One-shots of Bapa (DangerForc...

By SafeHeaven_08

79.2K 985 910

basic one-shots of bose and chapa. I take ideas from anyone...if ur willing to give and also if u feel like... More

Love Muffins
Basketball Boy
Jammed Elevator
The Crying Moon
Alien Girlfriend Pt.1
Alien Girlfriend Pt.2
One Bose, Two Girls
One Bose, Two Girls Pt.2
One Bose, Two Girls Pt.3
Rebekah Pt.1
Rebekah Pt.2
The Plan
Boredom Pt.2
Abuse Pt.2
After Pt.1
After Pt.2
After Pt.3
Incorrect Quotes
I Dream of Brainstorm
Best friend?
Hungry Hungry Hypno
Save Me...Please Pt.1
Save Me...Please Pt.2
Save Me...Please Pt.3
See You Again Pt.1
Date With Destiny
See You Again Pt.2
Date With Destiny (Roles Reversed)
Pregnant Pt.1
Pregnant Pt.2
Happy Birthday!¡
"Not" dating
"Not" dating ( Now "Clearly Exposed" Dating) Pt.2
Love Advice
Lack of Wisdom
Lack of Wisdom Pt.2
Takes Two to Tangle Pt.1
♡Make-Up Test♡

Pregnant Pt.3

1.1K 14 15
By SafeHeaven_08

"Do you wanna name her?" Chapa asked Bose.

"I'm fine with whatever you're fine with."

"I know but do you want to give her her name?"

"Do you?"

"You're making this harder than it should be." Chapa whines.

The baby suddenly stopped crying and started cooing. She put her left index and ring finger in her mouth and started sucking them.


"Uhh...she is so cute."

The nurse chuckles. "Naming a child is no rush. You could even ask relatives. I say, the most special ones take time." She winks.

Years Later

"Have you seen the twins lately?" Chapa asked.

Bose hesitated. "No, why?"

"Oh, just wondering." She takes a pause. "What are we having for lunch?"

"I have an idea." Bose holds her hand.

"Wait," Chapa thinks. "What about Lola?"

Bose whips out his phone. "Don't worry. My mom said she's babysitting her," He video called his mom.

"Hi Bosey. You wanna see your cute wittle bwaby gwirl?"

"Yes please."

Celia put the screen on Lola. "Say hi to mwommy and daddy."

"Hi mama. Hi dada." Lola waved.

"Hi baby. We'll be back soon okay?" Chapa says.

"Okay," she smiled. "I'll be good to abuela and abuelo." She put her hands behind her back.

"Brielle Lola Lucinda O'Brien! What did you do to my car!" An angry Willard shouted off the screen.

Celia's eyes widened.

Lola's smile turned into a mischievous grin. "Bye." She waved and run off.

Then the line cut.

"See? Fine." Bose says.

Chapa blinks rapidly. "I make a good influence." She says proudly.

"No you don't but sure." Bose pulled her somewhere.


"Why are we here? I wanna eat." She whined while tapping her belly. "I need food in my tum tum."

Bose rolled his eyes playfully. "Stop acting like a child." He says walking deeper into the park.

Chapa's eyes shot open. "Since when did you become mature?"

"It comes with age." He shrugs.

"Well, I want 'dumb and stupid Bose'."

"Starting when?"


"Okay." Bose pulls Chapa and places her on his back and starts running.

Chapa's laughing and swaying her arms as the wind smashes against her face. The autum leaves fly everywhere. Leaving a path where Bose passed through. Bose's long, luscious hair tickles Chapa's face as her runs.

Bose makes a stop and they climb a big tree over looking the high way.

Chapa sighs with relief. "I love this." She lays her head on Bose's shoulder.

"I don't want to be 26 anymore. I wanna go back to that one Saturday night when we forgot everyone else and it was just the two of us." Bose says softly squeezes her hand.

"I know right." She chuckles. "Look!" She points at the high way. "The lights are going on!"

All the street lights go on one after the other in harmony. Chapa's eyes sparkled and grew wider in mesmeration. She slightly moved fowared to get a better view.

Bose couldn't help but stare.

At Chapa.

Her small smile. The way her eyes simmered with the lights made her expression look childish. She looked younger.

And more beautiful.

The car headlights when on as well. The red, white and yellow mixed ever so perfectly.

Some cars were slow. Others were so fast, they left a trail of red light behind them.

"It's beautiful." Chapa says softly.

"Yeah but all of the city lights never shine as bright as your eyes." Bose, almost drulling, says.

Chapa looks at him. "You know how to say the right things, don't you dummy?" She nudges him.

"I'm told it runs in the family."

Chapa chuckles.

Bose doesn't regret what he's about to do. If anything, he's been waiting for too long. He just hopes...she wants it too.

He gets down from the tree. He dusts himself while looking at the high way, he takes a deep breath in.

In a quick flash, he spun around and faced Chapa. He slowly bent down on one knee.

Chapa watched intently as her breath slowed down but her heart rate increased by the second.

Bose reached in his pocket and took out a box.

Chapa tried as much as she could to suppress a smile. But it kept coming out stronger after she hid it.

"I...I think you're an ausome woman and I want to have all my children with you. I can't imagine myself growing old with someone else, nor do I want to. I'm deeply in love with you, Chapa and I want you forever in my life. You're the reason behind my laughter and smile-- you're my world. The one I needed to find, to tell you that I need you in my life, from this day till the rest..." Bose opened the box and a gorgeous diamond ring shimmered. "Lula Elena Chapa Desilva, will you marry me?"

Chapa's cheeks flushed pink. Her smile was uncontrollably wide. "Yes," she whispered under her breath. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" She jumps down.

Bose stands up and Chapa jumps in his arms. "I do want to marry you!"

They break the hug.

"I'm deeply in love with you too." Chapa says softly and Bose flashes a smile before he places his lips on hers.

As they break away, they hear a couple cheers from the bushes.

Its Miles and Mika.

"What the hell?" Chapa giggles. "What were you doing there?"

"Documenting." Miles says, raising his camera.

Chapa smiles. "You told me you didn't know where the twins were."

"Surprise?" Bose shrugs.

Chapa giggles.

"I'm so happy for you!" Mila, failing to contain her happiness, went to hug her best friend. "I wanna plan EVERYTHING! And when I say everything, I mean everything." Mika exclaims as the all walk back.

"Like, the wedding, the dress, the bachelorette party, the church service-- ahh!" She squealed. "This is gonna be so much fun."


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