Until Death Do Us Part (SakuA...

بواسطة CrackshotReaper

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(completed) [Sequel to Bloodlust] Two years after Kiyoomi and his team freed Atsumu from Mr Sakusa's torture... المزيد

Silence Can Be The Loudest Noise
Problems Will Always Arise
Two Teams Are Better Than One
Difficult Missions Always Pay Well
Breaking Out Of Prison Is Eventful
Battling An Assassin Is Futile
Loyalties Must Be Proven
An Assassin's Colours Are Monotone
All Good Things Come To An End
Loneliness Can Be Difficult
Thoughts Left To Fester Can Kill
Awareness Is Made By Deadly Experiences
Hope Burns Like Flames In The Night
Assassins Excel At Camouflaging
The Right Outfit Will Draw Attention
Infiltration Requires Stealth
Hyper-Focus Is Difficult To Achieve
Lovers Reunited Are Forever Grateful
A Healing Heart Takes Time
Secrets Are Held For Good Reasons
Freedom Tastes Sweet
Change Makes For New Horizons
Hunters Will Become The Hunted
Those Who Play With Fire Will Burn
Assassins Speak In Code
Surrender Does Not Mean Weakness
Failure Should Never Be An Option
Help Those Who Are Trusted
Being An Assassin Is Dangerous
None Expect Death Except Death Himself
Love Has No Bounds
Injuries Not Tended To Will Worsen
Death Cannot Conquer Love

There Are Five Stages Of Grief

709 25 53
بواسطة CrackshotReaper

Atsumu stayed in his and Kiyoomi's special spot on the rooftop for a few minutes, gazing up at the stars.

He felt cold, like his soul had finally accepted that Kiyoomi had left him behind. He stared up at the night sky, now resenting the way it made his heart flutter with the images of midnight-green coloured eyes flashing through his mind.

His resenting gaze turned onto the bullet embedded in the concrete of the rooftop, but something about it caught his eye.

It was spray-painted a bright neon green that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

Atsumu narrowed his eyes, hating the small spark of hope that ignited in his chest at the sight of it.

Nonetheless, he picked the bullet from its collision site and slipped it into the pocket of his sweatpants before he headed back in the direction of the car.

He sighed in relief when he reached the parking lot and saw that the car wasn't there and there were no signs of blood or fighting. At least that was proof that Bokuto and Kuroo had gotten away safely.

Atsumu began his journey back to the base, the bullet in his pocket burning holes through his thoughts.

He made his way back to base, making sure to stick to the shadows. He was, fortunately, not attacked by anyone on the way back, so that was a relief. Apparently, Kiyoomi had come alone.

He made it back to base without a hitch, ripping his mask off the moment he walked in through the door.

Bokuto and Kuroo were waiting in the common room for him, and they shot to their feet the moment he walked in.

"Atsumu! You're back," Bokuto greeted.

Kuroo nodded, "You okay?" He asked, noticing Atsumu's steely glare.

Atsumu huffed angrily, "I'm fine," he replied, "But guess what? The fuckin' shooter was my boyfriend," he snapped.

Kuroo took a step back, away from Atsumu, and Bokuto followed suit. They exchanged worries glances, because Atsumu was radiating a dangerous amount of hostility.

Atsumu sighed, "Sorry... I didn't mean to shout," he apologized, "I jus'... I need some space."

Atsumu shoved past them, his hand slipping into his pocket and gripping the only shread of hope he had left.

He made a beeline to his and Kiyoomi's room, ignoring everyone on his way. When he made it into the room, he locked the door behind him and dropped the bullet on the desk.

He stared at the bullet for a good few minutes before deciding to take a shower before he did any sort of inspection on it.

The shower felt much too big with the absence of Kiyoomi's presence. It had felt too empty since Kiyoomi disappeared, but now it felt even emptier than ever.

Atsumu felt hollow – like he was back in the clutches of Kiyoomi's father. He scrubbed at his skin until it was red with irritation, wishing that it was a nightmare – that he merely dreamed his encounter with Kiyoomi. Unfortunately, he knew it wasn't.

The warm water of the shower was welcomed by Atsumu with open arms as he let it wash away the pain of the day, and the tears as well.

When he had finished his shower and toweled himself dry, he half-hazardly pulled on a hoodie and a pair of loose shorts before he plopped down on the desk chair and rolled into place at the desk.

He picked up the bullet and studied it closely. The lime-green paint was chipped and scratched, possibly during the collision with the roof.

He pulled a dagger out of the drawer and began to pry the bullet open at the seam. It popped open and Atsumu quickly noticed that it was modified.

The case was separated into two chambers, where there'd usually be one. The lower chamber, at the base of the bullet, contained the primer and the remains of the gunpowder, while the second chamber near the point of the bullet contained a small neatly-folded piece of paper.

He carefully unfurled the note and began to read.


Sorry for shooting, Love.
I'm wire-tapped.


Atsumu felt the weight lift off his chest and he was flooded with relief at the fact that he, thankfully, did not have to kill his boyfriend after all. He turned the page over, noticing that there was writing on the backside of the note.


Temptation - 2nd on 47th Avenue
Tomorrow night - 11pm


It was an address. One Atsumu recognized, but he couldn't exactly remember from where.

In a rush, Atsumu quickly grabbed Kiyoomi's laptop from the second drawer and placed it on the desk.

He opened it up, guessed the password, and quickly typed it in, which was easy enough since it was his own codename written with a heart made out of punctuation symbols at the end.

Atsumu snorted. Honestly, Kiyoomi was such a sap when it came to Atsumu. How could he think he would betray him?

However, the little voice in the back of Atsumu's head still insisted that he keep his guard up. Kiyoomi was a Sakusa after all, and he'd already been wronged by one Sakusa for half his life.

Pushing his intrusive thoughts aside, Atsumu quickly opened Google and hastily typed the address into the search bar.

A few results came up, and he clicked the first link. It brought him to the website of a strip club called Temptation that was in the midst of the city.

Atsumu quickly moved to his bedside table to grab his phone and dialed a number.  The dial tone sounded in his ear and he waited for the person on the other line to pick up.

After two rings, the person picked up.

"Tsumu?" Komori's voice came through the phone, "What's up? You need something?"

Atsumu's eyes were trained on the laptop screen, "Come to Kiyoomi an' I's room," he instructed, "Ya gotta see this."

Komori grumbled, "Can't you just tell me about it on the phone?" He asked, "Nari's sleeping on my shoulder."

Atsumu scoffed, "No can do, Toya-kun," he replied, "'Cause Kiyoomi jus' gave me a hint on his location."

With that, Atsumu heard Komori put the phone down right before footsteps ran down the hall towards his room.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I should be studying right now lmao

Anygays! Bye!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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