Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo S...

By nana-mania

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[ COMPLETE ✅ ] ♛┈⛧┈••┈⛧┈♛♛┈⛧┈••┈⛧┈♛♛┈⛧┈••┈⛧┈♛ Dear My Stalker, I hope this letter finds you doing well. I kno... More

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8.2K 461 402
By nana-mania


There is a moment where Haru
calls you "mommy" so if you don't
like being called that, kindly


This is my story. I write however
I want. So if I don't meet your "expectations", then fuck it. Who
said I make this book to satisfy people's personal desire and imagination?

I am so done with rude people who say "Ugh I don't like being called mommy" and shits like that. If you
can't accept people's personal
preference (as long as it's legal and
doesn't go against morality), then
you shouldn't be on the internet in
the first place.

So those rude people, shut up and
leave my books. Let my TRUE
readers enjoy my works and
respect my works!

I don't wanna see a comment
complaining about the kinks I
apply in my fanfics.

Sanzu's and (Y/n)'s penthouse..

Second Person's POV

You were chilling in the living area with your beloved pet, Chiyo. He was resting on your lap while you stroked his fluffy fur gently. He turned around a little bit until his belly was facing you. He kept blinking his eyes gently at you as his soft purring became melody to your ears.

"You aren't hungry yet, are you, Chiyo? Mama want both of us to eat with Papa but he hasn't come home." You heaved out a soft sigh. This afternoon, after you returned from the police department, you were informed that Haruchiyo had to finish yet another mission. Hence, you were unable to meet him face-to-face today at work.

You were in bad mood for the rest of the day.

But going home, seeing Chiyo running toward you and nuzzling his head on your head earlier as greeting, brightened up your day.

After taking a bath, you prepared dinner and now waited for Haruchiyo to return to your side. He was taking his sweet time. You were considering to eat on your own. But you hated the thought of eating alone as it made you feel...uneasy.

After engaging yourself in relationship with Haruchiyo, you were not familiar with loneliness anymore. You were very used to his company and presence, that you started believing you would go insane without him in your life.

Chiyo's ears suddenly perked up, indicating he heard something approaching. Seeing that, you shifted your gaze to the door. Chiyo hopped off of your lap and ran toward the door excitedly. The door slowly opened, revealing Haruchiyo who took notice of the feline meowing happily at him.

"Oh, Chiyo. I'm home." Haruchiyo picked up Chiyo and cuddled him in his arms. He purred at his human father while gazing fondly at him. "Meow~" Haruchiyo's face flushed pink, enchanted by the cat's adorableness. He still held some jealousy toward the cat but only tiny bit. Just tiny bit.

"Welcome home, love." You smiled at your future husband. Haruchiyo's eyes lit up with joy upon seeing you. "I'm home, sweetheart!" He had been dying to meet you and he felt extremely guilty for not fulfilling his promise to meet you after accomplishing his mission in the afternoon.

"Sweetheart, how is work today?"

"More draining than usual, actually."

You heaved out a deep sigh and linked your arm with his. However, you brushed off the tiredness then smiled at him. "But that doesn't matter. Let's have dinner now. Chiyo is really hungry while waiting for you."

"You can just go ahead and feed him. The poor little guy."

"But Chiyo said he wanna eat with his papa too~"

You chuckled heartily the patted Chiyo's fluffy head. He let out a loud, long meow , indicating he was starving already. Haruchiyo gave Chiyo to you so you cuddled him in your arms.

"Yes, yes. I know. My baby boy is hungry, right? Let's eat dinner together."

"I'm hungry too."

Haruchiyo rested his chin against your head, puffing his cheeks in jealousy. You held his hand and led him to the dining area to eat dinner with Haruchiyo and your cat- which you deemed as your son already.

Nearly midnight, 

Haruchiyo could not sleep at all. You were behaving unusually today even though you tried to hide it with a smile. He felt like something was missing... As if you were hiding something from me.

You were currently asleep while Haruchiyo was kneading your breast quietly. He loved fondling your chest whenever he couldn't sleep at night. Of course, he gained your consent first before doing so.

"Can I play with your boobs while you are asleep? It's just sometime I can't sleep well. I need to do something to help me sleep.."

"Of course, Haru."

It was a normal thing for him to play with your boobs randomly at night. Haruchiyo nuzzled his head on your chest, inhaling your sweet scent. Suddenly, he felt your hand stroking his pink hair. The Yakuza was startled by the unexpected touch. He fully believed you were dead asleep.

"Sweetheart? You awake?"

You didn't answer your future husband's question. Instead, you got up and hovered over on top of his body. Your arms caged him beneath you as you towered his figure. You were staring into his eyes deeply, great possessiveness evident in your gaze.

"Truth is, today had been a shitty day for me. I'm still pissed." You spoke up, your voice darkened with irritation but it wasn't directed toward Haruchiyo. You cupped Haruchiyo's face while nestling your knee between his thighs.You pressed your knee on him, making him tilt up his head in response. He let out a soft sigh. Your eyes softened a little when you admired his beautiful face.

You gripped his pajama top and easily ripped off his pajama without hesitation. After ripping off the fabric of his upper body, you ran your fingers against his toned chest. Haruchiyo's face went ablaze. He covered his mouth with his fist but you grabbed his hand. Bringing his hand closer to your mouth, you nibbled on his slender, calloused fingers gently.

Your lips then travelled down from his palm to his wrist and stopped at his Bonten tattoo. You opened your mouth widely and bit his tattoo roughly. Haruchiyo gasped in shock, a slight amount of pain surged in his system. Once you felt satisfied, you stopped biting his Bonten tattoo spot. There was an obvious bite mark on his Bonten tattoo now.

Haruchiyo felt very euphoric as you were treating him with roughness. "More... I want more, love.." he begged as he was drunken with infatuation and intoxication. There was an imaginary pink heart in his eyes while he was admiring you.

"Haru, you are my good boy, right?" You asked, your hands wrapped around his neck. Haruchiyo placed his palms against the back of your hands and caressed your hands gently. "Yes, I am.."

"So be a good slut for me tonight...and cheer me up."

"Anything for you, Mommy."

You smiled in relief upon obtaining his consent. Leaning down, you connected your lips with his and continued making love with Haruchiyo.

Roughly and passionately.

After two hours,
Around 2.15 am...

Haruchiyo kept breathing raggedly after he finished the last round with you. You were cuddling him in bed while you both were still naked, body covered with blanket. None of you bothered to put on clothes. Haruchiyo was extremely worn out from the steamy session. He could barely catch up with your stamina tonight.

His back also hurt, a lot.

But Haruchiyo loved this feeling. He loved the thought of being left too much in pleasure after making love with you.

Right now, Haruchiyo was burying his face in your chest, desperate for your attention, comfort and affection. You stroked his hair to reassure him and kissed the top of his head lovingly. "You did a very great job, love. My love did everything amazingly." You praised him which made him feel happy.

Silence fell upon you and Haruchiyo, you spacing out as your mind raced with countless thoughts. Haruchiyo simply enjoyed the serene silence. "Haru.." you uttered his name gently, capturing his attention. He tilted up his head, blinking his eyes at you curiously. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, love.. What is it?"

"Someone came over to your office today. A woman, claiming to be your supposed-to-be "wife"."

Shocked to hear that, Haruchiyo shot up on the bed. "Takara?" He mentioned that very name of the said woman. You slowly seated up your body and nodded. The pink-haired man hung his head low and rubbed his face in devastation. His face dawned over with aggravation.

"Fucking bitch. Never cease to disturb my life." Haruchiyo sighed in frustration. "Did she do something to you? Did she hurt you?!" He started bombarding you with questions out of worry. You shook your heart quietly.

"No, but I hurt her." You calmly remarked. "That's gonna silence her for a while but I think she is gonna do something to me later anyway. Whatever she has in her mind, I can't really predict it. So Haru.."

You cupped his cheeks, gazing deeply into his sapphire blue eyes. "You will never believe any word she says about me...right?"

"My love will never do anything that will upset me, will you?"

"Why would I? You told me before that I should believe in myself first. Right now, and forever, I'm always convinced that you're the only one I love and you are the second one I trust wholeheartedly."

Haruchiyo convincingly declared, "I would never trust the words coming out of that bitch's mouth!" He grinned confidently at you and at that moment, you heart was touched.

The uneasiness slowly vanished. You rested your head against his chest, smiling full of alleviation. You no longer felt insecure. The thought of losing Haruchiyo gradually dispersed to nothingness.

How could you forget? This man was obsessed with you. He would always choose you above anything else in this world.

' I'm feeling more relieved now but I don't want to let my guard down yet. I still need to be careful. This Takara... Something about her just doesn't sit right with me. She is unlike other petty women I've met in my life. Looks like the type to do anything to get whatever she wants..' You mentally sighed.

The battle wasn't over yet. You couldn't relax. Not until Takara either gives up or disappears from this world.

' Rindou's warning is useful. She probably has her own tricks up her sleeves. If I want to get rid of her, then it should be through psychological method. I'm not that expert in this but... I guess it's time to expand my horizon and try various ways to "kill" people.' a sinister smile suddenly curved on your lips.

' Hit me up with your games, Takara. I'm ready to be the winner.'

"Let's go to sleep, honey. I'm tired." You yawned sleepily before flopping yourself back on the bed. Haruchiyo pulled the blankets to cover you two's naked bodies and you both cuddled each other to sleep.

Somewhere else,
In a mansion...

Third Person's POV

Takara threw a vase against a wall, smashing the expensive vase to pieces. She continued to ragingly break everything around her without any control. Tears were unceasingly rolling down her face as she recalled the humiliation she went through.

"Young lady, please stop—"

"Shut up!"

The black-haired lady slapped the poor maid's face mercilessly. Takara grabbed a full fist of the maid's hair. The unfortunate woman sobbed from pain.

"You dare to order me around when you are nothing but a damn servant working for my family?!"

"P-pardon my rudeness, Young lady.."

"Get out of my sight and get Yukiji for me. NOW!"

Harshly releasing the maid from her firm grip, the maid then hurried her way out of Takara's sight. She was biting on her nails, her eyes hard with anger. She paced around back and forth in uneasiness.

The door of the room opened after a while. "You called for me, Miss Takara?" The man named Yukiji greeted the frustrated woman. Takara instantly fixed her gaze at her personal assistant...that always helped her with some dirty works.

"Gather your men. I got a job for you."


Yukiji raised an eyebrow in excitement, recognizing that specific tone of voice belonged to Takara. She was extremely mad.

"I want you to get rid of this bitch. But not through assassination. I want to see her suffering until she is driven to suicide."

"...basically, you want me to ruin her life?" Yukiji smirked at his own guess.

"Do background check on her and discover her weakness. I want a complete list of the information by tomorrow."

"Sure, Ma'am. I won't disappoint you."

Respecting her decision, Yukiji then excused himself. Takara stared at her reflection in the mirror, madness darkened in her gaze.

"I won't let you marry my Haru. I will make sure he become mine."

I may not write any smut for this
book but I'm just gonna tell a fun fact.

You canonically ✨pegged✨
Sanzu  in this fanfic. Man also
has mommy issue (canon cuz
Akashi siblings canonically
grew up without a mother)

Also, we are reaching final stage
of the fanfic! 16 chapters left (so
55 chapters in total) before this
book ends </3

Kinda bitter to end this book but
on the bright side, I'm excited to
publish my S62 generation
reverse harem story :))

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