Tum Hi Ho Translation

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What am I when I don't have you?

You are the one who keeps me here (x2)

You and I can't be divided

If I lose you, I will die

Because it's only you

It's only you

My life, is for you

In peace

In pain

My love is for you

Only you

We feel so good together

I can't stand to be apart

Everyday I live for you

I give you all my time

I never want to be without you

Every breath I breathe is for you

Because it's only you

It's only you

My life, is for you

In peace

In pain

My love is for you

Only you

Only you

Only you

I only lived for you

I gave you everything I had

Your love cared for me

Took all the sorrows from my heart

I can't bear to be separated from you

You make me complete inside

Because it's only you

It's only you

My life, is for you

In peace

In pain

My love is for you

Only you

Because it's only you

It's only you

My life, is for you

In peace

In pain

My love is for you

Only you

The Pieces of their LivesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora