The Pieces of their Lives

By CharmedKS1997

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My works More

Seemingly Perfect
Ice Queen
High School
The Broken Cinderella
Tum Hi Ho Translation
Wedding Vow
Illusion of Innocence
The One that got Away
Meant to Be
The Miracle Girl
The Wrong Time
Tying the knot
The Show Must Go On
Changed for You
Little Brother
Life Isnt Fair
Sticks and Stones

The Queen Dextra

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By CharmedKS1997

There was a naive young queen at one time
Whose beloved mother died before this rhyme
Unlearned in the rules of reign
She had a pretty face, but not her mother's brain
She did not know how to rule the land
But she could be fashion's right hand
The ball gowns and the beauty she saw
But not how to enforce the law
Long live the queen, but not her subjects
Her kingdom had to be morally perfect
Sacrifices were not in her book
Neither was was survival by the look

Queen Dextra was her name
For she was as righteous as they came
Although she had studied for many years
Nothing could prepare her for the people's fears
About attackers and thieves alike
Probably because she could not fight
Her mother's death had shocked her core
Queen Dextra began to long for
A righteous land with no loss of life
A place where nobody would fear strife
Unfortunately, the kingdom ran on blood
Even the Queen could not stop the flood
Her mother's advisor was a wise man
Under him the palace ran
She'd put her life in his hands
A mistake that might cost her her lands
For he used his knowledge for trickery
Something the new Queen could not see
He knew that life was merely a pawn
And that the Queen had only seen dawn
The kingdom was a terrible place
Of which the Queen had just had a taste
She was about to learn how to rule
And it wouldn't include being a moral fool

"Hello your majesty! How do you do?"
"I'm fine Vulpes! How about you?"
(The advisor was Vulpes, like a fox
Curiously enough, he also enjoyed lox)
"Good my dear. Today you must see the Sir Byron, a noble
Your power comes from them you have ennobled
You must keep the nobles in good favor
Or the name Queen will soon lose flavor"
So Dextra saw the land and food bearers
Making sure not to make any errors
For them was where her money came
And them was where it could return all the same
She knew to respect those who held her crown
But her mother's willingness to obey them had made her frown
Queen Dextra wanted a different rule
One where the nobles didn't use her like a tool
So she would see them, but what Vulpes didn't know
Was that she would prove to be a formidable foe
She wouldn't bow to their ideas and whims
She was Queen Dextra, and she knew how to win

Sir Byron came in at five
In his beautiful clothes and on white horses he arrived
He needed to know that the young Queen
Was as pliable as she seemed
Her mother had helped the nobles dearly
Adhering to their every need
So today he would test the daughter
To see who she would slaughter
In order for the nobles to be at peace
And for the fighting over her power to cease
Her majesty the Queen entered
"Hello Queen Dextra, 'tis a pleasure to meet you and your mentor.
Vulpes helped your mother a lot as well
At least, before she fell
Now I have some demands
You'll follow them to keep your lands
If you don't want the castle to starve
Then take out your knife to carve
Off the head of my enemy, Lord Joseph
Or survival will become hopeless
Excuse me for my bluntness
But I like to jump right into business
I consider small talk a bore
And beating around the bush is something I abhor
So tell me your highness
Will you do what I ask
Or will you repeat the past
Your mother tried to refuse
Forgot that she was there for our use
And then suddenly she was gone
Like you, she was merely a pawn
That I can get rid of if I'd like
So before you rebel, think twice
Just as easily as you put on your crown
We can make you fall down."
"Sir Byron. I am the Queen
Don't underestimate me
I will not do your bidding
For that would be sinning"
Vulpes pulled the Queen aside
"Your majesty, you must abide!
The nobles can be your downfall
But only if you disobey their call!
Look at your mother now
She's in the ground because she didn't allow
For one person to die
It is only one life
Unimportant in the grand scheme of things"
The Queen was appalled, she wouldn't let herself be on strings
"Every life is important, no matter how many are left
And you might want to think that way, it's for the best."
She held her ground to face the rich
"I'm sorry Sir Byron, but there seems to be a hitch
in your plan to hurt another. I --"
At this note Vulpes spewed out a lie
"She'll think about it, that's her answer
Come back at three tomorrow, sir."
"Very well" the noble said
"But no response tomorrow and we'll have her head"
The Queen spoke, "There's no need
You must leave, because I won't commit such a horrible deed
Guards take them away!"
"You'll regret what you have said today!"
"No Sir Byron, I don't think I will!
You see, I am the queen and of you I have had my fill!"

Later that day Sir Vulpes approached the Queen
He had to comment on what he had seen
"Your mother, my dear, kept the kingdom running.
If you don't obey this Lord, you will face a stunning
wrath. There will be no food
All because you were rude
If you don't want the people to rebel
You'll obey the nobles or find out firsthand how your mother fell."
"Oh Vulpes, how nice of you to care
and how brave of you to dare
To question my decisions
I am very careful and I have precision
I have a detailed plan
To run this kingdom according to me, not that man
My mother did things differently
But I will keep my dignity
We will no longer trade a life for a life
I don't consider it right."

A day or two after this speech
Sir Byron decided to teach
The Queen Dextra a lesson
In the noble's aggression
If she wouldn't kill his enemy
Then the Queen would surely see
The death of Lord Joseph would speak for itself
And the Queen would have to rethink herself
Two days later she got word
That for Byron, all reason had blurred
He had taken another's life
In order to cause strife
So she would show him fight
"Bring Sir Byron here. I need to make things right."
Vulpes thought the Queen had finally seen reason
But instead she wanted to punish the noble for treason
When he arrived at the gate
He came in with haste
He too felt the Queen would obey
And he had a few more demands he needed to say
The Queen, however, had other plans
She planned to jail the man

And so Lord Byron came into the palace
Expecting a warm return and a golden chalice
"So my Queen you finally understand
You must listen to me to keep your land
At least you wizened up in time
Otherwise I could have made your reign an uphill climb
You have realized though
That I am an unbeatable foe."
The Queen laughed cruelly
"Is that really what you think of me?
I don't give up so easily
I won't be inviting you over for tea
No Sir Byron, instead you will pay the price
Because you did not take my advice
You murdered a man in cold blood
So now you will be dragged through the mud
You will be punished dearly my friend
Spending all your time in a cold, lonely cell, where you will meet your end
Guards take him away
For he has gone astray!"
"You can't do this Queen
The world you have not seen
It will hurt you in every which way
Until you have no choice but to betray
All your values and morals
And then you'll regret your quarrels
With those who have money
Oh you young naïve honey"
"I will never regret this Lord Byron
For you are a murderous tyrant
Who deserves what he's going to get
This kingdom is now my chess set
And I know how to win."

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