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The fateful encounter happened once

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The fateful encounter happened once.

At that moment she showed him one gesture of kindness, he became madly infatuated with her since then.

Driven by his infatuation, he resorted to immoral action to watch her from the shadow.

But what happens when she catches him in the middle of his daily stalking?

But what happens when she catches him in the middle of his daily stalking?

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Tokyo City,

(Y/n)'s POV

Another shitty day with that lowlife trying to put me down.

I sighed softly as I made my way into my favorite convenience store. Grabbing a basket, I started walking around the premise to look for cooking ingredients. Even though I was tired from work, I still needed to keep my diet as balance as possible. I didn't want to fall sick which could result in me skipping days of work.

Need that money to buy my happiness.

It's my coping mechanism anyway. Buying things that can put a smile on my face. Living in this shitty world while working at a fucked-up workplace with annoying creatures.

Why do these creatures called "annoying people" exist in the first place? They must be God's failed products. That's why they turn out hindrance and disgrace in this world.

People like them are better off rotting in hell since all they do is ruining other people's lives.

I put a carton of milk -- one last thing I needed to restock my fridge -- into the basket then headed toward the cashier counter. I was not looking where I was going since I accidentally spaced out for a moment. I bumped into someone, causing me to drop my basket on the floor.

I heard loud thud of cans hitting the floor then rolled away. The person I ran into must be carrying a bunch of cans.

"Oh, God! I'm really sorry!" I was quick to apologize before going after the cans. I hurriedly picked them up one by one and seized the cans in my arms. Huffing in relief, I looked at the cans. There were seven cans currently resting in my arms.

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now