This Cinderella is a Player

By StorySpinner

8.1M 95.2K 15.2K

Tiana moves to a new town with her wicked step-mother and evil step-sister Harriet. Call it a modern Cinderel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Interview of "This Cinderella is a Player" characters!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Tiana tells How to Hook a Guy
Tiana Tells How to Hook a Guy (Continued)

Chapter 11

228K 3.4K 1K
By StorySpinner

                                                                          Chapter 11

“This is where you will heat the food…” I explained to Marylyn while pointing at the microwave.

“I know that silly girl,” she rolled her heavily made-up eyes and stomped her foot. “The point do I heat it?”

I picked up the grilled sandwich kept next to the microwave on the shiny granite slab and shoved it into the microwave. I set the temperature and pushed the button.

“Wow, it goes round and round,” Marylyn said gleefully looking at the sandwich rotating inside.

I stared her, doubting her sanity. Every person on the face of earth knew how to operate a microwave, except for my lovely step-mother. It wasn’t surprising though, taking into consideration that she had never stepped into the kitchen to work. I tried not to roll my eyes as she watched the rotating sandwich like a puppy dog watching a piece of meat being swayed in front of its face.

“So, you understood?” I switched the micro off.

She ignored me and opened the microwave door. Marylyn shoved her hands inside to take the sandwich out before I could stop her.

“HOT! HOT! HOT!” she nursed her hand and jumped all around the kitchen as I stifled a giggle. She was going to have a lot of fun without me. I wish I could bug the entire house with cameras which recorded her effort to work while I would be gone. I’m sure if I sent those videos to a show called, “Stupidest people ever”, her video would be on the top of their list.

“Oh…are you hurt?” I said trying to sound concerned.

“No, it’s tickling. Of course you idiot! Go fetch some ointment and bandage for me; I will be in my room. I’m sure I’ll have to get treated for 3rd degree burns,” she snapped at me.

“It’s not that bad…”

“How would you know? You didn’t get hurt. I’ve a good mind to cancel your camping trip,” she grumbled.

“Okay then we’ll go for the mother and daughter project,” I shrugged nonchalantly.

“You’d like to see me suffer…wouldn’t you? You evil girl?” she walked out of the kitchen wincing.

I was really looking forward to the trip. Three days away from the devil and her minion…how couldn’t I like it? Oh, sweet freedom. I had already packed my bag for the trip. My bag consisted of a two super hot dresses, three dressy tops, short jean shorts, skinny jeans and a denim micro mini skirt. I know it sounded a little over the top but I had to tame Blaze by hook or crook. He had scored more than me in the game that we were playing due to his surprise visit to my ‘house’. This time he was going down.

“TIANA!” I was zapped out of my wonder world by Marylyn’s voice.


“Did you get a hot top?” Chas asked me as we climbed in the bright yellow school bus.

“Well…” I hesitated.

“You didn’t! Did you?” she glared at me and stopped in the way resulting in student traffic as the way to climb the bus was blocked by her.

“Miss Lane!” Mr. Kingsley thundered.

Chase shook her head and moved along, “I was counting on you.”

“Listen to me at least!” I said trying to calm her down as I sat down.

“What?” she pouted folding her arms over her chest.

“I didn't have a sexy spare top so I got a spare dress instead.”

“Is it backless?” she brightened a little.

“Strapless,” I grinned.

“Even better,” she laughed and hugged me, “Oh Tee how I love you!”

“I love you too Chasy,” I chuckled.

“What?” She stared me testing.

“Chasy,” I teased.

“You didn’t just call me that!” she wacked my arm playfully.

Someone pulled Chas’ hair from behind.

“Aww!” she exclaimed and looked back, “Who wants to play with death?”

“Isn’t Chasy-Wasy sitting with Eric boo boo?” Zack laughed.

“You dog!” she got off from her seat and rushed towards the back seat.

I was in splits as she pounded Zack with punches.

“You know that doesn’t even hurt,” Zack rolled his eyes looking at Chas’ little fists punching him.

“That is because you are so thick skinned!” Chas withdrew from him and sighed.

“You are jealous of my hot body,” Zack said flexing his glorious muscles. They were gorgeous indeed.

“Whatever…you don’t even have a girlfriend,” Chas stuck her tongue out, “If you are so hot you would have one right?”

“I’m just waiting for the right one,” he smirked.

“The award for the most original dialogue goes to Zack. Not,” she ran her fingers through her short spiky hair.

“Chastity Lane!” Mr. Kingsley flashed his eyes at my best friend. “I will throw you off the bus if you don’t sit down on your seat quietly this very moment…Always the troublemaker.”

“I feel so ashamed,” Chas muttered sarcastically sitting back into her seat.

I noticed a sexy, broad, body walk towards me.

“Tee,” Blaze grinned.

I smiled at him sweetly, “How are you.”

“I’m better now,” he said holding on to his heavy bag. This resulted in getting his muscles all tensed. His body was the one that put others to shame. Now that is what I called a Greek God. I couldn’t move my eyes away from his stomach. His tee shirt was clinging to his body in a very appetizing way. I had a sudden wish to run my hands over his chest and abs because from the look of it this guy would have surely had a wicked pair of them.

“At least leave my friends,” Chas pursed her lips.

“It’s hard to…when your friends are so charming,” he winked at me suggestively.

“I can’t wait to catch hold of you later,” he grinned and left us alone.

“I don’t know what this dude is up to now,” Chas said helplessly, “I just can’t understand him.”

“Don’t fret…I can handle him,” I smiled.

“Anyways,” she came closer to me and whispered, “There are a lot of things I have to discuss with you.”

“Why are you whispering?” I whispered back.

“Because the jerk sitting behind likes to EAVESDROP on girls,” Chas said this line loudly.


“This is where you will set your tents,” Miss. McAllister opened her arms wide. The area around us was covered in lush green grass entangled with weeds. Tall trees surrounded us from all directions. We were officially in the middle of nowhere.

“But…but,” Stacy shuddered pointing at the mansion behind us.

A large building was a couple of hundred feet away from us. It was hard to make out the structure properly as it was barely visible due to the distance and due to the fact that it was covered in creepers and hidden by trees.

“The Jenson Mansion,” Maria nodded scared.

“ girls,” Miss. McAllister tried to sooth the girls. “The haunting stories are all nonsense.”

“Yeah…I swear Mr. Jenson won’t come over to kiss you goodnight,” Chas chuckled.

“Chastity Lane,” Mr. Kingsley repeated his favourite dialogue. “I won’t take anymore cheeky behavior from you!”

“All right…” Miss McAllister tried to calm down the situation, “Tomorrow morning you all will be divided into different teams. As it is already evening, so, there is no point of starting with the planned activities today. Each team will have six students.”

“Cool,” Chas swatted a mosquito on her arm.

I moved uncomfortably on the soggy grass. This place was a little spooky. It was hard to imagine myself here all night. Thankfully, four girls or boys were assigned to each tent.

I didn’t have much trouble to set the tent as a lot of boys offered to set it me. Zack, Cruz and Blaze set it up for me and my girls.

Chas grinned at me, “You are not as innocent as you look.”

“I try,” I shrugged smiling.

Chas, Stacy and Lindsey were assigned to my tent.

“We start with our prank tonight,” Chas grinned throwing her bag at the corner of the tent as we entered inside.

“What do we have to do?” Stacy asked confused.

“The boys are going to get a serious make over tonight,” Chas said evenly.


“Ouch!” Stacy whimpered, “You just stepped on my toe.”

“Shush…don’t make any noise or they will wake up,” Chas scolded.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked her uncertainly clutching the skimpy red dress in my left hand while a torch was in my right hand.

It was pretty dark and I could hear the crickets chirp. All of us girls walked close together towards the boy’s tents sneakily.

“Don’t bail on me now,” Chas pleaded.

“Fine,” I scratched a mosquito bite.

What was up with these mosquitoes? There were so many of them and they seemed to like the taste of my blood.

“Four girls go in one tent…you know what to do,” Chas said and all the girls nodded and walked over to different tents occupied by the boys.

Blaze, Zack, Cruz and Eric lay sound asleep on the mattress inside the tent.

Chas pointed at Zack furiously as if to say, “He’s all mine.”

I grinned and looked at Blaze’s peacefully sleeping face. He looked so sweet; I had a desire to kiss him.

 I carefully bent down tried to stop myself from staring at his perfect face.

Chas made signs at me. It was time to start. One thing about boys was that they were sound sleepers.

I softly tugged on his tee shirt to lift it up. God, I was right about those abs. I controlled myself with difficulty and took off his shirt warily. I was stripping Blaze Lane and god was he hot.

Chas glared at me, as I was spending a lot of time staring at her brother’s firm body. I grinned sheepishly and continued with my task. Chas had even started to pull the pink halter over Zack. It was a little strange those boys were not even stirring a tiny bit.

I pulled my hot red dress on to Blaze. It was so hard not to laugh. A sexy guy in a hot red dress; what more could I ask for?

Stacy had done her job so she was hurrying over from boy to boy slathering their faces with make-up.

We sneaked out as quietly, just as we had sneaked in.

“Chas,” I whispered.

“What?” she asked laughing. I was sure the image of the makeover was still in her head.

“Why didn’t the boys move even a little? It was as if they were dead,” I asked curiously.

“Off course they wouldn’t move. I mixed sleeping pills in their water,” she replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

“Are you all done?” Chas asked all the girls.

“Yes,” they all laughed.

“Aren’t they in for a surprise?” Stacy giggled.


All of us girls were sitting out of her tents waiting for the boys to wake up. Zack was the first one to come out of his tent.

“Man…my back is sore,” he stretched himself.

He was wearing a hot pink halter top paired with his boxers. Zack’s face was covered in red lip stick, black smokey eye shadow and lovely pink blush. All of us burst into laughter.

“Smile here pretty,” Chas clicked a picture of him with her mobile.

He looked a little confused.

“What time is it?” Blaze asked sleepily coming out of the tent. he looked amazing in my red off shouldered dress. For him it was light pink eye-shadow (which brought out the colour of his eyes), frosty pink lipstick and peach blush.

“What the hell man!” Blaze exclaimed stunned staring at Zack.

“W—What in the world?” Zack looked at Blaze, “Why are you dressed like a drag queen?”

“Me? Look at yourself freak,” Blaze snapped.

We all were thoroughly enjoying this. Chas was making a video of this.

“Oh sweet Jesus,” Zack looked down at his clothes.

“WHO THE FUCK DID THIS?” Blaze shouted.

By then all the boys had come outside. They all were looking at themselves really freaked out. It was a hilarious sight, all the boys running around in skimpy clothes and loud make-up. I had fallen down on the grass laughing. My stomach was hurting.

“What is goi---“Mr. Kingsley stopped in his tracks as her looked at the boys.

“Why all this noi---“Miss. McAllister had the same reaction.

Chas was actively clicking pictures of each and every boy. She stopped and hid her phone, just as the teachers came out

“I never knew that boys were into such things these days,” Mr. Kingsley mumbled unable to handle the situation.

“All of you!” Miss. McAllister ordered and all the boys stopped running all around trying to save their modesty. “Get back to your tents and please change into something presentable.”

Zack was glaring at Chas and she shrugged, “What?”

“I’m so going to get you for this,” he growled getting inside his tent.

“You are going to pay back for this Chas,” Blaze waved his finger.

It was hard to take them seriously as they were all dressed up so ridiculously.


Author's Note: HAHAHAHAHA Okay I should stop laughing now. But every time I pictured the boys in that make-up and skimpy clothes it cracked me up. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. I’m so happy my story is still on #1 on the what’s hot list :)

Oh tell me did you like the prank? Who do you think looked the funniest? Which pair do you like the best? Zack+Tiana=Zaina, Blaze+Tiana=Biana (WTH? lol Biana) or Eric+Chastity=Erstity (Haha). If you come up with more hilarious couple names tell me about them!

P.s: Someone said, “Harriet the horse” in the comments, I had a nice time laughing over it :P

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