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She walked away
There was no warning
One day she smiled
And the next, I cried

Her messy apartment
With banana peels
On the kitchen counter
And clothes strewn on the floor

Now the floor could be seen
It was brown, I hadn't noticed before
Somehow the kitchen counter wasn't yellow
Instead an old grey

Candles that stood on the mantel
The clock that hung over the tv
The flowers she kept on the windowsill
Stick on stars on the bedroom ceiling

The mantel, once bright with light
Dull and black, no color left over
Holes in the wall from the memory of a time
When a clock had hung

The beauty of nature was long gone
Dead, with no cheer left over
No more stars left to brighten the night
And scare away dreaded monsters

Old sheet music on the desk
Family photos on the wall
Bedspread with a flowery pattern
The calendar on the mirror

Neat old desk that I had never seen
Took the place of a treasured spot
The walls bare as I had never known
Happy memories gone away

Bedroom was so large
Now that her laughter was gone
Only me and my broken heart
To lose track of every new day

The Happy Bday sign in the hall
Dream catcher under the doorway
The bow tied to the doorknob
And the Christmas wreath she never removed

Happiness was no longer here
Signs of hope did not belong
Dreams had once been caught and nurtured
But now dreams were gone

The door felt so empty
No cheer to welcome me inside
Just a lonesome door
Who's flaws could now be seen

She walked away
There was no warning
One day she smiled
And the next, I cried

The Pieces of their LivesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz