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Several months later,Bonten HQ

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Several months later,
Bonten HQ...

Third Person's POV

Haruchiyo had been a mess lately. All executives noticed it; the drastic change in the Bonten Number 2. He was more drained than normal. He even had dark circles under his eyes, indicating that he had experienced lack of sleep.

Rindou and Ran looked at each other uncertainly. All executives (including Manjiro) were planning to visit Haruchiyo's and (Y/n)'s house to see their newborn. But witnessing Haruchiyo's current state made the brothers wonder if it was the right timing.

"Should we schedule for another day...?" Rindou asked. Ran shook his head, opposing his little brother's idea. "That's impossible. Boss will be pissed off if we do that."

"Was it that difficult raising one baby?" Rindou couldn't stop pondering. Seeing the pinkette's condition now caused him to think twice of having his own family.

It looked...tiring.

"What are you two talking about?" Kakucho finally took part in the conversation. He looked at Haruchiyo as well; the person the Haitani brothers had been watching the entire time. "Oh, Sanzu... I guess it's finally taking a toll on him."

"What do you mean, Kaku?" Ran was curious of the meaning behind his words. Kakucho heaved out a soft sigh. Despite harboring hatred toward Haruchiyo, he was still a human. He sympathized Haruchiyo sometime. "You think raising a baby is easy? First time parents like him is gonna have a hard time to adjust to a new lifestyle with a baby around."

"Man, you talked like an expert." Rindou was impressed. He patted Kakucho's back. The dark-haired executive smiled softly. "I used to live in an orphanage. Of course I had helped the caretaker caring for some infants during my stay there. I gained some experience thanks to my upbringing."

"Ah, yes. We are going to visit Sanzu's family today, aren't we? I can't wait to meet the newborn." The excitement in his voice was obvious. Kakucho had bought some gifts too, specifically for the baby and (Y/n).

"Kakucho, you really love kids, huh? No wonder you keep visiting those orphanages. Even making donation." Rindou really admired this side of Kakucho. Among all executives, he admitted, Kakucho was the most soft-hearted and kindest when he was off work.

"We should get ready soon. I am eager to show off all the presents I bought for our little Pudding." Ran was beaming in joy too.

(The baby was called "Pudding" by the executives during your pregnancy as temporary name because you kept craving/eating pudding while carrying your baby for 9 months)

(The baby was called "Pudding" by the executives during your pregnancy as temporary name because you kept craving/eating pudding while carrying your baby for 9 months)

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