sins of my youth. // Billy Ha...

By alias_b

24.8K 655 815

Smut/Enemies to Lovers ***It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even... More

000 ➶ Welcome Info
001 ➶ Fast Times
002 ➶ A Million Dead Stars
003 ➶ To The Devil
004 ➶ No Day But Today
005 ➶ Skirt Safari
006 ➶ Hard Candy
007 ➶ One Bad Kiss Constellation
008 ➶ Because My Calendar Is Open
009 ➶ Everything Is Blue
011 ➶ My Heart Burns There, Too
012 ➶ Cupid And Psyche
013 ➶ Almost Paradise
014 ➶ Such Sweet Sorrow
015 ➶ Fires Within Fires
016 ➶ The Night Has A Thousand Eyes...
017 ➶ Heart-Shaped Shadow Box
018 ➶ The Neon Demon
019 ➶ One Caress
020 ➶ Rose Tint My World
021 ➶ Days In The Sun
022 ➶ Rust and Stardust
023 ➶ Cough Syrup
024 ➶ Tyger Tyger, Burning Bright
025 ➶ Thank You and Goodnight!
026 ➶ She's So Lucky, She's a Star
027 ➶ Just My Type: Bonus Flashback
028 ➶ A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes
029 ➶ Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)
030 ➶ An Awfully Big Adventure
Bonus One Shot ➶ Angel Cake

010 ➶ A Little More Sin

790 28 35
By alias_b

A/N: Slice of life in Hawkins when Evie ventures out and encounters different residents. Warning that things are going to take a turn so TW for manipulating and explicit physical abuse. Light racism. Evie receives some horrible threats when she tries to make a change for the better. Thank you all for turning in. Comment if you're here with me enjoying!  xoxo

** ** ** 

   There were some peculiar things Billy Hargrove noted about the way Evie Fenny slept.

She burrowed into whatever was around. Face buried like she might be trying to smother herself.

She made little noise except occasional whimpers. Arguably cute.

She went dead still. He checked to make sure the girl was breathing at one point.

His favorite were the whines that erupted when he tried to untangle himself from her on the couch. Early morning daylight streamed between curtains. Silent white noise scattered the television.

A reminder of snow tumbling fresh and pristine. Washing away what was before it. Evie had fallen asleep in her fit of exhaustion still wrapped in him.

Billy simply didn't feel like leaving so he fell too. Cast in amber. Bodies molded together.

Evie turned to burrow into the sofa and Blue came to nestle just above her crown of big curls. Billy peered at the empty pizza box and grabbed a marker to scribble a note she'd wake to. Propped it up and grabbed his coat.

Paused to admire her because that was inevitable. One look cast before he was out into the grey morning. Ice and snow as far as the eye can see.

"Shit. I'm still in Hawkins." Billy perched a cigarette between his lips and lit up. Prepared himself for Max's gawking when he walked in that door.

Evie stirred another hour later. Still smelling Billy's cologne all over the couch and herself. Blue sat perched, licking her knuckle. No doubt begging for more food.

"I know," Evie pushed out a groan, "I got you." Brown eyes focused on bold, black letters. Marked into the grease stained pizza box.

Billy long gone.

Probably freaked that a girl sobbed on him and passed out. Evie huffed to herself. Rubbed her eyes and plucked up the box to read.

"Gonna ask you out...again. Tonight. Seven. I'll even let you pick where we go."

Evie shook her head and pushed up.

Figured another night with Billy Hargrove is one of the few things in her life that won't hurt.

*** ** **

If you asked her, she'd lie.

Evie totally wasn't out picking a new top for her not-date with Billy. Definitely not.

She wasn't worrying over the exact placement of her curls and wondering if Billy thought they were pretty down over her shoulders.

Poor girl just...felt the urge to thrift shop. Most of her shirts and dresses were altered items she'd found. Ugly patterns galore. Evie mused over a top with an intricately painted bowl of fruit on the front and spotted a familiar helmet of red hair sitting near the fitting rooms.

"It doesn't fit me. It's too big." Came a rough woman's voice from behind the curtain.

Carol only huffed as she checked her manicure and stood. Evie hid behind a tall rack of dresses when a woman came out.

She might have had the same vibrant red hair as her daughter. Once. But it was lifeless and tossed into a bun on her head.

Carol's mother. Dorthy Perkins. Skinny, nervous thing with a slight pouch to her stomach. Tooth gap and some healed sores in her hairline. Kept rubbing her covered arms. Sunken in and shaky. Noticeable sweat on her forehead.

Obviously in need of a fix. She used to be a beauty queen like Mona. They might have even competed together, they both had daughters too young.

She came out in a velvety blouse that was too long for her torso. Little baggy around the arms.

"You didn't tie it right. Here." Carol wasn't her usual bubbly self. Not the girl who schemed about terrorizing underclassmen. "Maybe we can tuck it into something."

"I look so ugly." Her mother peered aside. Covered her face. "That's why Jason walked out."

"He's a piece of shit." Carol mumbled.

"He was like a father to you. We spent almost seven years together. I'm ugly."

"Stop saying that. We're better off without him." Carol asserted herself that time.

"He'll be back, he always is."

Carol only frowned, faltering. That much was true.

The false hope of it all killed.

"This color is pretty." She went on instead. "You like blue. We can tuck it into that black skirt you have. Maybe a belt."

"Skirt's no good. It's all worn and discolored. Never should have let you do the laundry."

"Someone had to. I said sorry. You were drunk and...I saw those needles."

"Carol, don't speak to me like that." This switch flipped on. She snatched her daughter's wrist. Looked like she might try to break it.

Evie never saw that look in Carol's eyes before. It pricked her own heart with pure, pooling fear. This girl who always looked her best and turned her nose up toward everyone else.

Because she knew better.

Carol and Evie had that much in common.

Her mother continued. Darkening.

"I was not drunk. I gave it up. I'm better."

Carol wiggled away uncomfortably. Winced at her now irritated flesh. Looked around to make sure no one saw them.

"Just keep your voice down. We'll figure out something. You need a nice outfit. You have to get this job. Nail place doesn't pay me enough. I just started." Carol shook her head at the same time Evie knocked into some hangers backing up.

Instantly, she was spotted.

"Evangeline Fenny." Her mother plastered this crackling smile as she stood taller. Carol's arms crossed. Immediate hatred. "Did you lose weight?"

"Mom." Carol hissed.

"Hi..." Evie blinked, lips lifting. "And, no, but thank you."

"Oh well, you look pretty. How's your mother?" It was a courtesy. Mona wasn't close with Mrs. Perkins. Or Carol's stepdad. They weren't liked in Hawkins. Kept to themselves in a dingy house. Drinkers. Users.

But, that's all nasty gossip. Carol was quick to shut it down.

"Fine." Evie started to shuffle off because Carol looked like she was begging silently. Paused. "I like that color too and you can hem the bottom."

"Not all of us sew." Carol turned to ice. Evie reached into her one of her reusable grocery bags. Pulled out a little package.

"I like to cheat with this. Hem tape. It's fast, you just iron it along the bottom. It holds well."

"Let me pay you for that." Mrs. Perkins grabbed her worn purse.

"No, it's cheap and I picked up extra. They had a sale today." The second part was a lie. Evie held it as far out as she could. Carol crossed over. Plucked it from her hand with glittery pink gemstones for fingertips.

A beat. Two girls orbiting the same great planet. Threatening to be yanked into a storm.

"Thanks." Carol sucked her cheeks in. "Mom, go change."

"See you late, Evie." The woman wandered off. Carol inhaled sharper. Peered at Evie again.

"New top to show off for Bowers when school starts?" She flicked her tangerine locks, brow lifting.

Evie pressed her lips. Brown eyes narrowing.

"It's good to see you too, Carol." She avoided that and turned.

"I just think you should give it up. It's really pathetic. Everyone thinks so." Carol sneered. Looked anywhere else. "The girl who went psycho on Tannen. Dressing up for our teacher. He's just being nice because he feels sorry for you."

Evie paused to peer back. Felt her own pity swell.

"Then, I guess you have nothing to worry about. Huh." She watched Carol flame up and went to pay for her items. Not able to look back. Not able to admit a connection was possible or that such distinct planets could ever align.

Boots hurried out into the cold, cheeks blooming rosy. She wrapped her scarf tighter and got near the bus stop before a hand was jerking her around into the side of a brick building.

Speak of the devil and he'll appear. Evie's shoulders went up.

"What the fuck, Tannen? I thought Hawkins was scum you'd never set foot in." She grunted. Saw his furious eyes dart.

"You really think I don't know about your fucking band of ragtag shitheads? I saw you all." He pressed his hand into the wall.

"Heard you're single now." Evie remarked. Fingers ripped her up a few inches by the coat.

"Don't fuck with me, Fenny." He said lower. Dangerous as can be.

"You already tried that game, Brock, and you lost." Evie spat back there in the snow. He dropped her down. Laughed.

"Got closer than you liked. We had a moment."

"It was a kiss and you were a creep."

"You spazzed, girl, and I'm gonna find out why. What has Evie Fenny so shaken up?"

"Have you considered it's the effect you have?" Evie sneered.

"Better be careful in the coming weeks. I just wouldn't go anywhere alone." Across the street, his dad hollered for him, coming out of city hall.

"Daddy's calling. Bet you're having trouble getting away from his watchful eyes." Evie shrugged. Shoving his arm away. "Stay away from me."

"Like I'd ever hit this for real. Fucking Psycho Sybil. That's what we call you up at Ridgemont. You're a fat, fucking slut and you'll never be anything else-"

"Excuse me!" A sharper voice cut in. Tannen leaned out from Evie to peer at Mr. Clarke. Bundled and unsuspecting. Not intimidating by any means, but he wasn't backing down. "I think you ought to leave her alone, Mr. Tannen."

"We were just talking, sir." Tannen peered at Evie, backing up. "For now. See you around, Fenny. Bet on that." His dad called for him again so he crossed to go to their expensive, red car.

"Are you alright, Evie?" Scott Clarke. Hawkins Middle. One of Dustin's idols.

She just sniffled. Hadn't realized she'd even welled up.

"Yeah. Fine."

"You know he's the jerk, right?"

Evie roused to laugh, nodding. Psycho Sybil. That was a new one.

"Yes, I do. Thanks." She looked down at her feet.

"Did you take the bus here?" He had a bag of books from the library in hand. Evie nodded again. "Do you want a ride home? I'd feel better knowing you're safe. Don't worry about guys like that. He's going to lose all his hair and money and amount to nothing."

Evie broke again to giggle. Little brighter now. What a teacher.

"Y-Yeah, I guess so." Eyes peered at Scott's grey car. "Is...that a DeLorean?"

"Gift from me to myself. My pride and joy now. Neat, huh? Dustin loved it. Do you still babysit him?"

"Not a lot these days, he's best friends with Steve Harrington. A real cool guy now. I'm old news." Evie stepped forward, adjusting with all her bags.

"I'm sure that's not true. You're pretty snazzy as the kids say... They do say that, right?"

"Ahhh, not really." Evie watched him chuckle.

Mr. Clarke wasn't like her dad. Lanky and sweet. Always ready to brighten your dad being dorky. Jack was a cool business man. Smooth talker. Scott always made time for his students too. That was the biggest difference.

"Can I get you home safe? No pressure, I just can't stand to see a boy act like that." Scott gestured and Evie pressed her lips.

"Okay." She almost said no. Had this gut feeling she should have. Not because of Scott. The guy was a sitcom star and a genius. A genuinely good man. But, a feeling gnawed like she was being watched. The door swung up.

"Neato, right?"

"That's certainly one word. How strange." Evie got in and Scott came around. Turned the car on to go. "Thanks...for the ride and for saying something. You didn't have to."

"Of course, I did. Stepping in when we see that behavior is important. It's bare minimum. I was bullied when I was young and one day I decided I wasn't going to take it anymore. The rest is history. Good history." He turned a corner. Fiddled with the radio trying to find something the kids listen to. Evie smirked a little at that. "How's your mom doing?"

"She's...okay. Working a lot more."

"And yourself? I know you had a rough year. I hope that's not too forward to say. I try to ask Claudia about how your family is. Purely worried teacher talk. You know? I consider Mona a good friend." He beamed there. Blushing.

"No, uh, it's been hard. I guess." Evie shrugged. Stared at the trees.

"My parents divorced when I was about your age. It was hard on me. My mom was one tough cookie, even found love again and they're still happily married. Silver lining." Mr. Clarke explained. "And I might not understand it fully myself, but I recently ended a relationship. Couple months and we both agreed with her relocating. Still friends even. Nice end. But, it's something hard to process. A person not being there."

Evie turned to see him watching the road carefully. Something resonated deeply.

"Mr. Clarke?"


" you end a relationship nicely?"

"You just be as honest as you can, I suppose. This is a person who cares about you, they should understand at some length. Life takes us so many places." He paused at a light and turned onto Cherry. "Which house were you?"

"4817, right next to the Hargrove's there." Evie pointed, gathering her items. "I'll tell my mom you said, hello. Thanks again."

"Certainly, do that. Strange not seeing her every morning in that cafe by her shop. Take care and don't let losers like Mr. Tannen bring you down."

"I won't, Mr. Clarke." Evie beamed again and pushed out. "See you around." She stood and jumped at Billy next to his mailbox. A wide grin crossing because of the car make.

"Look who has style." Billy bent over to see and Evie rolled her eyes. "Mr. Clarke. We should race sometime."

"Staying out of trouble, Mr. Hargrove?"

"Always." He stood taller to wink at Evie as she waved then shut the door so Mr. Clarke could drive off. "And no one's pushed that guy into a locker?"

"He's snazzy as the kids say." Evie joked. Billy snickered to himself. "So, Tannen cornered me. He's upset."

"He cause you trouble?" Billy was distractedly stuffing a cigarette into his mouth. Evie's lips quirked before she plucked it out. Turned it over so he had the correct end between his teeth.

Billy blinked at her proximity.

"Tried to. His dad is on him and Mr. Clarke saved the day. I don't care about Tannen." Psycho Sybil. Fat slut. Trying to dress up and impress her teacher. Her teacher that she was fucking. Every syllable was another sharp tack in her stomach.

Evie shifted her eyes so he changed the subject. Suggestive.

"You get my note?"

"Hard to ignore." She peered back at him.

"That's how I'd best describe myself, Angel." Billy mused, blowing smoke aside. Got closer to drop the baritone. "And if I were to show up at the scheduled time? I'll even wear the white shirt you like."

A smile betrayed her face. Nose crinkling. Billy matched it. Not yielding.

"I might be open to a discussion at that time." Evie turned. Voice softening. Still intent. "There's something I need to do first."

Billy didn't ask what. Just watched her saunter up into her house. Enjoyed the view.

After locking the door, Evie unpacked her bags.

"Yes, I got you something too." She watched Blue come to paw at plastic. "I spoiled you, actually. Let's eat and put your new collar on, shall we?"

Evie got some stuff done. Food. Real food. Got Blue set up with some cat necessities. Red collar with a shiny bell. Pulled out her sewing machine to work on a couple garments. Until her hands ached. Distractions were good.

Her personal phone trilled.

"Fenny residence." She plucked it up. Same lacquer candy apple as her painted nails.

"Evie." Terse.

"Fredrick. You're calling me?"

"I know your mother isn't home and it's your line," he explained, "I figured we were safe."

"I was...actually going to call you soon, can we talk?"

"Oh?" His tone changed. "Now?"

"In person."

"Right, then I'll come get you in a bit."

"No, there's a bus. I'll take that." Evie paused. "It's important."

"Don't let anyone see you on the street. See you soon."

"Yes." They hung up. Evie pulled on a fresh shirt and red hoodie. Brought it up over her curls. Bundled herself to venture out around four that afternoon. Three hours should have been enough. Red riding hood venturing to see the world.

She caught the bus and got off a street over. Tried to breathe. Nervous hands applied some strawberry tinted chapstick before she knocked.

"Come in." Fredrick hurried her inside with one arm. They stood together in the narrow hallway of his rental flat. She brought her hood down. Prepared. He jumped ahead of her, dead set. "Dear, I think I know what this is about."

"You do?" Evie dropped her arms. Standing inches from him.

"The marriage talk. Listen, I shouldn't have pushed it. I know you probably think coming here to agree to it is what you want. Being a young girl, running off into the sunset is what you dreamed of. But, make sure you're choosing the best decision for you-"

"That's not why I'm here." Evie spoke flatter. He double took at her expression. Got almost nervous.

"It's not?" His entire body shifted.

"No." Evie replied. Plain and simple. Not even a second thought.

It seemed to jar him. She wasn't swooning into his arms or falling to her knees in worship.

"Well, I'm still glad you're here." Instantly, Fredrick was on Evie. Snatched her jaw forth for a kiss. Cupped the back of her head and moaned. Needy and sudden. Not the cool, collected teacher who was tsking because a young girl was falling deeply for him.

"Wait." Evie was just standing there with her lips open. Eyes on a decorative framed print of Zeus and Europa. Not reciprocating while his tongue wormed inside. "Mmf, wait." She tilted her head back. "I wanted to talk." Brown eyes looked all directions.

"Let's talk after," he purred, "my sweet Evie. Look so pretty in red. Straight from the pages of Lolita. Sometimes I want to call you that, it'd fit you. You never did like Evangeline." It was clearly a joke, but she didn't laugh. "Oh, what about Abigail? From The Crucible. We always liked her. Something with a little more sin."

Psycho Sybil. Abigail. Lolita.

"I really want to just talk, is that okay?" Asking permission to not have sex. That was a new one and he did appear irritated. She shuffled and held herself when he stepped back.

"What's going on, Evie?" He stood a great deal taller, hands on his hips.

"I think..." She tried to find all the right words. "I think maybe we should slow down?"

"Slow down."

"Ah...stop." Evie corrected herself. Aching. "I think we-"

"What were you doing in that man's car today?" Fredrick cut in. Ignoring her.

"You saw me?"

"Yes, I was running my errands and I know I can't approach you. It'll look too strange. What was that about?"

"It... Mr. Clarke was just giving me a ride home." Evie brought her hand up. Clutched at her hoodie.

"I just wondered if maybe you had a pattern." He turned his head and shook it idly. "Let's go sit down. Talk like adults." He ushered Evie into the living room. She didn't want to sit but followed to do it anyways. "What's all this about, Evie? Explain it to me."

"I care about you. You were there for me. I know that and I don't... I won't take it for granted. I'm just...distracted. You know, high school is ending and I think this... " Evie closed her eyes. The truth of it was ice. "I don't want this."

"This? Us?"

She pressed her lips. Tried to stare at his face. Too many emotions flitting across it.

"I think we just want different things. And that's okay-"

"You came back, Evie. All that time we spent together. That incredible summer we had. We were happy. It can always be like that."

"But," Evie realized it too, "it won't be."

"I know you're scared. But, the future." He took her hand in both of his. Held it tight. "Our future. We planned it. You must be terrified. Your dad left, that doesn't mean I'll leave you. I'll never leave you, Evie. That's what this is about, isn't it?"

"N-No..." Evie trembled. Unable to wiggle her hand away. "I think we should...just part ways. I'll switch classes if you want. I need to focus on finishing school and-"

"I don't want you to switch classes, do you think I can't be mature about this?" He narrowed on her awed face. "This isn't you, what's gotten into your head all the sudden? Is there someone else?"

She froze. Honesty. He loved her, he'd understand.

"It's not about that."

"But, there is someone else?" Fredrick shook his head. Ran one hand into blond hair. Still clutching her wrist. "You tell them about us? Huh? This isn't some silly high school game. I asked you for one thing. To keep it together." He jerked Evie into him.

"No! I didn't." She winced. "You're hurting me."

"No, I'm not." Fredrick scoffed. Like she was being truly unreasonable. Alarms started to go off in her brain.

"I'll never tell anyone, just...please. I can't do this. It's me. I can't do this. I have to work on myself and it's not fair to you. That's all." Evie tried to stand.

"We're talking still, Evangeline!" A finger pointed before he tugged her back into him. Hands latched around her arms. Squeezed harsh marks into skin. "I don't understand. Suddenly, you want out. You're acting all afraid of me? Who knows about us?"

"No one!" She whimpered. Lungs sputtering. "I won't ever tell anyone. I promise. I just need to think."

"You can think right here." He soothed. Pulling her into his chest. All the games where he played hard to get and she crawled back were lost. He really might lose her. That blared. "Let's get something to calm your nerves. Then, you can rest and we can keep talking. I fought so hard for us. You understand that? Do you even care?"

"I don't need to drink. I think I should just go home. I care, that's why I need to do this. It's a good thing. We can...still be friends." Evie's palms were spread on his chest. "My mom-"

"Isn't even in town. I hardly think she'll care even if her daughter is out late. Isn't that right, dear? We both know she's always been more preoccupied with her salon and who she's screwing than her own daughter." Blue eyes were alight at her. Evie went very still. "I'm the adult, I should have told your mother from the first. But, I couldn't deny you. And she doesn't even care about you, Evie, not like I do."

"Don't say that..."

He started to charge. A mad bull clicking its hooves.

"Everything we have, you just want to throw away? Move on and giggle with all your fucking little friends about me? Is that it? Think you can laugh at me and leave like my wife did-?"

"Ow, please, let me go." Evie started to twist in the struggle. Terrified and yanking as he tugged her back into his chest. "That hurts, Fredrick, please. You're hurting me."

"I love you, god damn it!" He shook her. Began to flame. "You want to go? Fine!"

A hard shove sent her head bouncing into the wall. Flames burst.

Evie tumbled over into hardwood. Eyes wet. Slumped down. The world almost went black. When she didn't get up immediately, he was over her. Shifting curls from her face as she made this odd croak. Skull throbbing white hot.

Memories flashed and burnt.

"Shit... Shit, Evie. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. You do this to us, you know? Oh, I just love you too much, I won't lose you. You're okay, it's fine. Come, let's get you to lie down. I'll make you feel better."

Evie licked her lips. Curls shaking as her head rose to see him. Hands braced on the floor to steady her dizzy frame.

The truth burned now. Became ashes.

"I don't love you anymore." She offered. Small and assured. Fredrick exhaled, petting her hair aside. Time slowed.

"Since, when?" He grew breathless as if he didn't understand.

"Now. Just now." Evie pushed up into the wall. Curled away from his hands. "I want to stop."

"Stop? After everything."

"It's me...and it's you. This was wrong. It's so wrong." She sniffled. Mascara running. "I think I should go home now. I don't feel well."

"What if I said, no? What if I said, I don't want you to go home?" A slow hand curled around her arm again. He got close to her face. Started to kiss her lips and temple. "I'm so sorry, Evie. Just come to bed and lie down." He cupped her tender head, nodding. A smile beamed. "We'll talk about this. I'll make you feel so good. Yeah? Because only I know how."

She tried to be hard. Tried to scare this man who still cast a shadow over her body. Fredrick started to pull her up. Pawing. Evie resisted and stayed on the floor.

"Then, I'll tell people about you. About us."

"Evie," he froze to speak slower as if she was stupid, "it's your word against mine."

"I have a lot of words to describe you and this place and things we did. Your word against mine. I don't need the world to believe me. Just a couple people will be enough..." She trembled and steeled against him. Fredrick dropped her like she scorched him. "They'll ask you questions. So, let me go-"

"Is that so? You want to ruin my life?" He set his jaw.

Evie's expression wrinkled with contained fury. A wave that would destroy an oncoming ship.

"No, you do."

One snap. She felt the air leave her body. Yanked out crudely. A jerk that howled up her stomach. Sent her diaphragm into a panic.

He'd kicked her. Hard. Directly in the side. She came up choking and Fredrick lost his mind. Kicked her in the rib and hip until she was curled against the wall. Limbs flailing.


Fredrick began to panic too. As the sound echoed. Started to slap at her until that screaming stopped. Evie ripped his shirt trying to wiggle away into the hall. Got jerked over on her side

"Quiet. Just be quiet, Evie! Shut up!" One knee came down into her chest, held Evie still. Metal seeped along her tongue. A fist closed and the entire crescent of her eye swelled. Sound cut. A hand smacked her lips. Smothered her down.

Evie's whimper choked there. She stilled. Petrified.

The frame with poor Europa crashed to the floor. Long fractures cast her painted, twisting body.

Evie stared at it. The shape of the mighty, handsome bull Zeus turned himself into to lure prey. Sweeping lovely Europa off her feet. Lungs were still sputtering to take in fresh air. Not getting enough.

For a moment, Evie thought he'd really kill her. Turned pink. Then red. Then blue. Then purple.

"I...c-can't breathe." It was the tiniest squeak imaginable. His knee shifted and some air seized.

"I just need you to be quiet," Fredrick whimpered. "I'll let you go. Okay. I'll let you go right home if you do it silently. If you tell someone about us, I'm going to have to hurt you again. I won't let you ruin my life. Just like my fucking wife. You can't be like her. You were too special. So, I'll hurt you, Evie. Do you want that? Do you think I want this?"

The moment her head shook, his hand came up. A gasp as she was able to breathe again. Choking and coughing. Dying.

"Fuck." Fredrick turned her body over. "Can you move everything, alright?"

Evie refused to look at him.

"Why'd you make me do that, Evie? I can't believe you. Screaming like a fucking child. I just needed you to be quiet. I wasn't trying to hurt you, damn it, I just needed you to be quiet." He was breathing heavily. Frantic. Same way he would after screwing her. "God damn it."

Hands roamed to check her over. Fredrick hovered, tilted her face toward his to prod.

"Look like a broken doll like this. You're still so pretty. You're okay. It's not bad." That sounded like a lie. Evie could feel her eye socket puffing. Boiling heat. "We can make it better."

He kissed her unmoving lips. Desperately.

"You should stay here, let me look after you." He cooed that. Came down to lie next to her. Bringing her head into his. Stroking her hair and kissing her hot, salty cheek. "I'm sorry."

Fredrick was crying too. Into her neck. Hard.

"I can't lose you. I can't stop thinking about you some days. I was ready for it to be you. Do you realize that? If this is about... Just tell me, let me fix it. Evie. I don't want you to leave me." He came up and sniffled pathetically. Like a baby. Saw her cold, empty eyes. "I love you, I need you to take care of me. Please, Evie."

Psycho Sybil. Abigail. Lolita. Europa. A little more sin.

Evie was somewhere else. Pressed into the wall to disappear. A hand touched her knee and Evie seized up. Scrambled back. Aching. Gasping to just be far, far away.

"I won't tell anyone." She said without a tremor of emotions. Eyes distant. Evie pushed herself up carefully while he hovered. "I'm gonna go home now. I'll be so quiet."

"Let me drive you. Evie. I can fix this." He begged and pulled at her clothes. "I can put you back together."

Evie limped to the door.

"No, you can't, Fredrick," she droned, "but thank you for trying anyways." That would mean something. Anything.

It had to, right?

The door shut and he didn't run after her. Evie whimpered up to the bus stop while cold licked her cheeks dry. Snow and ice glimmered. Too beautiful for how ugly she felt. She pulled her hood up and paid. Draped herself across a seat in the back.

Another two riders got on. Tommy H with an older woman in a plush coat. His stepmom. Caused some controversy back when Tommy was a child. His white dad would marry a black woman after Tommy's mom passed away. Cancer.

Christ. This fucking town.

Nice lady. Sometimes she came into Mona's shop to see her because Mona knew her way around textured curls. Evie sank down, but Tommy noticed her.

It was strange, the expression that crossed his face. She was hidden in her hoodie half behind her puffy curls. But that splotchy face and discolored skin gave the obvious away.

He didn't jeer and instead sat down. Peered out at the street and saw the orange Plymouth there. Eyes narrowed.

"Sorry about the car, mom." He spoke when she joined him.

"It happens, honey, it'll be out of the shop tomorrow. We'll tell dad that I bumped the basketball hoop." She winked so he flashed a smile, eyes shifted to Evie again intent out the window.

A couple more riders trailed on. Some hick knocked into Mrs. Hagan's shoulder on the way. Muttered a ugly slur Evie had heard Mr. Hargrove say on his front lawn. Jeering at their perfectly normal neighbors across the way.

"You want me to kick your ass, man? Apologize to my mother!" Tommy shot up. Protective little cub. The hick wobbled on his drunk feet. Shrunk to go to a seat as Mrs. Hagen pulled her boy down.

"He's not worth it."

"I won't let people talk to you that way." Tommy's fists curled. Beet red. "Still my mom." She only kissed his cheek and brought him to her shoulder. Evie watched the back of Tommy's head. Felt something similar that had curled up her spine when she saw Carol today too.

We all had our shit.

Tommy watched Evie get off at her stop. Didn't say a word. She made herself small and went up into her house. Shut the door.

Didn't eat anything. Bones rattled while she got into bed and curled up. Hoodie pulled close. Blue nestled by her crown, purred to comfort her.

Evie stayed there. Didn't cry. Hated herself.

Didn't rouse when the knocks began at seven.

Psycho Sybil. Abigail. Lolita. Europa. A little more sin.

Never Evangeline.

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