Sword Art Online: Fate (Sword...

By MrHeyJack

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Have you heard the name (Y/n) (L/n)? You have? Good. Well, if you haven't, this is a story about him. The leg... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Friends Along The Way
Chapter 3: Fight!
Chapter 4: New Faces
Chapter 5: Adorable Pupils
Chapter 6: Our Lives Together
Chapter 7: See You, Partner
Chapter 8: It's Okay

Chapter Yuna 1: Just Me and You

991 29 8
By MrHeyJack

(AN: Once again thanks for the vote guys! Here is a new chapter for her. The beginning of Yuna's route. Hope you enjoy this one. Happy reading!)

February 10, 2023. Floor 19 – Ralberg Town Inn


Yuna was laying on the bed, dressed in her pajama and wrapped in her new coat, ready to rest for the day. But unfortunately for her, it's not as easy as it sounds. Every time she tries to close her eyes, her minds wander to an event prior few minutes before she enters her room.

"Would you like to stay in my room?"

Those word echo in her head. She couldn't believe that she managed to say that to him with a straight face. Just thinking about it heats up her face. She grabs a pillow and burry her head in it, trying to wash away that embarrassing memory.

"AAAAAA!!!" She screams through the pillow. Trying to calm herself down. Fortunately, the room is supposed to be soundproof, unless someone put an ear on her door, they wouldn't be able to hear her. Or maybe not, she screams pretty loud...

After a moment for herself, she managed to calm down. Taking a deep breath, she then looks up to the ceiling, hugging the pillow tight on her chest.

"I hope he doesn't find me weird..." She mutters.

She rolls her body to the right and found her eyes landed on the lute at the edge of the room.

"(N/n)..." Now her mind wonders to him. "I know I shouldn't be that bold... but if I didn't start doing something, I would lose to Asuna."

She let out a sigh. She knows that it was a losing game to try to win (N/n)'s heart. How in the world she could ever win against Asuna? She was his partner from the beginning of this game. She was always there for him when he needs him the most. She's kind, beautiful, and strong. She's the perfect woman.

And what about Yuna? She was just a low-level player, some random girl that he chooses to help. It's true that she's better now, she can hold her own, but it's all thanks to him. Compared to Asuna, she was nothing... at least that's what she thought. And that thought consumes her, the thought of never being enough, never being equal to him, it's just hurt... But it didn't stop her from wanting to help him. It didn't stop her from wanting to try. It may look like she helps him because she feels obligated to do so, since it was him that help her. She wants to repay the debt. But even when it's not for the debt, she still wants to help him. She wants to be there for him. In her eyes, (N/n) is her hero. That one knight in shining armor comes to her rescue, but as time goes by, she realized that he was not a hero.

Hero was this perfect person who never prevail in every situation, the hope, the power, and the protector of his people. And (N/n) wasn't that person, he's just another guy trying to do good for his friend, a guy who would offer his help to those who need them. (N/n) was not perfect, he has some flaws, he's wanting to be strong, and he appears to be one, but underneath, he's vulnerable. He gave people hope, and in the process, people start calling him a hero. Putting a burden, he doesn't even want to carry. In another word, he was just a good guy, who doesn't want to let people down.

Even if he's not a hero, he was one for her. Whatever happened it would never change the fact that (N/n) was the one who save her, the one who guide her, the one who made her who she was today. With that kind of history, it's hard to not fall for him. He got the charm, he got the look, he got everything she wants in a man. It's true he has one or two flaws, but those flaws made her fall deeper for him.

Every day, her mind always wanders to that person, even when she doesn't want to. (N/n), that even wasn't his real name. But just calling it, hearing the word, picturing the look on his face, always bring peace and comfort to her. Every time she feels down, all she needs to do was remember his smiling face and all those troubles would wash away.

As Yuna look at the Lute, she speaks her mind out loud, "(N/n)... is there a chance for me to be the only girl in your heart?"

She knows she would never get an answer for asking a Lute, but it didn't stop her to wonder. Maybe one day, she would be able to get an answer to that question.

Yuna shake her head trying to clear her though, it was no use thinking about that right now. (N/n) was in trouble and she managed to help her emotionally, she should be proud of that! Instead of thinking that she would never win against Asuna, she should think that she managed to make him smile. And to be able to see that smile meant everything to her.

She sat on her bed hoping that tomorrow is going to be a better day, not just for her, but for (N/n) too. She hoped that their talk could help him make up his mind and stop being so down. She hoped that it would cheer him up and he'll be back to the old (N/n) again, and those happy days where they all would hang out together would be soon coming. She was naïve, she knows that, but it didn't stop her from hoping for it.

Yuna know she couldn't sleep in this state. She was thinking maybe she should order milk to help her sleep. Whenever she got trouble sleeping a glass of milk always helps her. So, she got up and walk to the door. But as soon as she opens it, a person is standing in front of her room.

Her eyes widen in shock as she can't believe what she's seeing right now


The person was none other than (N/n) himself.

(N/n) awkwardly raised his hand, "Hello."

"What are you doing here?"

"Ehmm..." (N/n) was nervous, he avoids eye contact as he scratches the back of his head, "Remember when you offer me to stay in your room? On my way back I was thinking, it's been a while since we spent some time together and I kinda miss you so why not, right?"

"Y-You want to spend the night with me!?"

"Yeah... Only if you want to though."

Yuna's face heats up as she can't believe that (N/n) actually takes up on her offer for him to stay with her. When she made that offer there are hundreds of scenarios that runs through her mind, but none of them prepare her for (N/n) to actually said yes and come to her room like this. She froze in her spot, not knowing what to do. She acts bold to try something new to win his heart but when something like this happened, she doesn't know what to do. All those confidence in her seducing him was just gone... when she need it the most, she couldn't find that confidence again.

(N/n) noticed how Yuna just froze, not a single word come from her. The atmosphere grows with tension and awkwardness, it's starting to kill them. (N/n) know he should start saying something or they would just stay like this for God know how long.

"Or maybe I shouldn't come here. I'm sorry!" He apologized, "I should know it's just a joke. You even said that it was. I should probably just leave."

"NO!" Yuna let out a scream as she unintentionally put her hand on his, trying to stop him from leaving.

(N/n) look at her hand before his eyes wander to her face. He could see that she was very red and he couldn't help but smile. He let out a small laugh before he looks at her in the eyes asking for her permission, "So... can I come in?"

Yuna silently nods as she makes way for him to come.

(N/n) inspect the room as he slowly comes in, "Nice room."


They now sat in bed still feeling nervous about the event.

"Oh, yeah! I have something for you." (N/n) opens his inventory menu, and scrolls it down trying to find something.

Yuna tilt her head, wondering what he could have for her. Especially at his hour.

It didn't take long for him to finally get the item, it was none other than a glass of milk.

"Here." He gave it to her. "I remember when you have a hard time sleeping Asuna would come to your room with a glass of milk."

She takes the glass from his hand, "Thanks..."

Yuna look at the glass. She couldn't help but smile. It was a simple thing from their daily life. When they sleep in the same inn, Yuna is having a hard time sleeping. Asuna would slip out of their room to bring her a glass of milk, it helps. It didn't take long for her to be able to sleep after a full glass of it. It didn't happen often, and she didn't remember (N/n) knowing about this stuff. But somehow, he knew, and he remember it. Knowing that he actually cares and remembers this small stuff put a smile on her face. But once again, it's (N/n) that she's talking about, of course, he would. He always notices those little detail.

Yuna steals a glance at (N/n) before turning back to her glass. Be bold! Be bold! Unless you do that, you would never be going to win against Asuna! Those word echo in her head as she keeps stealing a glance at him.

"I can't do this sober."

"Sober?" (N/n) confused.

Yuna then gulps the milk in a single go, she drowns it all out.

"Phew!" She put the empty glass on the nearest table before turning to (N/n), looking him deep down in his eyes.

"I'm ready!" She burst.

"Ready?" Once again, he was confused. What in the world is happening right now?

Suddenly Yuna throws herself on him pinning him down on the bed. They now lay with Yuna on top of him.


"(N/n)..." Her breath grows hasty as her face slowly comes down on him.

(N/n) heart beat faster every second, "W-What are you doing!?"

"Isn't this what you want, (N/n). To spend the night with me..."

Yuna closes her eyes and started aiming for his lips. Their lips start closing to each other.

"Yuna..." He gently calls her name. Sending shivers down her body.

"(N/n)." She returns the call before her lips finally land on his soft spot.

But when her lips landed, Yuna noticed that it feels weird, his lips feel a little hard, is this how a lip supposed to feel? She didn't entirely sure since she never kisses anyone on the lips before. She opens her eyes and was shocked that her lips were not land on him, instead it lands on the palm of his hand. (N/n) block his mouth using his hand, so that Yuna's lips don't land on him.

"(N/n)..." She jerks away from him, sitting down on the bed as she looks away in shame. "You didn't want to kiss me... Why..."

It was clear from her tone that she was sad. Why in the world he didn't want to kiss her? Was she not enough for him? Was Asuna the only one for him that he wouldn't even want to kiss her?

A tear starts building up in her eyes as keeps thinking about the possibility that (N/n) will never share the same feeling as she was.

He follows her to sit down on the bed. He looks at her as she tries to hide her face from him. He put his hand on her chin and make her face his eyes. As soon as he land on her, he could see that she has these watery eyes, ready to burst into tears in a few moments.

"W-Why, (N/n)? W-Why!?" She sobs as she struggles to let out her words.

"Yuna." Once again, he gently calls her name, trying to calm her down. "Don't get me wrong. I would love to kiss you. But not like this, not when your heart and mind aren't in the right place. The Yuna that I knew could be bold sometimes, but not this bold. So please... tell me what's wrong, okay?"

As Yuna look into his eyes, she could only see a person that truly care for her wellbeing, seeing how she suddenly act out of character like that make her feel silly. And how in the world is she going to tell him that it's because she feels jealous of Asuna? She feels insecure about herself. If she told him the truth, would he accept her? Or would it make him hate her? She couldn't imagine what she would do if he hated her. Even if she tries, no word is coming out of her mouth.

(N/n) look deep into her eyes as a tear start dropping by. He uses his arm to wipe it off out her face.

"Is this about Asuna?" He asked.

Yuna can only nod at the question.

"Yuna... I want you to know this. Asuna is like a sister to me. Know that my feeling would never pass beyond that point. Nautilus once told me that at some point in my life I need to choose. And I chose to be here, to be with you."


He pulls Yuna closer into a hug, "Don't ever compare yourself to anyone. Know that when I see you. All I see is this adorable girl who's obedient, yet strong-willed. That cares about others. You're special to me, Yuna. Don't you ever forget that."

Yuna put her hands on his back, hugging him tighter as she nods. She could feel his warm hand wrapping around her body, his breath touching the back of her hair. It calms her down, wiping away those tears that are yet to come out. Just a little encouragement from him makes her all insecurity gone. It was just a few words, a simple word. But those words, coming from him mean everything to her.

After she managed to calm down, (N/n) release the hug, "Yuna, close your eyes."

Her heart starts beating knowing what comes next. She closes her eyes, preparing for his approach. Slowly he came to her, closing the distance between the two. After what could feel like forever for Yuna, it finally came. His lips land on her cheek. Yuna put a hand on where his lips were as he pulls away from her.

"Just a cheek?"

"For now." He put a hand on hers, holding it tighter with his fingers.

Yuna can't help but smile knowing that this is not the end. This is only the beginning of their new relationship. He said that he chooses to be here with her, Yuna knows that it means he made up his mind to be with her. And she couldn't feel happier.

In the comfort of each other presence, they spend the night away together in that room. Away from anyone, away from the trouble of the world, just the two of them. Hand in hand, together, hoping that those moments could last forever.




June 20, 2023. Floor 27 – Ronbaru Town Inn

(N/n) stand in the bathroom washing his face and readying for the day. After a few times washing himself, trying to wake up. He looks at the mirror in front of him. He looks at his reflection, his shirtless self, those abs certainly an eye candy to those who lay their eyes on it. He could clearly see his reflection in the mirror. He tilts left and right making sure nothing is out of place before grabbing a towel and drying himself up.

A sound of yawn could be heard from the bathroom entrance as someone start to enter the room.

"Morning, (N/n)." A sleepy girl greets him while waving her hand.

"You look like a walking corpse."

"And whose fault is that? You wouldn't let me sleep last night." She walks toward the mirror, standing in front of him, blocking his view.

"Hey, I'm still using that."

"Now you're not." She ignores his protest as she continues to wash her face in front of the mirror with (N/n) standing behind her.

He couldn't help but let out a sigh as he surrenders knowing it would be pointless to protest at her action. (N/n) notice some of her bed hair, so he grabs a comb and starts to tidy it up.

"Your hair is so beautiful."

"Thanks. I love it when you stroke it like that." She happily giggles.

He continues to gently stroke her hair, making sure that none of her bed hair is visible, tidying it up to the best of his abilities. After the girl finished washing her face (N/n) gave her the towel. She used it to dry herself before turning around and looking him in the face.

"Do I look pretty?" she asked.

"Well, I try my best."

The girl let out a small laugh before leaning in for a quick peck on the lips.

"You should get ready for today. I'll make some breakfast." The girl suggests

"That sounds wonderful."

She flashes him a smile before giving him another peck on the lips, leaving him to continue with his morning routine. 

After finishing his routine (N/n) walk to the bedroom and he could see on the table next to his bed that a set of breakfast is ready for him. The girl sat in the bed as she greet him when he enter the room.

"Come! I feed you some."

"You know well that I can feed myself, right?"

"I know. But I like to spoil you from time to time."

He sighs, "Okay, fine."

They enjoy their breakfast with the girl happy feeding (N/n) the food. When they finished the two of them then start to dress up for the day. With a weapon sheet on their waist and a battle outfit ready. They are set to go.

Just as they were about to open the door the girl turn to him, "You ready?"

"Are you?"

"You know I'm always ready!"

"Good." He extends his hand for her to take, "Let's go, Yuna."

Yuna happily takes his hand on hers before they start another day of their adventure, "Let's go, (N/n)!" 

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