"Maze In The Mirror" ✧A Kookm...

By kimyeontansmom30

58.6K 5.8K 3.7K

🍁❄️ON HOLD❄️🍁 "I love you, Jimin hyung" Jungkook confessed nervously stretching his hand that was holding a... More

✧1. An Angel!✧
✧2. Why did I dream of him?✧
✧3. Rice Cakes✧
✧4. Turn of Events✧
✧5. Get Out!✧
✧6. Detention✧
✧7. Buddies Talk✧
✧8. The Scripts✧
✧9. The Sakura Kiss✧
✧11. Found Him? ✧
✧13.Planning a Trap?✧
✧14. Dangerous Salvation✧
✧15. The Start Of Eve✧
✧16. Finally!✧
✧17. The Proposal Day✧
✧18. True Colours?✧
✧19. His Anger✧
✧20. What's Happening?✧
✧21. Pranks?✧
✧22. Friends Chat✧
✧23. Sister?✧
✧24. Make-out?✧
✧25. Not Normal?✧
✧26. True Face✧
✧27. Make Me Your Wife!✧
✧28. Sibling's Babblings✧
✧29.Unknown Person?✧
✧30. Fight!✧
✧31. Red-haired Man?✧
✧32. Jeonolous?✧
✧33. My Angel✧
✧34. He Knows?✧
✧35. The Soul Reaper✧
✧36. Visions✧
✧37. It's Hot...?✧

✧10. A Weird Man? ✧

1.1K 127 44
By kimyeontansmom30

Author's P.O.V:-

At Min's Mansion...

In the morning...

Yoongi is the first one to wake up, he sees the mess they made and shakes his head.

He sees Jungkook hugging the couch's leg.

"Yah, wake up!" Yoongi kicks him.

"Um...don't wake me, Eunu~" Jungkook mutters, turning around in sleep.

"Yah, you're sleeping on the floor, Kook. Get up and go sleep in the room." Yoongi nudges him.

"Eh?" Jungkook rubs his bleary eyes and looks at his Hyung. "Oh, Yoongi Hyung?"

"Yes, it's me. Wake those guys up and go sleep in the room. I have to clean this mess," Yoongi starts taking out the beer cans scattered around.

Jungkook sits up straight looking blank for a minute and gets up, "Yah, Eunu! Get up."

"Aish, don't disturb my sleep," Eunwoo hugs Jin's leg tightly and sleeps again.

"Yahhhhh, get up and help Yoongi Hyung," Jungkook shouts and kicks him.

To that sound, Jin wakes up holding his head. "Aish, don't shout my head is hurting like hell."

"It will, you chugged up all the soju and beer. Go and freshen up, I will make Bugeotguk for our hangover," Yoongi says while cleaning the table.

Listening to that Eunwoo gets up immediately, "Bugeotguk? Yoongi Hyung are you an angel? I love you so much."

"Stop buttering me and go fresh up," Yoongi states and goes to the kitchen after cleaning the hall.

"Hyung, I will help you," Jungkook follows like a puppy.

Jin and Eunwoo look at each other and go to wash themselves.

After making the dish, Yoongi and Jungkook also go to the shower. All four gather at the dining table.

Jin is holding his head looking in pain while Eunwoo and Jungkook are having droopy eyes.

Yoongi shakes his head and serves the dish in bowls and places it in front of them. "Eat up, you will feel better."

They start eating and as soon as they taste it, their pain, and tiredness all fly away magically and they feel better.

Jungkook finishes his bowl and asks for another. Yoongi smiles seeing his Dongsaeng eating well and fills his bowl again.

Eunwoo also asks for the refill and eats it. They look at Jin, "It's enough for me, I can't eat more than this. I am on diet and should maintain my body weight."

"Shit! I am on diet too," Jungkook just remembers that after finishing off the two bowls.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, "Brat, you don't need to diet more. All you eat every day is green. What's the use of all your wealth if you don't even eat what you want to?"

"But Hyung, you too gain weight easily right? How come you never diet?" Eunwoo asks.

"That's a secret!" Yoongi smiles, mischievously looking at Jungkook and Jin who understood what he meant except Eunwoo who looks baffled.

"Anyway, Jin Hyung, who is that glasses monster?" Yoongi asks.

"Glasses monster?" Jin looks surprised.

"Yes, you went on about how some glasses monster scolded you and you want me to beat him up," Jungkook explains.

"Yes, Hyung, who the hell dared to scold you? We will beat him up if you want," Eunwoo speaks.

"Aish," Jin sighs, and "English professor."

"Your English professor?" Yoongi questions.

"Yes, he has these big glasses on and glares at me as if he will kill me," Jin exaggerates.

"He just came back yesterday and caught me sleeping in his class, then Min Ho Hyung called me, I forgot to put the phone on silent, he yelled at me and put me on distinction and there he got to know that I didn't write any notes and assignments and burst out at me. He asked me to submit all of them today or else I should just stay at home."

"What? All the assignments in one day? How is that even possible?" Jungkook shouts.

"That's what," Jin holds his head.

"Hyung, you are just going to the university to get the experience of a student and you are not obliged to do all those assignments," Yoongi states.

"I know, I said the same thing but he showed me the contract and said if I came there to experience a student life then I should do everything as a student," Jin looks frustrated.

"That glasses monster!" Eunwoo exclaims.

"I know right, and he scolded me until I...cried," Jin mumbles.

"What, Hyung why did you cry?" Jungkook looks concerned.

"Then... what should I do he...I have never gone to...," Jin is about to blabber but looks at Eunwoo and becomes quiet.

Yoongi and Jungkook look at each other understanding what Jin was about to say.

"Jin Hyung, we will come with you today and talk with that professor. You don't need to worry about that anymore." Yoongi declares.

"Yes, Hyung. We are free today anyway," Jungkook holds his Hyung's hand and looks at Eunwoo, "Eunu, today you take a day off and go enjoy."

"Why? I want to come with you guys too," Eunwoo pouts.

"No need. You are always with me all the days working. Go enjoy or take some rest. You should have a life besides being with us," Jungkook states.

Eunwoo clutches his fingers tightly,

>>>You are my life, Jungkook...

Eunwoo smiles, "Ok."

After some time they part ways with Eunwoo and leave with Jin to the university.

Eunwoo looking gloomy parks the car somewhere and walks through the streets mindlessly.

>>>I know I can never be more than a friend to him.

>>>I am fine with being just friends and staying beside him.

>>>Then why... it's hurting so much when he asks me to be away from him?

>>>I can't let him know about my feelings.

>>>I will keep them hidden and take these feelings to the grave with me.

Eunwoo clutches his chest tightly as his tears flow down his cheeks. He loses his strength and falls to his knees, crying.

Suddenly he hears a loud sound followed by a man's scream. Eunwoo gets terrified hearing it, he wipes off his tears, gets up, and looks around him.

The street is empty even though it's morning. He gets scared, and without him knowing he walked far away from his car and ended up on this street.

He runs back to find the car but couldn't see it anywhere. Then he hears the loud horns of bikes, he looks back.

A group of men in their racing suits with helmets surrounds Eunwoo. And one of them asks, "Who are you? Didn't you know this road is closed for today? Why did you come here?"

"I-I didn't know, I was just walking by and didn't notice. I will go back now," Eunwoo answers although he is so scared inside.

"You can come here as you wish but you cannot leave here without our wish," One man says in his deep voice.

"That's right, and now that you're here. Let's have some fun," Another man says and approaches him.

Eunwoo backs away getting scared, "I am sorry. Please let me leave."

"Nope, how can we leave such a beauty without doing anything?" A big man laughs.

Eunwoo's eyes widen in shock and tries to run away when a man grabs his hair tightly making him wince in pain.

"Where do you think you are going?" The man pulls him by his hair and the others laugh seeing him in pain.

"Let me go or I will call the police!" Eunwoo shouts.

All the men stop for a minute and look at each other. Eunwoo thinks that his threat is working but then they start laughing hard and he gets more scared seeing them.

"Police? Dude, do you even know what place is this?" A man asks grabbing his chin and Eunwoo shakes his head.

"This-" the man is about to answer when they hear a big bike approaching them. All those men look terrified seeing that bike and immediately leave Eunwoo and bow together.

The man stops in front of them, "What's happening here? Why are you all gathered here, huh?"

"Boss, that this boy..." A man dared to say.

The man looks at Eunwoo and his eyes widen seeing him. He looks at his puffy eyes, red nose, and trembling lips of him, looking all scared.

"You all leave here, I will take care of him," The man orders, in his authoritative voice, and in minutes every one of them scurries away from there.

"You, get on the bike," He orders.

"N-No," Eunwoo stutters and tries to run away but he holds his hand tightly before he can do that.

"You can't get out of this street if you try to run away and all the men here are not kind enough to drop you off. They'll either enjoy you or kill you on the spot. So what do you prefer?" He asks, his voice deep and Hoarse emitting a dominant aura with each word he speaks.

Eunwoo is sweating listening to it but he had no choice either,

>>>What if those men come again if I run away from him?

"Will you drop me off at my car, then?" Eunwoo asks, gathering all his courage.

The man smiles at that and answers, "I can but I don't know where you parked your car and it doesn't seem like you know either. So, how about I drop you at your home? I will make sure you'll get your car by tomorrow."

Eunwoo thinks for a moment,

>>>Even though those men called him boss, he doesn't seem like a bad guy.

>>>But can I trust him?

>>>Either way, I think I don't have a choice. I don't want to see those men again, they were about to...

>>>No! I have to get out of this damn street first.

"Ok," Eunwoo replies.

"Get on then," The man takes a helmet from the side and gives it to him.

Eunwoo tries to put it on but he couldn't so the man takes it and puts it on. Getting embarrassed Eunwoo gets on the bike and moves back not wanting to touch him.

The man notices it, "Hold on tight if you don't want to smash your pretty face on the road."

Eunwoo gets flustered and slightly holds his shirt with his two fingers. The man sighs and pulls his hand making his chest hit his back.

"W-what-" Eunwoo blushes.

"I told you to hold tight," The man locks Eunwoo's hands around his waist and starts the bike.

He speeds up the bike and Eunwoo holds onto him so tight getting scared. That's when he understood why the man told him to hold tight.

The man smirks, "Tell me the address."

Eunwoo tells him the address and he speeds up more and finally stops at his home.

Eunwoo releases his breath finally, and looks at the man, he didn't see his face until now as he kept the helmet on from the start.

"Is this bike or airplane? Why are you in such a hurry?" Eunwoo voices out getting down from the bike.

"Now, you're speaking without trembling, huh?" The man smirks.

Eunwoo becomes nervous hearing that, "T-Thank you."

"For what?" The man asks.

"For saving me and dropping me in my home, thank you," Eunwoo bows.

"I don't want thanks, I need something else," The man says in a teasing tone.

"W-what do you want?" Eunwoo asks getting anxious.

"I will tell you when we meet again," The man smiles.

"Why will we meet again?" Eunwoo panics.

"We will. I am sure of that," The man states and leaves in a second and disappears into the streets.

"Weird man," Eunwoo mumbles and goes inside.

Meanwhile, In the car...

Yoongi is driving while Jin is sitting beside him and Jungkook is sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Jin Hyung, do you still want to attend the University?" Jungkook queries.

"Yes, Kook. You know I have never...and I really want to experience student life even though it's just for 5 more months," Jin replies.

"Alright, then. We both will take care of that English professor for you," Yoongi assures.

Jin nods. Jungkook who is looking outside till now, suddenly his eyes widen and, "Hyung, stop the car!"

"Why? What happened?" Yoongi asks stepping on the break.

"Stop, stop!" Jungkook yells and as soon as the car stops he runs out immediately.

"Yah, Jungkook-ah!!" Jin shouts but he doesn't hear anything and runs into the busy street.

He looks here and there searching for someone,

>>>I bet I saw him...

>>>Where the heck are you, Jimin?

Jungkook runs through the street searching for Jimin.

On the other hand...

"Wah, Tae. I never came to this market. There are so many things," Jimin chirps.

Taehyung smiles hearing that "I come to this market every week. You know roaming like this and buying things is so healing. That's why I thought to bring you here cause you always stay inside the room or in the restaurant's kitchen and never get out."

Jimin smiles nervously,

>>>I can't come out that often, Tae...

"Thank you, Tae. I am loving this. Can I come with you every week?" Jimin asks.

Taehyung couldn't be happier, "Of course, let's roam all the streets in Seoul on our day offs and spend time together."

Jimin nods, smiling and they walk through the streets hand in hand buying silly little things and enjoying each other's company.

Meanwhile, some fans recognize Jungkook and surround him asking for selfies and autographs.


Jungkook tries to escape but couldn't and then he sees Jimin walking with a man holding hands and smiling at each other.

His eyes widen,

>>>So I was right. He is Jimin, but who is that man beside him?

Jungkook tries to move through the crowd surrounding him but couldn't even step a little forward.

He gets trusfrated how he cannot do anything while Jimin is passing by in front of him.

Jimin looks at the huge crowd, "Tae, what's going on there?"

"Maybe a celebrity, let's go it's our chance to loot the shops while these people are busy here," Taehyung drags him.

Jimin smiles and lets his friend drag him.

Jin and Yoongi see how the crowd surrounded Jungkook. They immediately call the company to send the bodyguards.

After a few minutes, the bodyguards arrive and take Jungkook away from the crowd.

"Yah, Kook. Are you insane? How can you run off like that? Don't you know you are a celebrity?" Jin scolds.

"That's right, we can't roam on streets like normal people. And what's the reason for you to run out like that?" Yoongi questions.

Jungkook balls his fists controlling his frustration. "Nothing, Hyung's. Let's go, it's getting late for the university."

"What-" Yoongi is about to scold him but Jin stops him and signs him that it's not the time. Yoongi sighs and starts the car.

Jungkook looks at the street where he lost Jimin,

>>>Who is that man, Jimin?

>>>How dare you smile like that...next time you won't be able to escape from me.

Jungkook texts someone and sends Jimin's picture to search for him in Seoul.

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

(A/N:- That's all for today Lovelies. Hope you all enjoyed the chap.

Who is the man that saved Eunwoo from the thugs? Why he is so sure that they'll meet again? Will Jungkook be able to find Jimin before new year's Eve?

To know that,

Stay Tuned😉!

(And the reason for not updating for two weeks is...My grandfather passed away and everything is a mess here. Right now I am in the village and my Grandma is so heartbroken that I can't even explain.

In this world, if I envied any relationship that's my grandparents' relation. Because they're the most ideal couple I ever witnessed in my life till now. They went through hell but still never were separated from each other.

I hate marriages, love, or arranged because I have always witnessed them break and crumble into pieces. I lost all hope in a healthy and loving relationship ages ago.

But whenever I used to see my grandparents I used to wonder if that's what a soulmate bond is, and they were giving me the 1% hope that not all relations are like that.

My grandma is crying every day remembering the things grandpa used to do for her or ask for her. She sees grandpa in every little thing in the home. I can see her love for him.

My grandpa is the most down-to-earth man I have ever seen, exactly from all those Kdrama or any other drama protagonist who loves their partner to the moon and cares for them even after he was paralyzed.

He was the most handsome man even on his deathbed. I was drowning in my depression and he woke me up with his death call. Now I am seeing my grandma who is more broken than me, now that I am seeing her like this I don't know if my sadness was even worth being depressed about in front of her sadness.

Sorry for ranting about it. I didn't know where to speak all these. But now that I let it out here I think I am feeling a little lighter in my chest.

Thank you for reading till here even though it's boring for you guys.)

See you all soon😘, Bye-bye💜!

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