a cup of vodka," the girl says.

Lexi looks at the girl and the girl looks at her, but looks back at the bartender, not even a word of acknowledgment from Lexi or her to one another.  "You thugs just don't know how to ask nicely, don't ya?" the bartender comments.

"Aww c'mon, talk. Who got you in a bad mood?" the girl asks.

"Everyone just bosses me around here just because they think they rule this city," the bartender tells her.

Lexi scoffs. "Because we do. It's been like that for centuries."

The bartender pours the vodka.

"So, you're the crime lord, huh?" the girl asks.

"Yeah," Lexi replies. She laughs awkwardly as she stares into the purple eyes.

The girl walks in the crowds Lexi follows her into the crowd then out of the club. Lexi pins her against the wall in an alley, grabs her neck, uses all her strength. The girl starts choking on her blood, but manages to point her gun at Lexi's head. "Any last words?"

Lexi chuckles with a flirtatious smile. "I should be asking you that, darling."

"Totally fair for a serial killer and just a hitman," the girl comments.

"Don't give me that pity. What's your name? Who sent you?"

The girl introduces herself, "V Wren, DTPD," then she stays silent.

"You're playing that game, huh?" Lexi asks.

She tries to choke her again, V falls to the ground like a rag doll. Lexi repeatedly punches her, but V hits her with a gun and left a bump on Lexi's forehead. Lexi rubs it.   V leans on the wall and passes out. Lexi kicks her slightly to make sure she's unconscious. Lexi carries the girl to her car and drives back to the apartment.

Thuja bangs on the bars of his cell when Lexi comes, carrying the girl all the way down to the basement and handcuffs her to a chair, he makes weird growls and grumbles with his distinct big muscles and yellow veins.  Lexi smiles.  "It's time for your daily meds."  She drags another chair down and the Sunsyn supplies she opens his cell then quickly closes it. She puts a collar on him that shocks him to force him to calm down. He whimpers when it shocks him, Lexi sits down and flicks a Sunsyn needle. "Don't move silly,  I might hurt you. It'll only hurt a bit." She injects it into him.  She quickly moves out of the cell with the chair then throws some organs in there. Thuja begins eating ravenously.

Lexi gets herself a snack, cleans the blood off her gloves and her face, she moves the chair to watch the unconscious girl. Thuja finally regains some human function and consciousness after the Sunsyn kicks in and says, "You sick bitch." He retches all over the ground.

Lexi's red eyes glow. "For that, here, clean that shit up," she says in annoyance and disgust. She starts snarling but controls it as she hands  him cleaning supplies.

Lexi sits down in the chair and takes off the crime lord jacket. She continues to fidget, becoming impatient for  unconscious V  to wake up and waiting for her kid to call her. She checks if she missed any calls and texts from Jax; still nothing from them. She quickly dials Jax's number. "Mom? What's up?" Jax answers.

"I was just checking on you if you were okay," Lexi says.

"Yes, mom, I'm okay."

"Well, it'll get dark soon so I probably will come to pick you up unless you plan to be walking home."

"I'll walk home. I'll be home for dinner."

Lexi hangs up.

The purple eyed girl finally wakes up and tries to get her gun but can't. "Where am I? Where did you take me?" V asks with a shaky breath.

"Oh, you're awake? Want this?" Lexi's voice changed drastically, fidgeting with V's gun. The ruby red demonic eyes, just shining in the dark room. Lexi smiles evilly and flirtatiously. "I'm not going to kill you just yet, darling. You're too pretty." She caresses her cheek.  "Why are ya scared? I won't bite."

V's shaky breathing becomes worse, her purple eyes sparkle with tears.

"Tell me what you are and where you. Those eyes are foreign around here. I haven't seen the color in the human universe."

"I'm from the human universe, I'm a witch. Heard of them?" V replies. "What about your eyes?"

Lexi is silent for awhile and all V hears is her footsteps becoming distant and books being thrown. "Yes. Never saw one though," Lexi says. "I'm half demon half werewolf. My eyes used to be blue."

"Interesting because werewolves only change color when they experience extreme emotions and they transform and demon eyes only change when they experience extreme emotions and use their powers," V comments.  "What are you looking for?"

  Lexi sits back down. "'So, the assumptions and stories that witches are essentially more powerful than demons are true?"

V shrugs off all the fear and looks at Lexi who's also a mess, very fidgety and paranoid about Jax and other things. "Scared now, huh?"

"Impossible!" Lexi yells. "Demons have much more advanced magic plus we're more vicious."

V scoffs. "Advanced magic? I'll live to see that, your magic hasn't been advanced since the 16th century. The same old sinister magic."

Lexi growls, her red eyes glowing, lightning crackles out of the sigils on her arm. V concentrates very hard, her purple eyes glow, and the handcuffs magically are off her hands. A flash of orange appears as Lexi teleports, lightning is still crackling out of the sigils on Lexi's arm,  a purple flash of magic is powering in V's palm. "Don't do it, I'm warning you right now, Lexi!" V threatens.

Lexi laughs maniacally. "Or else?"

Lightning hits V in the chest. She holds her chest wincing in pain. Pain suddenly hits Lexi her, she's screaming bloody murder as hair is growing on her. V backs up. A blonde wolf snarls right in front of her with drool and foam coming out of her mouth. Instead of being thirsty and craving for it, Lexi transforms back into her regular self coincidentally when a flash of purple hits her and she hears V's nervous heart race. Lexi breathes rapidly after transforming and gets up as she groans in pain. V handcuffs her and teleports to the police station.

Salem's yellow eyes widen and he meows as he sees his master return. He walks toward V and Lexi. Lexi tries to kick him, but V throws her in a cell. Hair stands up on Salem, hisses at Lexi, Lexi growls at him with her glowing ruby red eyes. Lexi grips the bars of the cell and starts chuckling. V rolls her eyes. "You think everything is funny, huh?" 

"You might think you won, witch, but you're an idiot..." Lexi comments.

"You're in a jail cell and weak, nice try." V replies.

Voices crowd Lexi's head. "How did you let her take you?  You said you never fail."

Lexi's eyes glow. "I don't!" she shouts. The sigils flash, she opens her hand and makes a fist. V holds her neck as she gasps for air. Salem meows loudly, hits Lexi with his magic, making a shock collar appear on her.

Lexi chuckles. "Not today, kitty." She shows him her teeth and snarls as hair starts growing on her.  Lexi reverts back to her regular self, her veins are yellow, V's purple eyes widen. "I see, you are still quite nervous even when the drug helps the monster stay away..."

"So what I am?" V replies. "You're crazy...and a freak!"

Voices laugh at Lexi. "V's right,"

"Shut up!" Lexi holds her head and bashes it on the wall repeatedly. "Stop that!" V yells. She stops Lexi with her magic. Lexi escapes and continues to hurt herself and starts hysterically crying. "Ugh! You're so difficult! I'm going to need some help here."

A group of officers run down to Lexi's cell. "Send her to the hospital then make a referral to the psychiatric center," V tells them.

Lexi says, "I can't go to the madhouse..."

"'S that so?" an officer comments as he tases her.

"I'm only getting started!" Lighting starts to crackle out of the sigils and the floor starts to erupt. However, Lexi starts to seize, drool, and foam begins to come out of her mouth.

Jax's POV:

Jax and their friends stop playing basketball to see the ground erupting. Jax gasps and freezes up in fear. They hold onto the ground and their friends help them to get up. "Hey, it's okay. We're gonna get out of this mess." Jax and their friends draw sigils on the broken ground trying to fix it with magic. The ground still erupts. Group of Neighbors members come to help—unfortunately, some are swallowed, some are severely injured.

Jax breathes rapidly as they hold her arm and trying to stop the eruption. A quick flashback of the explosions, destruction, the cries and screams as people let out watch their loved ones die, the stampeding werewolf soldiers of the war flashes before Jax could blink and their dad's gruesome corpse appears in front of them. "Jax..." he says in a haunting voice.

The flashback makes Jax get the sigils stop glowing red slow down the eruption. They whimper as they get hit. The Neighbors members run to them.

(Back to Lexi's POV:)

Lexi wakes up. She gets startled and her ruby red eyes widen as she sees the grey haired ghost in a lab coat with the gray eyes, she stumbles across the room and breaks the clear emergency container with her bare hand. She grabs the gun that was in the emergency container then cocks it once.

"Hello, my daughter," Jack says.

"What do you want this time?" Lexi points the gun at him.

"I don't get a 'thank you? Easy! Easy! Easy! You don't want to damage yourself again."   Jack helps Lexi stabilize her, but he already knows her legs are weak and everything else is weak.

Lexi sighs as she leans on Jack.  "I'm tired. I'm not as strong as I used to be right now, so leave me alone, okay?"  Lexi starts to freak out. "Shit! Shit! Jax!"

"Calm down, Lexi..." Jack tells her. "Your body needs rest. Anxiety will only make you worse."

"But my kid! Please tell me you know they're okay!"

Lexi rushes in Jax's room even if she struggles to walk with a limp.  Jax who's unconscious lays on a hospital bed perfectly still and they dry blood that was pouring out. "I'm so sorry!" Lexi cries as tears flow down her cheeks. She holds their hand. "They need your help!"

"Do you understand the consequences?" Jack asks. "I mean, look at you...like a beautiful corpse that was brought back from the dead, but not fully dead yet."

"They can't die, they can't," Lexi replies as she lays them down on the examination table and kisses their forehead.

"I understand, but remember Lexi, this is for your own good."

"What are you doin-" Lexi pauses as Jack injects her with a tranquilizer drug in the neck.

"Mom!" Jax cries.

Jax's POV:

Jax's dad's corpse appears in front of them again, his flesh decaying and bones showing. "You're doing fantastic, sweetheart. It's almost done," he tells them. Lexi wakes up, still stumbling. Lexi holds their hand while Jack injects a small dose of Sunsyn. Jax screams in pain as the drug rushes up to their bloodstream. Lexi's eyes widen again when Jax hugs her, but her eyes enlarge in a sense of relief, although a strange feeling she usually never feels overwhelms her. Jax's face is full of constant worry. The flesh and blood is drooping on the floor.

"What the f#### is that?" Hair grows on Lexi and her red eyes glow brighter.

"You can see him too?" Jax asks.

Jack gulps.

The corpse disappears, it fades in the darkness of the hospital room.

Lexi reverts back to her normal self, she heavily sighs after the de-half transformation. She collapses on the ground, struggling to get herself back up. Jax runs to help their mom stand up. Lexi holds her arm with the sigils, Jax sees the blood from the sigils and Lexi's wound from the streak of V's magic. Jax starts to sob in Lexi's arms not caring how bloody she may be, not caring about the stench of rotten flesh and blood and Sunsyn on top of that, fresh blood from the wounds, and Lexi didn't care how much pain she is in and wraps her arms around Jax tightly. With her arms still around Jax, Lexi's one hand reaches the back of Jax's head.

Jack comes to whisper in Lexi's ear. Lexi's ruby red eyes enlarge again, but this time it's uneasy. "I hate to do this to you, kid, I'm not coming home today, but hey wipe those tears I'll be alright I'm just staying here for a little longer." Lexi kisses Jax's forehead, wiping their tears.

"What do you mean, mom? How long?" The sadness quickly combines with anger and disappointment.

"I don't know, but I promise I'll return to you and we can do whatever you want," Lexi says.

"Don't die on me," Jax replies.

"I won't." Lexi gives them last one forehead kiss and breaks their hug. V comes in the dark hospital room. "Jax...this is V, she's gonna take care of you until I get back, okay?"

Jax looks back at the officer with a skeptical face, it's still full of worry, but now with uncertainty. "You sure I can trust her?"

Lexi struggles to kneel down, but she manages. She puts a hand on Jax's shoulder. "You worry too much and I don't want you to. I know you have a lot going on in that complex mind right now and that's valid and everything may seem it's falling apart, but I promise to you it'll be eventually okay," Lexi tells them. She looks at V. "Red will take care of you, rest that worrisome head of yours."

Jax helps Lexi stand up. "Red? Huh, you have a nickname now? I see how you are, Zummer," V says with a wry smile.

Lexi smiles quickly, but hides it.

Lexi looks at V. "Take care of them for me. They have severe trauma, just be careful with whatever you do," she whispers to her.

"They're in good hands, but you should worry about yourself," V comments.

Jax breaks the two women away,  takes Lexi's crime lord jacket and gloves, wears them. "Hey, mom. Can I wear your stuff?"

"Sure, Kiddo."

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